Trump’s ‘Global Statesman’ Act


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
“Donald Trump's global statesman act lasted all of 12 hours back in the United States.

Hours after getting home from a trip to Europe and the Middle East, the President unleashed a Twitter blast that felt like a pent-up release of fury that had been simmering over the nine days of his debut foreign tour.
The swirling speculation and conjecture about Russia appeared to quickly squelch any hope the administration may have had of pivoting from a foreign trip the White House viewed as successful to alleviate the political pressures Trump is facing at home.

With the Republican Senate facing a treacherous effort to refashion the House health care bill and little progress made so far on the next-big ticket item, tax reform, the chances of a major legislative triumph for Trump by mid-summer seem slim at best at the moment.
The President has constantly undermined his own staff with his unexpected interventions. In return, the warring West Wing team, beset by factions and infighting, has rewarded him with a constant stream of unflattering leaks and speculation.”

Trump hasn't changed. Neither has Washington -

Trump has only himself to blame, the consequence of his lack of experience, his incompetence, and the fact that he is temperamentally unfit to be president.
It was an excellent trip. He rebuilt relationships destroyed by the Obama administration, worked out some great economics, and put Obama's globalist cohorts in their place.

C'est magnifique! :laugh:
It was an excellent trip. He rebuilt relationships destroyed by the Obama administration, worked out some great economics, and put Obama's globalist cohorts in their place.

C'est magnifique! :laugh:
There is no Oblama admin to destroy..Oblama is no longer president.
"Blame" for what-------he seems to me to have pulled it off well. What are you out to BLAME
him for?
He didn't offer a ride in the golf cart to other European leaders...

He did a nice sword dance with the SHAYKHS OF ARABY.........I wonder what they had for
supper--------in Saudi Arabia they eat camel on festive occasions. I wonder what lunch with
the pope was like. -----it is an idiosyncrasy with me------I always wonder what they had for lunch
"Blame" for what-------he seems to me to have pulled it off well. What are you out to BLAME
him for?
He didn't offer a ride in the golf cart to other European leaders...

He did a nice sword dance with the SHAYKHS OF ARABY.........I wonder what they had for
supper--------in Saudi Arabia they eat camel on festive occasions. I wonder what lunch with
the pope was like. -----it is an idiosyncrasy with me------I always wonder what they had for lunch
I bet they didn't have BLT's.
"Blame" for what-------he seems to me to have pulled it off well. What are you out to BLAME
him for?
He didn't offer a ride in the golf cart to other European leaders...

He did a nice sword dance with the SHAYKHS OF ARABY.........I wonder what they had for
supper--------in Saudi Arabia they eat camel on festive occasions. I wonder what lunch with
the pope was like. -----it is an idiosyncrasy with me------I always wonder what they had for lunch
I bet they didn't have BLT's.

no wonder they are irritable
“Donald Trump's global statesman act lasted all of 12 hours back in the United States.

Hours after getting home from a trip to Europe and the Middle East, the President unleashed a Twitter blast that felt like a pent-up release of fury that had been simmering over the nine days of his debut foreign tour.
The swirling speculation and conjecture about Russia appeared to quickly squelch any hope the administration may have had of pivoting from a foreign trip the White House viewed as successful to alleviate the political pressures Trump is facing at home.

With the Republican Senate facing a treacherous effort to refashion the House health care bill and little progress made so far on the next-big ticket item, tax reform, the chances of a major legislative triumph for Trump by mid-summer seem slim at best at the moment.
The President has constantly undermined his own staff with his unexpected interventions. In return, the warring West Wing team, beset by factions and infighting, has rewarded him with a constant stream of unflattering leaks and speculation.”

Trump hasn't changed. Neither has Washington -

Trump has only himself to blame, the consequence of his lack of experience, his incompetence, and the fact that he is temperamentally unfit to be president.

Ohh..."swirling speculation and conjecture about Russia". In other words, non-stop left wing media hysteria about Russia.
"Blame" for what-------he seems to me to have pulled it off well. What are you out to BLAME
him for?

He "pulled it off" largely by keeping his "mouth shut" (didn't tweet). Silence isn't exactly a characteristic of a great statesman and it's certainly not what is expected of a POTUS. Be that as it may, Trump has over the past two years established himself as ill informed and incompetent. Once a fool opens his mouth and removes all doubt of his extant idiocy, merely being quiescent isn't going to alter things.
"Blame" for what-------he seems to me to have pulled it off well. What are you out to BLAME
him for?

He "pulled it off" largely by keeping his "mouth shut" (didn't tweet). That's not exactly a characteristic of a great statesman and it's certainly not what is expected of a POTUS. Be that as it may, Trump has over the past two years established himself as ill informed and incompetent. Once a fool opens his mouth and removes all doubt of his extant idiocy, merely being quiescent isn't going to alter things.

oh a POTUS is expected to TWEET? ------------his decision NOT TO TWEET-----was wise----
I was delighted. All things considered----the trip went well
"Blame" for what-------he seems to me to have pulled it off well. What are you out to BLAME
him for?
He didn't offer a ride in the golf cart to other European leaders...

They have to pay their fair share.

good point. I wonder if Trump left a tip on the table when he had lunch with the Pope

I imagine Francis picked up the check, wouldn't you?

I could conjure up a mental image of a general fumble. ----Ivanka probably had to NUDGE
at Jared ------desperately indicating that HE should take it whilst the Pope and Donald
pretended to engage in serious small talk. Finally Jared gets the idea and absent mindedly
sticks it in the sugar bowl
"Blame" for what-------he seems to me to have pulled it off well. What are you out to BLAME
him for?

He "pulled it off" largely by keeping his "mouth shut" (didn't tweet). That's not exactly a characteristic of a great statesman and it's certainly not what is expected of a POTUS. Be that as it may, Trump has over the past two years established himself as ill informed and incompetent. Once a fool opens his mouth and removes all doubt of his extant idiocy, merely being quiescent isn't going to alter things.

oh a POTUS is expected to TWEET? ------------his decision NOT TO TWEET-----was wise----
I was delighted. All things considered----the trip went well
oh a POTUS is expected to TWEET?

Not necessarily. I have no idea what silly game you are trying to play by asking that question in response to my comment (see below), but I am certain it is a puerile one.

He "pulled it off" largely by keeping his "mouth shut" (didn't tweet). Silence isn't exactly a characteristic of a great statesman and it's certainly not what is expected of a POTUS. Be that as it may, Trump has over the past two years established himself as ill informed and incompetent. Once a fool opens his mouth and removes all doubt of his extant idiocy, merely being quiescent isn't going to alter things.

A POTUS is expected communicate. Tweeting is just one way of doing that, and I don't have a problem with Trump tweeting; the problem is what he says in his tweets, not that he tweets. I have a problem with his being a man who mostly has only inane, ill informed, and/or ill formed ideas, and I have a problem, with regard to those ideas, his being too indolent and arrogant to (1) think rigorously and soundly before sharing his ideas, (2) confirm, prior to airing them publicly, the nature and extent of the sagacity, validity and veracity of his propositions and attestations, and (3) tweeting them. Were #1 and #2 not so, in general or with regard to any given idea/comment, I wouldn't have a problem with #3. Were Trump to tweet things that are substantive, accurate and important, I'd have nothing to say about his tweeting.
"Blame" for what-------he seems to me to have pulled it off well. What are you out to BLAME
him for?
He didn't offer a ride in the golf cart to other European leaders...

They have to pay their fair share.

good point. I wonder if Trump left a tip on the table when he had lunch with the Pope

I imagine Francis picked up the check, wouldn't you?

I could conjure up a mental image of a general fumble. ----Ivanka probably had to NUDGE
at Jared ------desperately indicating that HE should take it whilst the Pope and Donald
pretended to engage in serious small talk. Finally Jared gets the idea and absent mindedly
sticks it in the sugar bowl

Generally the host takes care of his guests. I'm sure Francis was most hospitable.

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