Trump's Deutsche bank loans cosigned by Russian Oligarch?

What evidence do you have that he is lying?

MSNBC’s O’Donnell: I Apologize for and Retract Trump Loan Story
Look assfuck. He retracted it because he had not verified it.

Not because it was false,.

You people are so God damn stupid that you believe Trump is intelligent & doing a good job.

Trump is as Intelligent as you...

How is that?

Also if MSNBC thought they had anything they would have not backed down, so guess what?

There is nothing to the story!

If later it is discovered that Trump indeed had a Russian cosigner then Pelosi need to investigate and if any impeachable offense is discovered then impeach and convict!

As of now the story is clearly false because no one else has stepped forward to prove it to be true...

Trump is not very smart at all.

I know I have degrees from high ranked universities & have a successful business record. Did it on my own.

Trump used Daddy's money to get out of the draft, to get into a good school, get started in business, to get bailed out multiple times. He can't ta;k. He is ignorant of international relations, he can't get that Nuclear weapons can not be used, he calls AGW a hoax, he thinks trade deficits are losses, he thinks he can just change laws, he thioks he order corporations around, he thonks he is a genius.
What evidence do you have that he is lying?

MSNBC’s O’Donnell: I Apologize for and Retract Trump Loan Story
Look assfuck. He retracted it because he had not verified it.

Not because it was false,.

You people are so God damn stupid that you believe Trump is intelligent & doing a good job.

Trump is as Intelligent as you...

How is that?

Also if MSNBC thought they had anything they would have not backed down, so guess what?

There is nothing to the story!

If later it is discovered that Trump indeed had a Russian cosigner then Pelosi need to investigate and if any impeachable offense is discovered then impeach and convict!

As of now the story is clearly false because no one else has stepped forward to prove it to be true...

Trump is not very smart at all.

I know I have degrees from high ranked universities & have a successful business record. Did it on my own.

Trump used Daddy's money to get out of the draft, to get into a good school, get started in business, to get bailed out multiple times. He can't ta;k. He is ignorant of international relations, he can't get that Nuclear weapons can not be used, he calls AGW a hoax, he thinks trade deficits are losses, he thinks he can just change laws, he thioks he order corporations around, he thonks he is a genius.

Donald is that you?

You write, act and lie just like Donald Trump, so why do you hate the man so much?

Also from your own words I will use your way of judging someone and say you just lied about everything you wrote about yourself...

So provide all the evidence to support what you wrote please or I will have to claim you are a liar and hiding something...

I mean what is good for the goose is good for the gander...
Personally, my posts have been to say that this rumor is believable and makes sense.

And yet you just claimed that your posts were never about how you believe Trump has a cosigner...

That is what you are implying so stop lying!

So it is believable and you believe it is fact he needed a Russian Billionaire to cosign for him...
I'd believe it until he shows proof he didn't need russia

So guilty until proven innocent is the new motto for American Justice.

Trump does not have to provide the public any evidence of anything at any time because it is none of your business.

But even if he did and there is no cosigner you will never accept it because you already believe he is a Manchurian Candidate for Putin, so no point of him trying to prove his innocence to those that have convicted him in public opinion...

Now where is your evidence to support your opinion that he has a cosigner and why did MSNBC back down quickly while tossing O'Donnell under the bus?
Innocent until proven guilty is in court not the public.

We have a person in a position that should know, that Trump's loans were cosigned by Russians.

Until this is verified, we do not know the truth.

Yet here you sare defending your fat assed orange buddy. Having a freakin fit. Yet you do not know shit about it.

You seem to think it is wrong that Trump would even need a cosigner. Finny chit coming from a pretend expert on bank loans.

We have a story.

Trump can ignore it or he can clear it up.

Meanwhile we all get to decide whether to believe it or not.

You think it is false based on Trump's reputation as an honest person and great businessman.

I think it could be true based on Trump's reputation as a lying fuck who would accept a cosign from Russians & lie about it on government forms.

I wonder, who's view of Trump is most likely accurate?

Also Trump could show all his accounting books and you would still call him a liar, so why entertain someone that has convicted him already?

He owe you nothing...

I want an independent source for his books. You wouldn't.

That is the difference.

Trump owes me nothing & I will continue to believe that he is a liar, business cheat, women assaulter and all around asshole,

You can continue to worship him & actually believe everything he says.
MSNBC’s O’Donnell: I Apologize for and Retract Trump Loan Story
Look assfuck. He retracted it because he had not verified it.

Not because it was false,.

You people are so God damn stupid that you believe Trump is intelligent & doing a good job.

Trump is as Intelligent as you...

How is that?

Also if MSNBC thought they had anything they would have not backed down, so guess what?

There is nothing to the story!

If later it is discovered that Trump indeed had a Russian cosigner then Pelosi need to investigate and if any impeachable offense is discovered then impeach and convict!

As of now the story is clearly false because no one else has stepped forward to prove it to be true...

Trump is not very smart at all.

I know I have degrees from high ranked universities & have a successful business record. Did it on my own.

Trump used Daddy's money to get out of the draft, to get into a good school, get started in business, to get bailed out multiple times. He can't ta;k. He is ignorant of international relations, he can't get that Nuclear weapons can not be used, he calls AGW a hoax, he thinks trade deficits are losses, he thinks he can just change laws, he thioks he order corporations around, he thonks he is a genius.

Donald is that you?

You write, act and lie just like Donald Trump, so why do you hate the man so much?

Also from your own words I will use your way of judging someone and say you just lied about everything you wrote about yourself...

So provide all the evidence to support what you wrote please or I will have to claim you are a liar and hiding something...

I mean what is good for the goose is good for the gander...

What lies did I tell? List them or STFU.

This is USMB. I am not writing a thesis. You present nothing to back up a single thing you post. So shove your demand up your ass.

Now list those lies.
And yet you just claimed that your posts were never about how you believe Trump has a cosigner...

So it is believable and you believe it is fact he needed a Russian Billionaire to cosign for him...
I'd believe it until he shows proof he didn't need russia

So guilty until proven innocent is the new motto for American Justice.

Trump does not have to provide the public any evidence of anything at any time because it is none of your business.

But even if he did and there is no cosigner you will never accept it because you already believe he is a Manchurian Candidate for Putin, so no point of him trying to prove his innocence to those that have convicted him in public opinion...

Now where is your evidence to support your opinion that he has a cosigner and why did MSNBC back down quickly while tossing O'Donnell under the bus?
Innocent until proven guilty is in court not the public.

We have a person in a position that should know, that Trump's loans were cosigned by Russians.

Until this is verified, we do not know the truth.

Yet here you sare defending your fat assed orange buddy. Having a freakin fit. Yet you do not know shit about it.

You seem to think it is wrong that Trump would even need a cosigner. Finny chit coming from a pretend expert on bank loans.

We have a story.

Trump can ignore it or he can clear it up.

Meanwhile we all get to decide whether to believe it or not.

You think it is false based on Trump's reputation as an honest person and great businessman.

I think it could be true based on Trump's reputation as a lying fuck who would accept a cosign from Russians & lie about it on government forms.

I wonder, who's view of Trump is most likely accurate?

Also Trump could show all his accounting books and you would still call him a liar, so why entertain someone that has convicted him already?

He owe you nothing...

I want an independent source for his books. You wouldn't.

That is the difference.

Trump owes me nothing & I will continue to believe that he is a liar, business cheat, women assaulter and all around asshole,

You can continue to worship him & actually believe everything he says.

So you admit nothing sure him being innocent will be allow by you because he is guilty...

Hell I know Trump cheated on his wives, fathered a bastard child and so much more and have threads debating this with the likes of Cereal Killer and others.

With that written you still have no evidence to support your claim he had a Russian cosigner and until then it is not real but fake...


MSNBC thre you under the bus Mr. O'Donnell...
Look assfuck. He retracted it because he had not verified it.

Not because it was false,.

You people are so God damn stupid that you believe Trump is intelligent & doing a good job.

Trump is as Intelligent as you...

How is that?

Also if MSNBC thought they had anything they would have not backed down, so guess what?

There is nothing to the story!

If later it is discovered that Trump indeed had a Russian cosigner then Pelosi need to investigate and if any impeachable offense is discovered then impeach and convict!

As of now the story is clearly false because no one else has stepped forward to prove it to be true...

Trump is not very smart at all.

I know I have degrees from high ranked universities & have a successful business record. Did it on my own.

Trump used Daddy's money to get out of the draft, to get into a good school, get started in business, to get bailed out multiple times. He can't ta;k. He is ignorant of international relations, he can't get that Nuclear weapons can not be used, he calls AGW a hoax, he thinks trade deficits are losses, he thinks he can just change laws, he thioks he order corporations around, he thonks he is a genius.

Donald is that you?

You write, act and lie just like Donald Trump, so why do you hate the man so much?

Also from your own words I will use your way of judging someone and say you just lied about everything you wrote about yourself...

So provide all the evidence to support what you wrote please or I will have to claim you are a liar and hiding something...

I mean what is good for the goose is good for the gander...

What lies did I tell? List them or STFU.

This is USMB. I am not writing a thesis. You present nothing to back up a single thing you post. So shove your demand up your ass.

Now list those lies.

You claiming to be smarter than Trump...

I have plenty of evidence you are as vile and hateful as Trump and dumb as a box of rocks while at it.

Do you have evidence I fuck goats?

You wrote it and then it was deleted.

Now what can you do to make me shut the fuck up?

Nothing and this entire thread shows you are just another partisan hack that goes completely nuts over a person and will attack anyone that disagree with you...

Remind me how you are so much like Trump...
I'd believe it until he shows proof he didn't need russia

So guilty until proven innocent is the new motto for American Justice.

Trump does not have to provide the public any evidence of anything at any time because it is none of your business.

But even if he did and there is no cosigner you will never accept it because you already believe he is a Manchurian Candidate for Putin, so no point of him trying to prove his innocence to those that have convicted him in public opinion...

Now where is your evidence to support your opinion that he has a cosigner and why did MSNBC back down quickly while tossing O'Donnell under the bus?
Innocent until proven guilty is in court not the public.

We have a person in a position that should know, that Trump's loans were cosigned by Russians.

Until this is verified, we do not know the truth.

Yet here you sare defending your fat assed orange buddy. Having a freakin fit. Yet you do not know shit about it.

You seem to think it is wrong that Trump would even need a cosigner. Finny chit coming from a pretend expert on bank loans.

We have a story.

Trump can ignore it or he can clear it up.

Meanwhile we all get to decide whether to believe it or not.

You think it is false based on Trump's reputation as an honest person and great businessman.

I think it could be true based on Trump's reputation as a lying fuck who would accept a cosign from Russians & lie about it on government forms.

I wonder, who's view of Trump is most likely accurate?

Also Trump could show all his accounting books and you would still call him a liar, so why entertain someone that has convicted him already?

He owe you nothing...

I want an independent source for his books. You wouldn't.

That is the difference.

Trump owes me nothing & I will continue to believe that he is a liar, business cheat, women assaulter and all around asshole,

You can continue to worship him & actually believe everything he says.

So you admit nothing sure him being innocent will be allow by you because he is guilty...

Hell I know Trump cheated on his wives, fathered a bastard child and so much more and have threads debating this with the likes of Cereal Killer and others.

With that written you still have no evidence to support your claim he had a Russian cosigner and until then it is not real but fake...


MSNBC thre you under the bus Mr. O'Donnell...

I have a story reported with a source. I think it might be true but never said it was

What do you have that it is falser? Here you are having a meltdown claiming it was false. Based on what?
Look assfuck. He retracted it because he had not verified it.

Not because it was false,.

You people are so God damn stupid that you believe Trump is intelligent & doing a good job.

Trump is as Intelligent as you...

How is that?

Also if MSNBC thought they had anything they would have not backed down, so guess what?

There is nothing to the story!

If later it is discovered that Trump indeed had a Russian cosigner then Pelosi need to investigate and if any impeachable offense is discovered then impeach and convict!

As of now the story is clearly false because no one else has stepped forward to prove it to be true...

Trump is not very smart at all.

I know I have degrees from high ranked universities & have a successful business record. Did it on my own.

Trump used Daddy's money to get out of the draft, to get into a good school, get started in business, to get bailed out multiple times. He can't ta;k. He is ignorant of international relations, he can't get that Nuclear weapons can not be used, he calls AGW a hoax, he thinks trade deficits are losses, he thinks he can just change laws, he thioks he order corporations around, he thonks he is a genius.

Donald is that you?

You write, act and lie just like Donald Trump, so why do you hate the man so much?

Also from your own words I will use your way of judging someone and say you just lied about everything you wrote about yourself...

So provide all the evidence to support what you wrote please or I will have to claim you are a liar and hiding something...

I mean what is good for the goose is good for the gander...

What lies did I tell? List them or STFU.

This is USMB. I am not writing a thesis. You present nothing to back up a single thing you post. So shove your demand up your ass.

Now list those lies.

Also trolling someone while trying to start a flame war is pathetic on your part but you have been unhinged since Hillary defeat...
So guilty until proven innocent is the new motto for American Justice.

Trump does not have to provide the public any evidence of anything at any time because it is none of your business.

But even if he did and there is no cosigner you will never accept it because you already believe he is a Manchurian Candidate for Putin, so no point of him trying to prove his innocence to those that have convicted him in public opinion...

Now where is your evidence to support your opinion that he has a cosigner and why did MSNBC back down quickly while tossing O'Donnell under the bus?
Innocent until proven guilty is in court not the public.

We have a person in a position that should know, that Trump's loans were cosigned by Russians.

Until this is verified, we do not know the truth.

Yet here you sare defending your fat assed orange buddy. Having a freakin fit. Yet you do not know shit about it.

You seem to think it is wrong that Trump would even need a cosigner. Finny chit coming from a pretend expert on bank loans.

We have a story.

Trump can ignore it or he can clear it up.

Meanwhile we all get to decide whether to believe it or not.

You think it is false based on Trump's reputation as an honest person and great businessman.

I think it could be true based on Trump's reputation as a lying fuck who would accept a cosign from Russians & lie about it on government forms.

I wonder, who's view of Trump is most likely accurate?

Also Trump could show all his accounting books and you would still call him a liar, so why entertain someone that has convicted him already?

He owe you nothing...

I want an independent source for his books. You wouldn't.

That is the difference.

Trump owes me nothing & I will continue to believe that he is a liar, business cheat, women assaulter and all around asshole,

You can continue to worship him & actually believe everything he says.

So you admit nothing sure him being innocent will be allow by you because he is guilty...

Hell I know Trump cheated on his wives, fathered a bastard child and so much more and have threads debating this with the likes of Cereal Killer and others.

With that written you still have no evidence to support your claim he had a Russian cosigner and until then it is not real but fake...


MSNBC thre you under the bus Mr. O'Donnell...

I have a story reported with a source. I think it might be true but never said it was

What do you have that it is falser? Here you are having a meltdown claiming it was false. Based on what?

So you are Mr. O'Donnell?

Your source was not verified and your own network has agreed that it was not worthy of reporting and until you provide a better source that can actually be backed up with the bank acknowledging the documents were in fact true you have nothing Mr. O'Donnell except maybe a lawsuit against you...
Look assfuck. He retracted it because he had not verified it.

Not because it was false,.

You people are so God damn stupid that you believe Trump is intelligent & doing a good job.

Trump is as Intelligent as you...

How is that?

Also if MSNBC thought they had anything they would have not backed down, so guess what?

There is nothing to the story!

If later it is discovered that Trump indeed had a Russian cosigner then Pelosi need to investigate and if any impeachable offense is discovered then impeach and convict!

As of now the story is clearly false because no one else has stepped forward to prove it to be true...

Trump is not very smart at all.

I know I have degrees from high ranked universities & have a successful business record. Did it on my own.

Trump used Daddy's money to get out of the draft, to get into a good school, get started in business, to get bailed out multiple times. He can't ta;k. He is ignorant of international relations, he can't get that Nuclear weapons can not be used, he calls AGW a hoax, he thinks trade deficits are losses, he thinks he can just change laws, he thioks he order corporations around, he thonks he is a genius.

Donald is that you?

You write, act and lie just like Donald Trump, so why do you hate the man so much?

Also from your own words I will use your way of judging someone and say you just lied about everything you wrote about yourself...

So provide all the evidence to support what you wrote please or I will have to claim you are a liar and hiding something...

I mean what is good for the goose is good for the gander...

What lies did I tell? List them or STFU.

This is USMB. I am not writing a thesis. You present nothing to back up a single thing you post. So shove your demand up your ass.

Now list those lies.

You claiming to be smarter than Trump...

I have plenty of evidence you are as vile and hateful as Trump and dumb as a box of rocks while at it.

Do you have evidence I fuck goats?

You wrote it and then it was deleted.

Now what can you do to make me shut the fuck up?

Nothing and this entire thread shows you are just another partisan hack that goes completely nuts over a person and will attack anyone that disagree with you...

Remind me how you are so much like Trump...

I saw you fucking goats. That is all the proof I need. The idea I have no evidence, outside my testimony, does not mean you are not a goatfucker. That is the point you are too fucking stupid to get.

Just because O'Donnell did not have a second source does not mean the story ids false. When will that sink in to your stupid thick skull?
Innocent until proven guilty is in court not the public.

We have a person in a position that should know, that Trump's loans were cosigned by Russians.

Until this is verified, we do not know the truth.

Yet here you sare defending your fat assed orange buddy. Having a freakin fit. Yet you do not know shit about it.

You seem to think it is wrong that Trump would even need a cosigner. Finny chit coming from a pretend expert on bank loans.

We have a story.

Trump can ignore it or he can clear it up.

Meanwhile we all get to decide whether to believe it or not.

You think it is false based on Trump's reputation as an honest person and great businessman.

I think it could be true based on Trump's reputation as a lying fuck who would accept a cosign from Russians & lie about it on government forms.

I wonder, who's view of Trump is most likely accurate?

Also Trump could show all his accounting books and you would still call him a liar, so why entertain someone that has convicted him already?

He owe you nothing...

I want an independent source for his books. You wouldn't.

That is the difference.

Trump owes me nothing & I will continue to believe that he is a liar, business cheat, women assaulter and all around asshole,

You can continue to worship him & actually believe everything he says.

So you admit nothing sure him being innocent will be allow by you because he is guilty...

Hell I know Trump cheated on his wives, fathered a bastard child and so much more and have threads debating this with the likes of Cereal Killer and others.

With that written you still have no evidence to support your claim he had a Russian cosigner and until then it is not real but fake...


MSNBC thre you under the bus Mr. O'Donnell...

I have a story reported with a source. I think it might be true but never said it was

What do you have that it is falser? Here you are having a meltdown claiming it was false. Based on what?

So you are Mr. O'Donnell?

Your source was not verified and your own network has agreed that it was not worthy of reporting and until you provide a better source that can actually be backed up with the bank acknowledging the documents were in fact true you have nothing Mr. O'Donnell except maybe a lawsuit against you...

Jesus Christ you are stupid.
Trump is as Intelligent as you...

How is that?

Also if MSNBC thought they had anything they would have not backed down, so guess what?

There is nothing to the story!

If later it is discovered that Trump indeed had a Russian cosigner then Pelosi need to investigate and if any impeachable offense is discovered then impeach and convict!

As of now the story is clearly false because no one else has stepped forward to prove it to be true...

Trump is not very smart at all.

I know I have degrees from high ranked universities & have a successful business record. Did it on my own.

Trump used Daddy's money to get out of the draft, to get into a good school, get started in business, to get bailed out multiple times. He can't ta;k. He is ignorant of international relations, he can't get that Nuclear weapons can not be used, he calls AGW a hoax, he thinks trade deficits are losses, he thinks he can just change laws, he thioks he order corporations around, he thonks he is a genius.

Donald is that you?

You write, act and lie just like Donald Trump, so why do you hate the man so much?

Also from your own words I will use your way of judging someone and say you just lied about everything you wrote about yourself...

So provide all the evidence to support what you wrote please or I will have to claim you are a liar and hiding something...

I mean what is good for the goose is good for the gander...

What lies did I tell? List them or STFU.

This is USMB. I am not writing a thesis. You present nothing to back up a single thing you post. So shove your demand up your ass.

Now list those lies.

You claiming to be smarter than Trump...

I have plenty of evidence you are as vile and hateful as Trump and dumb as a box of rocks while at it.

Do you have evidence I fuck goats?

You wrote it and then it was deleted.

Now what can you do to make me shut the fuck up?

Nothing and this entire thread shows you are just another partisan hack that goes completely nuts over a person and will attack anyone that disagree with you...

Remind me how you are so much like Trump...

I saw you fucking goats. That is all the proof I need. The idea I have no evidence, outside my testimony, does not mean you are not a goatfucker. That is the point you are too fucking stupid to get.

Just because O'Donnell did not have a second source does not mean the story ids false. When will that sink in to your stupid thick skull?

You will need photos of me doing anything like that Mr. O'Donnell because as it can be shown you are unhinged as can be and as vile as Trump.

Where is the documents showing the signature while also having the bank verifying the papers are legitimate?

One source does not cut unless you want to work for Democracy Now, wait they have more integrity than MSNBC, so you might need to apply to work for FOX instead or the DailyKos...
Also Trump could show all his accounting books and you would still call him a liar, so why entertain someone that has convicted him already?

He owe you nothing...

I want an independent source for his books. You wouldn't.

That is the difference.

Trump owes me nothing & I will continue to believe that he is a liar, business cheat, women assaulter and all around asshole,

You can continue to worship him & actually believe everything he says.

So you admit nothing sure him being innocent will be allow by you because he is guilty...

Hell I know Trump cheated on his wives, fathered a bastard child and so much more and have threads debating this with the likes of Cereal Killer and others.

With that written you still have no evidence to support your claim he had a Russian cosigner and until then it is not real but fake...


MSNBC thre you under the bus Mr. O'Donnell...

I have a story reported with a source. I think it might be true but never said it was

What do you have that it is falser? Here you are having a meltdown claiming it was false. Based on what?

So you are Mr. O'Donnell?

Your source was not verified and your own network has agreed that it was not worthy of reporting and until you provide a better source that can actually be backed up with the bank acknowledging the documents were in fact true you have nothing Mr. O'Donnell except maybe a lawsuit against you...

Jesus Christ you are stupid.

MSNBC has walked away from the story because they know it is FALSE!

So guilty until proven innocent is the new motto for American Justice.

Trump does not have to provide the public any evidence of anything at any time because it is none of your business.

But even if he did and there is no cosigner you will never accept it because you already believe he is a Manchurian Candidate for Putin, so no point of him trying to prove his innocence to those that have convicted him in public opinion...

Now where is your evidence to support your opinion that he has a cosigner and why did MSNBC back down quickly while tossing O'Donnell under the bus?
Innocent until proven guilty is in court not the public.

We have a person in a position that should know, that Trump's loans were cosigned by Russians.

Until this is verified, we do not know the truth.

Yet here you sare defending your fat assed orange buddy. Having a freakin fit. Yet you do not know shit about it.

You seem to think it is wrong that Trump would even need a cosigner. Finny chit coming from a pretend expert on bank loans.

We have a story.

Trump can ignore it or he can clear it up.

Meanwhile we all get to decide whether to believe it or not.

You think it is false based on Trump's reputation as an honest person and great businessman.

I think it could be true based on Trump's reputation as a lying fuck who would accept a cosign from Russians & lie about it on government forms.

I wonder, who's view of Trump is most likely accurate?

Also Trump could show all his accounting books and you would still call him a liar, so why entertain someone that has convicted him already?

He owe you nothing...

I want an independent source for his books. You wouldn't.

That is the difference.

Trump owes me nothing & I will continue to believe that he is a liar, business cheat, women assaulter and all around asshole,

You can continue to worship him & actually believe everything he says.

So you admit nothing sure him being innocent will be allow by you because he is guilty...

Hell I know Trump cheated on his wives, fathered a bastard child and so much more and have threads debating this with the likes of Cereal Killer and others.

With that written you still have no evidence to support your claim he had a Russian cosigner and until then it is not real but fake...


MSNBC thre you under the bus Mr. O'Donnell...

I have a story reported with a source. I think it might be true but never said it was

What do you have that it is falser? Here you are having a meltdown claiming it was false. Based on what?

LOL...because it's an unnamed source? Because MSNBC doesn't feel confident enough in that source to take Donald Trump to court where they get his banking records through discovery? What pray tell do you base your belief that it's true? The word of someone who's unwilling to give their name? How many times now have you on the left gone with a story that paints Trump in a bad light based on unnamed sources only to have that story fall apart? Quite frankly,'s happened so often that you've become the little boy who cried wolf!
Innocent until proven guilty is in court not the public.

We have a person in a position that should know, that Trump's loans were cosigned by Russians.

Until this is verified, we do not know the truth.

Yet here you sare defending your fat assed orange buddy. Having a freakin fit. Yet you do not know shit about it.

You seem to think it is wrong that Trump would even need a cosigner. Finny chit coming from a pretend expert on bank loans.

We have a story.

Trump can ignore it or he can clear it up.

Meanwhile we all get to decide whether to believe it or not.

You think it is false based on Trump's reputation as an honest person and great businessman.

I think it could be true based on Trump's reputation as a lying fuck who would accept a cosign from Russians & lie about it on government forms.

I wonder, who's view of Trump is most likely accurate?

Also Trump could show all his accounting books and you would still call him a liar, so why entertain someone that has convicted him already?

He owe you nothing...

I want an independent source for his books. You wouldn't.

That is the difference.

Trump owes me nothing & I will continue to believe that he is a liar, business cheat, women assaulter and all around asshole,

You can continue to worship him & actually believe everything he says.

So you admit nothing sure him being innocent will be allow by you because he is guilty...

Hell I know Trump cheated on his wives, fathered a bastard child and so much more and have threads debating this with the likes of Cereal Killer and others.

With that written you still have no evidence to support your claim he had a Russian cosigner and until then it is not real but fake...


MSNBC thre you under the bus Mr. O'Donnell...

I have a story reported with a source. I think it might be true but never said it was

What do you have that it is falser? Here you are having a meltdown claiming it was false. Based on what?

LOL...because it's an unnamed source? Because MSNBC doesn't feel confident enough in that source to take Donald Trump to court where they get his banking records through discovery? What pray tell do you base your belief that it's true? The word of someone who's unwilling to give their name? How many times now have you on the left gone with a story that paints Trump in a bad light based on unnamed sources only to have that story fall apart? Quite frankly,'s happened so often that you've become the little boy who cried wolf!

Dave still believe Trump raped underage females, so ya know Dave will believe anything...
Trump is as Intelligent as you...

How is that?

Also if MSNBC thought they had anything they would have not backed down, so guess what?

There is nothing to the story!

If later it is discovered that Trump indeed had a Russian cosigner then Pelosi need to investigate and if any impeachable offense is discovered then impeach and convict!

As of now the story is clearly false because no one else has stepped forward to prove it to be true...

Trump is not very smart at all.

I know I have degrees from high ranked universities & have a successful business record. Did it on my own.

Trump used Daddy's money to get out of the draft, to get into a good school, get started in business, to get bailed out multiple times. He can't ta;k. He is ignorant of international relations, he can't get that Nuclear weapons can not be used, he calls AGW a hoax, he thinks trade deficits are losses, he thinks he can just change laws, he thioks he order corporations around, he thonks he is a genius.

Donald is that you?

You write, act and lie just like Donald Trump, so why do you hate the man so much?

Also from your own words I will use your way of judging someone and say you just lied about everything you wrote about yourself...

So provide all the evidence to support what you wrote please or I will have to claim you are a liar and hiding something...

I mean what is good for the goose is good for the gander...

What lies did I tell? List them or STFU.

This is USMB. I am not writing a thesis. You present nothing to back up a single thing you post. So shove your demand up your ass.

Now list those lies.

You claiming to be smarter than Trump...

I have plenty of evidence you are as vile and hateful as Trump and dumb as a box of rocks while at it.

Do you have evidence I fuck goats?

You wrote it and then it was deleted.

Now what can you do to make me shut the fuck up?

Nothing and this entire thread shows you are just another partisan hack that goes completely nuts over a person and will attack anyone that disagree with you...

Remind me how you are so much like Trump...

I saw you fucking goats. That is all the proof I need. The idea I have no evidence, outside my testimony, does not mean you are not a goatfucker. That is the point you are too fucking stupid to get.

Just because O'Donnell did not have a second source does not mean the story ids false. When will that sink in to your stupid thick skull?

The difference is that you are a NAMED source that is claiming this happened, Dave! People can judge for themselves the veracity of your claim because they can judge how reliable YOU are! The source that O'Donnell used to accuse Trump of wrong doing is unnamed. We have no way of knowing how honest that source is. You don't seem to grasp why that's crucial.
And yet you just claimed that your posts were never about how you believe Trump has a cosigner...

So it is believable and you believe it is fact he needed a Russian Billionaire to cosign for him...
I'd believe it until he shows proof he didn't need russia

So guilty until proven innocent is the new motto for American Justice.

Trump does not have to provide the public any evidence of anything at any time because it is none of your business.

But even if he did and there is no cosigner you will never accept it because you already believe he is a Manchurian Candidate for Putin, so no point of him trying to prove his innocence to those that have convicted him in public opinion...

Now where is your evidence to support your opinion that he has a cosigner and why did MSNBC back down quickly while tossing O'Donnell under the bus?
Innocent until proven guilty is in court not the public.

We have a person in a position that should know, that Trump's loans were cosigned by Russians.

Until this is verified, we do not know the truth.

Yet here you sare defending your fat assed orange buddy. Having a freakin fit. Yet you do not know shit about it.

You seem to think it is wrong that Trump would even need a cosigner. Finny chit coming from a pretend expert on bank loans.

We have a story.

Trump can ignore it or he can clear it up.

Meanwhile we all get to decide whether to believe it or not.

You think it is false based on Trump's reputation as an honest person and great businessman.

I think it could be true based on Trump's reputation as a lying fuck who would accept a cosign from Russians & lie about it on government forms.

I wonder, who's view of Trump is most likely accurate?

Also Trump could show all his accounting books and you would still call him a liar, so why entertain someone that has convicted him already?

He owe you nothing...

I want an independent source for his books. You wouldn't.

That is the difference.

Trump owes me nothing & I will continue to believe that he is a liar, business cheat, women assaulter and all around asshole,

You can continue to worship him & actually believe everything he says.

Is it illegal to have a foreign co-signer? Is it illegal to do business in Russia? NO. this is but another made up story from the desperate left and the crazed media.

do you also want an independent source for the books of the clintons, bidens, obamas, pelosis, schumers, Mad Maxine, Beto, and the other 20 or so clowns trying for the dem nomination?

you lefties just cannot get over the FACT that the american voters chose Trump over crooked lying hillary. Your obsession has made you stupid.
I'd believe it until he shows proof he didn't need russia

So guilty until proven innocent is the new motto for American Justice.

Trump does not have to provide the public any evidence of anything at any time because it is none of your business.

But even if he did and there is no cosigner you will never accept it because you already believe he is a Manchurian Candidate for Putin, so no point of him trying to prove his innocence to those that have convicted him in public opinion...

Now where is your evidence to support your opinion that he has a cosigner and why did MSNBC back down quickly while tossing O'Donnell under the bus?
Innocent until proven guilty is in court not the public.

We have a person in a position that should know, that Trump's loans were cosigned by Russians.

Until this is verified, we do not know the truth.

Yet here you sare defending your fat assed orange buddy. Having a freakin fit. Yet you do not know shit about it.

You seem to think it is wrong that Trump would even need a cosigner. Finny chit coming from a pretend expert on bank loans.

We have a story.

Trump can ignore it or he can clear it up.

Meanwhile we all get to decide whether to believe it or not.

You think it is false based on Trump's reputation as an honest person and great businessman.

I think it could be true based on Trump's reputation as a lying fuck who would accept a cosign from Russians & lie about it on government forms.

I wonder, who's view of Trump is most likely accurate?

Also Trump could show all his accounting books and you would still call him a liar, so why entertain someone that has convicted him already?

He owe you nothing...

I want an independent source for his books. You wouldn't.

That is the difference.

Trump owes me nothing & I will continue to believe that he is a liar, business cheat, women assaulter and all around asshole,

You can continue to worship him & actually believe everything he says.

Is it illegal to have a foreign co-signer? Is it illegal to do business in Russia? NO. this is but another made up story from the desperate left and the crazed media.

do you also want an independent source for the books of the clintons, bidens, obamas, pelosis, schumers, Mad Maxine, Beto, and the other 20 or so clowns trying for the dem nomination?

you lefties just cannot get over the FACT that the american voters chose Trump over crooked lying hillary. Your obsession has made you stupid.


Do not open pandora box again!!

He will point to how the people voted for Clinton by saying she won the Popular Vote while ignoring the Electoral College elects the idiot for the Oval office...
Also Trump could show all his accounting books and you would still call him a liar, so why entertain someone that has convicted him already?

He owe you nothing...

I want an independent source for his books. You wouldn't.

That is the difference.

Trump owes me nothing & I will continue to believe that he is a liar, business cheat, women assaulter and all around asshole,

You can continue to worship him & actually believe everything he says.

So you admit nothing sure him being innocent will be allow by you because he is guilty...

Hell I know Trump cheated on his wives, fathered a bastard child and so much more and have threads debating this with the likes of Cereal Killer and others.

With that written you still have no evidence to support your claim he had a Russian cosigner and until then it is not real but fake...


MSNBC thre you under the bus Mr. O'Donnell...

I have a story reported with a source. I think it might be true but never said it was

What do you have that it is falser? Here you are having a meltdown claiming it was false. Based on what?

So you are Mr. O'Donnell?

Your source was not verified and your own network has agreed that it was not worthy of reporting and until you provide a better source that can actually be backed up with the bank acknowledging the documents were in fact true you have nothing Mr. O'Donnell except maybe a lawsuit against you...

Jesus Christ you are stupid.

NO, not verified means it could be false or it could be true. It means no one knows, it is an unproven allegation. BUT the MSNBC clown presented it as if it was fact. Sure, he used "if true" after pitching it like it was true. Its bullshit reporting and you fricken well know it.
So guilty until proven innocent is the new motto for American Justice.

Trump does not have to provide the public any evidence of anything at any time because it is none of your business.

But even if he did and there is no cosigner you will never accept it because you already believe he is a Manchurian Candidate for Putin, so no point of him trying to prove his innocence to those that have convicted him in public opinion...

Now where is your evidence to support your opinion that he has a cosigner and why did MSNBC back down quickly while tossing O'Donnell under the bus?
Innocent until proven guilty is in court not the public.

We have a person in a position that should know, that Trump's loans were cosigned by Russians.

Until this is verified, we do not know the truth.

Yet here you sare defending your fat assed orange buddy. Having a freakin fit. Yet you do not know shit about it.

You seem to think it is wrong that Trump would even need a cosigner. Finny chit coming from a pretend expert on bank loans.

We have a story.

Trump can ignore it or he can clear it up.

Meanwhile we all get to decide whether to believe it or not.

You think it is false based on Trump's reputation as an honest person and great businessman.

I think it could be true based on Trump's reputation as a lying fuck who would accept a cosign from Russians & lie about it on government forms.

I wonder, who's view of Trump is most likely accurate?

Also Trump could show all his accounting books and you would still call him a liar, so why entertain someone that has convicted him already?

He owe you nothing...

I want an independent source for his books. You wouldn't.

That is the difference.

Trump owes me nothing & I will continue to believe that he is a liar, business cheat, women assaulter and all around asshole,

You can continue to worship him & actually believe everything he says.

Is it illegal to have a foreign co-signer? Is it illegal to do business in Russia? NO. this is but another made up story from the desperate left and the crazed media.

do you also want an independent source for the books of the clintons, bidens, obamas, pelosis, schumers, Mad Maxine, Beto, and the other 20 or so clowns trying for the dem nomination?

you lefties just cannot get over the FACT that the american voters chose Trump over crooked lying hillary. Your obsession has made you stupid.


Do not open pandora box again!!

He will point to how the people voted for Clinton by saying she won the Popular Vote while ignoring the Electoral College elects the idiot for the Oval office...

he probably will, but that BS has been shot down numerous times already.

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