Trump’s Effort To Overturn The Election Should Be Investigated Like 9/11


You mean the traitor and his kabal that failed to affect a Russian Intel Service, foreign ex-spy-aided political coup attempt...

They should all be in GITO.
The anti-American narcissistic authoritarian demagogue who lied repeatedly about the election being stolen and tried to overthrow the sovereign will of the people and their disgusting cowardly enablers and sycophants incited a riot that made us look like one of those third-world shitholes where lots of brown people live that the cult hates.
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It's a great idea to "investigate" exactly the way 9/11 was investigated = (not at all)- the so-called investigation was making shit up to feed a gullible public many of whom still believe 2 airplanes, hit 2 different bldg's in 2 different locations and brought down 3 bldg's, in an unprecedented, near indentical fashion- yeah, it'll work and the media will parrot the *findings* of an *official investigation* as though they're telling the truth-
No, there should be an investigation into the dems for propogating and creating a lie about the russia hoax.

here are ex-Obama staffers comparing the Trump riots to 9/11...enjoy!

Good idea. Investigate it and bring out all the evidence. The evidence no Judge wants to see. I'm for it. How bout you??

All the evidence.. Yes. Does Trump have any evidence yet?

here are ex-Obama staffers comparing the Trump riots to 9/11...enjoy!

Good idea. Investigate it and bring out all the evidence. The evidence no Judge wants to see. I'm for it. How bout you??

All the evidence.. Yes. Does Trump have any evidence yet?


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