Trump's Deutsche bank loans cosigned by Russian Oligarch?

Please don't project what the Clintons do onto this situation....try to stay focused on the topic.
Lol, nice deflection. Do you think the nickname "mafia dOn" is just a joke?
A joke? Actually just a silly slur spewed by bitter, hate-filled leftarded losers. :laughing0301:
Yeah, you trump cultists keep saying that.

Yet not one of you has even attempted to make an argument as to why it would not make sense,or why it is likely false.

Not a single one of you.

Because...every single one of you believes it is probably true.

is it illegal to have a co-signer on a note? what crime exactly are you alleging ?
I didn't allege a crime.

Is ONE of you cultists able to address ANYTHING i have actually said?
Deutsche Bank has Trump’s taxes — and loan applications cosigned by Russian oligarchs: report

This story breaking. If this is true....

What will the Trumpettes say about this? Will they support impeachment?

The trails that lead from Trump's relationship with this bank could easily put Trump in prison. The ties to retired USSC Kennedy, the times to Russia & Trump, the ties to Trump falsification of documents provided to the government.

As this becomes more & more likely, when will Republicans in the Senate start to jump ship?

We both know they don't care. There is literally nothing that could make them think Trump is anything less than perfect.

You keep believing that, a defamation suit is being drawn up. The Trumps have had enough of MSLSDs lies.


No lawsuit is coming. Trump is all talk.

Actually it was Don Jr. who said he was going to sue, the sons are running the companies now, didn't you get the memo?

That would work for me. I have an issue with a sitting prez being involved in civil suits but his sons could sue on behalf of the corporation in question and providing the judge with even a heavily redacted (but bank certified) signature page would quickly bring PMSNBC and O'Donnell to their knees. Somewhere along the line there must be a price for our MSM's slide into politically-motivated tabloidism (pronounced: fake news). O'Donnell's head on a stake would be a good start.
Where do libs get the idea he is some kind of doofus or failure?

Two words....

Taj Mahal

A failure of doofus proportions.

a new jersey casino went bankrupt. wow, in one of the most corrupt states in the country, means nothing.

LOL, Yeah it was the State of New Jersey that forced Donny to borrow the better part of a billion smackers using Junk Bonds at 14% to finance the Taj MaFuckUp. :rolleyes:

Isn't wasn't corruption that caused the Taj to collapse it was Donnys lack of common sense.

it was a bad business deal, the bankruptcy proceeding was the best outcome for the employees, creditors, and owners.
LOL, no it wasn't everybody except Donny got left holding the bag, his vendors got stiffed, his creditors got stiffed and the employees got the axe and the Taj wasn't the only Trump AC Casino that failed, the Plaza went under too making him a two time loser in a business that is essentially a license to print money when well managed.

How about if we look at some of Trump's many very successful businesses?
Yeah, feel free to discuss whatever examples you'd like to, I've been following the guy's business career for over 30 years and I'll give him credit where it's due he's an exceptionally talented self promoter and media manipulator. However as a business man he's been mediocre at best in many cases and completely foolish in others. He has a history of overpaying for assets and being WAY too optimistic when it comes to leverage.
I mean the poster believe he or she has the right to see those papers
Not part of my argument at all. This is trump cultism, trying hard to divert away from the topic.
In fact, the topic is O'Donnell's outrageous and unsubstantiated allegation and the IDIOTS who swallowed his fake news.

Well it is very easy to refute the allegations... Just do what Presidents for the last 60 years has done... Release your taxes...
Please don't project what the Clintons do onto this situation....try to stay focused on the topic.
Lol, nice deflection. Do you think the nickname "mafia dOn" is just a joke?
A joke? Actually just a silly slur spewed by bitter, hate-filled leftarded losers. :laughing0301:
Yeah, you trump cultists keep saying that.

Yet not one of you has even attempted to make an argument as to why it would not make sense,or why it is likely false.

Not a single one of you.

Because...every single one of you believes it is probably true.

is it illegal to have a co-signer on a note? what crime exactly are you alleging ?
I didn't allege a crime.

Is ONE of you cultists able to address ANYTHING i have actually said?
LOL. You are backtracking faster than O'Donnell. :laughing0301:
Please don't project what the Clintons do onto this situation....try to stay focused on the topic.
Lol, nice deflection. Do you think the nickname "mafia dOn" is just a joke?
A joke? Actually just a silly slur spewed by bitter, hate-filled leftarded losers. :laughing0301:
Yeah, you trump cultists keep saying that.

Yet not one of you has even attempted to make an argument as to why it would not make sense,or why it is likely false.

Not a single one of you.

Because...every single one of you believes it is probably true.

is it illegal to have a co-signer on a note? what crime exactly are you alleging ?
I didn't allege a crime.

Is ONE of you cultists able to address ANYTHING i have actually said?

then WTF is this thread all about? its not illegal to have a co-signer, its not illegal to do business in a foreign country, its not illegal to have the last name of Trump.

the desperation of you lefties to stop Trump's success has driven you fricken crazy.
Lol, nice deflection. Do you think the nickname "mafia dOn" is just a joke?
A joke? Actually just a silly slur spewed by bitter, hate-filled leftarded losers. :laughing0301:
Yeah, you trump cultists keep saying that.

Yet not one of you has even attempted to make an argument as to why it would not make sense,or why it is likely false.

Not a single one of you.

Because...every single one of you believes it is probably true.

is it illegal to have a co-signer on a note? what crime exactly are you alleging ?
I didn't allege a crime.

Is ONE of you cultists able to address ANYTHING i have actually said?

then WTF is this thread all about?

It's about a story that was completely unverified and based on allegations of a single source that apparently had no access to the bank records he/she was referencing.

Yet another example of leftwing dingbats trying to throw shit against the wall to see if it sticks and having it boomerang right back around into their faces.
No one said it was illegal. It would however be revealing
I mean the poster believe he or she has the right to see those papers
Not part of my argument at all. This is trump cultism, trying hard to divert away from the topic.
In fact, the topic is O'Donnell's outrageous and unsubstantiated allegation and the IDIOTS who swallowed his fake news.

Well it is very easy to refute the allegations... Just do what Presidents for the last 60 years has done... Release your taxes...

Ok ,lets assume he released his taxes, just for discussion purposes, ok?

what would happen? some moron at CNN, MSNBC, NY times, or some other left wing outlet would pull out one page of hundreds, make up lies about what it said, and it would dominate the news cycles for months.

Trump gets audited every year just like all of the very rich. If he was cheating or doing anything illegal dont you think the Obama IRS would have made a big stink about it?

Its none of your fricken business what his return, or mine, or anyone else's looks like.

But if tax returns are your goal, how about demanding Pelosi's, Biden's, Schumer's, Sanders', et. al.?
Why would you think it’s a lie?

Trumps kids said money is pouring in from Russia. Trump went bankrupt six times. Deutsche bank gave Trump billions in loans.

After six bankruptcies do banks give people loans? So they can go bankrupt again?

Unless they’re being co-signed.

I would look at Saudi Arabia next.

O’Donnell just jumped the gun. But we’ll find out the truth.

Deutsche Bank fined for $10 billion Russian money-laundering scheme
You know nothing of how businesses operate. It’s why you vote democrat

Hey dumbass why don't you just come back when you can actually refute even a single word of what you quoted.
Last i checked msnbc had to apologize for this quote.. would you like to be on that law suit filed by trump?

You clearly don't know what you are reading.

The retraction of the claim does not mean it's false, it just wasn't apropriately supported.

Which is EXACTLY WHY dean is saying "O’Donnell just jumped the gun. But we’ll find out the truth."
So again would you like to get sued like O’Donnell is? You have 24 hours to submit an apology

You fucking gullible idiot (go ahead, sue me) , O'Donnell is not getting sued, no matter what Trump told you.

If Trump sues O"donnel there will be a process called DISCOVERY, where president will have to release his bank records, something that he is fighting tooth and nail NOT to do.
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this has been proven to be a lie, even the chief liar on CNN has retracted the story.
time to move on
mods, close this BS thread

How was it proven a lie?

the "reporter" who spewed it retracted it. would he do that if it was true?
He retracted because it had not yet been verified. The Press tries to verify things before they report. More than I can say for your lie spewing President,

I get it, you don't like Trump and thats just fine. I dont like obama, clinton, or biden, or any of the 20 dem clowns trying to get the nomination, and thats also fine.

but I dont lie about them, and I dont lie about Trump. His results are easy to find.

but with you libs its not about results, its about personality and feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeellings. you are FOS
I get it. You love Trump. You love that he is a con man., business cheat, accused child rapist. You love it when he lies every fucking day.

Trump's lies are resy to find so why do you support this?
I love the fact that America is winning and prospering. You obviously are infuriated by both because you are a hate-filled traitor, Comrade.
  • A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.
  • Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.
  • A strong dollar and investment markets.
  • A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.
  • Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.
  • Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low
No wonder you bitter, anti-American leftards are so hysterical. What is good for America seems bad for you.

I suppose it is.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D
You know nothing of how businesses operate. It’s why you vote democrat

Hey dumbass why don't you just come back when you can actually refute even a single word of what you quoted.
Last i checked msnbc had to apologize for this quote.. would you like to be on that law suit filed by trump?

You clearly don't know what you are reading.

The retraction of the claim does not mean it's false, it just wasn't apropriately supported.

Which is EXACTLY WHY dean is saying "O’Donnell just jumped the gun. But we’ll find out the truth."
So again would you like to get sued like O’Donnell is? You have 24 hours to submit an apology

Fucking idiot (go ahead, sue me) stop making up bullshit, O'Donnell is not getting sued.
10 hours left
FFI, why are you still trying to argue with the man who admitted what he claimed was a lie?

You aren't arguing with any of us. O'Donnell admitted what he claimed was false...

Ironically you seem to want to call him a liar for admitting what he lied about was a lie.

I mean the poster believe he or she has the right to see those papers
Not part of my argument at all. This is trump cultism, trying hard to divert away from the topic.
In fact, the topic is O'Donnell's outrageous and unsubstantiated allegation and the IDIOTS who swallowed his fake news.

Well it is very easy to refute the allegations... Just do what Presidents for the last 60 years has done... Release your taxes...

Ok ,lets assume he released his taxes, just for discussion purposes, ok?

what would happen?


Crazy concept that there needs to be any further reason than Trump not constantly lying to your face about release of his tax returns.

But there IS a very good reason beyond that - HISTORIC PRECEDENCE. If Trump doesn't release his tax-returns (and he will absolutely not), then no one ever has to and invariably this will lead to more swamp in the White House.

Drain the swamp? More like spread the swamp.
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No, it makes no sense and does not seem even remotely believable to any rational adult.
And hereis where you use your big boy words and say why that is.

Yet, you can't seem to do that.
I've explained the gaping holes in O'Donnell's fairy tale repeatedly - not that one such as you can comprehend - but the answer is also contained in my statement above (bold). it's because you are not a rational adult but rather a still painfully butt-hurt Clintonette whose 2016 choice was so lame she lost to a political novice with 1/3 her campaign cash.

Here's the really good news: y'all are so bitter and arrogant you will double-down in 2020 with an even less electable nominee because - drum roll, please - you are irrational. Neither O'Donnell nor PMSNBC can save you from yourselves because they are equally or even more hysterical than you. Carry on. :D
I mean the poster believe he or she has the right to see those papers
Not part of my argument at all. This is trump cultism, trying hard to divert away from the topic.
In fact, the topic is O'Donnell's outrageous and unsubstantiated allegation and the IDIOTS who swallowed his fake news.

Well it is very easy to refute the allegations... Just do what Presidents for the last 60 years has done... Release your taxes...

Ok ,lets assume he released his taxes, just for discussion purposes, ok?

what would happen?


Crazy concept that there needs to be any further reason than Trump not constantly lying to your face about release of his tax returns.

Have you posted yours online anywhere? If not, why not?
Not part of my argument at all. This is trump cultism, trying hard to divert away from the topic.
In fact, the topic is O'Donnell's outrageous and unsubstantiated allegation and the IDIOTS who swallowed his fake news.

Well it is very easy to refute the allegations... Just do what Presidents for the last 60 years has done... Release your taxes...

Ok ,lets assume he released his taxes, just for discussion purposes, ok?

what would happen?


Crazy concept that there needs to be any further reason than Trump not constantly lying to your face about release of his tax returns.

Have you posted yours online anywhere? If not, why not?

I will as soon as I run for the Presidency of the United States of America....or maybe I won't, Trump didn't, so why should I or anyone else ever do that?

But whatever happens, unlike our fucking liar POTUS I will tell you the truth.
I mean the poster believe he or she has the right to see those papers
Not part of my argument at all. This is trump cultism, trying hard to divert away from the topic.
In fact, the topic is O'Donnell's outrageous and unsubstantiated allegation and the IDIOTS who swallowed his fake news.

Well it is very easy to refute the allegations... Just do what Presidents for the last 60 years has done... Release your taxes...
I take that to mean you've never built a biz, never created jobs or wealth, and never borrowed commercial money or filed a corp tax return.
How would the release of Trump's taxes reveal who signed (or cosigned) for any of his corp biz loans?
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