Trump’s first major actions should he be elected…What are you hoping for?

Hyper-partisan lefty troll franco is boring.
Yes. Always the same point, the brainwashed functional moron ignoramus seditionist Russian tool conspiracy nut job GOP of today.... But the giveaway to the rich, corrupt deregulation bubble and bust world depression GOP has always been a disaster. Would have lost WWII too...douchebag idiot 😂
I’m guessing, atop the list, all good Americans are hoping he immediately takes extreme measures to shut the border down, fix the asylum scam, streamline deportations and rollout an effective seek and arrest program aimed at the 10 million Biden just shoved down our throats…..But what else do you want to see him go after in week one?
Those actions would crash the economy and make America look very unexceptional.

Just the way you fuckups want it.
He needs to address the problems of the bureaucratic state. End the revolving door between regulators and corporations/lobbyists. Remove the globalists from the State Department and other agencies. Fire anyone who belongs to the Council on Foreign Relations, Atlantic Council, Trilateral Commission, Brookings Institute, and dozens of other think tanks that I'm too lazy to type. End the Fed. Get the US out of the UN and the UN out of the US. Pardon all the J6, and other, political prisoners. Ask Congress to declare war on Mexico so the invasion and drug trafficking can finally be dealt with. That should be a good start for day one.

Hitler got rid of the educated and intellectuals.
This can't be true. I have been assured by Trump supporters that Trump is honest and pure...some say akin to Jesus.

Certainly Trump wouldn't lie about something as serious as a medical plan for all Americans.
You can keep your doctor.....

Oh nevermind hypocrites. Losers
You can keep your doctor.....

Oh nevermind hypocrites. Losers
2 things.

1. Comparing an entire medical plan Trump seems to have made up out of whole cloth to one small aspect of a plan is disingenuous.

2. President Obama acknowledged his mistake to the American people.

"I am sorry that they are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me," he told NBC News in an exclusive interview at the White House.

“Obviously we didn’t do a good enough job in terms of how we crafted the law," Obama said in the interview Thursday. "And, you know, that’s something I regret. That’s something we’re gonna do everything we can to get fixed ... We’re looking at a range of options.

What was Trump's statement on his seemingly non existent healthcare plan?
My PCP retired because that stupid obamadoesntcare made it too expensive for him to maintain his practice.
Well, that’s too bad since we don’t train any doctors under the PPACA.

Did you have to go to a witch doctor?
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I’m guessing, atop the list, all good Americans are hoping he immediately takes extreme measures to shut the border down, fix the asylum scam, streamline deportations and rollout an effective seek and arrest program aimed at the 10 million Biden just shoved down our throats…..But what else do you want to see him go after in week one?
If you vote for Trump, you are not a good American!
My PCP retired because that stupid obamadoesntcare made it too expensive for him to maintain his practice.
That is unfortunate but overall it has been effective.

"Following enactment of the ACA, the number of uninsured nonelderly individuals dropped from more than 46.5 million in 2010 to fewer than 26.7 million in 2016, ..."

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