Trumps Final Numbers


Do you blame China for the pandemic?

And I blame trump for his response.
"I don't take responsibility at ALL."
Who talks like ^^^^^ this? A man w/out a clue and NO character.

And I blame trump for his response.
"I don't take responsibility at ALL."
Who talks like ^^^^^ this? A man w/out a clue and NO character.
Thank you for your honest answer with China.

What exactly should Trump have done with a virus so little was known about?
He did stop flights to and from China. And, the democrats chastised him for that
The first case in the US was mid Jan 2020.
Thank you for your honest answer with China.

What exactly should Trump have done with a virus so little was known about?
He did stop flights to and from China. And, the democrats chastised him for that
The first case in the US was mid Jan 2020.
Ideally they would have had mandatory quarantines for everyone coming from abroad.

That would have been far more effective than “stopping flights to and from China” which really didn’t stop people traveling to the US from China.

But that would have been in a perfect world.

What he should have done was spoken more to the seriousness and had fewer wishful thinking like “it’s going to magically disappear” and saying that it was a hoax or something.

By the time he figured out it was very serious, it was too late.
Ideally they would have had mandatory quarantines for everyone coming from abroad.

That would have been far more effective than “stopping flights to and from China” which really didn’t stop people traveling to the US from China.

But that would have been in a perfect world.

What he should have done was spoken more to the seriousness and had fewer wishful thinking like “it’s going to magically disappear” and saying that it was a hoax or something.

By the time he figured out it was very serious, it was too late.

In a perfect world where some one saw the future maybe. But this virus was pretty much
an unknown. Nobody knew where it was going, China kept silent on it, and the WHO was covering
for China.

Did I mention that the democrats chastised Trump for what he did do with the flights from China.
In a perfect world where some one saw the future maybe. But this virus was pretty much
an unknown. Nobody knew where it was going, China kept silent on it, and the WHO was covering
for China.

Did I mention that the democrats chastised Trump for what he did do with the flights from China.
I agree. It was unknown exactly what would happen which is why he should have never been saying it was going to magically disappear.
I agree. It was unknown exactly what would happen which is why he should have never been saying it was going to magically disappear.
If that's all there is....then he didn't do too bad.
I suppose he could have caused mass hysteria by telling everyone the sky is falling.
If that's all there is....then he didn't do too bad.
I suppose he could have caused mass hysteria by telling everyone the sky is falling.
There’s a middle ground between “mass hysteria” and dangerously downplaying the pandemic. If he can’t find balance, he isn’t a very good leader.

It’s likely his rhetoric got untold thousands killed needlessly by making obvious mistakes because he was too scared to tell us the truth. That’s pretty bad, if you ask me.
There’s a middle ground between “mass hysteria” and dangerously downplaying the pandemic. If he can’t find balance, he isn’t a very good leader.

It’s likely his rhetoric got untold thousands killed needlessly by making obvious mistakes because he was too scared to tell us the truth. That’s pretty bad, if you ask me.
It just goes back to how little was known. WHO and China were not forthcoming with what WAS going on.
Fauci was no help on the situation, and the democrats put him in a catch 22 situation.
It just goes back to how little was known. WHO and China were not forthcoming with what WAS going on.
Fauci was no help on the situation, and the democrats put him in a catch 22 situation.
It was known that it was a big deal. Very one was telling him, especially Fauci.

It was Trump’s weakness that led him to try to downplay it. He was afraid.
It was known that it was a big deal. Very one was telling him, especially Fauci.

It was Trump’s weakness that led him to try to downplay it. He was afraid.
Fauci was all over the charts, Don't need to wear a mask-you need to wear a mask.

I guess it's just easy to play the Monday morning quarterback.
Fauci was all over the charts, Don't need to wear a mask-you need to wear a mask.

I guess it's just easy to play the Monday morning quarterback.
Fauci was all over the charts if you ignoring context. Fauci said masks were unnecessary at a time when there was essentially no community spread and a handful of cases.

I’m not mad about the finer points of disagreement, but when Trump was out there saying it was going to magically disappear is not a finer point.
Thank you for your honest answer with China.

What exactly should Trump have done with a virus so little was known about?
He did stop flights to and from China. And, the democrats chastised him for that
The first case in the US was mid Jan 2020.
NOT all people from China were stopped.
Not ALL flights from China were stopped.

You agree?

For example. My Son-in-law's father does aeronautics work in China, and he, and many others, flew back to Seattle International Airport, and wasn't checked any more than usual.
Fauci was all over the charts, Don't need to wear a mask-you need to wear a mask.

I guess it's just easy to play the Monday morning quarterback.
Fauci is NOT the hated criminal that the right defines him as.
I think Fauci was overwhelmed and unprepared on giving a proper response.
I think trump was overwhelmed and unprepared to give a proper response and LEAD the Nation. Therefore the "No, I don't take any responsibility at ALL." comment.
You are such a spaz.

Quit making excuses for trump.
"No, I don't take responsibility at all." djt.
What excuses?
People who know the law already know this whole debacle is to discourage voting for MAGA candidates.
The DOJ and FBI failed miserably.
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Wildly fallacious, wrong forum.

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