Trumps Election Will Be the Biggest Fuck You in Human History

Shouldn't the fact that Michael Moore is saying good things about trump be a red flag for any patriot?
You're missing the point. Forget the messenger and listen to the message. It's not about Trump but the middle class voters who will cast their vote for him. I'm assuming the reason for this speech was to tell the people of Ohio to get out and vote. To not assume Clinton has Ohio all wrapped up like a nice gift.

I hear what you're saying, I know Moore is pro hillary, but it sounds like he's saying "get out and vote for Trump".
I don't normally agree with anything Micheal Moore has to say, but I have to agree with him on this point.
The bankers hate Trump,, Wall street hates Trump, Politicians hate Trump and the Media Hate Trump, Corporations hate Trump
And people see it as the enemy of my enemy is my friend,
Again, Trump is not an ‘agent of change,’ he is not a ‘populist leader,’ he is not a ‘friend of the common man,’ he is as much a part of the system, the establishment, and the elite – indeed, its worst part.
So you are saying that Hillary Is?
the DC in Washington, DC stands for Deplorable County, and it's a swamp, and so drain it.

I doubt swamp thing trump will drain the swamp. If anyone recently would have done it it was Romney. Mormons have tons of experience draining swamps and turning uninhabitable wastelands into paradise
Shouldn't the fact that Michael Moore is saying good things about trump be a red flag for any patriot?
You're missing the point. Forget the messenger and listen to the message. It's not about Trump but the middle class voters who will cast their vote for him. I'm assuming the reason for this speech was to tell the people of Ohio to get out and vote. To not assume Clinton has Ohio all wrapped up like a nice gift.

Oh I suspect trump will win Ohio.
I don't normally agree with anything Micheal Moore has to say, but I have to agree with him on this point.
The bankers hate Trump,, Wall street hates Trump, Politicians hate Trump and the Media Hate Trump, Corporations hate Trump
And people see it as the enemy of my enemy is my friend,
Again, Trump is not an ‘agent of change,’ he is not a ‘populist leader,’ he is not a ‘friend of the common man,’ he is as much a part of the system, the establishment, and the elite – indeed, its worst part.

Well, your populist hillary doesn't come across as anything but an elitist. Trump's close to being an FDR to a lot of people.
i further doubt hed lessen corruption but only exascerbate it

Why do you think that?
Because I have been around a great deal of humans, and I know the poster child used car saleman sheister type and am absolutely jaw to the floor shocked that so many humans dont posess that ability.

Same with Hillary, mind you. But his personality is so overboard THAT GUY, that he would play one on a movie seamlessly.
I figured you sold used cars.....

Trump is way over your education level....

If you think that's what he said its no wonder you are a hard core trumpet
Shouldn't the fact that Michael Moore is saying good things about trump be a red flag for any patriot?
We need to win to care...

That is literally as stupid as we need to pass the Bill find out what is inside. And for the same reason
We already know what's in your gift wrapped turd.....

So,,tell us, what justices do you hope your hitlery nominates?

I've already told you who I support. The fact that you're too dishonest and ignorant to understand that is not my fault
Shouldn't the fact that Michael Moore is saying good things about trump be a red flag for any patriot?
You're missing the point. Forget the messenger and listen to the message. It's not about Trump but the middle class voters who will cast their vote for him. I'm assuming the reason for this speech was to tell the people of Ohio to get out and vote. To not assume Clinton has Ohio all wrapped up like a nice gift.

Oh I suspect trump will win Ohio.

I doubt it.
Shouldn't the fact that Michael Moore is saying good things about trump be a red flag for any patriot?
We need to win to care...

That is literally as stupid as we need to pass the Bill find out what is inside. And for the same reason
We already know what's in your gift wrapped turd.....

So,,tell us, what justices do you hope your hitlery nominates?

I've already told you who I support. The fact that you're too dishonest and ignorant to understand that is not my fault
You've told all of us your supporting hitlery.....Trumps big fuck you will suit you well....
Shouldn't the fact that Michael Moore is saying good things about trump be a red flag for any patriot?
You're missing the point. Forget the messenger and listen to the message. It's not about Trump but the middle class voters who will cast their vote for him. I'm assuming the reason for this speech was to tell the people of Ohio to get out and vote. To not assume Clinton has Ohio all wrapped up like a nice gift.

Like Michael Moore just said on Chris Hayes: Trump is the human Molotov cocktail for disgruntled workers to throw at the system.
I don't normally agree with anything Micheal Moore has to say, but I have to agree with him on this point.
The bankers hate Trump,, Wall street hates Trump, Politicians hate Trump and the Media Hate Trump, Corporations hate Trump
And people see it as the enemy of my enemy is my friend,
Again, Trump is not an ‘agent of change,’ he is not a ‘populist leader,’ he is not a ‘friend of the common man,’ he is as much a part of the system, the establishment, and the elite – indeed, its worst part.

Trump is the human Molotov cocktail that low information voters are throwing at the system.

No, Moore doesn’t.

Trump is no ‘agent of change,’ and he represents only an ignorant, hateful minority of rightwing nitwits.

Despicable Crooked Hillary represents a constituency of greedy ill informed uneducated welfare queens. The idiots are in denial about her corruption, dishonesty and incompetence. She is a terrible candidate that should be serving time in a Federal Women's Prison. She represents the scum of America.
No, Moore doesn’t.

Trump is no ‘agent of change,’ and he represents only an ignorant, hateful minority of rightwing nitwits.

Is not an agent of change?


Why then the controversy?

I am Hispanic and a Libertarian , not a right wing "nitwit"

the DC in Washington, DC stands for Deplorable County, and it's a swamp, and so drain it.

I doubt swamp thing trump will drain the swamp. If anyone recently would have done it it was Romney. Mormons have tons of experience draining swamps and turning uninhabitable wastelands into paradise
not so fast there. you can believe in joseph's myth all you want, i won't stop you. but, the only good mormons are the ones who knows how to build the wall.
Whether you support Trump or not Michael Moore taps into the American voters "mindset" and explains in a very passionate way why some Americans are going to be voting for Trump come November 8.

His speech is in no way and endorsement of Trump but an explanation of wth is going on in the minds of middle class American's. It's really good and a must listen by everyone no matter ones politics.

*DISCLAIMER: This is not an endorsement of Trump or his policies. It's about middle class Americans

So if Trump loses, is that the biggest fuck you fuck you in human history?
CK has done a couple of these exposes and I appreciate them. Michael Moore is speaking the truth so I am not concerned with the messenger. I have not watched any of his films but I think the purpose of each one was to get at the truth he saw. But he is getting older(more conservative) and maybe his concern is for America, certainly a more socialist America than I want, but America all,the same. He may not vote for trump but I think he is giving the man begrudging respect. He rightfully points out that trump is the only one who will blow up the system and lessen the effect of big money and big corporations and at least focus on the middle class. I am not going to hate on a man who has colorfully and poignantly pointed out one of the central tenets of the campaign. Such clarity and perceptiveness should be admired by us, not demeaned. Keep trying to whip us into shape ck. Thanks.

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