Trump's Deutsche bank loans cosigned by Russian Oligarch?

In the end the left want to believe a Russian Bravta member with billions that work for Putin signed for a loan for Donald Trump.

They also believe Donald Trump is a pedophile that raped his daughter, so ya know the Progressives on this board believe so much.

I mean you have Davey state his opinion of Trump but does he have the same distaste for Hillary and William Clinton for what William did in his marriage and how he cheated on his wife or how his wife treated William mistresses?

Of course not and let be factual the left loved Trump until he became a birther and then won against his buddy Hillary.

So the Progressives that wish for the story to be true are again the same ones that will tell you about Trump and Epstein friendship while ignoring Clinton...

Partisan whores are so much fun to shit on!
It is very early in the 2020 election cycle but once the challenger is chosen expect significant airing of the lies and frauds foisted upon this country by both Dems and their media lackeys (or of media lies and those of their Dem lackeys).
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So you believe he needed a cosigner and believe the false story is still true...
"False story"

I didnt declare with certainty the story is true. But, you declaring it false is the very type of error that you have been whining to me about for the entire thread, yet you are the only one making the error.

Awww, you said you believe it is true and then called me a liar for saying you believe it is true, so you do not even know what you even wrote and you want me to accept your opinion as fact!

If the story was factual MSNBC would have ran with it, produced the documents and shown the cosigner name to be Russian but they did not!
as O'Donnell said before he announced it, he only had one source but he believed that source, that makes it more like a prediction. And of course he didn't have documents. We shall see what happens, but just the fact that he made a mistake does not mean what he says is wrong. With Dan Rather just because someone gave him fake documents or newer documents then they should have been, does not mean what he reported was wrong, you dumbass dupes. Everyone knows he was a blow off who blue off the National guard mainly, but Daddy would fix anything. In this case at some point we'll probably find out there what O'Donnell said is true.... But You dupes won't hear about that either.but you will hear hundreds more fake scandals against the Democrats that have no evidence behind them or basis-in-fact. They will never be retracted and that's why you believe in a entire other planet of crapola.

Poor baby...

No evidence just a rumor from the dog catcher that is related to someone that bank at the bank is the source...

You also believe Trump is a pedophile, so let cut the nonsense you believe anything that is written...
Where does it say LIE?

With the word, RETRACTION!

IF they believed the story themselves, they'd have gone with, ''we stand by our source and story''.
really? NO. They simply said that it was retracted because it did not meet their standard of needing 2 sources before a story is released.

They do not know if it is true or not true, because they did not have a SECOND reliable source at the time Lawrence spouted it off on cable tv.

IF they knew it was not true, they would have said so... but they do not know that it is not true... nor do they know it is true, without having at minimum, a second source.

Lawrence should have kept his trap shut, until they had a second source confirming it.... otherwise it is innuendo.

Actually they would not say it is true or not true because it could put the in legal trouble if they knew O'Donnell was running with the story with one source.

Fact is MSNBC knows they have no other source at this time and their one source is not good enough.

In the end until it is shown on a document and the bank verifies it the story is false.
The only reason he apologized was to get the gigantic GOP propaganda machine and it's doops off his back. It's a great way to lose your job.There's no crime in doing this. Otherwise all your Fox and radio demagogues would have been put away years ago. You people are hilarious brainwashed functional morons....
So you believe he needed a cosigner and believe the false story is still true...
"False story"

I didnt declare with certainty the story is true. But, you declaring it false is the very type of error that you have been whining to me about for the entire thread, yet you are the only one making the error.

Awww, you said you believe it is true and then called me a liar for saying you believe it is true, so you do not even know what you even wrote and you want me to accept your opinion as fact!

If the story was factual MSNBC would have ran with it, produced the documents and shown the cosigner name to be Russian but they did not!
as O'Donnell said before he announced it, he only had one source but he believed that source, that makes it more like a prediction. And of course he didn't have documents. We shall see what happens, but just the fact that he made a mistake does not mean what he says is wrong. With Dan Rather just because someone gave him fake documents or newer documents then they should have been, does not mean what he reported was wrong, you dumbass dupes. Everyone knows he was a blow off who blue off the National guard mainly, but Daddy would fix anything. In this case at some point we'll probably find out there what O'Donnell said is true.... But You dupes won't hear about that either.but you will hear hundreds more fake scandals against the Democrats that have no evidence behind them or basis-in-fact. They will never be retracted and that's why you believe in a entire other planet of crapola.

Poor baby...

No evidence just a rumor from the dog catcher that is related to someone that bank at the bank is the source...

You also believe Trump is a pedophile, so let cut the nonsense you believe anything that is written...
Actually I wait until there is an investigation and an indictment at least, because I'm not an ignoramus brain washed functional moron like you. Like everyone in the world basically outside your bubble of GOP idiocy.....
So you believe he needed a cosigner and believe the false story is still true...
"False story"

I didnt declare with certainty the story is true. But, you declaring it false is the very type of error that you have been whining to me about for the entire thread, yet you are the only one making the error.

Awww, you said you believe it is true and then called me a liar for saying you believe it is true, so you do not even know what you even wrote and you want me to accept your opinion as fact!

If the story was factual MSNBC would have ran with it, produced the documents and shown the cosigner name to be Russian but they did not!
Mysteriously no one at PMSNBC noticed that the story lacked even the minimal standards that Hate News Network requires before O'Donnell opened his stupid mouth. Not one.

My guess is they knew it was bogus but wanted to test how many MORONS they could get to carry on like the bitter leftards here.

Mission accomplished.

You know what I believe Trump was the secret source and once MSNBC found out they ran like crazy to kill this story...

Trump is known for this!
Our media need no exhortation to broadcast fake news nor do our loony-leftards need any to set their own hair on fire.

In the end their party will have to convince America's voters that they aren't the hysterical hyenas who have piled one lie upon another because they are unable to control the mindless hatred that consumes them.
Where does it say LIE?

With the word, RETRACTION!

IF they believed the story themselves, they'd have gone with, ''we stand by our source and story''.
really? NO. They simply said that it was retracted because it did not meet their standard of needing 2 sources before a story is released.

They do not know if it is true or not true, because they did not have a SECOND reliable source at the time Lawrence spouted it off on cable tv.

IF they knew it was not true, they would have said so... but they do not know that it is not true... nor do they know it is true, without having at minimum, a second source.

Lawrence should have kept his trap shut, until they had a second source confirming it.... otherwise it is innuendo.

Actually they would not say it is true or not true because it could put the in legal trouble if they knew O'Donnell was running with the story with one source.

Fact is MSNBC knows they have no other source at this time and their one source is not good enough.

In the end until it is shown on a document and the bank verifies it the story is false.
The only reason he apologized was to get the gigantic GOP propaganda machine and it's doops off his back. It's a great way to lose your job.There's no crime in doing this. Otherwise all your Fox and radio demagogues would have been put away years ago. You people are hilarious brainwashed functional morons....

So let me see if I follow your "logic" here, Franco...
O'Donnell only apologized because he was intimidated by the "gigantic GOP propaganda machine"? Is that what you're going with?
Gee, since MSNBC and O'Donnell run hit pieces on Trump every single day...why aren't they apologizing for all the other claims that they've made? Or does the "gigantic GOP propaganda machine" pick and choose when to go after people like O'Donnell? Your narrative is laughable...
So you believe he needed a cosigner and believe the false story is still true...
"False story"

I didnt declare with certainty the story is true. But, you declaring it false is the very type of error that you have been whining to me about for the entire thread, yet you are the only one making the error.

Awww, you said you believe it is true and then called me a liar for saying you believe it is true, so you do not even know what you even wrote and you want me to accept your opinion as fact!

If the story was factual MSNBC would have ran with it, produced the documents and shown the cosigner name to be Russian but they did not!
Mysteriously no one at PMSNBC noticed that the story lacked even the minimal standards that Hate News Network requires before O'Donnell opened his stupid mouth. Not one.

My guess is they knew it was bogus but wanted to test how many MORONS they could get to carry on like the bitter leftards here.

Mission accomplished.
Actually, brainwashed functional moron, O'Donnell warned that he only had one source but he believed it and us is pretty typical. But of course your gigantic hates and character assassination GOP propaganda machine might have actually put so much pressure on him that he could have been fired. Like Rather and the obvious George W bush blow off of the National guard training.

meanwhile you believe hundreds of totally phony scandals against Democrats that never had any evidence behind them and that real journalists and law enforcement know are a perfect joke. You are a ridiculous functional a******....
Where does it say LIE?

With the word, RETRACTION!

IF they believed the story themselves, they'd have gone with, ''we stand by our source and story''.
really? NO. They simply said that it was retracted because it did not meet their standard of needing 2 sources before a story is released.

They do not know if it is true or not true, because they did not have a SECOND reliable source at the time Lawrence spouted it off on cable tv.

IF they knew it was not true, they would have said so... but they do not know that it is not true... nor do they know it is true, without having at minimum, a second source.

Lawrence should have kept his trap shut, until they had a second source confirming it.... otherwise it is innuendo.

Actually they would not say it is true or not true because it could put the in legal trouble if they knew O'Donnell was running with the story with one source.

Fact is MSNBC knows they have no other source at this time and their one source is not good enough.

In the end until it is shown on a document and the bank verifies it the story is false.
The only reason he apologized was to get the gigantic GOP propaganda machine and it's doops off his back. It's a great way to lose your job.There's no crime in doing this. Otherwise all your Fox and radio demagogues would have been put away years ago. You people are hilarious brainwashed functional morons....

So let me see if I follow your "logic" here, Franco...
O'Donnell only apologized because he was intimidated by the "gigantic GOP propaganda machine"? Is that what you're going with?
Gee, since MSNBC and O'Donnell run hit pieces on Trump every single day...why aren't they apologizing for all the other claims that they've made? Or does the "gigantic GOP propaganda machine" pick and choose when to go after people like O'Donnell? Your narrative is laughable...
Who the hell knows why Fox and your other demagogues do stuff? Who when they go after somebody the best thing to do is take the 5th and hope it goes away... Same deal with Lerner and the IRS totally phony scandal, super duper.
With the word, RETRACTION!

IF they believed the story themselves, they'd have gone with, ''we stand by our source and story''.
really? NO. They simply said that it was retracted because it did not meet their standard of needing 2 sources before a story is released.

They do not know if it is true or not true, because they did not have a SECOND reliable source at the time Lawrence spouted it off on cable tv.

IF they knew it was not true, they would have said so... but they do not know that it is not true... nor do they know it is true, without having at minimum, a second source.

Lawrence should have kept his trap shut, until they had a second source confirming it.... otherwise it is innuendo.

Actually they would not say it is true or not true because it could put the in legal trouble if they knew O'Donnell was running with the story with one source.

Fact is MSNBC knows they have no other source at this time and their one source is not good enough.

In the end until it is shown on a document and the bank verifies it the story is false.
The only reason he apologized was to get the gigantic GOP propaganda machine and it's doops off his back. It's a great way to lose your job.There's no crime in doing this. Otherwise all your Fox and radio demagogues would have been put away years ago. You people are hilarious brainwashed functional morons....

So let me see if I follow your "logic" here, Franco...
O'Donnell only apologized because he was intimidated by the "gigantic GOP propaganda machine"? Is that what you're going with?
Gee, since MSNBC and O'Donnell run hit pieces on Trump every single day...why aren't they apologizing for all the other claims that they've made? Or does the "gigantic GOP propaganda machine" pick and choose when to go after people like O'Donnell? Your narrative is laughable...
Who the hell knows why Fox and your other demagogues do stuff? Who when they go after somebody the best thing to do is take the 5th and hope it goes away... Same deal with Lerner and the IRS totally phony scandal, super duper.

Lois Lerner was a totally phony scandal? Yeah, right! That's why she took the 5th and Obama's people heading the IRS hid evidence from Congressional investigators! You're amusing, Franco!
You liberals constantly whine about election interference but when a high ranking IRS official used her office to target conservative groups you call it a "phony scandal"!
With the word, RETRACTION!

IF they believed the story themselves, they'd have gone with, ''we stand by our source and story''.
really? NO. They simply said that it was retracted because it did not meet their standard of needing 2 sources before a story is released.

They do not know if it is true or not true, because they did not have a SECOND reliable source at the time Lawrence spouted it off on cable tv.

IF they knew it was not true, they would have said so... but they do not know that it is not true... nor do they know it is true, without having at minimum, a second source.

Lawrence should have kept his trap shut, until they had a second source confirming it.... otherwise it is innuendo.

Actually they would not say it is true or not true because it could put the in legal trouble if they knew O'Donnell was running with the story with one source.

Fact is MSNBC knows they have no other source at this time and their one source is not good enough.

In the end until it is shown on a document and the bank verifies it the story is false.
The only reason he apologized was to get the gigantic GOP propaganda machine and it's doops off his back. It's a great way to lose your job.There's no crime in doing this. Otherwise all your Fox and radio demagogues would have been put away years ago. You people are hilarious brainwashed functional morons....

So let me see if I follow your "logic" here, Franco...
O'Donnell only apologized because he was intimidated by the "gigantic GOP propaganda machine"? Is that what you're going with?
Gee, since MSNBC and O'Donnell run hit pieces on Trump every single day...why aren't they apologizing for all the other claims that they've made? Or does the "gigantic GOP propaganda machine" pick and choose when to go after people like O'Donnell? Your narrative is laughable...
Who the hell knows why Fox and your other demagogues do stuff? Who when they go after somebody the best thing to do is take the 5th and hope it goes away... Same deal with Lerner and the IRS totally phony scandal, super duper.
The lying cheating thieving Reagan GOP didn't get to be the worst thing in American history easily, super idiots are so distracted with garbage that you don't know that the GOP has been screwing you for 35 years unless you're a millionaire....
really? NO. They simply said that it was retracted because it did not meet their standard of needing 2 sources before a story is released.

They do not know if it is true or not true, because they did not have a SECOND reliable source at the time Lawrence spouted it off on cable tv.

IF they knew it was not true, they would have said so... but they do not know that it is not true... nor do they know it is true, without having at minimum, a second source.

Lawrence should have kept his trap shut, until they had a second source confirming it.... otherwise it is innuendo.

Actually they would not say it is true or not true because it could put the in legal trouble if they knew O'Donnell was running with the story with one source.

Fact is MSNBC knows they have no other source at this time and their one source is not good enough.

In the end until it is shown on a document and the bank verifies it the story is false.
The only reason he apologized was to get the gigantic GOP propaganda machine and it's doops off his back. It's a great way to lose your job.There's no crime in doing this. Otherwise all your Fox and radio demagogues would have been put away years ago. You people are hilarious brainwashed functional morons....

So let me see if I follow your "logic" here, Franco...
O'Donnell only apologized because he was intimidated by the "gigantic GOP propaganda machine"? Is that what you're going with?
Gee, since MSNBC and O'Donnell run hit pieces on Trump every single day...why aren't they apologizing for all the other claims that they've made? Or does the "gigantic GOP propaganda machine" pick and choose when to go after people like O'Donnell? Your narrative is laughable...
Who the hell knows why Fox and your other demagogues do stuff? Who when they go after somebody the best thing to do is take the 5th and hope it goes away... Same deal with Lerner and the IRS totally phony scandal, super duper.
The lying cheating thieving Reagan GOP didn't get to be the worst thing in American history easily, super idiots are so distracted with garbage that you don't know that the GOP has been screwing you for 35 years unless you're a millionaire....

What does Reagan have to do with the liberal media's sleazy behavior, Franco? Talk about a pathetic attempt at distraction...
Actually they would not say it is true or not true because it could put the in legal trouble if they knew O'Donnell was running with the story with one source.

Fact is MSNBC knows they have no other source at this time and their one source is not good enough.

In the end until it is shown on a document and the bank verifies it the story is false.
The only reason he apologized was to get the gigantic GOP propaganda machine and it's doops off his back. It's a great way to lose your job.There's no crime in doing this. Otherwise all your Fox and radio demagogues would have been put away years ago. You people are hilarious brainwashed functional morons....

So let me see if I follow your "logic" here, Franco...
O'Donnell only apologized because he was intimidated by the "gigantic GOP propaganda machine"? Is that what you're going with?
Gee, since MSNBC and O'Donnell run hit pieces on Trump every single day...why aren't they apologizing for all the other claims that they've made? Or does the "gigantic GOP propaganda machine" pick and choose when to go after people like O'Donnell? Your narrative is laughable...
Who the hell knows why Fox and your other demagogues do stuff? Who when they go after somebody the best thing to do is take the 5th and hope it goes away... Same deal with Lerner and the IRS totally phony scandal, super duper.
The lying cheating thieving Reagan GOP didn't get to be the worst thing in American history easily, super idiots are so distracted with garbage that you don't know that the GOP has been screwing you for 35 years unless you're a millionaire....

What does Reagan have to do with the liberal media's sleazy behavior, Franco? Talk about a pathetic attempt at distraction...

Well Trump, Bush jr.. and Bush Sr. have not worked for Franco so let go to Regan and soon Ford and then Nixon and then Ike, oh hell he will say Lincoln suck for freeing the Slaves before a Democrat did it...

Trump has made the crazies turn so rabid that even Zombies are less brain dead than them...
really? NO. They simply said that it was retracted because it did not meet their standard of needing 2 sources before a story is released.

They do not know if it is true or not true, because they did not have a SECOND reliable source at the time Lawrence spouted it off on cable tv.

IF they knew it was not true, they would have said so... but they do not know that it is not true... nor do they know it is true, without having at minimum, a second source.

Lawrence should have kept his trap shut, until they had a second source confirming it.... otherwise it is innuendo.

Actually they would not say it is true or not true because it could put the in legal trouble if they knew O'Donnell was running with the story with one source.

Fact is MSNBC knows they have no other source at this time and their one source is not good enough.

In the end until it is shown on a document and the bank verifies it the story is false.
The only reason he apologized was to get the gigantic GOP propaganda machine and it's doops off his back. It's a great way to lose your job.There's no crime in doing this. Otherwise all your Fox and radio demagogues would have been put away years ago. You people are hilarious brainwashed functional morons....

So let me see if I follow your "logic" here, Franco...
O'Donnell only apologized because he was intimidated by the "gigantic GOP propaganda machine"? Is that what you're going with?
Gee, since MSNBC and O'Donnell run hit pieces on Trump every single day...why aren't they apologizing for all the other claims that they've made? Or does the "gigantic GOP propaganda machine" pick and choose when to go after people like O'Donnell? Your narrative is laughable...
Who the hell knows why Fox and your other demagogues do stuff? Who when they go after somebody the best thing to do is take the 5th and hope it goes away... Same deal with Lerner and the IRS totally phony scandal, super duper.

Lois Lerner was a totally phony scandal? Yeah, right! That's why she took the 5th and Obama's people heading the IRS hid evidence from Congressional investigators! You're amusing, Franco!
Listen brainwashed functional moron, where are the indictments where are the investigations nobody gives a damn about your stupid propaganda. She did it because she wanted to retire and she didn't want to spend years listening to your crap or say anything you could twist around. There was nothing there ever except a huge number of tea party organizations all at once and GOP cutting of IRS funding. You are an idiot. Change the channel and read something...Everyone outside your bubble of insanity thinks the GOP propaganda machine is a disgrace along with people like you.
The only reason he apologized was to get the gigantic GOP propaganda machine and it's doops off his back. It's a great way to lose your job.There's no crime in doing this. Otherwise all your Fox and radio demagogues would have been put away years ago. You people are hilarious brainwashed functional morons....

So let me see if I follow your "logic" here, Franco...
O'Donnell only apologized because he was intimidated by the "gigantic GOP propaganda machine"? Is that what you're going with?
Gee, since MSNBC and O'Donnell run hit pieces on Trump every single day...why aren't they apologizing for all the other claims that they've made? Or does the "gigantic GOP propaganda machine" pick and choose when to go after people like O'Donnell? Your narrative is laughable...
Who the hell knows why Fox and your other demagogues do stuff? Who when they go after somebody the best thing to do is take the 5th and hope it goes away... Same deal with Lerner and the IRS totally phony scandal, super duper.
The lying cheating thieving Reagan GOP didn't get to be the worst thing in American history easily, super idiots are so distracted with garbage that you don't know that the GOP has been screwing you for 35 years unless you're a millionaire....

What does Reagan have to do with the liberal media's sleazy behavior, Franco? Talk about a pathetic attempt at distraction...

Well Trump, Bush jr.. and Bush Sr. have not worked for Franco so let go to Regan and soon Ford and then Nixon and then Ike, oh hell he will say Lincoln suck for freeing the Slaves before a Democrat did it...

Trump has made the crazies turn so rabid that even Zombies are less brain dead than them...
Give away to the rich Raygun started your propaganda machine dumbass.... That's how you can get such a ridiculous opinion.... O'Donnell said it was only one source but he believed the source and there is no crime in doing that and it is one source more than you have for any of your garbage charges against Democrats, stupid.
Actually they would not say it is true or not true because it could put the in legal trouble if they knew O'Donnell was running with the story with one source.

Fact is MSNBC knows they have no other source at this time and their one source is not good enough.

In the end until it is shown on a document and the bank verifies it the story is false.
The only reason he apologized was to get the gigantic GOP propaganda machine and it's doops off his back. It's a great way to lose your job.There's no crime in doing this. Otherwise all your Fox and radio demagogues would have been put away years ago. You people are hilarious brainwashed functional morons....

So let me see if I follow your "logic" here, Franco...
O'Donnell only apologized because he was intimidated by the "gigantic GOP propaganda machine"? Is that what you're going with?
Gee, since MSNBC and O'Donnell run hit pieces on Trump every single day...why aren't they apologizing for all the other claims that they've made? Or does the "gigantic GOP propaganda machine" pick and choose when to go after people like O'Donnell? Your narrative is laughable...
Who the hell knows why Fox and your other demagogues do stuff? Who when they go after somebody the best thing to do is take the 5th and hope it goes away... Same deal with Lerner and the IRS totally phony scandal, super duper.

Lois Lerner was a totally phony scandal? Yeah, right! That's why she took the 5th and Obama's people heading the IRS hid evidence from Congressional investigators! You're amusing, Franco!
Listen brainwashed functional moron, where are the indictments where are the investigations nobody gives a damn about your stupid propaganda. She did it because she wanted to retire and she didn't want to spend years listening to your crap or say anything you could twist around. There was nothing there ever except a huge number of tea party organizations all at once and GOP cutting of IRS funding. You are an idiot. Change the channel and read something...Everyone outside your bubble of insanity thinks the GOP propaganda machine is a disgrace along with people like you.
Lerner took the 5th because she wanted to retire? Is that what you're claiming? She took the 5th and then retired because if she'd testified she would have been fired and lost her pension.

What exactly IS the GOP "propaganda machine" that you refer to?
So let me see if I follow your "logic" here, Franco...
O'Donnell only apologized because he was intimidated by the "gigantic GOP propaganda machine"? Is that what you're going with?
Gee, since MSNBC and O'Donnell run hit pieces on Trump every single day...why aren't they apologizing for all the other claims that they've made? Or does the "gigantic GOP propaganda machine" pick and choose when to go after people like O'Donnell? Your narrative is laughable...
Who the hell knows why Fox and your other demagogues do stuff? Who when they go after somebody the best thing to do is take the 5th and hope it goes away... Same deal with Lerner and the IRS totally phony scandal, super duper.
The lying cheating thieving Reagan GOP didn't get to be the worst thing in American history easily, super idiots are so distracted with garbage that you don't know that the GOP has been screwing you for 35 years unless you're a millionaire....

What does Reagan have to do with the liberal media's sleazy behavior, Franco? Talk about a pathetic attempt at distraction...

Well Trump, Bush jr.. and Bush Sr. have not worked for Franco so let go to Regan and soon Ford and then Nixon and then Ike, oh hell he will say Lincoln suck for freeing the Slaves before a Democrat did it...

Trump has made the crazies turn so rabid that even Zombies are less brain dead than them...
Give away to the rich Raygun started your propaganda machine dumbass.... That's how you can get such a ridiculous opinion.... O'Donnell said it was only one source but he believed the source and there is no crime in doing that and it is one source more than you have for any of your garbage charges against Democrats, stupid.

Oh, Ronald Reagan started the "gigantic GOP propaganda machine"? God you're an idiot...
I can read better material downstairs than this nonsense up here where the left is wishing and hoping that Davey is correct and Bravta own Donnie but alas Bravta has better business deals in Mexico and El Salvador to worry about than cosigning for Donald Trump...

If there is a cosigner it is the son-in-law and not Putin...
Who the hell knows why Fox and your other demagogues do stuff? Who when they go after somebody the best thing to do is take the 5th and hope it goes away... Same deal with Lerner and the IRS totally phony scandal, super duper.
The lying cheating thieving Reagan GOP didn't get to be the worst thing in American history easily, super idiots are so distracted with garbage that you don't know that the GOP has been screwing you for 35 years unless you're a millionaire....

What does Reagan have to do with the liberal media's sleazy behavior, Franco? Talk about a pathetic attempt at distraction...

Well Trump, Bush jr.. and Bush Sr. have not worked for Franco so let go to Regan and soon Ford and then Nixon and then Ike, oh hell he will say Lincoln suck for freeing the Slaves before a Democrat did it...

Trump has made the crazies turn so rabid that even Zombies are less brain dead than them...
Give away to the rich Raygun started your propaganda machine dumbass.... That's how you can get such a ridiculous opinion.... O'Donnell said it was only one source but he believed the source and there is no crime in doing that and it is one source more than you have for any of your garbage charges against Democrats, stupid.

Oh, Ronald Reagan started the "gigantic GOP propaganda machine"? God you're an idiot...

Well hell and now McCarthy is looking at Ronald and flipping him the damn bird for stealing his glory!

The left on this board make me wish to turn back time and abort myself!
The only reason he apologized was to get the gigantic GOP propaganda machine and it's doops off his back. It's a great way to lose your job.There's no crime in doing this. Otherwise all your Fox and radio demagogues would have been put away years ago. You people are hilarious brainwashed functional morons....

So let me see if I follow your "logic" here, Franco...
O'Donnell only apologized because he was intimidated by the "gigantic GOP propaganda machine"? Is that what you're going with?
Gee, since MSNBC and O'Donnell run hit pieces on Trump every single day...why aren't they apologizing for all the other claims that they've made? Or does the "gigantic GOP propaganda machine" pick and choose when to go after people like O'Donnell? Your narrative is laughable...
Who the hell knows why Fox and your other demagogues do stuff? Who when they go after somebody the best thing to do is take the 5th and hope it goes away... Same deal with Lerner and the IRS totally phony scandal, super duper.

Lois Lerner was a totally phony scandal? Yeah, right! That's why she took the 5th and Obama's people heading the IRS hid evidence from Congressional investigators! You're amusing, Franco!
Listen brainwashed functional moron, where are the indictments where are the investigations nobody gives a damn about your stupid propaganda. She did it because she wanted to retire and she didn't want to spend years listening to your crap or say anything you could twist around. There was nothing there ever except a huge number of tea party organizations all at once and GOP cutting of IRS funding. You are an idiot. Change the channel and read something...Everyone outside your bubble of insanity thinks the GOP propaganda machine is a disgrace along with people like you.
Lerner took the 5th because she wanted to retire? Is that what you're claiming? She took the 5th and then retired because if she'd testified she would have been fired and lost her pension.

What exactly IS the GOP "propaganda machine" that you refer to?
Everyone who agrees with you or worse. Fox Noyes Rush Limbaugh etc etc heritage everything funded by Rupert Murdoch and the Koch brothers etc etc luckily they're dying off....

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