Trump's devious plan to eliminate Sanctuary cities?

Trump has already announced a plan that could undermine sanctuary enclaves on any level, be it local, county or state. Within the first 100 days of his administration he plans to nationalize all law enforcement agencies /departments under the auspices of Homeland security. That move will centralize all police power under one roof. No sanctuary city, state or county can exist under that paradigm since all of them will be working for the FEDS.

The question arises as to who will be responsible for enforcing local and state laws and ordinances? To find an example of what could develop if Trump's plan sees the light of day my research took me to South Korea.
Having served in Korea twice I have some idea of just how effective that policing model is. It worked fine for South Korea but I don't think our state governments are going to allow Trump to usurp their power like that!

Trump Announces Plan to Federalize American Police Departments
Way to go Trump. We can't have American cities that ignore laws and harbor illegal aliens. Lock those mayors and police chiefs up!
PRESIDENT (not king) Trump is within his rights to LOCK UP THE MAYORS of these cities. He can go that far and still be acting within the law -- which is more than we can say for these mayors.

LOCK THEM UP! Mr President!
What are you 15?

You have to have ID to buy booze or cigarettes; on top of which both were forced by fed mandate on the threat of fed fund withholding if I'm not mistaken. (I know for sure that 21 to buy booze was.)
I am not sure most illegals have to buy booze or cigarettes. I doubt if they would waste t money on those unnecessary luxuries when their primary goal is to send money back home.
But if some do have a hankering for booze or cigarettes, their American relatives will get it for them.THINK!!!!!
What law do you know of that requires you to have an ID unless you are driving an automobile? And even if there is such a law, you can't detain someone for not having one,
and you certainly can't jump to the conclusion they are illegal. Probable cause to stop and ask for ID is still continent on suspicion of law breaking last time I checked. If cops start arbitrarily asking for ID every time they suspect some one is an illegal, get ready for the lawsuits to follow when legitimate Americans who get stopped have had enough!

Many laws require an ID to participate in an activity, or to enter a place, or to obtain a product. Cops Always ask for an ID, and if you can't produce some form of ID you can and will be detained if the officer feels it is necessary. He can also hold you to get a warrant issued.
Dowdy was dogging lefties who were against giving the local police the authority to deal with illegals in like 2015. Dowdy's the man, if he thought it was an alright idea, I'm good with its legality.

Paraphrased he said, we trust the local police with every other aspect of protecting our people, why not with the authority to call in ICE about illegal immigrants they catch? To which the left's response was roughly, well the police don't have the ability to hold them until ICE got there... LOL

I have said this before in other similar threads. There is a question of jurisdiction. A law enforcement officer is an extension of the court he serves. Municipal, County and State cops enforce the laws that are specific to their legislative bodies and the courts therein. Any federal money earmarked for each strata of policing was meant to support each agency within the purview of their jurisdiction. And , I may be wrong but I don't think Congress has given states and local cops the authority to enforce federal laws. Even the National Guard cannot be used to do so until the President federalizes them in a time of crisis.

Detention of undocumented workers:

If you were a cop on patrol, how would you determine that a person is an illegal migrant should you run across someone suspected of being one? If he she has no ID and does not confess to being illegal, how long can you hold them to make that determination If they have committed no crime?

Undocumented people are not ALL here illegally. BTW.

If you're not documented and the law requires that you be so, it's illegal.
That is a big "IF."
What law do you know of that requires you to have an ID unless you are driving an automobile? And even if there is such a law, you can't detain someone for not having one,
and you certainly can't jump to the conclusion they are illegal. Probable cause to stop and ask for ID is still continent on suspicion of law breaking last time I checked. If cops start arbitrarily asking for ID every time they suspect some one is an illegal, get ready for the lawsuits to follow when legitimate Americans who get stopped have had enough!

Many laws require an ID to participate in an activity, or to enter a place, or to obtain a product. Cops Always ask for an ID, and if you can't produce some form of ID you can and will be detained if the officer feels it is necessary. He can also hold you to get a warrant issued.

1.Food water and shelter can all be obtained without benefit of ID. Many undocumented migrants coming here have contacts/friends /relatives who are citizens.

2. Yes, a cop can stop and detain you if he suspects you have committed a crime,,,even something as trivial as jaywalking. But if a pattern of such stops emerges without probable cause and only certain ethnicities are targeted, there will inevitably be legal backlash from legitimate American citizens who are victimized because they are in that target group.

Now you will say that if they have an ID ,no problem, but the impetus is on the Constitutionality of American citizens being stopped without probable cause just because they LOOK like illegal immigrants.
What are you 15?

You have to have ID to buy booze or cigarettes; on top of which both were forced by fed mandate on the threat of fed fund withholding if I'm not mistaken. (I know for sure that 21 to buy booze was.)
I am not sure most illegals have to buy booze or cigarettes. I doubt if they would waste t money on those unnecessary luxuries when their primary goal is to send money back home.
But if some do have a hankering for booze or cigarettes, their American relatives will get it for them.THINK!!!!!

I suck at quoting, my FireFox hates this site. I should have made it more clear, but I was answering this:

What law do you know of that requires you to have an ID unless you are driving an automobile?

I would also debate that illegals are not drinking or smoking, but it's largely irrelevant. I don't really /care/ what their primary goal is, they're in the country illegally and they should leave and come in /legally/ like all the immigrants had to do for what 160-180 years before some dem-twat decided they didn't think they should have to follow the laws of the country. Ya'll spent the patience of the American people when we've got 11MILLION illegals, that's fucking rediculious!
What law do you know of that requires you to have an ID unless you are driving an automobile? And even if there is such a law, you can't detain someone for not having one,
and you certainly can't jump to the conclusion they are illegal. Probable cause to stop and ask for ID is still continent on suspicion of law breaking last time I checked. If cops start arbitrarily asking for ID every time they suspect some one is an illegal, get ready for the lawsuits to follow when legitimate Americans who get stopped have had enough!

Many laws require an ID to participate in an activity, or to enter a place, or to obtain a product. Cops Always ask for an ID, and if you can't produce some form of ID you can and will be detained if the officer feels it is necessary. He can also hold you to get a warrant issued.

1.Food water and shelter can all be obtained without benefit of ID. Many undocumented migrants coming here have contacts/friends /relatives who are citizens.

2. Yes, a cop can stop and detain you if he suspects you have committed a crime,,,even something as trivial as jaywalking. But if a pattern of such stops emerges without probable cause and only certain ethnicities are targeted, there will inevitably be legal backlash from legitimate American citizens who are victimized because they are in that target group.

Now you will say that if they have an ID ,no problem, but the impetus is on the Constitutionality of American citizens being stopped without probable cause just because they LOOK like illegal immigrants.
Trump has already announced a plan that could undermine sanctuary enclaves on any level, be it local, county or state. Within the first 100 days of his administration he plans to nationalize all law enforcement agencies /departments under the auspices of Homeland security. That move will centralize all police power under one roof. No sanctuary city, state or county can exist under that paradigm since all of them will be working for the FEDS.

The question arises as to who will be responsible for enforcing local and state laws and ordinances? To find an example of what could develop if Trump's plan sees the light of day my research took me to South Korea.
Having served in Korea twice I have some idea of just how effective that policing model is. It worked fine for South Korea but I don't think our state governments are going to allow Trump to usurp their power like that!

Trump Announces Plan to Federalize American Police Departments
Way to go Trump. We can't have American cities that ignore laws and harbor illegal aliens. Lock those mayors and police chiefs up!
PRESIDENT (not king) Trump is within his rights to LOCK UP THE MAYORS of these cities. He can go that far and still be acting within the law -- which is more than we can say for these mayors.

LOCK THEM UP! Mr President!
As American citizens we would be wise to to OBEY federal laws but there is no mandate that Governors, mayors or private citizens have to ENFORCE federal laws..

You may think the Mayors and governors of Sanctuary enclaves can be charged with harboring illegal aliens. But can someone be charged thusly with no evidence of having an intent to harbor illegals? How do you convince a jury of "peers" that their mayor or Governor is guilty when no means to identify illegal aliens have been initiated within their jurisdictions?
What are you 15?

You have to have ID to buy booze or cigarettes; on top of which both were forced by fed mandate on the threat of fed fund withholding if I'm not mistaken. (I know for sure that 21 to buy booze was.)
I am not sure most illegals have to buy booze or cigarettes. I doubt if they would waste t money on those unnecessary luxuries when their primary goal is to send money back home.
But if some do have a hankering for booze or cigarettes, their American relatives will get it for them.THINK!!!!!

I suck at quoting, my FireFox hates this site. I should have made it more clear, but I was answering this:

What law do you know of that requires you to have an ID unless you are driving an automobile?

I would also debate that illegals are not drinking or smoking, but it's largely irrelevant. I don't really /care/ what their primary goal is, they're in the country illegally and they should leave and come in /legally/ like all the immigrants had to do for what 160-180 years before some dem-twat decided they didn't think they should have to follow the laws of the country. Ya'll spent the patience of the American people when we've got 11MILLION illegals, that's fucking rediculious!
Y'all? I don't like the influx of illegals either but my solution is one that neither Republicans NOR Democrats want to hear? Go after the damn people who employe illegals. take away the incentive for them to come here and we don't need no fucking wall.
If you're too fucked to go get an ID so you can vote, then clearly voting isn't that important to you and therefore I think we can safely infer that you have no fucking idea what you're voting on.

Personally, I slap down my DL every time I vote, in fact, I thought it was the law up here for like my entire life it's that much of a non-issue for me to show ID to vote.

There's a video out there somewhere of people talking to African American's about if they have an ID, if they'd be okay with showing ID to vote, etc. Not one of them thought it was a big deal AND in fact a few of them thought it was racist to presume they didn't have or couldn't get an ID. Maybe we should have a district by district vote on if they would be okay on having IDs to vote - I bet ya'll'd be surprised by the outcome.

I've already said many times that we should /also/ fine employers who hire them, but we should also get them out - which means NO sanctuary cities. They are not welcome here unless they come in legally. They are not special okay, they need to stand in line with all the others.

(PS -- Ya'll for me is typically 'ya'll people' not always anyone in specific I just use it for a lot of groups idk. Weird cause it's kind of a southern thing and I'm as far from southern as one can get here in Alaska, but idk it's a habit I picked up at some point. I forget I'm doing it heh)
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What are you 15?

You have to have ID to buy booze or cigarettes; on top of which both were forced by fed mandate on the threat of fed fund withholding if I'm not mistaken. (I know for sure that 21 to buy booze was.)

Using the same type of ID that can be used to vote.
Dowdy was dogging lefties who were against giving the local police the authority to deal with illegals in like 2015. Dowdy's the man, if he thought it was an alright idea, I'm good with its legality.

Paraphrased he said, we trust the local police with every other aspect of protecting our people, why not with the authority to call in ICE about illegal immigrants they catch? To which the left's response was roughly, well the police don't have the ability to hold them until ICE got there... LOL

I have said this before in other similar threads. There is a question of jurisdiction. A law enforcement officer is an extension of the court he serves. Municipal, County and State cops enforce the laws that are specific to their legislative bodies and the courts therein. Any federal money earmarked for each strata of policing was meant to support each agency within the purview of their jurisdiction. And , I may be wrong but I don't think Congress has given states and local cops the authority to enforce federal laws. Even the National Guard cannot be used to do so until the President federalizes them in a time of crisis.

Detention of undocumented workers:

If you were a cop on patrol, how would you determine that a person is an illegal migrant should you run across someone suspected of being one? If he she has no ID and does not confess to being illegal, how long can you hold them to make that determination If they have committed no crime?

Undocumented people are not ALL here illegally. BTW.

If you're not documented and the law requires that you be so, it's illegal.
What law do you know of that requires you to have an ID unless you are driving an automobile? And even if there is such a law, you can't detain someone for not having one,
and you certainly can't jump to the conclusion they are illegal. Probable cause to stop and ask for ID is still continent on suspicion of law breaking last time I checked. If cops start arbitrarily asking for ID every time they suspect some one is an illegal, get ready for the lawsuits to follow when legitimate Americans who get stopped have had enough!
How do you know he thought that? Got some proof?

His actions.

Which ones? I agree he has an ego. Any President should.....just as Obama did......I don't want a wuss around. But, to think he is king? C'on. I would like more than opinion. What exactly did you learn that caused you to think he thought he was a king?

There is a long list of things he said he was going to do that are clearly unconstitutional, and no, I'm not going to give you a list. If you weren't in a coma, you heard them too.

Clearly unconstitutional by whose standards, yours?

I heard Obama say he didn't have constitutional authority to do what he eventually did with immigration. When he did, nothing from you about an action but you whine about words. Pucker up, NL.
What acronym does NL stand for?

You think you're so smart. Figure it out.

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