Trump's Doomsayers: The Beatnik Civil War?


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Will capitalism during the Trump Administration generate fun dialogue or anti-inclusive paranoia storytelling?


Two radical wings of vigilante groups in America rose to prominence to defy the authority of the Trump Administration. These two groups were called the Know-it-Alls and the Artistic Geniuses. Once a single anti-Trump group called the Federalism Defenders, the Know-it-Alls and the Artistic Geniuses were led by Meaghan Dulles (a friend of Hillary Clinton) and Tom Cruise (American movie-star and celebrity), respectively. The Federalism Defenders, once led by Ted Kennedy, fragmented into the two groups when Tom Cruise (then the PR Chief of the united group) convinced a major portion of the 'party' to enforce a censorship law to those criticizing the Church of Scientology.

Meaghan Dulles realized that Cruise wanted to use the populism and free-speech pulpits to forward the influence and media-spotlighting of his Scientology group and assert the authority of the Federalism Defenders once they successfully lobbied for the impeachment of President Donald Trump (for his racial comments made in the press during his presidential campaign in 2016). Cruise believed if the Federalism Defenders could bring to prominence a random religious/spiritual/philosophical organization using free-speech politics, he could argue that Trump's brand of pro-capitalism 'brainwashing' warranted censorship of all critics of America who were not tolerant of human-interest issues such as religious pluralism in this modern age of what President Trump called The Capitalism Explosion.

While Dulles agreed with Cruise that Trump was interfering with the democratic process by unduly pushing forward his agenda of profiteerism-based geo-politics, she did not agree that the Federalism Defenders should seek policies of censorship to weed out all 'enemies of democracy' who 'threatened' liberal religious pluralism. While Dulles agreed with Cruise that capitalism brainwashing had taken proper attention away from spiritual matters in American culture (e.g., fast-food lifestyle related obesity of American women), she did not agree that the right cure was to 'weed out' those who made capitalism seem like a 'final solution.' To demonize Trump, Dulles though, would simply be another form of Orwellian McCarthyism. Those who agreed with Dulles formed their own faction and became the more idealistic Know-it-Alls.

Cruise became 'Chief Commander' of the Artistic Geniuses, and Dulles was named 'Prime Minister' of the Know-it-Alls. Cruise wanted to invade Washington, D.C. and take the White House hostage and hold President Trump for ransom until the world press addressed the problem of capitalism-obsession related moral and political (and cultural) corruption in America. Cruise issued a statement to the Washington Post which read, "The Artistic Geniuses are not part of the naive Federalism Defenders or the brainwashed Know-it-Alls and are therefore the real faction for the best destiny of the United States!" Cruise outlined the philosophy of the Artistic Geniuses which was basically a platform for the defense of intellectual property rights and the need for more tight governmental control of culture-values sectors of American society (e.g., education, media, business, science, and the arts).

The Trump Administration replied with the following official White House statement:

"We are pleased that democratic process has encouraged vigilant citizens to form their own capitalism-wary faction called the Federalism Defenders, but we are troubled that the Artistic Geniuses (led by Tom Cruise) has emerged as a radical satellite of this group and another (less radical) satellite group called the Know-it-Alls (led by a Yale graduate named Meaghan Dulles) is having difficulty making peace with them. We expect nothing less than urban and cultural anarchy in D.C. and elsewhere, so we are reaching out to the Know-it-Alls to stop Cruise's Artistic Geniuses before they storm Washington and lead Americans to think that capitalism has crushed our basic sense of teamwork..."


MEAGHAN DULLES (left, during street-protest) and TOM CRUISE (right, dressed for a Halloween event)


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