Trump’s First Year Was Even Worse Than Feared

Grit your teeth. Persevere. Just a few more days and this awful, rotten, no-good, ridiculous, rancorous, sordid, disgraceful year in the civic life of our nation will be over. Here's hoping that we all — particularly special counsel Robert S. Mueller III — have a better 2018.

Many of us began 2017 with the consoling thought that the Donald Trump presidency couldn't possibly be as bad as we feared. It turned out to be worse.

Did you ever think you would hear a president use the words "very fine people" to describe participants in a torch-lit rally organized by white supremacists, neo- Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan? Did you ever think you would hear a U.S. ambassador to the United Nations thuggishly threaten that she would be "taking names" of countries that did not vote on a General Assembly resolution the way she wanted? Did you ever think the government of the world's biggest military and economic power would reject not just science but also empiricism itself, preferring to use made-up "alternative facts" as the basis for major decisions?

We knew that Trump was narcissistic and shallow, but on Inauguration Day it was possible to at least hope he was self-aware enough to understand the weight that now rested on his shoulders, and perhaps grow into the job. He did not. If anything, he has gotten worse.

Here are the reasons why:

Opinion | Trump’s first year was even worse than feared

Your butt hurt whining is funny bro.

and your ass breath hypocrisy is sad ..

in typical RW fashion $1.5 TRILLION DOLLARS got added on the deficit while Trumpdrones wiped off their chin with a big grin thanking Goldilocks.

If Clinton had done that in 11 months every dipshit RW'r would be shittin' bricks whining about how the country was doomed, and the end was near.

But it was A-OK for your hero, the obummer, to add 6 to 8 trillion to the debt for nothing at all. Hypocrite much?

absolutely the weakest argument in the history of mankind ..

Obama did it so Trump can do it too.

if thats not the epitome of hypocrisy nothing is.

Grit your teeth. Persevere. Just a few more days and this awful, rotten, no-good, ridiculous, rancorous, sordid, disgraceful year in the civic life of our nation will be over. Here's hoping that we all — particularly special counsel Robert S. Mueller III — have a better 2018.

Many of us began 2017 with the consoling thought that the Donald Trump presidency couldn't possibly be as bad as we feared. It turned out to be worse.

Did you ever think you would hear a president use the words "very fine people" to describe participants in a torch-lit rally organized by white supremacists, neo- Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan? Did you ever think you would hear a U.S. ambassador to the United Nations thuggishly threaten that she would be "taking names" of countries that did not vote on a General Assembly resolution the way she wanted? Did you ever think the government of the world's biggest military and economic power would reject not just science but also empiricism itself, preferring to use made-up "alternative facts" as the basis for major decisions?

We knew that Trump was narcissistic and shallow, but on Inauguration Day it was possible to at least hope he was self-aware enough to understand the weight that now rested on his shoulders, and perhaps grow into the job. He did not. If anything, he has gotten worse.

Here are the reasons why:

Opinion | Trump’s first year was even worse than feared

Your butt hurt whining is funny bro.

and your ass breath hypocrisy is sad ..

in typical RW fashion $1.5 TRILLION DOLLARS got added on the deficit while Trumpdrones wiped off their chin with a big grin thanking Goldilocks.

If Clinton had done that in 11 months every dipshit RW'r would be shittin' bricks whining about how the country was doomed, and the end was near.

So let me get this was fine for Barry to add a Trillion dollars to the deficit each year he was in office while overseeing the worst recovery from a recession in modern US history...but it's not fine for Trump to "possibly" add a trillion and a half over the next ten years as projected while giving the US taxpayers one of the biggest tax cuts in modern US history?

What are you going to complain about if the Trump tax cut creates a huge economic surge, Siete? Even a better question...why would anyone want another progressive in the Oval Office putting a stop to that? I'm waiting for Trump to start making cuts to the Federal Government. It's long overdue!

Siete will slit his own throat if America starts recovering from the Obama malaise.

Sad, isn't it?

He is not allowed to have sharp objects other than a spork.
Well, maybe if the Democrats had offered the electorate something better than Hillary Clinton, PC & Identity Politics, this wouldn't be an issue.

Did they offer the electorate something better than Donald Trump?
Clearly the answer is no.

Can you see that?

I know you have trouble with this kind of thing.

I was not asking a delusional weirdo who can't see reality and believes that Trump is acceptable. I was asking the passive aggressive guy who voted for Hillary. I wanted to see if he could answer the question honestly.

A majority of the country find trump acceptable
That isn’t evident in public opinion polls.
We now have an emotionally disturbed president that craves and even demands effusive praise when not deserved.
He’s a total head case.

"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss" -- The Who, Won't Get Fooled Again
Once again fat man is like no other president.
No other president would wake up in the morning and immediately start feuding with private citizens. He’s emotionally disturbed and approaching senility but jerks like u think this is normal.

What does it say about The Hag & Co. if they couldn't beat Trump?

Grit your teeth. Persevere. Just a few more days and this awful, rotten, no-good, ridiculous, rancorous, sordid, disgraceful year in the civic life of our nation will be over. Here's hoping that we all — particularly special counsel Robert S. Mueller III — have a better 2018.

Many of us began 2017 with the consoling thought that the Donald Trump presidency couldn't possibly be as bad as we feared. It turned out to be worse.

Did you ever think you would hear a president use the words "very fine people" to describe participants in a torch-lit rally organized by white supremacists, neo- Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan? Did you ever think you would hear a U.S. ambassador to the United Nations thuggishly threaten that she would be "taking names" of countries that did not vote on a General Assembly resolution the way she wanted? Did you ever think the government of the world's biggest military and economic power would reject not just science but also empiricism itself, preferring to use made-up "alternative facts" as the basis for major decisions?

We knew that Trump was narcissistic and shallow, but on Inauguration Day it was possible to at least hope he was self-aware enough to understand the weight that now rested on his shoulders, and perhaps grow into the job. He did not. If anything, he has gotten worse.

Here are the reasons why:

Opinion | Trump’s first year was even worse than feared

Your butt hurt whining is funny bro.

and your ass breath hypocrisy is sad ..

in typical RW fashion $1.5 TRILLION DOLLARS got added on the deficit while Trumpdrones wiped off their chin with a big grin thanking Goldilocks.

If Clinton had done that in 11 months every dipshit RW'r would be shittin' bricks whining about how the country was doomed, and the end was near.
Over ten years sooo much better than 10 trillion in eight like that loser obummer
Obama reduced the deficit significantly over his term, except for 2016 it crept up a bit. Deficit was large at start of his term because of the mortgage meltdown clusterfuck. You'll never see debt reduction until you eliminate annual deficit, and thanks to trumps tax plan, the deficit will grow more along with more cumulative debt.
When CBO says $1.5 trillion, they mean what will be added to the already increasing debt. 2017 will already have bigger deficit than 2016. Congrats to the fiscal conservatives.
2018 should be the year that the liberal enemies of the people finally lose it and launch their hoped for war. How long can they keep up the yelling without action? Maybe when they lose a few more seats in November they will see the writing on the wall and the only way they can see any possibility of power.

Why would Democrats lose seats this coming midterm election?
Tipsy Rat Lover thinks it’s “ morning in America,” the GOP and Trump have been a glorious success and republicans are energized to vote next November when the direct opposite is true.

Analysis | Democrats are surging in 2018 congressional polling

Those polls again?

How did that work out for you in the 2017 POTUS election darling?
Great exchange on Twitter by the has been actor deplorable JAmes Woods and a former member of the CIA Malcolm Nance.

He is a Muslim. He can deny it, his apologists in the media can refute it, and his enablers can promote a narrative that he is a Christian. It’s a pack of lies. Obama is a Muslim and that is where his allegiance lies. Always has. Always will.

Malcolm Nance:
‎As a guy who spent his entire career working with Muslim Intelligence agencies & Special Operations allies to kill Muslim terrorists & topple despots I say this with sincerity ... you’re an idiot#عيد ميلاد سعيد
Well, maybe if the Democrats had offered the electorate something better than Hillary Clinton, PC & Identity Politics, this wouldn't be an issue.

Did they offer the electorate something better than Donald Trump?
Clearly the answer is no.

Can you see that?

I know you have trouble with this kind of thing.

I was not asking a delusional weirdo who can't see reality and believes that Trump is acceptable. I was asking the passive aggressive guy who voted for Hillary. I wanted to see if he could answer the question honestly.

A majority of the country find trump acceptable

That is false. You are simpky a dishonest person.
2018 should be the year that the liberal enemies of the people finally lose it and launch their hoped for war. How long can they keep up the yelling without action? Maybe when they lose a few more seats in November they will see the writing on the wall and the only way they can see any possibility of power.

Why would Democrats lose seats this coming midterm election?
Tipsy Rat Lover thinks it’s “ morning in America,” the GOP and Trump have been a glorious success and republicans are energized to vote next November when the direct opposite is true.

Analysis | Democrats are surging in 2018 congressional polling

Those polls again?

How did that work out for you in the 2017 POTUS election darling?
Deplorable logic: since the polls were wrong once, from that day forward and for ever and ever they’ll always be wrong.
2018 should be the year that the liberal enemies of the people finally lose it and launch their hoped for war. How long can they keep up the yelling without action? Maybe when they lose a few more seats in November they will see the writing on the wall and the only way they can see any possibility of power.

Why would Democrats lose seats this coming midterm election?
Tipsy Rat Lover thinks it’s “ morning in America,” the GOP and Trump have been a glorious success and republicans are energized to vote next November when the direct opposite is true.

Analysis | Democrats are surging in 2018 congressional polling

Those polls again?

How did that work out for you in the 2017 POTUS election darling?
Deplorable logic: since the polls were wrong once, from that day forward and for ever and ever they’ll always be wrong.

Do you miss The Hag?

We now have an emotionally disturbed president that craves and even demands effusive praise when not deserved.
He’s a total head case.

"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss" -- The Who, Won't Get Fooled Again
Once again fat man is like no other president.
No other president would wake up in the morning and immediately start feuding with private citizens. He’s emotionally disturbed and approaching senility but jerks like u think this is normal.

What does it say about The Hag & Co. if they couldn't beat Trump?

View attachment 167987
When you can’t debate or defend the mentally unfit president.... run to Hillary.
You idiots are a hoot.
Grit your teeth. Persevere. Just a few more days and this awful, rotten, no-good, ridiculous, rancorous, sordid, disgraceful year in the civic life of our nation will be over. Here's hoping that we all — particularly special counsel Robert S. Mueller III — have a better 2018.

Many of us began 2017 with the consoling thought that the Donald Trump presidency couldn't possibly be as bad as we feared. It turned out to be worse.

Did you ever think you would hear a president use the words "very fine people" to describe participants in a torch-lit rally organized by white supremacists, neo- Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan? Did you ever think you would hear a U.S. ambassador to the United Nations thuggishly threaten that she would be "taking names" of countries that did not vote on a General Assembly resolution the way she wanted? Did you ever think the government of the world's biggest military and economic power would reject not just science but also empiricism itself, preferring to use made-up "alternative facts" as the basis for major decisions?

We knew that Trump was narcissistic and shallow, but on Inauguration Day it was possible to at least hope he was self-aware enough to understand the weight that now rested on his shoulders, and perhaps grow into the job. He did not. If anything, he has gotten worse.

Here are the reasons why:

Opinion | Trump’s first year was even worse than feared
Yes and No, Reasonable
1. Re: racist hate groups
As many ppl blamed Obama for exploiting the anti cop BLM hype as ppl blame Trump for inciting white supremacists whose opposition to anti black thugs also went too far. Those are both bad extremes, so if you are going to fault one side of the equation, at least be fair and recognize the equal nightmare that people faced when Obama played the race card.

2. With the bad side of Trump deregulating govt without first ensuring environmental protections that don't depend on govt , the elitist liberal politicians exploited and contorted the green movement FIRST for their own political gain. You can ask the real green activists about how the left sold them out for politics. Obama opened the door for real green reforms but Clinton brought back the same political BS and backlash by shutting out Sanders and the real progressive Green Democrats for political control. So they sold out and destroyed the credibility of the real solutions that actually unite conservatives and progressives on sustainable ownership and stewardship of natural resources.

Don't blame trump unless you also blame Gore Clinton and anyone else on the left for equally politicizing and corrupting the real green message and solutions for sustainable environment and jobs/education in restoration work.

3. The real push for solutions and reforms from right and left focus on WORKERS . So that's where Trump has greater chance and focus on uniting ppl ACROSS party lines where Obama and Clinton alienated half the country.

Reasonable if you want to keep rallying for racist divisions to outshout Trump, you are only hurting the people of this nation who must fight to unite. Trump doesn't help when he tweets and trolls to incite ppl either. If you want to keep falling for that bait, you and Trump and others who enjoy tormenting and trolling each other can continue your turf wars, to bark louder than the wolves of other packs until the bigger bully wins.

But in the end we still need to unite on sustainable solutions that work for the taxpaying citizens and end exploitation of unfair trade and enslaved workers as well as the environment. And no amount of yelling or trolling in the media is going to solve these problems .

We as Americans are going to have to solve our own problems together as working teams with common goals, despite our differences in focus, approach and philosophies. I reach out an Olive Branch to you, as both a Democrat/Green supporter and a Trump supporter of Constitutionalists on both left and right seeking unifying solutions to govt and economic reforms.

Reasonable I hope you will live up to your name and seek rational solutions by working with your fellow Americans and taxpaying workers instead of against ourselves. Please reconsider all options and please focus on areas we all agree need reforms we can all support instead of dividing. Thank you!
We now have an emotionally disturbed president that craves and even demands effusive praise when not deserved.
He’s a total head case.

"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss" -- The Who, Won't Get Fooled Again
Once again fat man is like no other president.
No other president would wake up in the morning and immediately start feuding with private citizens. He’s emotionally disturbed and approaching senility but jerks like u think this is normal.

LOL! and jerks like you only think such behavior is "normal" when the douche bag in the Oval Office has your preferred letter behind his/her name.

The only thing normal about American Presidents is that these days they're normally dishonest, narcissistic, egomaniacs regardless of which of the two crime families they hail from.
We now have an emotionally disturbed president that craves and even demands effusive praise when not deserved.
He’s a total head case.

"Meet the new boss, same as the old boss" -- The Who, Won't Get Fooled Again
Once again fat man is like no other president.
No other president would wake up in the morning and immediately start feuding with private citizens. He’s emotionally disturbed and approaching senility but jerks like u think this is normal.

What does it say about The Hag & Co. if they couldn't beat Trump?

View attachment 167987
When you can’t debate or defend the mentally unfit president.... run to Hillary.
You idiots are a hoot.

I just did dearie.

Trump is better than being stuck with the Hag.

Deal wid it.
Well, maybe if the Democrats had offered the electorate something better than Hillary Clinton, PC & Identity Politics, this wouldn't be an issue.

Did they offer the electorate something better than Donald Trump?
Clearly the answer is no.

Can you see that?

I know you have trouble with this kind of thing.

I was not asking a delusional weirdo who can't see reality and believes that Trump is acceptable. I was asking the passive aggressive guy who voted for Hillary. I wanted to see if he could answer the question honestly.

A majority of the country find trump acceptable
That isn’t evident in public opinion polls.

facts make a difference to RW derps how ?
Not one member of the cult can defend the indefensible.

Did you ever think you would hear a president use the words "very fine people" to describe participants in a torch-lit rally organized by white supremacists, neo- Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan? Did you ever think you would hear a U.S. ambassador to the United Nations thuggishly threaten that she would be "taking names" of countries that did not vote on a General Assembly resolution the way she wanted? Did you ever think the government of the world's biggest military and economic power would reject not just science but also empiricism itself, preferring to use made-up "alternative facts" as the basis for major decisions?
View attachment 167982
“To understand how deviant the Trump administration is, consider this: Since its founding, the nation has treasured civilian control of the military as a restraint on adventurism. Now we must rely on three generals — Trump's chief of staff, his national security adviser and his secretary of defense — to keep this rash and erratic president from careering off the rails.”

Only president that has need multiple babysitters to keep him from starting WWIII or ruining the country more than he has already.

Trump has all but ceded his role as Commander-in-Chief to his generals. We know this because of the botched mission in Niger where four American Marines were killed and Trump acted like he didn't know about the mission at all. We found out about it in the press. Something that a Commander-in-Chief should know first. Either Trump ordered that mission and didn't know the consequences (in which case, he wasn't listening to his generals) or he didn't order the mission (in which case, he's not Commander-in-Chief).

The four dead Marines in Niger deserve no less than 7 different investigations to find out what the hell happened.
Either that are you don't know what you are talking about and have lunched on your spoon fed media pablum yet again!

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