Trump's Deutsche bank loans cosigned by Russian Oligarch?

Says an uneducated moron who thinks an unsourced, unverified story that has been retracted is fact. You ceased being funny a few pages ago, now you're just pathetic with not ONE shred of evidence of anything you've EVER spewed here. "But what if it IS....." will get you laughed out of court.
Oh look,another trump cultist throwing a little hissy fit because someone disparaged deadbeat donnie....
Girl fight!
Aww , poor trumpkin can't work up the stones to talk about deadbeat donnie.

Donnie the president, that guy?
Yep, deadbeat Donnie, the global embarrassment.
The guy whose charitable fund was taken from him ?? That thief?
Oh look,another trump cultist throwing a little hissy fit because someone disparaged deadbeat donnie....
Girl fight!
Aww , poor trumpkin can't work up the stones to talk about deadbeat donnie.

Donnie the president, that guy?
Yep, deadbeat Donnie, the global embarrassment.
The guy whose charitable fund was taken from him ?? That thief?
No one is under any obligation to validate your fever dreams.
Nor did I imply that they were. Goddamn you are whiny.

"Waaaaaaah, I don't HAVE to discuss your points, gawd!"

Like little children....
You haven't made any points. You keep confusing the left's Official Opinion as fact.

But then, dealing with facts is just an inconvenience when the Official Opinion is all that matters to you.
No one is under any obligation to validate your fever dreams.
Nor did I imply that they were. Goddamn you are whiny.

"Waaaaaaah, I don't HAVE to discuss your points, gawd!"

Like little children....
You haven't made any points. You keep confusing the left's Official Opinion as fact.

But then, dealing with facts is just an inconvenience when the Official Opinion is all that matters to you.
Haha, poor daveman. How frustrating it must be not to have the mental tools even to craft a simple argument, or to understand one another person makes.
No one is under any obligation to validate your fever dreams.
Nor did I imply that they were. Goddamn you are whiny.

"Waaaaaaah, I don't HAVE to discuss your points, gawd!"

Like little children....
You haven't made any points. You keep confusing the left's Official Opinion as fact.

But then, dealing with facts is just an inconvenience when the Official Opinion is all that matters to you.
Haha, poor daveman. How frustrating it must be not to have the mental tools even to craft a simple argument, or to understand one another person makes.
Again: Your rabid screeching that IT MAKES COMPLETE SENSE is not an argument. It's an admission you cannot think for yourself.

I have no reason to be frustrated. You do, when there's absolutely no proof of the things you believe are true.
It's believable to you only because you are clouded with utter desperation.
Haha...another trump cultist without the mental tools to address a single point i made.

It appears to be all of you.

Says an uneducated moron who thinks an unsourced, unverified story that has been retracted is fact. You ceased being funny a few pages ago, now you're just pathetic with not ONE shred of evidence of anything you've EVER spewed here. "But what if it IS....." will get you laughed out of court.
Oh look,another trump cultist throwing a little hissy fit because someone disparaged deadbeat donnie....

Oh look. The lying little sheep is crying about getting called out again. The wahhhmbulance is getting tired of seeing you these last few days moron.
There’s a reason why most here think you’re an idiot. There’s also a reason why I can’t say they’re wrong.
whatever troll. You have no actual arguments and believe a gigantic mountain of garbage propaganda and you don't care.
All that because most here know you’re an idiot? :)
I admire and respect your opinion troll. LOL

Try to focus
But I'm sure scum propagandist demagogues like Rush Limbaugh and fox primetime and all your garbage websites and institutes have evidence for all the hundreds of ridiculous phony scandals against Democrats. They never retract anyting they never have any evidence and . You people are absolutely ridiculous.and O'Donnell before he said it gave a long explanation that he only had one source but he believed it and it is much like a prediction of what is going to happen. But who cares about facts when you are a brainwashed functional moron....

he only apologized because he didn't want the whole weight of your giant piece of crap propaganda machine on his back not to mention all you psycho brainwashed functional morons, heavily-armed of course LOL
It's not like O'Donnell has any credibility to salvage.
You have more phony scandals on him?
It's believable to you only because you are clouded with utter desperation.
Haha...another trump cultist without the mental tools to address a single point i made.

It appears to be all of you.

Says an uneducated moron who thinks an unsourced, unverified story that has been retracted is fact. You ceased being funny a few pages ago, now you're just pathetic with not ONE shred of evidence of anything you've EVER spewed here. "But what if it IS....." will get you laughed out of court.
Oh look,another trump cultist throwing a little hissy fit because someone disparaged deadbeat donnie....

Oh look. The lying little sheep is crying about getting called out again. The wahhhmbulance is getting tired of seeing you these last few days moron.
We shall see. There is no crime here. Meanwhile you believe hundreds of phony scandals without any evidence and the entire world of Journalism in law enforcement thinks you are nuts. Hilarious unbelievable
You are wasting everyone time with your nonsense with you believe there is a cosigner and believe the story is true.
And yet not once have you mustered any counterargument against my points to support the believability of such a notion, and have, instead, wasted your own time with a bevy of posts that address shit you invented in your head. So your complaining about having your time wasted doesn't hold water..
your entire point is you continue to believe what a national news broadcaster said was not verified.

again - your choices. you're just being a fucking idiot.

His opinion is Trump needed one because of Trump business dealings and when ask to show the document to prove his theory correct, of course he can not.

Also I did ask the poster if they would accept documents from the bank if they did not show a cosigner and the poster never answered the question which tell me they will not!
He's being an idiot.

Don't really care why.
I wonder if O’Donnell jumped the gun on purpose so later on when Trump and Deutsche bank are totally busted he can say ‘see I told you so’.

Or the more likely alternative....

O'Donnell heard it from some drunk in the bar he hangs out at and decided that he'd report it because its got all the ingredients that leftwing dingbats LOVE
Unsubstantiated allegations
A source with knowledge of Trump's loans with the German bank told it.

Odonnell couldn't prove the story was true, if he could he wouldn't have backtracked.

He had one source.

I've got one too, just as reliable as his, if not more so, they say he's a lying SOB.


I mean the poster believe he or she has the right to see those papers
Not part of my argument at all. This is trump cultism, trying hard to divert away from the topic.
In fact, the topic is O'Donnell's outrageous and unsubstantiated allegation and the IDIOTS who swallowed his fake news.

Well it is very easy to refute the allegations... Just do what Presidents for the last 60 years has done... Release your taxes...

You really are a fucking idiot, tax returns wouldn't include loan documents.

You know nothing of how businesses operate. It’s why you vote democrat

Hey dumbass why don't you just come back when you can actually refute even a single word of what you quoted.
Last i checked msnbc had to apologize for this quote.. would you like to be on that law suit filed by trump?

You clearly don't know what you are reading.

The retraction of the claim does not mean it's false, it just wasn't apropriately supported.

Which is EXACTLY WHY dean is saying "O’Donnell just jumped the gun. But we’ll find out the truth."

Oh, your commie fantasies are soooooooo entertaining. :laughing0301:


Well then they are one step up from your inane posts about nothing.

You already know the truth, Odonnell lied his ass off.

I mean the poster believe he or she has the right to see those papers
Not part of my argument at all. This is trump cultism, trying hard to divert away from the topic.
In fact, the topic is O'Donnell's outrageous and unsubstantiated allegation and the IDIOTS who swallowed his fake news.

Well it is very easy to refute the allegations... Just do what Presidents for the last 60 years has done... Release your taxes...
I take that to mean you've built a biz, never created jobs or wealth, and never borrowed commercial money or filed a corp tax return.
How would the release of Trump's taxes reveal who signed (or cosigned) for any of his corp biz loans?
What does any of your bullshit have to do with Trump hiding his tax returns?

You can't hide something you have no obligation to reveal. Dumbass.

Oppps this turned out to be a lie lol
Why would you think it’s a lie?

Trumps kids said money is pouring in from Russia. Trump went bankrupt six times. Deutsche bank gave Trump billions in loans.

After six bankruptcies do banks give people loans? So they can go bankrupt again?

Unless they’re being co-signed.

I would look at Saudi Arabia next.

O’Donnell just jumped the gun. But we’ll find out the truth.

Deutsche Bank fined for $10 billion Russian money-laundering scheme
You know nothing of how businesses operate. It’s why you vote democrat

Hey dumbass why don't you just come back when you can actually refute even a single word of what you quoted.
Last i checked msnbc had to apologize for this quote.. would you like to be on that law suit filed by trump?

You clearly don't know what you are reading.

The retraction of the claim does not mean it's false, it just wasn't apropriately supported.

Which is EXACTLY WHY dean is saying "O’Donnell just jumped the gun. But we’ll find out the truth."

Yep, retraction actually means it's true...dumbass.
He retracted because it had not yet been verified. The Press tries to verify things before they report. More than I can say for your lie spewing President,

I get it, you don't like Trump and thats just fine. I dont like obama, clinton, or biden, or any of the 20 dem clowns trying to get the nomination, and thats also fine.

but I dont lie about them, and I dont lie about Trump. His results are easy to find.

but with you libs its not about results, its about personality and feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellings. you are FOS
I get it. You love Trump. You love that he is a con man., business cheat, accused child rapist. You love it when he lies every fucking day.

Trump's lies are resy to find so why do you support this?
I love the fact that America is winning and prospering. You obviously are infuriated by both because you are a hate-filled traitor, Comrade.
  • A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.
  • Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.
  • A strong dollar and investment markets.
  • A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.
  • Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.
  • Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low
No wonder you bitter, anti-American leftards are so hysterical. What is good for America seems bad for you.

I suppose it is.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D

Running up the debt is winning. Good to know

Pissing off our allies is winning - good to know

An unwinnable Trade war hurting US farmers & manufacturing is winning good to know

Rising wages eaten by rising costs thanks to stupid trade wars

job growth was higher under Obama.

A strong dollar makes imports cheaper, Makes our export items more expensive, and cuts tourism. You are dumber than shit.

Running up the debt is winning. Good to know

Pissing off our allies is winning - good to know

But enough about Obama.
Leave him alone, he's busy moving into his new oceanside home.

Which is quite funny considering he the other commies said it would be under water soon. Perhaps he doesn't believe his own propaganda.

Deutsche Bank has Trump’s taxes — and loan applications cosigned by Russian oligarchs: report

This story breaking. If this is true....

What will the Trumpettes say about this? Will they support impeachment?

The trails that lead from Trump's relationship with this bank could easily put Trump in prison. The ties to retired USSC Kennedy, the times to Russia & Trump, the ties to Trump falsification of documents provided to the government.

As this becomes more & more likely, when will Republicans in the Senate start to jump ship?

Will you jump off a ship...please
When you do it with stories like this one however it gets a bit ridiculous
Oh yeah? Well, maybe you can step up where everyone else has fallen on their faces. I doubt it.

What about this report is not believable, or doesnt make sense? Try to be specific. And no whining!

I don't believe much of anything that isn't provided by an actual NAMED person, Fort! Have you noticed how almost all of the anti Trump attacks seem to come from "unnamed" or "anonymous" sources? THAT makes sense of course because if you don't have to give your can say anything you matter how ridiculous...and you're not going to get blow back! If you're a media outlet without any scruples you can simply make up whatever you want and attribute it to unnamed sources.
None of the DoucheBank loans are due until 2023-2024, many of them are interest only loans, and no sign anywhere of any 'Russian Oligarch' except in rumor and innuendo by Meuller flacks and assorted Democratic Party deviants and clueless parrots. As for getting breaks and deals, that is the norm for the real estate biz and their ongoing relations with banks as preferred customers in long term relations; few of them run around foreclosing on their customers at the drop of a hat every time the market takes a hit or their customers have a cash flow glitch, and it took major ones in 2007-2009. Foreclosing wouldn't have done the bank any good, for one. Their main issues were his assigning management responsibilities to others while he was President is all. Nothing to see here, as usual, just assorted deviants, commies, and parrots being themselves: liars and tools.
When you do it with stories like this one however it gets a bit ridiculous
Oh yeah? Well, maybe you can step up where everyone else has fallen on their faces. I doubt it.

What about this report is not believable, or doesnt make sense? Try to be specific. And no whining!

I don't believe much of anything that isn't provided by an actual NAMED person, Fort! Have you noticed how almost all of the anti Trump attacks seem to come from "unnamed" or "anonymous" sources? THAT makes sense of course because if you don't have to give your can say anything you matter how ridiculous...and you're not going to get blow back! If you're a media outlet without any scruples you can simply make up whatever you want and attribute it to unnamed sources.

Tomorrow there will be a new fake news outbreak. It's all they have. They're going to lose, and the fear has them hysterical with anger.

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