Trump's Deutsche bank loans cosigned by Russian Oligarch?

No, it is not a diversion but pointing out you are just spewing your opinion as fact
Not once have I done so, and i have directly invited one and all to challenge the points i have made.

Instead, I get this dog and pony show from you terrified trumpers.

So, what part of any of this would not make sense to you, and why? What part of any of this would surprise you, and why?

Come on, give it a shot.
Do you not understand WHY ethical journalists never take the word of one "unnamed" source as factual until they verify the story with other sources?
I absolutely do and agree 100% he should not have reported it.

Again...good god people, pay attention this time...i am saying i think it makes sense and that it is believable.

Do you disagree with that, or not?

I also think we will find out, either way.

No, I do not agree because if there was any evidence to support what was leaked MSNBC would have not stepped away!

Until evidence is provided it is not believable and not because I believe Trump is innocent but because O'Donnell is someone that would make a stupid mistake like this with the hope not being caught...
No, it is not a diversion but pointing out you are just spewing your opinion as fact
Not once have I done so, and i have directly invited one and all to challenge the points i have made.

Instead, I get this dog and pony show from you terrified trumpers.

So, what part of any of this would not make sense to you, and why? What part of any of this would surprise you, and why?

Come on, give it a shot.


MSNBC backed away from it!

They would have not backed down had they had actual evidence!

All you are doing is spewing your opinion with no facts just because you hate Trump.

Go back and read my comments to benddog and notice I am all for his documents being shown to Congress but never shown to us or leaked!

Got it?

Of course not!
Awww, so you believe there is a cosigner because in your opinion he is a deadbeat and no bank would loan to him...
Thats not opinion. That's a well known fact. Peolle were surprised the first time deusmtsche lent to him, and for goodd reason. Then, he defaulted, to the surprise of few. Then, that same bank, while he was in default, lent him the money to oay itself back and hundreds of millions more.

Those are not opinions. Those are,indeed, solid facts.

See, this is why one can't have an honest discussion with you cultists. If you thought water being wet somehow reflected poorly on trump, you would eat up all the oxygen in the room arguing that water Isn't wet until everyone gets tired of your cackling and leaves.
Awww, so you believe there is a cosigner because in your opinion he is a deadbeat and no bank would loan to him...
Thats not opinion. That's a well known fact. Peolle were surprised the first time deusmtsche lent to him, and for goodd reason. Then, he defaulted, to the surprise of few. Then, that same bank, while he was in default, lent him the money to oay itself back and hundreds of millions more.

Those are not opinions. Those are,indeed, solid facts.

See, this is why one cant have an honest discussikn with you cultists. If you thought water beibg wet somehow reeflected badly on trump, you qould eat up all the oxygen in the room arguing that water Isn't wet

It is your opinion that there is a cosigner with no actual evidence!

You are the one upset you can not prove he has one, and in your opinion there must be one!

Got it?

Of course not!
No, I do not agree because if there was any evidence to support what was leaked MSNB
Well, that's a very elementary and silly error on your part, as the idea that MSNBM does not oossess the secretive documemts doesnt mean they don't exist. What a silly thing for you to say.

It is your opinion that there is a cosigner with no actual evidence!
Yes, it is my opnion that a co-signer requurement makes sense and is believable, based on all the actual reasons anyone would ever need a co-signer, all demonstrated by deadbeat donnnie. Those , again, are facts. And my opinion is based on them. And you want to talk about anything but these facts, and everyone knows why, including you.
No, I do not agree because if there was any evidence to support what was leaked MSNB
Well, that's a very elementary and silly error on your part, as the idea that MSNBM does not oossess the secretive documemts doesnt mean they don't exist. What a silly thing for you to say.

It is your opinion that there is a cosigner with no actual evidence!
Yes, it is my opnion that a co-signer requurement makes sense and is believable, based on all the actual reasons anyone would ever need a co-signer, all demonstrated by deadbeat donnnie. Those , again, are facts. And my opinion is based on them. And you want to talk about anything but these facts, and everyone knows why, including you.

It is a fact that Donald Trump needed a cosigner but you have no evidence but in your opinion it has to be true and it has to be Russian!

I never said there were no documents and said it was none of your business to see them, so that is debunked quickly and you lying as usual!

What I am saying until you show evidence of a cosigner there is nothing supporting your opinion on this matter!

Now show the documents to prove Trump to be a liar and if none can be found what will you do?

Most likely act like birthers and fake something up...
So, the deadbeat was blacklisted. Deustche bank was stupid enough to lend to him. Then -- surprise!! -- the deadbeat defaulted on their loan.

Then, they lend him the money to pay themselves back, plus hundreds of millions more.

Yep, the deadbeat had a very rich co-signer. I wonder if the co-signer is actually the one making the loan payments? Deadbeat Donnie doesn't like writing checks.
Sounds like you getting food stamps in Indiana
Oh look, another whiny little cultist.... Dog on deadbeat Donnie, and they start nipping at your ankles ...
You hungry?
Have you seen any evidence that supports O'Donnell's allegation? Has anyone? Have other MSM outlets produced any?
No, of course. I just say it makes sense and is believable. And i argued why. Over and over and over. Then you ignore all of those points and ask this stupid fucking question? Come on.
So you admit no one has produced a lick of support for the allegation, that O'Donnell admits his story is unsubstantiated and he should not have stated it on air, and that even PMSNBC failed to validate a word of it but you ignore all that and buy it despite how absurd it is?

Yeah ... your mind is totally gone.
Have you seen any evidence that supports O'Donnell's allegation? Has anyone? Have other MSM outlets produced any?
No, of course. I just say it makes sense and is believable. And i argued why. Over and over and over. Then you ignore all of those points and ask this stupid fucking question? Come on.
So you admit no one has produced a lick of support for the allegation, that O'Donnell admits his story is unsubstantiated and he should not have stated it on air, and that even PMSNBC failed to validate a word of it but you ignore all that and buy it despite how absurd it is?

Yeah ... your mind is totally gone.

His or her argument is that because Trump business practice make it clear he need a cosigner and let say it is true the question is how do they know it is Russian and not Kushner?

They are swinging in the dark hoping they hit one out of the park but this one went foul quickly...
Do you not understand WHY ethical journalists never take the word of one "unnamed" source as factual until they verify the story with other sources?
I absolutely do and agree 100% he should not have reported it.

Again...good god people, pay attention this time...i am saying i think it makes sense and that it is believable.

Do you disagree with that, or not?

I also think we will find out, either way.
No, it makes no sense and does not seem even remotely believable to any rational adult.

And there will never be any evidence produced in support of O'Donnell's claim. The man is a liar and a fraud as are his co-workers and PMSNBC.

You swallow.
Do you not understand WHY ethical journalists never take the word of one "unnamed" source as factual until they verify the story with other sources?
I absolutely do and agree 100% he should not have reported it.

Again...good god people, pay attention this time...i am saying i think it makes sense and that it is believable.

Do you disagree with that, or not?

I also think we will find out, either way.
No, it makes no sense and does not seem even remotely believable to any rational adult.

And there will never be any evidence produced in support of O'Donnell's claim. The man is a liar and a fraud as are his co-workers and PMSNBC.

You swallow.

MSNBC itself should be credited for their quickness in saying the evidence was not solid at all.

O'Donnell like the Op'er and that poster will never admit that they need actual evidence to prove Trump has a cosigner and not their opinion and maybe one person that MSNBC does not believe...
Thay is what them meant, and yet only ONE person has knowledge of a cosigner...
Uh...what? Only one person has knowledge of a co-signer? Where are you getting this nonsense? Are you saying that, because only one person leaked so far, only one person therefore knows? Tha. doesn't nake any sense.

No, what I am saying is only one person is making the claim and those like you believe it because you need a win!

What happens if there is no Cosigner?

Will you apologize and say you were wrong or will you claim the Bank is covering it up to protect Trump?
I for one would apologize BUT it's so much like the sleezy scum we have in our WH now , I believe the worst about him until proven wrong
Do you not understand WHY ethical journalists never take the word of one "unnamed" source as factual until they verify the story with other sources?
I absolutely do and agree 100% he should not have reported it.

Again...good god people, pay attention this time...i am saying i think it makes sense and that it is believable.

Do you disagree with that, or not?

I also think we will find out, either way.
No, it makes no sense and does not seem even remotely believable to any rational adult.

And there will never be any evidence produced in support of O'Donnell's claim. The man is a liar and a fraud as are his co-workers and PMSNBC.

You swallow.

MSNBC itself should be credited for their quickness in saying the evidence was not solid at all.

O'Donnell like the Op'er and that poster will never admit that they need actual evidence to prove Trump has a cosigner and not their opinion and maybe one person that MSNBC does not believe...
Bullshit. MSLED most likely told O'Donnell to run the story. I'm sure they already had his retraction statement typed up before any of this sewage hit the airwaves.
Thay is what them meant, and yet only ONE person has knowledge of a cosigner...
Uh...what? Only one person has knowledge of a co-signer? Where are you getting this nonsense? Are you saying that, because only one person leaked so far, only one person therefore knows? Tha. doesn't nake any sense.

No, what I am saying is only one person is making the claim and those like you believe it because you need a win!

What happens if there is no Cosigner?

Will you apologize and say you were wrong or will you claim the Bank is covering it up to protect Trump?
I for one would apologize BUT it's so much like the sleezy scum we have in our WH now , I believe the worst about him until proven wrong
That's because you're an idiot.
You keep believing that, a defamation suit is being drawn up. The Trumps have had enough of MSLSDs lies.
So? Is that supposed to impress someone that the king of frivolous lawsuits might file a lawsuit?

Odonnell has already backtracked, proving malice will be a piece of cake. Especially with the history of MSLSDs lies.

Why should the press need any sources at all. The fat assed Trump says far worse things every fucking day. If no sources and outright lies are OK for the President of the United States, it should be good ernough for the press.
The job of the POTUS is to insure our security and American prosperity and he's done well on both counts. It is the lying MSM that tells you Trump is lying and you swallow. Very sad.:D
Typical short-sighted, illogical liberal response.
Do they have any other kind?

Most Americans say they have lost trust in the media
Most Americans think Trump is a failure.

They're fed that crap 24/7 from the MSM.


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