Trump's Deutsche bank loans cosigned by Russian Oligarch?

You wrote earlier I was lying when I wrote you believed Trump had a cosigner

No, I even posted your comments so why are you lying?

You can not remember what you wrote?
I can, and you are wrong.

"Fort Fun Indiana" had his behind handed to him within minutes of his desperate effort to post this before anyone else. Since then he has sounded like a motorboat on every page with his incessant but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, it COULD have been true!

I have been a Realtor, builder, and developer too though obviously nothing on the level of President Donald Trump or I'd be a multi-billionaire too.

I do know that for every project, you shop for the best terms on your loan. The institution that had the best terms last time, might not this time. If I were looking for a loan of tens of millions or hundreds of millions of dollars, of course, I would look at the terms in other countries. I would be negligent to my investors if I did not.

As for my far-left Progressive good friend Fort Fun Indiana.

I do know that for every project, you shop for the best terms on your loan.
Wow, that's deep!

But we are talking about deadbeat donnie. he wasnt shopping for loans, as nobody would lend to him.

And if you were in default to a bank and applied for another loan with that bank...yes, genius, you would need a co-signer, if they were even willing to write the loan at all.
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You are the one that wanted to tell me I was wrong and now you are just upset and telling me to leave you alone when I catch you lying...
All i said was, "you are wrong". You are the one vomiting long, whiny post after long, whiny post. Clearly, of the two of us, it is you who is upset. Sorry ya little whiner, it's all there in black and white.
Horseshit. I was a commercial prop developer and borrowed a few hundred million over my 20 yrs in the biz.
Not while you were in default to the tune of $300 million to those banks , you didn't. So your chest thumping is stupid and irrelevant. . And i have lent more money out than 1000 of your lifetime loans combined. Probably more.
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So, the deadbeat was blacklisted. Deustche bank was stupid enough to lend to him. Then -- surprise!! -- the deadbeat defaulted on their loan.

Then, they lend him the money to pay themselves back, plus hundreds of millions more.

Yep, the deadbeat had a very rich co-signer. I wonder if the co-signer is actually the one making the loan payments? Deadbeat Donnie doesn't like writing checks.
Sounds like you getting food stamps in Indiana
Oh look, another whiny little cultist.... Dog on deadbeat Donnie, and they start nipping at your ankles ...

Oh look, one of this board's biggest whiners and pushers of false stories is whining about getting shown to be a sheep again. Keep bleating little sheep, it won't make your retracted story true.
It's believable to you only because you are clouded with utter desperation.
Haha...another trump cultist without the mental tools to address a single point i made.

It appears to be all of you.

Says an uneducated moron who thinks an unsourced, unverified story that has been retracted is fact. You ceased being funny a few pages ago, now you're just pathetic with not ONE shred of evidence of anything you've EVER spewed here. "But what if it IS....." will get you laughed out of court.
It's believable to you only because you are clouded with utter desperation.
Haha...another trump cultist without the mental tools to address a single point i made.

It appears to be all of you.

Says an uneducated moron who thinks an unsourced, unverified story that has been retracted is fact. You ceased being funny a few pages ago, now you're just pathetic with not ONE shred of evidence of anything you've EVER spewed here. "But what if it IS....." will get you laughed out of court.
Oh look,another trump cultist throwing a little hissy fit because someone disparaged deadbeat donnie....
It's believable to you only because you are clouded with utter desperation.
Haha...another trump cultist without the mental tools to address a single point i made.

It appears to be all of you.

Says an uneducated moron who thinks an unsourced, unverified story that has been retracted is fact. You ceased being funny a few pages ago, now you're just pathetic with not ONE shred of evidence of anything you've EVER spewed here. "But what if it IS....." will get you laughed out of court.
Oh look,another trump cultist throwing a little hissy fit because someone disparaged deadbeat donnie....

We're pretty used to you folks on the left "disparaging" Donald Trump, Fort! It's what you've done nonstop since he kicked Hillary's fat ass to the curb! When you do it with stories like this one however it gets a bit ridiculous!
You wrote earlier I was lying when I wrote you believed Trump had a cosigner

No, I even posted your comments so why are you lying?

You can not remember what you wrote?
I can, and you are wrong.

"Fort Fun Indiana" had his behind handed to him within minutes of his desperate effort to post this before anyone else. Since then he has sounded like a motorboat on every page with his incessant but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, but, it COULD have been true!

I have been a Realtor, builder, and developer too though obviously nothing on the level of President Donald Trump or I'd be a multi-billionaire too.

I do know that for every project, you shop for the best terms on your loan. The institution that had the best terms last time, might not this time. If I were looking for a loan of tens of millions or hundreds of millions of dollars, of course, I would look at the terms in other countries. I would be negligent to my investors if I did not.

As for my far-left Progressive good friend Fort Fun Indiana.

As a realtor and builder did you screw all those working for you ? Not pay them ,take them to court ?
then WTF is this thread all about?
Personally, my posts have been to say that this rumor is believable and makes sense.

And yet you just claimed that your posts were never about how you believe Trump has a cosigner...

It is a fact that Donald Trump needed a cosigner
Not what I said.

That is what you are implying so stop lying!

So it is believable and you believe it is fact he needed a Russian Billionaire to cosign for him...
I'd believe it until he shows proof he didn't need russia

It's believable to you only because you are clouded with utter desperation.
Haha...another trump cultist without the mental tools to address a single point i made.

It appears to be all of you.

Says an uneducated moron who thinks an unsourced, unverified story that has been retracted is fact. You ceased being funny a few pages ago, now you're just pathetic with not ONE shred of evidence of anything you've EVER spewed here. "But what if it IS....." will get you laughed out of court.
Oh look,another trump cultist throwing a little hissy fit because someone disparaged deadbeat donnie....
Girl fight!
When you do it with stories like this one however it gets a bit ridiculous
Oh yeah? Well, maybe you can step up where everyone else has fallen on their faces. I doubt it.

What about this report is not believable, or doesnt make sense? Try to be specific. And no whining!
It's believable to you only because you are clouded with utter desperation.
Haha...another trump cultist without the mental tools to address a single point i made.

It appears to be all of you.

Says an uneducated moron who thinks an unsourced, unverified story that has been retracted is fact. You ceased being funny a few pages ago, now you're just pathetic with not ONE shred of evidence of anything you've EVER spewed here. "But what if it IS....." will get you laughed out of court.
Oh look,another trump cultist throwing a little hissy fit because someone disparaged deadbeat donnie....
Girl fight!
Aww , poor trumpkin can't work up the stones to talk about deadbeat donnie.
It's believable to you only because you are clouded with utter desperation.
Haha...another trump cultist without the mental tools to address a single point i made.

It appears to be all of you.

Says an uneducated moron who thinks an unsourced, unverified story that has been retracted is fact. You ceased being funny a few pages ago, now you're just pathetic with not ONE shred of evidence of anything you've EVER spewed here. "But what if it IS....." will get you laughed out of court.
Oh look,another trump cultist throwing a little hissy fit because someone disparaged deadbeat donnie....
Girl fight!
Aww , poor trumpkin can't work up the stones to talk about deadbeat donnie.

Donnie the president, that guy?
Haha...another trump cultist without the mental tools to address a single point i made.

It appears to be all of you.

Says an uneducated moron who thinks an unsourced, unverified story that has been retracted is fact. You ceased being funny a few pages ago, now you're just pathetic with not ONE shred of evidence of anything you've EVER spewed here. "But what if it IS....." will get you laughed out of court.
Oh look,another trump cultist throwing a little hissy fit because someone disparaged deadbeat donnie....
Girl fight!
Aww , poor trumpkin can't work up the stones to talk about deadbeat donnie.

Donnie the president, that guy?
Yep, deadbeat Donnie, the global embarrassment.
Says an uneducated moron who thinks an unsourced, unverified story that has been retracted is fact. You ceased being funny a few pages ago, now you're just pathetic with not ONE shred of evidence of anything you've EVER spewed here. "But what if it IS....." will get you laughed out of court.
Oh look,another trump cultist throwing a little hissy fit because someone disparaged deadbeat donnie....
Girl fight!
Aww , poor trumpkin can't work up the stones to talk about deadbeat donnie.

Donnie the president, that guy?
Yep, deadbeat Donnie, the global embarrassment.

Your an embarrassment to the great state of Indiana..
Yes I know you are brainwashed and proud of it. so many phony scandals and lies it's ridiculous everything you know is wrong. Ask anyone who isn't a total chump Trumper. Hillary is honest ditto Democrats in general, the GOP is scum propagandists and thieves. Unbelievable. The rich pay the same percentage in all taxes as you do and you believe a bunch of crap.

But I'm sure scum propagandist demagogues like Rush Limbaugh and fox primetime and all your garbage websites and institutes have evidence for all the hundreds of ridiculous phony scandals against Democrats. They never retract anyting they never have any evidence and . You people are absolutely ridiculous.and O'Donnell before he said it gave a long explanation that he only had one source but he believed it and it is much like a prediction of what is going to happen. But who cares about facts when you are a brainwashed functional moron....
There’s a reason why most here think you’re an idiot. There’s also a reason why I can’t say they’re wrong.
whatever troll. You have no actual arguments and believe a gigantic mountain of garbage propaganda and you don't care.
All that because most here know you’re an idiot? :)
I admire and respect your opinion troll. LOL

Try to focus
But I'm sure scum propagandist demagogues like Rush Limbaugh and fox primetime and all your garbage websites and institutes have evidence for all the hundreds of ridiculous phony scandals against Democrats. They never retract anyting they never have any evidence and . You people are absolutely ridiculous.and O'Donnell before he said it gave a long explanation that he only had one source but he believed it and it is much like a prediction of what is going to happen. But who cares about facts when you are a brainwashed functional moron....

he only apologized because he didn't want the whole weight of your giant piece of crap propaganda machine on his back not to mention all you psycho brainwashed functional morons, heavily-armed of course LOL
It's not like O'Donnell has any credibility to salvage.

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