Trump's Deutsche bank loans cosigned by Russian Oligarch?

then WTF is this thread all about?
Personally, my posts have been to say that this rumor is believable and makes sense.

And yet you just claimed that your posts were never about how you believe Trump has a cosigner...

It is a fact that Donald Trump needed a cosigner
Not what I said.

That is what you are implying so stop lying!

So it is believable and you believe it is fact he needed a Russian Billionaire to cosign for him...
I'd believe it until he shows proof he didn't need russia

So guilty until proven innocent is the new motto for American Justice.

Trump does not have to provide the public any evidence of anything at any time because it is none of your business.

But even if he did and there is no cosigner you will never accept it because you already believe he is a Manchurian Candidate for Putin, so no point of him trying to prove his innocence to those that have convicted him in public opinion...

Now where is your evidence to support your opinion that he has a cosigner and why did MSNBC back down quickly while tossing O'Donnell under the bus?
I do know that for every project, you shop for the best terms on your loan.
Wow, that's deep!

But we are talking about deadbeat donnie. he wasnt shopping for loans, as nobody would lend to him.

And if you were in default to a bank and applied for another loan with that bank...yes, genius, you would need a co-signer, if they were even willing to write the loan at all.

So you believe he needed a cosigner and believe the false story is still true...

So why lie and claim I was lying?
It's believable to you only because you are clouded with utter desperation.
Haha...another trump cultist without the mental tools to address a single point i made.

It appears to be all of you.

Another Progressive that believe any tabloid report because of their hatred for Trump...

What will you say if there is no cosigner?

Will you admit you were wrong?
Damn... it’s looking like francoHFW is also experiencing a meltdown.


Nah, he believe someone cosigned for Donald Trump just like Davey boi...

Tooooo bad they have no hard evodence...
It’s sometimes funny to see how gullible some people can be. RealDave and francoHFW never disappoint.

I have never seen such a pack of pathetic stupid people in all my life.

You assfucks are still twisting yourselves in knots trying to defend Trump.

A person supposedly with knowledge tells a reporter that Russians cosigned Trump's loans and you assfucks go into meltdown mode.

" OMG OMG OMG Liars Liars Liars"

Based on what" Trumps shining reputation?
Calm down, snowflake. Your lack of common sense isn’t our fault.
I am not the one who believes that Trump would never ever do such a thong after all his history of lying & being a business cheat.
It's believable to you only because you are clouded with utter desperation.
Haha...another trump cultist without the mental tools to address a single point i made.

It appears to be all of you.

Another Progressive that believe any tabloid report because of their hatred for Trump...

What will you say if there is no cosigner?

Will you admit you were wrong?
When will you admit that your love for Trump mafe ypu declare it false?
You are the one that wanted to tell me I was wrong and now you are just upset and telling me to leave you alone when I catch you lying...
All i said was, "you are wrong". You are the one vomiting long, whiny post after long, whiny post. Clearly, of the two of us, it is you who is upset. Sorry ya little whiner, it's all there in black and white.

Yes, it is all in black and white that you are crying and trolling this site.

You called me a liar a few times while admitting you believe Trump need a cosigner, so you believe the false story to be true.

Now why don't you provide actual evidence and not your opinion and prove Trump has a cosigner?
I do know that for every project, you shop for the best terms on your loan.
Wow, that's deep!

But we are talking about deadbeat donnie. he wasnt shopping for loans, as nobody would lend to him.

And if you were in default to a bank and applied for another loan with that bank...yes, genius, you would need a co-signer, if they were even willing to write the loan at all.

So you believe he needed a cosigner and believe the false story is still true...

So why lie and claim I was lying?
Do I believe he needed a co-signer?

Hell yea. No bank other than Deutsche Bank would loan him money and Deutsche Bank has been cited for money laundering Russian Oligarch money
It's believable to you only because you are clouded with utter desperation.
Haha...another trump cultist without the mental tools to address a single point i made.

It appears to be all of you.

Another Progressive that believe any tabloid report because of their hatred for Trump...

What will you say if there is no cosigner?

Will you admit you were wrong?
When will you admit that your love for Trump mafe ypu declare it false?

When will you admit your hate for Trump made you believe it is true?

I love Trump as much as I love you and Progressives like you...
I do know that for every project, you shop for the best terms on your loan.
Wow, that's deep!

But we are talking about deadbeat donnie. he wasnt shopping for loans, as nobody would lend to him.

And if you were in default to a bank and applied for another loan with that bank...yes, genius, you would need a co-signer, if they were even willing to write the loan at all.

So you believe he needed a cosigner and believe the false story is still true...

So why lie and claim I was lying?
Do I believe he needed a co-signer?

Hell yea. No bank other than Deutsche Bank would loan him money and Deutsche Bank has been cited for money laundering Russian Oligarch money

Provide the evidence because your opinion is just your opinion...

When it is proven he does not have a Russian cosigner what will you say?
Because some one can not prove that what did not happen did not happen then they did it.
Lib 101 and one of 10 commandments
We could see the loan papers. That is how you prove it one way or the other.
then WTF is this thread all about?
Personally, my posts have been to say that this rumor is believable and makes sense.

And yet you just claimed that your posts were never about how you believe Trump has a cosigner...

It is a fact that Donald Trump needed a cosigner
Not what I said.

That is what you are implying so stop lying!

So it is believable and you believe it is fact he needed a Russian Billionaire to cosign for him...
I'd believe it until he shows proof he didn't need russia

So guilty until proven innocent is the new motto for American Justice.

Trump does not have to provide the public any evidence of anything at any time because it is none of your business.

But even if he did and there is no cosigner you will never accept it because you already believe he is a Manchurian Candidate for Putin, so no point of him trying to prove his innocence to those that have convicted him in public opinion...

Now where is your evidence to support your opinion that he has a cosigner and why did MSNBC back down quickly while tossing O'Donnell under the bus?
Not any of the peoples business ? Getting loans from Russia , possible owing of favors to our enemies ,none of our business? Wrong Dead wrong
No one is under any obligation to validate your fever dreams.
Nor did I imply that they were. Goddamn you are whiny.

"Waaaaaaah, I don't HAVE to discuss your points, gawd!"

Like little children....
You haven't made any points. You keep confusing the left's Official Opinion as fact.

But then, dealing with facts is just an inconvenience when the Official Opinion is all that matters to you.
Haha, poor daveman. How frustrating it must be not to have the mental tools even to craft a simple argument, or to understand one another person makes.

Poor you to believe your opinion is all the evidence you need to find someone guilty...

Those like you screamed guilty when MSNBC was spewing about how the Duke Lacrosse Team raped a black prostitute but later never apologized for it when it was discovered they never did it...

So ya know MSNBC has been known to run with stories that were untrue...
What evidence do you have that he is lying?

MSNBC’s O’Donnell: I Apologize for and Retract Trump Loan Story
Look assfuck. He retracted it because he had not verified it.

Not because it was false,.

You people are so God damn stupid that you believe Trump is intelligent & doing a good job.

Trump is as Intelligent as you...

How is that?

Also if MSNBC thought they had anything they would have not backed down, so guess what?

There is nothing to the story!

If later it is discovered that Trump indeed had a Russian cosigner then Pelosi need to investigate and if any impeachable offense is discovered then impeach and convict!

As of now the story is clearly false because no one else has stepped forward to prove it to be true...
then WTF is this thread all about?
Personally, my posts have been to say that this rumor is believable and makes sense.

And yet you just claimed that your posts were never about how you believe Trump has a cosigner...

It is a fact that Donald Trump needed a cosigner
Not what I said.

That is what you are implying so stop lying!

So it is believable and you believe it is fact he needed a Russian Billionaire to cosign for him...
I'd believe it until he shows proof he didn't need russia

So guilty until proven innocent is the new motto for American Justice.

Trump does not have to provide the public any evidence of anything at any time because it is none of your business.

But even if he did and there is no cosigner you will never accept it because you already believe he is a Manchurian Candidate for Putin, so no point of him trying to prove his innocence to those that have convicted him in public opinion...

Now where is your evidence to support your opinion that he has a cosigner and why did MSNBC back down quickly while tossing O'Donnell under the bus?
Innocent until proven guilty is in court not the public.

We have a person in a position that should know, that Trump's loans were cosigned by Russians.

Until this is verified, we do not know the truth.

Yet here you sare defending your fat assed orange buddy. Having a freakin fit. Yet you do not know shit about it.

You seem to think it is wrong that Trump would even need a cosigner. Finny chit coming from a pretend expert on bank loans.

We have a story.

Trump can ignore it or he can clear it up.

Meanwhile we all get to decide whether to believe it or not.

You think it is false based on Trump's reputation as an honest person and great businessman.

I think it could be true based on Trump's reputation as a lying fuck who would accept a cosign from Russians & lie about it on government forms.

I wonder, who's view of Trump is most likely accurate?
then WTF is this thread all about?
Personally, my posts have been to say that this rumor is believable and makes sense.

And yet you just claimed that your posts were never about how you believe Trump has a cosigner...

Not what I said.

That is what you are implying so stop lying!

So it is believable and you believe it is fact he needed a Russian Billionaire to cosign for him...
I'd believe it until he shows proof he didn't need russia

So guilty until proven innocent is the new motto for American Justice.

Trump does not have to provide the public any evidence of anything at any time because it is none of your business.

But even if he did and there is no cosigner you will never accept it because you already believe he is a Manchurian Candidate for Putin, so no point of him trying to prove his innocence to those that have convicted him in public opinion...

Now where is your evidence to support your opinion that he has a cosigner and why did MSNBC back down quickly while tossing O'Donnell under the bus?
Not any of the peoples business ? Getting loans from Russia , possible owing of favors to our enemies ,none of our business? Wrong Dead wrong

Show your evidence to support your opinion!
It's believable to you only because you are clouded with utter desperation.
Haha...another trump cultist without the mental tools to address a single point i made.

It appears to be all of you.

Another Progressive that believe any tabloid report because of their hatred for Trump...

What will you say if there is no cosigner?

Will you admit you were wrong?
When will you admit that your love for Trump mafe ypu declare it false?

When will you admit your hate for Trump made you believe it is true?

I love Trump as much as I love you and Progressives like you...
I never said it was true. I think it makes sense.
then WTF is this thread all about?
Personally, my posts have been to say that this rumor is believable and makes sense.

And yet you just claimed that your posts were never about how you believe Trump has a cosigner...

Not what I said.

That is what you are implying so stop lying!

So it is believable and you believe it is fact he needed a Russian Billionaire to cosign for him...
I'd believe it until he shows proof he didn't need russia

So guilty until proven innocent is the new motto for American Justice.

Trump does not have to provide the public any evidence of anything at any time because it is none of your business.

But even if he did and there is no cosigner you will never accept it because you already believe he is a Manchurian Candidate for Putin, so no point of him trying to prove his innocence to those that have convicted him in public opinion...

Now where is your evidence to support your opinion that he has a cosigner and why did MSNBC back down quickly while tossing O'Donnell under the bus?
Innocent until proven guilty is in court not the public.

We have a person in a position that should know, that Trump's loans were cosigned by Russians.

Until this is verified, we do not know the truth.

Yet here you sare defending your fat assed orange buddy. Having a freakin fit. Yet you do not know shit about it.

You seem to think it is wrong that Trump would even need a cosigner. Finny chit coming from a pretend expert on bank loans.

We have a story.

Trump can ignore it or he can clear it up.

Meanwhile we all get to decide whether to believe it or not.

You think it is false based on Trump's reputation as an honest person and great businessman.

I think it could be true based on Trump's reputation as a lying fuck who would accept a cosign from Russians & lie about it on government forms.

I wonder, who's view of Trump is most likely accurate?

I am not the one that wrote I had sex with a goat or has been calling every poster that disagree with you every profane named that I can think of.

Do we have that understanding Mr. O'Donnell?

It is YOU crying, using profanity and making false claims of poster sexual lifestyle while demanding posters to support your opinion about Russians signing for Trump loan.

So Mr. O'Donnell it is your job to verify your source is correct and it is not my problem your employer threw you under the bus when your source was not considered reliable...
It's believable to you only because you are clouded with utter desperation.
Haha...another trump cultist without the mental tools to address a single point i made.

It appears to be all of you.

Another Progressive that believe any tabloid report because of their hatred for Trump...

What will you say if there is no cosigner?

Will you admit you were wrong?
When will you admit that your love for Trump mafe ypu declare it false?

When will you admit your hate for Trump made you believe it is true?

I love Trump as much as I love you and Progressives like you...
I never said it was true. I think it makes sense.

You believe it is true if you think it make sense.

Stop lying for once!
then WTF is this thread all about?
Personally, my posts have been to say that this rumor is believable and makes sense.

And yet you just claimed that your posts were never about how you believe Trump has a cosigner...

Not what I said.

That is what you are implying so stop lying!

So it is believable and you believe it is fact he needed a Russian Billionaire to cosign for him...
I'd believe it until he shows proof he didn't need russia

So guilty until proven innocent is the new motto for American Justice.

Trump does not have to provide the public any evidence of anything at any time because it is none of your business.

But even if he did and there is no cosigner you will never accept it because you already believe he is a Manchurian Candidate for Putin, so no point of him trying to prove his innocence to those that have convicted him in public opinion...

Now where is your evidence to support your opinion that he has a cosigner and why did MSNBC back down quickly while tossing O'Donnell under the bus?
Innocent until proven guilty is in court not the public.

We have a person in a position that should know, that Trump's loans were cosigned by Russians.

Until this is verified, we do not know the truth.

Yet here you sare defending your fat assed orange buddy. Having a freakin fit. Yet you do not know shit about it.

You seem to think it is wrong that Trump would even need a cosigner. Finny chit coming from a pretend expert on bank loans.

We have a story.

Trump can ignore it or he can clear it up.

Meanwhile we all get to decide whether to believe it or not.

You think it is false based on Trump's reputation as an honest person and great businessman.

I think it could be true based on Trump's reputation as a lying fuck who would accept a cosign from Russians & lie about it on government forms.

I wonder, who's view of Trump is most likely accurate?

Also Trump could show all his accounting books and you would still call him a liar, so why entertain someone that has convicted him already?

He owe you nothing...

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