Trump's Deutsche bank loans cosigned by Russian Oligarch?

I mean the poster believe he or she has the right to see those papers
Not part of my argument at all. This is trump cultism, trying hard to divert away from the topic.
In fact, the topic is O'Donnell's outrageous and unsubstantiated allegation and the IDIOTS who swallowed his fake news.

Well it is very easy to refute the allegations... Just do what Presidents for the last 60 years has done... Release your taxes...

Not required by the Constitution, so he does not have to nor should he because it is hilarious how those like you deem it necessary to see them!
I mean the poster believe he or she has the right to see those papers
Not part of my argument at all. This is trump cultism, trying hard to divert away from the topic.
In fact, the topic is O'Donnell's outrageous and unsubstantiated allegation and the IDIOTS who swallowed his fake news.

Well it is very easy to refute the allegations... Just do what Presidents for the last 60 years has done... Release your taxes...

Ok ,lets assume he released his taxes, just for discussion purposes, ok?

what would happen? some moron at CNN, MSNBC, NY times, or some other left wing outlet would pull out one page of hundreds, make up lies about what it said, and it would dominate the news cycles for months.

Trump gets audited every year just like all of the very rich. If he was cheating or doing anything illegal dont you think the Obama IRS would have made a big stink about it?

Its none of your fricken business what his return, or mine, or anyone else's looks like.

But if tax returns are your goal, how about demanding Pelosi's, Biden's, Schumer's, Sanders', et. al.?


Those screaming Trump is a tax cheat should realize the IRS would have busted him decades ago, so let be factual those beating the drum on Tax Returns are doing so because the ignorant masses will not know what they are looking at and will be fooled by some phony story...

That is why so many on the left believed the O'Donnell story and still wish it was true...
I've explained the gaping holes in O'Donnell's fairy tale repeatedly -
Good for you.


Do you plan to even attempt to argue why this rumor would not make sense or is not believable?

I will refresh your memory:

The rumor is that trump had to have a co-signer, and that co-signer is a russian billionaire.

I mean the poster believe he or she has the right to see those papers
Not part of my argument at all. This is trump cultism, trying hard to divert away from the topic.
In fact, the topic is O'Donnell's outrageous and unsubstantiated allegation and the IDIOTS who swallowed his fake news.

Well it is very easy to refute the allegations... Just do what Presidents for the last 60 years has done... Release your taxes...

Ok ,lets assume he released his taxes, just for discussion purposes, ok?

what would happen?


Crazy concept that there needs to be any further reason than Trump not constantly lying to your face about release of his tax returns.

But there IS a very good reason beyond that - HISTORIC PRECEDENCE. If Trump doesn't release his tax-returns (and he will absolutely not), then no one ever has to and invariably this will lead to more swamp in the White House.

Drain the swamp? More like spread the swamp.

Well Trump lies, and he has lied well before being President, so everyone knows this but you seem to believe no President lied before...
Thay is what them meant, and yet only ONE person has knowledge of a cosigner...
Uh...what? Only one person has knowledge of a co-signer? Where are you getting this nonsense? Are you saying that, because only one person leaked so far, only one person therefore knows? Tha. doesn't nake any sense.

No, what I am saying is only one person is making the claim and those like you believe it because you need a win!

What happens if there is no Cosigner?

Will you apologize and say you were wrong or will you claim the Bank is covering it up to protect Trump?
I for one would apologize BUT it's so much like the sleezy scum we have in our WH now , I believe the worst about him until proven wrong
What a great way to work with people. Unfortunately even when proven wrong, as here, many on YOUR SIDE don't give a fuck.
You have the greatest ""don't give a fuck"" president ever and YOU don't give a fuck

Did you give a fuck when Clinton lied to the nation and made a mockery out of the Oval Office?

Of course not, so why now do you care?
I mean the poster believe he or she has the right to see those papers
Not part of my argument at all. This is trump cultism, trying hard to divert away from the topic.
In fact, the topic is O'Donnell's outrageous and unsubstantiated allegation and the IDIOTS who swallowed his fake news.

Well it is very easy to refute the allegations... Just do what Presidents for the last 60 years has done... Release your taxes...
I take that to mean you've built a biz, never created jobs or wealth, and never borrowed commercial money or filed a corp tax return.
How would the release of Trump's taxes reveal who signed (or cosigned) for any of his corp biz loans?
What does any of your bullshit have to do with Trump hiding his tax returns?

Actually he is not hiding them because legally you have no right to them!
He retracted because it had not yet been verified. The Press tries to verify things before they report. More than I can say for your lie spewing President,

I get it, you don't like Trump and thats just fine. I dont like obama, clinton, or biden, or any of the 20 dem clowns trying to get the nomination, and thats also fine.

but I dont lie about them, and I dont lie about Trump. His results are easy to find.

but with you libs its not about results, its about personality and feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellings. you are FOS
I get it. You love Trump. You love that he is a con man., business cheat, accused child rapist. You love it when he lies every fucking day.

Trump's lies are resy to find so why do you support this?
I love the fact that America is winning and prospering. You obviously are infuriated by both because you are a hate-filled traitor, Comrade.
  • A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.
  • Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.
  • A strong dollar and investment markets.
  • A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.
  • Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.
  • Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low
No wonder you bitter, anti-American leftards are so hysterical. What is good for America seems bad for you.

I suppose it is.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D

Running up the debt is winning. Good to know

Pissing off our allies is winning - good to know

An unwinnable Trade war hurting US farmers & manufacturing is winning good to know

Rising wages eaten by rising costs thanks to stupid trade wars

job growth was higher under Obama.

A strong dollar makes imports cheaper, Makes our export items more expensive, and cuts tourism. You are dumber than shit.

Running up the debt is winning. Good to know

Pissing off our allies is winning - good to know

But enough about Obama.
Leave him alone, he's busy moving into his new oceanside home.

While forgetting about those poor inner city children that could be his kids...
then WTF is this thread all about?
Personally, my posts have been to say that this rumor is believable and makes sense.
of course they do. but if the rumors of someone you LIKED were running rampant you'd be doing your schoolgirl giggles at how fucked up they were for chasing rumors.

so in essence, you're doing the very same shit you mock but justifying it with your "feelz" OF WHICH got us as a country into all this shit to begin with.
You know nothing of how businesses operate. It’s why you vote democrat

Hey dumbass why don't you just come back when you can actually refute even a single word of what you quoted.
Last i checked msnbc had to apologize for this quote.. would you like to be on that law suit filed by trump?

You clearly don't know what you are reading.

The retraction of the claim does not mean it's false, it just wasn't apropriately supported.

Which is EXACTLY WHY dean is saying "O’Donnell just jumped the gun. But we’ll find out the truth."
So again would you like to get sued like O’Donnell is? You have 24 hours to submit an apology

You fucking gullible idiot (go ahead, sue me) , O'Donnell is not getting sued, no matter what Trump told you.

If Trump sues O"donnel there will be a process called DISCOVERY, where president will have to release his bank records, something that he is fighting tooth and nail NOT to do.

Which begs the question...why did O'Donnell and MSNBC back down and retract the story? That makes absolutely no sense at all...unless of course they're pretty sure that Trump DIDN'T get loans cosigned by Russian oligarchs as was alleged! If O'Donnell believed in his source he should be publicly calling on Trump to sue him and MSNBC should be joining in that call! Which leads me to believe that they made this story up out of whole cloth and know it never happened.
Uh...what? Only one person has knowledge of a co-signer? Where are you getting this nonsense? Are you saying that, because only one person leaked so far, only one person therefore knows? Tha. doesn't nake any sense.

No, what I am saying is only one person is making the claim and those like you believe it because you need a win!

What happens if there is no Cosigner?

Will you apologize and say you were wrong or will you claim the Bank is covering it up to protect Trump?
I for one would apologize BUT it's so much like the sleezy scum we have in our WH now , I believe the worst about him until proven wrong
What a great way to work with people. Unfortunately even when proven wrong, as here, many on YOUR SIDE don't give a fuck.
You have the greatest ""don't give a fuck"" president ever and YOU don't give a fuck

Did you give a fuck when Clinton lied to the nation and made a mockery out of the Oval Office?

Of course not, so why now do you care?
Lied about A BJ ??? vs Trumps lie a minute ? Obama not a citizen ,,,I'll show my taxes ?? etc etc etc
Hey dumbass why don't you just come back when you can actually refute even a single word of what you quoted.
Last i checked msnbc had to apologize for this quote.. would you like to be on that law suit filed by trump?

You clearly don't know what you are reading.

The retraction of the claim does not mean it's false, it just wasn't apropriately supported.

Which is EXACTLY WHY dean is saying "O’Donnell just jumped the gun. But we’ll find out the truth."
So again would you like to get sued like O’Donnell is? You have 24 hours to submit an apology

You fucking gullible idiot (go ahead, sue me) , O'Donnell is not getting sued, no matter what Trump told you.

If Trump sues O"donnel there will be a process called DISCOVERY, where president will have to release his bank records, something that he is fighting tooth and nail NOT to do.

Which begs the question...why did O'Donnell and MSNBC back down and retract the story? That makes absolutely no sense at all...unless of course they're pretty sure that Trump DIDN'T get loans cosigned by Russian oligarchs as was alleged! If O'Donnell believed in his source he should be publicly calling on Trump to sue him and MSNBC should be joining in that call! Which leads me to believe that they made this story up out of whole cloth and know it never happened.
I'll assume you are sincere in the question and don't have an agenda to "score points." O'Donnell only had one source. Supposedly it came from inside the bank itself, but even so NBC had no legal protection in libel if the story, or any part of it, turned out inaccurate, because NBC's internal guidelines require more than one source. So, even for a small error, NBC would have given Trump - who is noted even for filing suits to just harass people - a four lane interstate to drive one up their ass.

I don't think anyone knows at this point what the Deutchbank records show, nor would I be willing to bet a penny on whether the gop Sup Ct will ever allow them to become public.
Where do libs get the idea he is some kind of doofus or failure?

Two words....

Taj Mahal

A failure of doofus proportions.

a new jersey casino went bankrupt. wow, in one of the most corrupt states in the country, means nothing.

LOL, Yeah it was the State of New Jersey that forced Donny to borrow the better part of a billion smackers using Junk Bonds at 14% to finance the Taj MaFuckUp. :rolleyes:

Isn't wasn't corruption that caused the Taj to collapse it was Donnys lack of common sense.

it was a bad business deal, the bankruptcy proceeding was the best outcome for the employees, creditors, and owners. Lots of casinos have failed, its a risky business.

How about if we look at some of Trump's many very successful businesses?

The casino business , particularly in New Jersey , has suffered a lot over all during the decade or 2- Maryland, Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia among other states all have their own legal casinos now. The casino business is a very competitive racket, and Mr. Trump had no way of knowing what legislatures would do in all of those other states.
No, what I am saying is only one person is making the claim and those like you believe it because you need a win!

What happens if there is no Cosigner?

Will you apologize and say you were wrong or will you claim the Bank is covering it up to protect Trump?
I for one would apologize BUT it's so much like the sleezy scum we have in our WH now , I believe the worst about him until proven wrong
What a great way to work with people. Unfortunately even when proven wrong, as here, many on YOUR SIDE don't give a fuck.
You have the greatest ""don't give a fuck"" president ever and YOU don't give a fuck

Did you give a fuck when Clinton lied to the nation and made a mockery out of the Oval Office?

Of course not, so why now do you care?
Lied about A BJ ??? vs Trumps lie a minute ? Obama not a citizen ,,,I'll show my taxes ?? etc etc etc

Clinton's lie was about the money, he didn't want to pony up millions to Paula Corbin Jones he owed her for sexual harassment.

The Slick Willy would have just manned up and paid what he owes, like any other prominent individual would, he would have never got in trouble.

What made it even worse was that he got the young girl, Monica Lewinsky, to lie for him to the Special Prosecutor as well. Corruption of young people is a despicable situation.

And of course, the alleged oral sex happened ON THE JOB SITE, during work time.

No employer should have to accept this. I've already mentioned about my friend who was a security guard who was caught in the security shed with his old lady. Fired on the spot. Its a damn shame when as a nation, we hold Security Guards to a higher standard than Presidents
No, what I am saying is only one person is making the claim and those like you believe it because you need a win!

What happens if there is no Cosigner?

Will you apologize and say you were wrong or will you claim the Bank is covering it up to protect Trump?
I for one would apologize BUT it's so much like the sleezy scum we have in our WH now , I believe the worst about him until proven wrong
What a great way to work with people. Unfortunately even when proven wrong, as here, many on YOUR SIDE don't give a fuck.
You have the greatest ""don't give a fuck"" president ever and YOU don't give a fuck

Did you give a fuck when Clinton lied to the nation and made a mockery out of the Oval Office?

Of course not, so why now do you care?
Lied about A BJ ??? vs Trumps lie a minute ? Obama not a citizen ,,,I'll show my taxes ?? etc etc etc
you left off "i was only on epsteins plane 4 times..."
No, what I am saying is only one person is making the claim and those like you believe it because you need a win!

What happens if there is no Cosigner?

Will you apologize and say you were wrong or will you claim the Bank is covering it up to protect Trump?
I for one would apologize BUT it's so much like the sleezy scum we have in our WH now , I believe the worst about him until proven wrong
What a great way to work with people. Unfortunately even when proven wrong, as here, many on YOUR SIDE don't give a fuck.
You have the greatest ""don't give a fuck"" president ever and YOU don't give a fuck

Did you give a fuck when Clinton lied to the nation and made a mockery out of the Oval Office?

Of course not, so why now do you care?
Lied about A BJ ??? vs Trumps lie a minute ? Obama not a citizen ,,,I'll show my taxes ?? etc etc etc

Has Trump lied under oath to Congress?

Until then Clinton is the King...

Get Trump under oath, catch him in a lie and then impeach him...

Also when is Pelosi going to do the job she was elected to do?

My bet is never!
then WTF is this thread all about?
Personally, my posts have been to say that this rumor is believable and makes sense.

And yet you just claimed that your posts were never about how you believe Trump has a cosigner...

It is a fact that Donald Trump needed a cosigner
Not what I said.

That is what you are implying so stop lying!

So it is believable and you believe it is fact he needed a Russian Billionaire to cosign for him...
I mean the poster believe he or she has the right to see those papers
Not part of my argument at all. This is trump cultism, trying hard to divert away from the topic.
In fact, the topic is O'Donnell's outrageous and unsubstantiated allegation and the IDIOTS who swallowed his fake news.

Well it is very easy to refute the allegations... Just do what Presidents for the last 60 years has done... Release your taxes...
I take that to mean you've never built a biz, never created jobs or wealth, and never borrowed commercial money or filed a corp tax return.
How would the release of Trump's taxes reveal who signed (or cosigned) for any of his corp biz loans?

They want to go after the businesses and people he does business with; they're sleaze who threaten peoples' livelihoods, damage property, assault the elderly, start violence at legal rallies, call for assassinating police officers, etc., so of course they want access to info that is none of their business.
then WTF is this thread all about?
Personally, my posts have been to say that this rumor is believable and makes sense.
I've explained the gaping holes in O'Donnell's fairy tale repeatedly -
Good for you.


Do you plan to even attempt to argue why this rumor would not make sense or is not believable?

I will refresh your memory:

The rumor is that trump had to have a co-signer, and that co-signer is a russian billionaire.

The idea that some Russian would cosign a 9 or 10 figure Trump loan is absurd on its face. Anyone who has done such a deal is laughing at your silliness. The fact that Trump did biz with Deutsche Bank for 3 decades explains why they made the deals ... the loans were profitable.

But I'll simply say that not a lick of evidence has been forthcoming and no other MSM has picked up that baton and run with it because it was FAKE NEWS. Now if you have any evidence please contact O'Donnell because he's so embarrassed that the egg on his face fried in seconds.

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