Trump’s Former WH Lawyer “Trump in Serious Legal Water”

Legal water? Serious legal water? Water boarding? Desperate times call for serious H2O rhetoric.
Are you so mental that you think they can make a case that he supplied weapons to the protesters so they could take over the country? REALLY? Save yourself some embarrassment and read a bit:

The Cliff's Notes read like this: You have to actually make war against America OR you have to supply material or weapons, IOW an overt act of helping others MAKE WAR AGAINST AMERICA.

If you think your guy can make THAT case then, God bless ya...
Toto is mentally ill.
I totally agree. Just look at the money he fleeced from his supporters from the Save America Pac. He stole $250 million dollars. Bannon is going to jail for the same type of grift over build the wall. WTF is DOJ waiting for? Too many obvious crimes where Trump has no defense. :spinner: :spinner: :spinner:

Do what you say, and say what you should do. It ain't rocket science.
I think that still, after all this time, we still don't have a full grasp of how deep the misguided rage and paranoia were that opened the door for him. I still contend that it began the day Limbaugh went national, increased with time, grew massively when his copycats appeared, grew exponentially with Fox, and then exploded with the internet.

It runs deeper in these people than their supposed religion. So getting them to admit what this is, is far more difficult than getting them to admit they've just been conned. Look at the rage we see every day here on USMB from them. There are at least 40 or 50 million Americans walking around right now with this degree of rage in them.

This isn't political. It's sociological. Cultural, anthropological. And we have to address it.
I think that still, after all this time, we still don't have a full grasp of how deep the misguided rage and paranoia were that opened the door for him. I still contend that it began the day Limbaugh went national, increased with time, grew massively when his copycats appeared, grew exponentially with Fox, and then exploded with the internet.

It runs deeper in these people than their supposed religion. So getting them to admit what this is, is far more difficult than getting them to admit they've just been conned. Look at the rage we see every day here on USMB from them. There are at least 40 or 50 million Americans walking around right now with this degree of rage in them.

This isn't political. It's sociological. Cultural, anthropological. And we have to address it.
my anger with the demafasict began when you al started a civil war to keep slaves, then grew when you all created the klan to oppress free men and keep power…then the lynching, jim crow, then you all nationalized your oppression with lbj, and it still continues to do with racist like joey “racial jungle” xiden
my anger with the demafasict began when you al started a civil war to keep slaves, then grew when you all created the klan to oppress free men and keep power…then the lynching, jim crow, then you all nationalized your oppression with lbj, and it still continues to do with racist like joey “racial jungle” xiden

You've been angry for over 150 years?
The Cliff's Notes read like this: You have to actually make war against America OR you have to supply material or weapons, IOW an overt act of helping others MAKE WAR AGAINST AMERICA.

If you think your guy can make THAT case then, God bless ya...
The January 6th Committee has already perfectly made rhat case.

The evidence is in the hands of DOJ niw.

Indictments coming after thus Tuesday.
Like when he and Putin conspired to steal the 2016 election?

Whatever happened to that case?
Robert Mueller's investigation determined that even though the Trump campaign welcomed Moscow's interference in Trump's favor and lied a lot about having no contact with Russia at the exact same time Russia was influencing our election, there wasn't enough proof of an actual conspiracy.

But what does that have to do with this?
The January 6th Committee has already perfectly made rhat case.

The evidence is in the hands of DOJ niw.

Indictments coming after thus Tuesday.
If they’re planning to indict Trump, it’ll be interesting to see if they try to do it before he announces. It wouldn’t make any difference legally, but I wonder if they would want to for the optics.
The left media and their sheep.......

Response to concerns of the day...

40 plus year inflation: "TRUUUMMMPP!!!"
Gas Prices: "TRUUUMMMPP!!!"
Soaring food prices and shortages: "TRUUUMMMPP!!!"
Soaring/Record crime in 17 Democrat ran cities: "TRUUUMMMPP!!!"
The pitiful state of child education testing/record lows: "TRUUUMMMPP!!!"
Southern States overran by illegal aliens: "TRUUUMMMPP!!!"

I'll make this easy... everything else that matters:
Not because of the documents but because of his attempt to overturn the election.

As for Trump's legal future, Cobb said he does not believe the documents investigation is the biggest threat.​

"I think the president is in serious legal water, not so much because of the search, but because of the obstructive activity he took in connection with the Jan. 6 proceeding," Cobb said. "I think that and the attempts to interfere in the election count in Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania and perhaps Michigan. That was the first time in American history that a president unconstitutionally attempted to remain in power illegally."​

Cobb says he thinks the possibility of an indictment against Trump is "very high."​

In response to a question about Trump's attempts to deny the outcome of the 2020 election and overturn the results, Cobb, based on his extensive working relationship with Trump, said, "I believe former President Trump to be a deeply wounded narcissist, and he is often incapable of acting other than in his perceived self-interest or for revenge," Cobb said. "I think those are the two compelling instincts that guide his actions."​

Cobb also thinks that Trump's actions around the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol could lead him to be barred from running for the presidency again.​

"There is a simple way to disqualify President Trump," Cobb said. "He clearly violated the 14th Amendment of the Constitution's Article III when he gave aid and comfort and three hours of inaction with regard to what was happening on the grounds of the Capitol. That clearly gave aid and comfort to the insurrectionists."​

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