Trump's Deutsche bank loans cosigned by Russian Oligarch?

Deutsche Bank has Trump’s taxes — and loan applications cosigned by Russian oligarchs: report

This story breaking. If this is true....

What will the Trumpettes say about this? Will they support impeachment?

The trails that lead from Trump's relationship with this bank could easily put Trump in prison. The ties to retired USSC Kennedy, the times to Russia & Trump, the ties to Trump falsification of documents provided to the government.

As this becomes more & more likely, when will Republicans in the Senate start to jump ship?
key words are "IF THIS IS TRUE"
Deadbeat donnie defaults and bankrupt too many times, wall street blacklists him

Surprisingly, deutsche bank lends to him anyway.

Unsurprisingly, he defaukts on $300 million+ with deutsche bank (wall street: "told ya so)

Deadbeat Donnie then receives a loan from deutschbank, while in default, toboay theor own loan back and for additional 100s of miilions of dollars.

Therefore, it would make sensebthat a co-signerbwas required for that loan.

Trump cultists: "A cosigner doesnt make any sense!!!!!"

Uh....why not?

Trump cultists: "Hillary! Obama!"

Um...please stay focused.

Trump cultists: "You are a bad man!"


Wow, show the documents to prove your theory to be correct!
here's where you're an idiot for just not going YEA WHAT HE SAID...

Hey, I am proud of my idiotic ways but even a true idiot can see the poster is just trolling with the hope that no one catches them lying...
His opinion is Trump needed one because of Trump business dealings and when ask to show the document to prove his theory correct, of course he can not.
Yes, we established that on page one. Since i am neither asserting this as absolutely true nor claiming to have documentary evidence, your whining is irrelevant.
but if the rumors of someone you LIKED were running rampant you'd be doing your schoolgirl giggles at how fucked up they were for chasing rumors.
Irrelevant whining, attempt by trump cultist to divert. Please stay on track. I made arguments. Address them, or not. But you will have to find someone else to validate your attenpts to divert.
heh - not a huge trump fan. you see, THIS is the crux of your issue. you have to think that anyone who disagrees with you is EVERYTHING you hate. not just disagreeing with you. this is where people love to "normalize the extreme".

you're not giving me any leeway for how *I* feel about trump or things, you're just not seeing me bitching along side you so your only conclusion is i love trump.

that limited bullshit thought process is all yours, son. if you can't allow people to be who they are and see them as such, you're the biggest idiot you know and you don't even know it.

You hit the nail on the head, with the partisan lemmings-D you're either a 24x7x365 100% Trump critic no matter the circumstances or you are a "Trump worshiper" and with the partisan lemmings-R you're either 24x7x365 100% Trump supporter no matter the circumstances or you're a "TDS victim".

If it wasn't so pathetic it would be laughable.
your entire point is you continue to believe what a national news broadcaster said was not verified.
Correct, I think it likely true, for the reasons I mentioned.

And you can't work up the mental tools to address those points.

This is a "you" problem, not a "me" problem.

You wrote earlier I was lying when I wrote you believed Trump had a cosigner, so why are you such a partisan nutter?
His opinion is Trump needed one because of Trump business dealings and when ask to show the document to prove his theory correct, of course he can not.
Yes, we established that on page one. Since i am neither asserting this as absolutely true nor claiming to have documentary evidence, your whining is irrelevant.

Your opinion or theory is irrelevant without any proof and you just wrote you believe it to be true.

So you believe it is absolutely true and are twisting to get out of it just in case it is not...
then WTF is this thread all about?
Personally, my posts have been to say that this rumor is believable and makes sense.
I've explained the gaping holes in O'Donnell's fairy tale repeatedly -
Good for you.


Do you plan to even attempt to argue why this rumor would not make sense or is not believable?

I will refresh your memory:

The rumor is that trump had to have a co-signer, and that co-signer is a russian billionaire.

The idea that some Russian would cosign a 9 or 10 figure Trump loan is absurd on its face. Anyone who has done such a deal is laughing at your silliness. The fact that Trump did biz with Deutsche Bank for 3 decades explains why they made the deals ... the loans were profitable.

But I'll simply say that not a lick of evidence has been forthcoming and no other MSM has picked up that baton and run with it because it was FAKE NEWS. Now if you have any evidence please contact O'Donnell because he's so embarrassed that the egg on his face fried in seconds.

In addition, American banks are more restricted by law as to the kinds of loans they can make with FDIC insured funds. They really are banned from doing anything that risky, that would jeopardize the government's money. Lending depositors money to casino operators is tough to justify to regulators
Your opinion or theory is irrelevant without any proof
Actually, it's a good topic for discussion. If you don't like it,, then, for fuck's sake, stop your whining and post to someone else.

You are the one that wanted to tell me I was wrong and now you are just upset and telling me to leave you alone when I catch you lying...

So you believe Trump has a cosigner?

Yes or no is all I need!
You wrote earlier I was lying when I wrote you believed Trump had a cosigner

No, I even posted your comments so why are you lying?

You can not remember what you wrote?
I can, and you are wrong.

No, you do not and no I am not wrong!

You believe Trump has a cosigner and have implied that throughout this thread and when pointed out there is no evidence you demand your opinion to be consider the evidence and your opinion is like your asshole and full of shit!
I don't care what Trump did, says, or wants to do, # 290,345,877.

This President could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and he still wouldn't lose my vote.

A rare moment of Trumper honesty

I can be brutally honest. In fact, if you ever want to visit Fifth Avenue, I'd be more than happy to give you a free ride.
You mush head really were sucked in to that false news story. The TV station has said the story was false and are sorry for it getting on the air. A case of Slander and it just might end up in Court. They stepped over the line and screwed up with that lie.
I don't care what Trump did, says, or wants to do, # 290,345,877.

This President could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and he still wouldn't lose my vote.

A rare moment of Trumper honesty

I can be brutally honest. In fact, if you ever want to visit Fifth Avenue, I'd be more than happy to give you a free ride.
You mush head really were sucked in to that false news story. The TV station has said the story was false and are sorry for it getting on the air. A case of Slander and it just might end up in Court. They stepped over the line and screwed up with that lie.

That is why Trump lawyers went Berserk over this. I doubt it goes to court but even the heads at MSNBC news knew this one hurt them badly...
So again would you like to get sued like O’Donnell is? You have 24 hours to submit an apology

You fucking gullible idiot (go ahead, sue me) , O'Donnell is not getting sued, no matter what Trump told you.

If Trump sues O"donnel there will be a process called DISCOVERY, where president will have to release his bank records, something that he is fighting tooth and nail NOT to do.

Which begs the question...why did O'Donnell and MSNBC back down and retract the story? That makes absolutely no sense at all...unless of course they're pretty sure that Trump DIDN'T get loans cosigned by Russian oligarchs as was alleged! If O'Donnell believed in his source he should be publicly calling on Trump to sue him and MSNBC should be joining in that call! Which leads me to believe that they made this story up out of whole cloth and know it never happened.
I'll assume you are sincere in the question and don't have an agenda to "score points." O'Donnell only had one source. Supposedly it came from inside the bank itself, but even so NBC had no legal protection in libel if the story, or any part of it, turned out inaccurate, because NBC's internal guidelines require more than one source. So, even for a small error, NBC would have given Trump - who is noted even for filing suits to just harass people - a four lane interstate to drive one up their ass.

I don't think anyone knows at this point what the Deutchbank records show, nor would I be willing to bet a penny on whether the gop Sup Ct will ever allow them to become public.

I believe the source was described as someone not from the bank itself but someone with knowledge of the bank...which quite frankly would be raising some serious red flags with me if I was looking for a valid source. My point remains the same however...since legally Trump has no obligation to turn over his financial statements and that right will almost certainly be supported by the Supreme Court...wouldn't MSNBC welcome a law suit against them that would allow them to view Trump's banking records through disclosure rules? What possible reason would they not? Unless of course they know that the entire O'Donnell story was bullshit from the start?

You are stating a false choice.

MSNBC, just like everyone else does not fully know the story to be true or not true. There is one guy making the claim, but to put all your legal eggs in that basket is not exactly prudent.

The Congress will surely get the records sooner or later, so it's just a matter of time.

What's not prudent is putting your legal "eggs" into a basket that you know is a loser, Anton! If MSNBC and Mr. O'Donnell truly believe that those bank records will indeed show that Donald Trump has done something wrong then why aren't they willing to put their money where their mouths are? What they are doing shows me that they have no faith that those bank records WILL show that...which means the story was nothing more than one more smear job done by them on the President!
The idea that some Russian would cosign a 9 or 10 figure Trump loan is absurd on its face.
No it isn't. You cant judge such a thing on its face, without knowing how the co-signer may benefit. In fact, you have no good reason at all to make such an assertion.
FFS ... what cosigner?

You believe an unsubstantiated allegation by one quacking PMSNBC twat who knows NOTHING but says a little birdy told him seems perfectly legit to you.
Anyone who has done such a deal is laughing at your silliness.
But not you, because you know less than nothing about this, while i work in finance. And yes, we will demand co-signers on large commercial and personal loans, when appropriate.
Horseshit. I was a commercial prop developer and borrowed a few hundred million over my 20 yrs in the biz. You know nothing and cleaning the bathrooms at the corner bank branch does not make you a financier but does qualify you to be a Lawrence O'Donnell source.
then WTF is this thread all about?
Personally, my posts have been to say that this rumor is believable and makes sense.

And yet you just claimed that your posts were never about how you believe Trump has a cosigner...

It is a fact that Donald Trump needed a cosigner
Not what I said.

That is what you are implying so stop lying!

So it is believable and you believe it is fact he needed a Russian Billionaire to cosign for him...
I'd believe it until he shows proof he didn't need russia

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