Trumps Final Numbers

why do you blame him for that? yoj like high interest rates and high inflation ?

and you “blame” him for growing the economy by 3.2 percent? ok…i guess your a dembot cultist that likes the 3 qtrs of negative gdp….weird
Nope. This is my profession. I have to, unlike you, take it seriously.

The "greatest economy ever" was at a mediocre 2.3% growth rate when COVID hit. That's after all Trump's spending, after all the help from the Fed, after all his begging for more inflationary dollars.

You don't know that, because you're just a Trumpster.
So, you were mad at tweets....Your own article says:

"...It has hiked the rate nine times since December 2015, though it indicated in March that it likely is done with increases for the rest of 2019"

and this:

" There have been no indications the Fed is contemplating another round of QE"

So, like I said, you were mad that Trump wanted it, but the Fed never did it....Classic.
He begged the Fed for more inflationary dollars and interest rate cuts because he didn't give a shit. He bragged about the "great economy" that was buoyed by Fed dollars and crashed bond yields.

But you're just a Trumpster. You don't know that. <flick>
Why do you ask? Deflection? Yes.

And Obama didn't ask the Fed to do ANYTHING.

Your demigod fooled you, in more ways than one.
so what do you think obama and his tres sec did when they met privately with Bernanke? you think obama was just telling him about his golf game?
Nope. This is my profession. I have to, unlike you, take it seriously.

The "greatest economy ever" was at a mediocre 2.3% growth rate when COVID hit. That's after all Trump's spending, after all the help from the Fed, after all his begging for more inflationary dollars.

You don't know that, because you're just a Trumpster.
it’s your profession to “blame” a president for 3.2 percent growth? why do you like negative growth that your cult leader xiden delivers?
Obama did the only thing he could do. He got the fuck out of the way. I give him neither blame nor credit. He inherited a fucking disaster.
haha he got out of the way?? what? he passed trillion dollar “shovel ready” bull that delivers double digit UE.
He begged the Fed for more inflationary dollars and interest rate cuts because he didn't give a shit. He bragged about the "great economy" that was buoyed by Fed dollars and crashed bond yields.

But you're just a Trumpster. You don't know that. <flick>
Did they do it?
2.3%, Einstein. After all his spending and help from the Fed.

You are ignorant.
your article was discussing 3.2 percent

meanwhile your Dear Leader delivered 3 qtrs of negative growth..2.3 is better then that
And you idiots say racist.
since you brought up the death panels…remember the lie of the year from that era? “if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor”? obama. lied, people died
Very few people lost their doctor.

You act like EVERYONE lost their doctor and died.
Very few people lost their doctor.

You act like EVERYONE lost their doctor and died.
oh i never suggested everyone did…but as of 2014 millions had 4.7 million. Hardly a “few”
You didn't mention that there was a pandemic which closed our economy. You blame that on Trump?
I know you don't have the guts to blame it on the Chinese. Prove me wrong
Trump mishandled the entire pandemic response.
Hey you guys...just remember there was 0% inflation in July. Came straight from the horses mouth. :smoke:
0% Change.
I'm gonna play the trump "that's what he meant" card right now.
Trump mishandled the entire pandemic response.

0% Change.
I'm gonna play the trump "that's what he meant" card right now.
haha he saved lives, way more then xiden, and deliver 3 vaccines…xiden after using it as an excuse to ruin the economy with record inflation, gave up…said there is no federal solution, hasn’t made any advances in vaccines, and flooded the country with more variants. xiden lied people died
Just because a site uses the word fact in its name doesn't mean its being factual.

factcheck covers for their Dem masters and does it with a straight face.
The point wasn't that it used the word "facts". The point was that it provided reliable sources for all its data. As the prior poster was just challenged, if you've got a site with better sources, post the link. Your word doesn't mean jack shit.

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