Trump's Deutsche bank loans cosigned by Russian Oligarch?

So guilty until proven innocent is the new motto for American Justice.

Trump does not have to provide the public any evidence of anything at any time because it is none of your business.

But even if he did and there is no cosigner you will never accept it because you already believe he is a Manchurian Candidate for Putin, so no point of him trying to prove his innocence to those that have convicted him in public opinion...

Now where is your evidence to support your opinion that he has a cosigner and why did MSNBC back down quickly while tossing O'Donnell under the bus?
Innocent until proven guilty is in court not the public.

We have a person in a position that should know, that Trump's loans were cosigned by Russians.

Until this is verified, we do not know the truth.

Yet here you sare defending your fat assed orange buddy. Having a freakin fit. Yet you do not know shit about it.

You seem to think it is wrong that Trump would even need a cosigner. Finny chit coming from a pretend expert on bank loans.

We have a story.

Trump can ignore it or he can clear it up.

Meanwhile we all get to decide whether to believe it or not.

You think it is false based on Trump's reputation as an honest person and great businessman.

I think it could be true based on Trump's reputation as a lying fuck who would accept a cosign from Russians & lie about it on government forms.

I wonder, who's view of Trump is most likely accurate?

Also Trump could show all his accounting books and you would still call him a liar, so why entertain someone that has convicted him already?

He owe you nothing...

I want an independent source for his books. You wouldn't.

That is the difference.

Trump owes me nothing & I will continue to believe that he is a liar, business cheat, women assaulter and all around asshole,

You can continue to worship him & actually believe everything he says.

Is it illegal to have a foreign co-signer? Is it illegal to do business in Russia? NO. this is but another made up story from the desperate left and the crazed media.

do you also want an independent source for the books of the clintons, bidens, obamas, pelosis, schumers, Mad Maxine, Beto, and the other 20 or so clowns trying for the dem nomination?

you lefties just cannot get over the FACT that the american voters chose Trump over crooked lying hillary. Your obsession has made you stupid.


Do not open pandora box again!!

He will point to how the people voted for Clinton by saying she won the Popular Vote while ignoring the Electoral College elects the idiot for the Oval office...
What ever happened to one person one vote ?
Innocent until proven guilty is in court not the public.

We have a person in a position that should know, that Trump's loans were cosigned by Russians.

Until this is verified, we do not know the truth.

Yet here you sare defending your fat assed orange buddy. Having a freakin fit. Yet you do not know shit about it.

You seem to think it is wrong that Trump would even need a cosigner. Finny chit coming from a pretend expert on bank loans.

We have a story.

Trump can ignore it or he can clear it up.

Meanwhile we all get to decide whether to believe it or not.

You think it is false based on Trump's reputation as an honest person and great businessman.

I think it could be true based on Trump's reputation as a lying fuck who would accept a cosign from Russians & lie about it on government forms.

I wonder, who's view of Trump is most likely accurate?

Also Trump could show all his accounting books and you would still call him a liar, so why entertain someone that has convicted him already?

He owe you nothing...

I want an independent source for his books. You wouldn't.

That is the difference.

Trump owes me nothing & I will continue to believe that he is a liar, business cheat, women assaulter and all around asshole,

You can continue to worship him & actually believe everything he says.

Is it illegal to have a foreign co-signer? Is it illegal to do business in Russia? NO. this is but another made up story from the desperate left and the crazed media.

do you also want an independent source for the books of the clintons, bidens, obamas, pelosis, schumers, Mad Maxine, Beto, and the other 20 or so clowns trying for the dem nomination?

you lefties just cannot get over the FACT that the american voters chose Trump over crooked lying hillary. Your obsession has made you stupid.


Do not open pandora box again!!

He will point to how the people voted for Clinton by saying she won the Popular Vote while ignoring the Electoral College elects the idiot for the Oval office...
What ever happened to one person one vote ?

When you went to school did they forget to teach you about the Electoral College in the sixth grade?

We are a Republic and not a Democracy and the Electoral College of the State vote on who the President should be.

Some States require the Electoral College to vote to the State Popular vote while other do not.

This nonsense you are spewing has never been and never will be either because the USSC will clear this up and tell you your Electoral College Representatives will select the President like it has all this time...
Also Trump could show all his accounting books and you would still call him a liar, so why entertain someone that has convicted him already?

He owe you nothing...

I want an independent source for his books. You wouldn't.

That is the difference.

Trump owes me nothing & I will continue to believe that he is a liar, business cheat, women assaulter and all around asshole,

You can continue to worship him & actually believe everything he says.

Is it illegal to have a foreign co-signer? Is it illegal to do business in Russia? NO. this is but another made up story from the desperate left and the crazed media.

do you also want an independent source for the books of the clintons, bidens, obamas, pelosis, schumers, Mad Maxine, Beto, and the other 20 or so clowns trying for the dem nomination?

you lefties just cannot get over the FACT that the american voters chose Trump over crooked lying hillary. Your obsession has made you stupid.


Do not open pandora box again!!

He will point to how the people voted for Clinton by saying she won the Popular Vote while ignoring the Electoral College elects the idiot for the Oval office...
What ever happened to one person one vote ?

When you went to school did they forget to teach you about the Electoral College in the sixth grade?

We are a Republic and not a Democracy and the Electoral College of the State vote on who the President should be.

Some States require the Electoral College to vote to the State Popular vote while other do not.

This nonsense you are spewing has never been and never will be either because the USSC will clear this up and tell you your Electoral College Representatives will select the President like it has all this time...

exactly, but the libs would like for LA county, Houston, NYC, and Miami Dade to select the president and no one outside of those cities to have any voice.
I want an independent source for his books. You wouldn't.

That is the difference.

Trump owes me nothing & I will continue to believe that he is a liar, business cheat, women assaulter and all around asshole,

You can continue to worship him & actually believe everything he says.

Is it illegal to have a foreign co-signer? Is it illegal to do business in Russia? NO. this is but another made up story from the desperate left and the crazed media.

do you also want an independent source for the books of the clintons, bidens, obamas, pelosis, schumers, Mad Maxine, Beto, and the other 20 or so clowns trying for the dem nomination?

you lefties just cannot get over the FACT that the american voters chose Trump over crooked lying hillary. Your obsession has made you stupid.


Do not open pandora box again!!

He will point to how the people voted for Clinton by saying she won the Popular Vote while ignoring the Electoral College elects the idiot for the Oval office...
What ever happened to one person one vote ?

When you went to school did they forget to teach you about the Electoral College in the sixth grade?

We are a Republic and not a Democracy and the Electoral College of the State vote on who the President should be.

Some States require the Electoral College to vote to the State Popular vote while other do not.

This nonsense you are spewing has never been and never will be either because the USSC will clear this up and tell you your Electoral College Representatives will select the President like it has all this time...

exactly, but the libs would like for LA county, Houston, NYC, and Miami Dade to select the president and no one outside of those cities to have any voice.

You forgot Chi-town and New Jack City...

What would be hilarious is Biden win the Electoral College and loses the Popular Vote and watch those like Edward go fully nuts...

Now we must not derail this thread about Trump cosigner because that is what the left want to hide their embarrassment of believing this story that even MSNBC ran away from...
It's not illegal IF he did have a co-signer of loans from Russia... he likely had a co-signer from somewhere... he would not have been given the loan, if he hadn't due to all of his mishandling of loans and bankruptcies....

Lying about his Russian connections during his campaign to the citizens of the United States is the issue and problem. AND YES, you all can say, LYING is not illegal....

But him being indebted to the Russians makes sense on how he has grovelled and genuflected before Putin in front of the whole world.... and him releasing one Oligarch of the sanctions put on him and his business makes sense if this loan business is true....

and him deflecting and denying of the Russian influence campaign in 2016 makes sense now too....

And him taking away our help to the Ukrainians so to take Russia's side also is now making sense if true...

And his giving the Russians visiting the oval office U.S. TOP SECRET information makes sense...

And his Helsinki press conference would make sense if true...

And him being against NATO would make sense...

And him doing Putin's bidding by begging the G7 to let Russia back in...

And his Obama hatred....

And so on, and so forth....
Last edited:
It's not illegal IF he did have a co-signer of loans from Russia... he likely had a co-signer from somewhere... he would not have been given the loan, if he hadn't due to all of his mishandling of loans and bankruptcies....

Lying about his Russian connections during his campaign to the citizens of the United States is the issue and problem. AND YES, you all can say, LYING is not illegal....

But him being indebted to the Russians makes sense on how he has grovelled and genuflected before Putin in front of the whole world.... and him releasing one Oligarch of the sanctions put on him and his business makes sense if this loan business is true....

and him deflecting and denying of the Russian influence campaign in 2016 makes sense now too....

And him taking away our help to the Ukrainians so to take Russia's side also is now making sense if true...

And his giving the Russians visiting the oval office U.S. TOP SECRET information makes sense...

And his Helsinki press conference would make sense if true...

And him being against NATO would make sense...

And him doing Putin's bidding by begging the G7 to let Russia back in...

And his Obama hatred....

And so on, and so forth....

LOL, pay no attention to the actual facts showing you wrong.
It's not illegal IF he did have a co-signer of loans from Russia... he likely had a co-signer from somewhere... he would not have been given the loan, if he hadn't due to all of his mishandling of loans and bankruptcies....

Lying about his Russian connections during his campaign to the citizens of the United States is the issue and problem. AND YES, you all can say, LYING is not illegal....

But him being indebted to the Russians makes sense on how he has grovelled and genuflected before Putin in front of the whole world.... and him releasing one Oligarch of the sanctions put on him and his business makes sense if this loan business is true....

and him deflecting and denying of the Russian influence campaign in 2016 makes sense now too....

And him taking away our help to the Ukrainians so to take Russia's side also is now making sense if true...

And his giving the Russians visiting the oval office U.S. TOP SECRET information makes sense...

And his Helsinki press conference would make sense if true...

And him being against NATO would make sense...

And him doing Putin's bidding by begging the G7 to let Russia back in...

And his Obama hatred....

And so on, and so forth....

LOL, pay no attention to the actual facts showing you wrong.
re are no facts disputing this
It's not illegal IF he did have a co-signer of loans from Russia... he likely had a co-signer from somewhere... he would not have been given the loan, if he hadn't due to all of his mishandling of loans and bankruptcies....

Lying about his Russian connections during his campaign to the citizens of the United States is the issue and problem. AND YES, you all can say, LYING is not illegal....

But him being indebted to the Russians makes sense on how he has grovelled and genuflected before Putin in front of the whole world.... and him releasing one Oligarch of the sanctions put on him and his business makes sense if this loan business is true....

and him deflecting and denying of the Russian influence campaign in 2016 makes sense now too....

And him taking away our help to the Ukrainians so to take Russia's side also is now making sense if true...

And his giving the Russians visiting the oval office U.S. TOP SECRET information makes sense...

And his Helsinki press conference would make sense if true...

And him being against NATO would make sense...

And him doing Putin's bidding by begging the G7 to let Russia back in...

And his Obama hatred....

And so on, and so forth....

LOL, pay no attention to the actual facts showing you wrong.
re are no facts disputing this

What a shock, no facts proving it either...dumbass.
Yep, retraction actually means it's true...dumbass.
Actually, he said it doesn't mean its not true. See, what you just displayed is the deficit in a grasp of logic, and in critical thinking in general, that plagues this country and has led to the first child president.
then WTF is this thread all about?
Personally, my posts have been to say that this rumor is believable and makes sense.

And yet you just claimed that your posts were never about how you believe Trump has a cosigner...

It is a fact that Donald Trump needed a cosigner
Not what I said.

That is what you are implying so stop lying!

So it is believable and you believe it is fact he needed a Russian Billionaire to cosign for him...
I'd believe it until he shows proof he didn't need russia

Are you demanding that VP Joe Biden PROVE that his son and the son of John Kerry did not get a $2.4 billion deal with China ten days after VP Biden visited China?

Are you demanding that Sen. Elizebeth Warren PROVE that she never benefited from her decades of lying about being a Native American?
So you believe he needed a cosigner and believe the false story is still true...
"False story"

I didnt declare with certainty the story is true. But, you declaring it false is the very type of error that you have been whining to me about for the entire thread, yet you are the only one making the error.
It's not illegal IF he did have a co-signer of loans from Russia... he likely had a co-signer from somewhere... he would not have been given the loan, if he hadn't due to all of his mishandling of loans and bankruptcies....

Lying about his Russian connections during his campaign to the citizens of the United States is the issue and problem. AND YES, you all can say, LYING is not illegal....

But him being indebted to the Russians makes sense on how he has grovelled and genuflected before Putin in front of the whole world.... and him releasing one Oligarch of the sanctions put on him and his business makes sense if this loan business is true....

and him deflecting and denying of the Russian influence campaign in 2016 makes sense now too....

And him taking away our help to the Ukrainians so to take Russia's side also is now making sense if true...

And his giving the Russians visiting the oval office U.S. TOP SECRET information makes sense...

And his Helsinki press conference would make sense if true...

And him being against NATO would make sense...

And him doing Putin's bidding by begging the G7 to let Russia back in...

And his Obama hatred....

And so on, and so forth....

LOL, pay no attention to the actual facts showing you wrong.
re are no facts disputing this

What a shock, no facts proving it either...dumbass.
Correct. But if it were one or two of the Russian oligarchs close to Putin co-signing his loans, all of his other actions, would make sense.
It's not illegal IF he did have a co-signer of loans from Russia... he likely had a co-signer from somewhere... he would not have been given the loan, if he hadn't due to all of his mishandling of loans and bankruptcies....

Lying about his Russian connections during his campaign to the citizens of the United States is the issue and problem. AND YES, you all can say, LYING is not illegal....

But him being indebted to the Russians makes sense on how he has grovelled and genuflected before Putin in front of the whole world.... and him releasing one Oligarch of the sanctions put on him and his business makes sense if this loan business is true....

and him deflecting and denying of the Russian influence campaign in 2016 makes sense now too....

And him taking away our help to the Ukrainians so to take Russia's side also is now making sense if true...

And his giving the Russians visiting the oval office U.S. TOP SECRET information makes sense...

And his Helsinki press conference would make sense if true...

And him being against NATO would make sense...

And him doing Putin's bidding by begging the G7 to let Russia back in...

And his Obama hatred....

And so on, and so forth....

LOL, pay no attention to the actual facts showing you wrong.
re are no facts disputing this

You mean there are no facts you'll accept unless you "think" they prove all of the BS you've wanted to be true
What a shock, no facts proving it either..
Right, and so we discuss what we know. Deadbeat donnie got an even bigger loan from the bank to which he was in default for $300 million. Oh, and he was suing them, as well.

So, it makes sense that they would require a co-signer. Is it a russian oligarch? Maybe. Who else? Everyone despises trump.
Are you demanding that VP Joe Biden PROVE that his son and the son of John Kerry did not get a $2.4 billion deal with China ten days after VP Biden visited China?
Desperate trumpkin, trying to change the subject.

This thread is about the president.
What a shock, no facts proving it either..
Right, and so we discuss what we know. Deadbeat donnie got an even bigger loan from the bank to which he was in default for $300 million. Oh, and he was suing them, as well.

So, it makes sense that they would require a co-signer. Is it a russian oligarch? Maybe. Who else? Everyone despises trump.

Everyone despises Trump? Really, Fort? Isn't it more like everyone on the left REALLY despises Trump and the others think he's doing what he said he would do when they elected him?
Yep, retraction actually means it's true...dumbass.
Actually, he said it doesn't mean its not true. See, what you just displayed is the deficit in a grasp of logic, and in critical thinking in general, that plagues this country and has led to the first child president.

Sure looks like he said it's not false, but I'm sure if you didn't trim the post you'd know this.
Everyone despises Trump?
Correct. Everyone but his base, and the foreign dictators he sucks up to. And even they despise him, they just know how to handle him.

Trump is a joke and a fraud, in the business world. This was known before he ran for president.
It's not illegal IF he did have a co-signer of loans from Russia... he likely had a co-signer from somewhere... he would not have been given the loan, if he hadn't due to all of his mishandling of loans and bankruptcies....

Lying about his Russian connections during his campaign to the citizens of the United States is the issue and problem. AND YES, you all can say, LYING is not illegal....

But him being indebted to the Russians makes sense on how he has grovelled and genuflected before Putin in front of the whole world.... and him releasing one Oligarch of the sanctions put on him and his business makes sense if this loan business is true....

and him deflecting and denying of the Russian influence campaign in 2016 makes sense now too....

And him taking away our help to the Ukrainians so to take Russia's side also is now making sense if true...

And his giving the Russians visiting the oval office U.S. TOP SECRET information makes sense...

And his Helsinki press conference would make sense if true...

And him being against NATO would make sense...

And him doing Putin's bidding by begging the G7 to let Russia back in...

And his Obama hatred....

And so on, and so forth....

LOL, pay no attention to the actual facts showing you wrong.
re are no facts disputing this

What a shock, no facts proving it either...dumbass.
Correct. But if it were one or two of the Russian oligarchs close to Putin co-signing his loans, all of his other actions, would make sense.

Sigh...if, if, if, if, if....WTF.

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