Trump's Deutsche bank loans cosigned by Russian Oligarch?

I mean the poster believe he or she has the right to see those papers
Not part of my argument at all. This is trump cultism, trying hard to divert away from the topic.
In fact, the topic is O'Donnell's outrageous and unsubstantiated allegation and the IDIOTS who swallowed his fake news.

Well it is very easy to refute the allegations... Just do what Presidents for the last 60 years has done... Release your taxes...
I take that to mean you've built a biz, never created jobs or wealth, and never borrowed commercial money or filed a corp tax return.
How would the release of Trump's taxes reveal who signed (or cosigned) for any of his corp biz loans?
What does any of your bullshit have to do with Trump hiding his tax returns?
is it illegal to have a co-signer on a note? what crime exactly are you alleging ?
I didn't allege a crime.

Is ONE of you cultists able to address ANYTHING i have actually said?

then WTF is this thread all about? its not illegal to have a co-signer, its not illegal to do business in a foreign country, its not illegal to have the last name of Trump.

the desperation of you lefties to stop Trump's success has driven you fricken crazy.
They are this country's insidious 5th column and would much prefer we crash & burn than succeed & prosper with Trump as POTUS. Traitors, every fuckin' one of 'em:

Liberal Media Scream: Bill Maher cheers economic collapse if it dooms Trump
“I’ve been hoping for a recession — people hate me for it — but it would get rid of Trump, so you shouldn’t hate me for it.”
To which, Barro noted: “Recessions are really bad. People lose their jobs and their homes.”
Maher doubled down: “I know. It’s worth it.”
The recession is coming whether we cheer it or not. Bringing trump down will be a silver lining though.

dream on. there are no real economic indicators of a recession coming, just the opposite in fact. Once the china trade deal is done the market will skyrocket again. Its amazing that you libs want the country to fail.
There will be no trade deal with China anytime soon.

The stock market is not the economy.

There are indications everywhere. Even the tRump *administration* is admitting it by lowering interest rates.

Wake up man, these people lie to you.
I mean the poster believe he or she has the right to see those papers
Not part of my argument at all. This is trump cultism, trying hard to divert away from the topic.
In fact, the topic is O'Donnell's outrageous and unsubstantiated allegation and the IDIOTS who swallowed his fake news.

Well it is very easy to refute the allegations... Just do what Presidents for the last 60 years has done... Release your taxes...

Ok ,lets assume he released his taxes, just for discussion purposes, ok?

what would happen? some moron at CNN, MSNBC, NY times, or some other left wing outlet would pull out one page of hundreds, make up lies about what it said, and it would dominate the news cycles for months.

Trump gets audited every year just like all of the very rich. If he was cheating or doing anything illegal dont you think the Obama IRS would have made a big stink about it?

Its none of your fricken business what his return, or mine, or anyone else's looks like.

But if tax returns are your goal, how about demanding Pelosi's, Biden's, Schumer's, Sanders', et. al.?
Trump's tax returns would not reveal who signed the Deutsche Bank loan and this whole leftarded rage du jour is the same as all that preceded it … an angry, bitter, baseless tempest in a teapot.
is it illegal to have a co-signer on a note? what crime exactly are you alleging ?
I didn't allege a crime.

Is ONE of you cultists able to address ANYTHING i have actually said?

then WTF is this thread all about? its not illegal to have a co-signer, its not illegal to do business in a foreign country, its not illegal to have the last name of Trump.

the desperation of you lefties to stop Trump's success has driven you fricken crazy.
They are this country's insidious 5th column and would much prefer we crash & burn than succeed & prosper with Trump as POTUS. Traitors, every fuckin' one of 'em:

Liberal Media Scream: Bill Maher cheers economic collapse if it dooms Trump
“I’ve been hoping for a recession — people hate me for it — but it would get rid of Trump, so you shouldn’t hate me for it.”
To which, Barro noted: “Recessions are really bad. People lose their jobs and their homes.”
Maher doubled down: “I know. It’s worth it.”
The recession is coming whether we cheer it or not. Bringing trump down will be a silver lining though.

dream on. there are no real economic indicators of a recession coming, just the opposite in fact. Once the china trade deal is done the market will skyrocket again. Its amazing that you libs want the country to fail.
Hell, I'm sitting here watching the news and they are talking about a large drop in overseas real estate investing in the US.
the "reporter" who spewed it retracted it. would he do that if it was true?
He retracted because it had not yet been verified. The Press tries to verify things before they report. More than I can say for your lie spewing President,

I get it, you don't like Trump and thats just fine. I dont like obama, clinton, or biden, or any of the 20 dem clowns trying to get the nomination, and thats also fine.

but I dont lie about them, and I dont lie about Trump. His results are easy to find.

but with you libs its not about results, its about personality and feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellings. you are FOS
I get it. You love Trump. You love that he is a con man., business cheat, accused child rapist. You love it when he lies every fucking day.

Trump's lies are resy to find so why do you support this?
I love the fact that America is winning and prospering. You obviously are infuriated by both because you are a hate-filled traitor, Comrade.
  • A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.
  • Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.
  • A strong dollar and investment markets.
  • A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.
  • Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.
  • Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low
No wonder you bitter, anti-American leftards are so hysterical. What is good for America seems bad for you.

I suppose it is.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D

Running up the debt is winning. Good to know

Pissing off our allies is winning - good to know

An unwinnable Trade war hurting US farmers & manufacturing is winning good to know

Rising wages eaten by rising costs thanks to stupid trade wars

job growth was higher under Obama.

A strong dollar makes imports cheaper, Makes our export items more expensive, and cuts tourism. You are dumber than shit.

the trade "war" is temporary, China is already begging to get back to the negotiation table, the tariffs worked.

playing hardball with our allies who have not paid their fair share for years is good for the USA and those countries respect us once again, they laughed at us under obozo

US farmers are doing just fine, the recent Japan deal helped them even more.

Rising costs???? nope, inflation has been at record lows.

got any more lies for me to refute?
I didn't allege a crime.

Is ONE of you cultists able to address ANYTHING i have actually said?

then WTF is this thread all about? its not illegal to have a co-signer, its not illegal to do business in a foreign country, its not illegal to have the last name of Trump.

the desperation of you lefties to stop Trump's success has driven you fricken crazy.
They are this country's insidious 5th column and would much prefer we crash & burn than succeed & prosper with Trump as POTUS. Traitors, every fuckin' one of 'em:

Liberal Media Scream: Bill Maher cheers economic collapse if it dooms Trump
“I’ve been hoping for a recession — people hate me for it — but it would get rid of Trump, so you shouldn’t hate me for it.”
To which, Barro noted: “Recessions are really bad. People lose their jobs and their homes.”
Maher doubled down: “I know. It’s worth it.”
The recession is coming whether we cheer it or not. Bringing trump down will be a silver lining though.

dream on. there are no real economic indicators of a recession coming, just the opposite in fact. Once the china trade deal is done the market will skyrocket again. Its amazing that you libs want the country to fail.
Hell, I'm sitting here watching the news and they are talking about a large drop in overseas real estate investing in the US.

so what? we don't need non citizens buying american property. that is actually a good indicator.
the "reporter" who spewed it retracted it. would he do that if it was true?
He retracted because it had not yet been verified. The Press tries to verify things before they report. More than I can say for your lie spewing President,

I get it, you don't like Trump and thats just fine. I dont like obama, clinton, or biden, or any of the 20 dem clowns trying to get the nomination, and thats also fine.

but I dont lie about them, and I dont lie about Trump. His results are easy to find.

but with you libs its not about results, its about personality and feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellings. you are FOS
I get it. You love Trump. You love that he is a con man., business cheat, accused child rapist. You love it when he lies every fucking day.

Trump's lies are resy to find so why do you support this?
I love the fact that America is winning and prospering. You obviously are infuriated by both because you are a hate-filled traitor, Comrade.
  • A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.
  • Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.
  • A strong dollar and investment markets.
  • A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.
  • Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.
  • Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low
No wonder you bitter, anti-American leftards are so hysterical. What is good for America seems bad for you.

I suppose it is.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D

Running up the debt is winning. Good to know

Pissing off our allies is winning - good to know

An unwinnable Trade war hurting US farmers & manufacturing is winning good to know

Rising wages eaten by rising costs thanks to stupid trade wars

job growth was higher under Obama.

A strong dollar makes imports cheaper, Makes our export items more expensive, and cuts tourism. You are dumber than shit.

Running up the debt is winning. Good to know

Pissing off our allies is winning - good to know

But enough about Obama.
Leave him alone, he's busy moving into his new oceanside home.
is it illegal to have a co-signer on a note? what crime exactly are you alleging ?
I didn't allege a crime.

Is ONE of you cultists able to address ANYTHING i have actually said?

then WTF is this thread all about? its not illegal to have a co-signer, its not illegal to do business in a foreign country, its not illegal to have the last name of Trump.

the desperation of you lefties to stop Trump's success has driven you fricken crazy.
They are this country's insidious 5th column and would much prefer we crash & burn than succeed & prosper with Trump as POTUS. Traitors, every fuckin' one of 'em:

Liberal Media Scream: Bill Maher cheers economic collapse if it dooms Trump
“I’ve been hoping for a recession — people hate me for it — but it would get rid of Trump, so you shouldn’t hate me for it.”
To which, Barro noted: “Recessions are really bad. People lose their jobs and their homes.”
Maher doubled down: “I know. It’s worth it.”
The recession is coming whether we cheer it or not. Bringing trump down will be a silver lining though.

dream on. there are no real economic indicators of a recession coming, just the opposite in fact. Once the china trade deal is done the market will skyrocket again. Its amazing that you libs want the country to fail.
Investments market gains are good for most Americans - directly or indirectly - but my concern is the economy which is expanding nicely along with the fortunes of most Americans. It's driving our leftarded 5th column bat-shit crazier.
Yeah, you trump cultists keep saying that.

Yet not one of you has even attempted to make an argument as to why it would not make sense,or why it is likely false.

Not a single one of you.

Because...every single one of you believes it is probably true.

is it illegal to have a co-signer on a note? what crime exactly are you alleging ?
I didn't allege a crime.

Is ONE of you cultists able to address ANYTHING i have actually said?

then WTF is this thread all about?

It's about a story that was completely unverified and based on allegations of a single source that apparently had no access to the bank records he/she was referencing.

Yet another example of leftwing dingbats trying to throw shit against the wall to see if it sticks and having it boomerang right back around into their faces.
In what way has this "boomeranged"?
... Because this whole imbroglio plays right into Donny's narrative that the Media is out to get him and that they just make shit up out of thin air to do it.

Same old story, Donny says and does all this ridiculous shit and instead of being the adults in the room and carefully picking it apart the dingbats on the left decide to try an ONE UP him in the bullshit department, thus making themselves look stupid and Donny look reasonable.

President Twitter doesn't beat the dingbats of the left so much as he convinces them to beat themselves and as much as I dislike Donny, I have to admit that it makes me laugh to see it happening.
then WTF is this thread all about? its not illegal to have a co-signer, its not illegal to do business in a foreign country, its not illegal to have the last name of Trump.

the desperation of you lefties to stop Trump's success has driven you fricken crazy.
They are this country's insidious 5th column and would much prefer we crash & burn than succeed & prosper with Trump as POTUS. Traitors, every fuckin' one of 'em:

Liberal Media Scream: Bill Maher cheers economic collapse if it dooms Trump
“I’ve been hoping for a recession — people hate me for it — but it would get rid of Trump, so you shouldn’t hate me for it.”
To which, Barro noted: “Recessions are really bad. People lose their jobs and their homes.”
Maher doubled down: “I know. It’s worth it.”
The recession is coming whether we cheer it or not. Bringing trump down will be a silver lining though.

dream on. there are no real economic indicators of a recession coming, just the opposite in fact. Once the china trade deal is done the market will skyrocket again. Its amazing that you libs want the country to fail.
Hell, I'm sitting here watching the news and they are talking about a large drop in overseas real estate investing in the US.

so what? we don't need non citizens buying american property. that is actually a good indicator.
What an appallingly stupid thing to say.

I've been operating on the assumption you had at least half a brain, obviously I overestimated you.
I didn't allege a crime.

Is ONE of you cultists able to address ANYTHING i have actually said?

then WTF is this thread all about? its not illegal to have a co-signer, its not illegal to do business in a foreign country, its not illegal to have the last name of Trump.

the desperation of you lefties to stop Trump's success has driven you fricken crazy.
They are this country's insidious 5th column and would much prefer we crash & burn than succeed & prosper with Trump as POTUS. Traitors, every fuckin' one of 'em:

Liberal Media Scream: Bill Maher cheers economic collapse if it dooms Trump
“I’ve been hoping for a recession — people hate me for it — but it would get rid of Trump, so you shouldn’t hate me for it.”
To which, Barro noted: “Recessions are really bad. People lose their jobs and their homes.”
Maher doubled down: “I know. It’s worth it.”
The recession is coming whether we cheer it or not. Bringing trump down will be a silver lining though.

dream on. there are no real economic indicators of a recession coming, just the opposite in fact. Once the china trade deal is done the market will skyrocket again. Its amazing that you libs want the country to fail.
Investments market gains are good for most Americans - directly or indirectly - but my concern is the economy which is expanding nicely along with the fortunes of most Americans. It's driving our leftarded 5th column bat-shit crazier.
It's expanding at a slightly slower pace than it did during the Obama administration and you kids were apoplectic over that. Why is it ok now?
is it illegal to have a co-signer on a note? what crime exactly are you alleging ?
I didn't allege a crime.

Is ONE of you cultists able to address ANYTHING i have actually said?

then WTF is this thread all about?

It's about a story that was completely unverified and based on allegations of a single source that apparently had no access to the bank records he/she was referencing.

Yet another example of leftwing dingbats trying to throw shit against the wall to see if it sticks and having it boomerang right back around into their faces.
In what way has this "boomeranged"?
... Because this whole imbroglio plays right into Donny's narrative that the Media is out to get him and that they just make shit up out of thin air to do it.

Same old story, Donny says and does all this ridiculous shit and instead of being the adults in the room and carefully picking it apart the dingbats on the left decide to try an ONE UP him in the bullshit department, thus making themselves look stupid and Donny look reasonable.

President Twitter doesn't beat the dingbats of the left so much as he convinces them to beat themselves and as much as I dislike Donny, I have to admit that it makes me laugh to see it happening.
Yeah... No. This isn't making tRump look "reasonable".
the "reporter" who spewed it retracted it. would he do that if it was true?
He retracted because it had not yet been verified. The Press tries to verify things before they report. More than I can say for your lie spewing President,

I get it, you don't like Trump and thats just fine. I dont like obama, clinton, or biden, or any of the 20 dem clowns trying to get the nomination, and thats also fine.

but I dont lie about them, and I dont lie about Trump. His results are easy to find.

but with you libs its not about results, its about personality and feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellings. you are FOS
I get it. You love Trump. You love that he is a con man., business cheat, accused child rapist. You love it when he lies every fucking day.

Trump's lies are resy to find so why do you support this?
I love the fact that America is winning and prospering. You obviously are infuriated by both because you are a hate-filled traitor, Comrade.
  • A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.
  • Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.
  • A strong dollar and investment markets.
  • A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.
  • Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.
  • Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low
No wonder you bitter, anti-American leftards are so hysterical. What is good for America seems bad for you.

I suppose it is.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D

Running up the debt is winning. Good to know

Pissing off our allies is winning - good to know

An unwinnable Trade war hurting US farmers & manufacturing is winning good to know

Rising wages eaten by rising costs thanks to stupid trade wars

job growth was higher under Obama.

A strong dollar makes imports cheaper, Makes our export items more expensive, and cuts tourism. You are dumber than shit.
Yeah, it's just awful out there … for hate-filled leftards:

United States Non Farm Payrolls | 2019 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast
Nonfarm payrolls in the US increased by 164 thousand in July of 2019, following a downwardly revised 193 thousand in June and in line with market expectations. Notable job gains occurred in professional and technical services (+31,000), health care (+30,000), social assistance (+20,000), and financial activities (+18,000).
I mean the poster believe he or she has the right to see those papers
Not part of my argument at all. This is trump cultism, trying hard to divert away from the topic.
In fact, the topic is O'Donnell's outrageous and unsubstantiated allegation and the IDIOTS who swallowed his fake news.

Well it is very easy to refute the allegations... Just do what Presidents for the last 60 years has done... Release your taxes...
I take that to mean you've built a biz, never created jobs or wealth, and never borrowed commercial money or filed a corp tax return.
How would the release of Trump's taxes reveal who signed (or cosigned) for any of his corp biz loans?
What does any of your bullshit have to do with Trump hiding his tax returns?
Not hiding at all. The IRS has them all. :D
I didn't allege a crime.

Is ONE of you cultists able to address ANYTHING i have actually said?

then WTF is this thread all about?

It's about a story that was completely unverified and based on allegations of a single source that apparently had no access to the bank records he/she was referencing.

Yet another example of leftwing dingbats trying to throw shit against the wall to see if it sticks and having it boomerang right back around into their faces.
In what way has this "boomeranged"?
... Because this whole imbroglio plays right into Donny's narrative that the Media is out to get him and that they just make shit up out of thin air to do it.

Same old story, Donny says and does all this ridiculous shit and instead of being the adults in the room and carefully picking it apart the dingbats on the left decide to try an ONE UP him in the bullshit department, thus making themselves look stupid and Donny look reasonable.

President Twitter doesn't beat the dingbats of the left so much as he convinces them to beat themselves and as much as I dislike Donny, I have to admit that it makes me laugh to see it happening.
Yeah... No. This isn't making tRump look "reasonable".

LOL, I suspect that NOTHING would make Donny look reasonable in your eyes...

However for those of us that still have our objectivity and reason intact another picture emerges.
Deutsche Bank has Trump’s taxes — and loan applications cosigned by Russian oligarchs: report

This story breaking. If this is true....

What will the Trumpettes say about this? Will they support impeachment?

The trails that lead from Trump's relationship with this bank could easily put Trump in prison. The ties to retired USSC Kennedy, the times to Russia & Trump, the ties to Trump falsification of documents provided to the government.

As this becomes more & more likely, when will Republicans in the Senate start to jump ship?

We both know they don't care. There is literally nothing that could make them think Trump is anything less than perfect.

You keep believing that, a defamation suit is being drawn up. The Trumps have had enough of MSLSDs lies.


No lawsuit is coming. Trump is all talk.

Actually it was Don Jr. who said he was going to sue, the sons are running the companies now, didn't you get the memo?


LOL, ok. You'll believe anything, wont you?

Crazy concept that there needs to be any further reason than Trump not constantly lying to your face about release of his tax returns.

Have you posted yours online anywhere? If not, why not?

I will as soon as I run for the Presidency of the United States of America....or maybe I won't, Trump didn't, so why should I or anyone else ever do that?

But whatever happens, unlike our fucking liar POTUS I will tell you the truth.


"we landed under sniper fire"
"if you like your plan you can keep it"
"I never had classified data on my personal server"
"she didn't intend to break the law"
"we tried to send help to Benghazi"
"I never went to Epstein's island"
"I never lied to congress"
"We have tons of evidence of russian collusion"

So you think it's completely ok for Trump to shamelessly lie to your face as much as he wants to, because someone out there said a lie at one point.

Good job tool.

what specifically did he lie about?

Trump's lies are counted by the thousands at this point, but specifically to what we are talking about Trump has been lying for over 3 years now about how he would like to release his tax returns but just can't.

FEBRUARY2015, Trump said that if he ran for the presidency: "I would release tax returns" Pence: Trump hasn't broken promise to release tax returns

FEBRUARY 2016: Trump said that he could not release his tax returns because he was under audit. - thats a lie, absolutely he CAN and many people in fact have.

SEPTEMBER 2016: "I don't mind releasing. I'm under a routine audit, and it will be released. As soon as the audit's finished, it will be released," he said.

APRIL 2017 after not having realeased jack shit Trump complains on twitter that people are holding him to it:
"I did what was an almost an impossible thing to do for a Republican-easily won the Electoral College! Now Tax Returns are brought up again?"

MAY 2017, Trump says he will release his tax returns after presidency.

On April 7, White House Acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney said that Trump's tax returns will "never" be released. Mulvaney argued that Trump does not need to release his tax returns because the issue was "litigated" when voters elected Trump to the presidency despite his ability to release the tax returns and his refusal to do so; this ignored Trump's previous commitments to releasing his tax returns. When Mulvaney was questioned on Trump's claims that the tax returns could not be released due to an audit, Mulvaney replied: "You could always allow people to see it".

Tax returns of Donald Trump - Wikipedia
Last edited:
I didn't allege a crime.

Is ONE of you cultists able to address ANYTHING i have actually said?

then WTF is this thread all about? its not illegal to have a co-signer, its not illegal to do business in a foreign country, its not illegal to have the last name of Trump.

the desperation of you lefties to stop Trump's success has driven you fricken crazy.
They are this country's insidious 5th column and would much prefer we crash & burn than succeed & prosper with Trump as POTUS. Traitors, every fuckin' one of 'em:

Liberal Media Scream: Bill Maher cheers economic collapse if it dooms Trump
“I’ve been hoping for a recession — people hate me for it — but it would get rid of Trump, so you shouldn’t hate me for it.”
To which, Barro noted: “Recessions are really bad. People lose their jobs and their homes.”
Maher doubled down: “I know. It’s worth it.”
The recession is coming whether we cheer it or not. Bringing trump down will be a silver lining though.

dream on. there are no real economic indicators of a recession coming, just the opposite in fact. Once the china trade deal is done the market will skyrocket again. Its amazing that you libs want the country to fail.
There will be no trade deal with China anytime soon.

The stock market is not the economy.

There are indications everywhere. Even the tRump *administration* is admitting it by lowering interest rates.

Wake up man, these people lie to you.
The Trump admin does not lower interest rates - the Fed does - and even the St Louis Fed gov admitted they may have "overdone" the increases in 2018.

The question is why must you always LIE? Can it be the truth never serves your mindless hatred?
then WTF is this thread all about? its not illegal to have a co-signer, its not illegal to do business in a foreign country, its not illegal to have the last name of Trump.

the desperation of you lefties to stop Trump's success has driven you fricken crazy.
They are this country's insidious 5th column and would much prefer we crash & burn than succeed & prosper with Trump as POTUS. Traitors, every fuckin' one of 'em:

Liberal Media Scream: Bill Maher cheers economic collapse if it dooms Trump
“I’ve been hoping for a recession — people hate me for it — but it would get rid of Trump, so you shouldn’t hate me for it.”
To which, Barro noted: “Recessions are really bad. People lose their jobs and their homes.”
Maher doubled down: “I know. It’s worth it.”
The recession is coming whether we cheer it or not. Bringing trump down will be a silver lining though.

dream on. there are no real economic indicators of a recession coming, just the opposite in fact. Once the china trade deal is done the market will skyrocket again. Its amazing that you libs want the country to fail.
Investments market gains are good for most Americans - directly or indirectly - but my concern is the economy which is expanding nicely along with the fortunes of most Americans. It's driving our leftarded 5th column bat-shit crazier.
It's expanding at a slightly slower pace than it did during the Obama administration and you kids were apoplectic over that. Why is it ok now?
The Fed dampened growth by overdoing their 2018 rate increases and I'm rarely if ever apoplectic about even modest economic growth as long as it outstrips inflation. The current expansion has for many months been way overdue for a correction but keeps on chugging along nicely despite leftarded efforts to derail it. I mean, what kind of American hopes for a recession?

Answer: angry, bitter, disloyal leftards.

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