Trump's Greatest Victory: The Death of PC and the Rebirth of Free Speach

Being an asshole is your idea of free speech.

I can be a asshole too as I attack your goddamn pedo priest!

What do you want out of the Federal government, specifically, what do you consider the role of the Fed in your life?
FBI is useful.
State dept?
Interstate highways?
The best post office in the world
I think there's a list of hundreds if you know how to google
Being an asshole is your idea of free speech.

I can be a asshole too as I attack your goddamn pedo priest!

What do you want out of the Federal government, specifically, what do you consider the role of the Fed in your life?
FBI is useful.
State dept?
Interstate highways?
The best post office in the world
I think there's a list of hundreds if you know how to google
Who cares. We can be grateful that in Trump's America, DC's NFL team's name is a non-issue and the idiotic and monolithic doctrine of PC is in full retreat.

I can't help but feel the title of this thread articulates what it's about, but I realize I am impelled to write something further. Even if the left's pipe dream comes true and he is impeached, he will be a man for the ages.

You can’t be serious.

Trump’s hostility to free speech and his contempt for a free press is infamous; his unwarranted attacks of journalists and news organizations is proof of that.

Thankfully First Amendment jurisprudence affords citizens the means by which to defend freedom of speech and the press from attacks by Trump:

‘The Near and Pentagon Papers cases solidified the United States' uniquely strong constitutional tradition against prior restraints of the press. Thanks to these cases, any president who tries to censor the press prior to publication will face a formidable First Amendment hurdle.
First Amendment attorney Floyd Abrams, who represented the New York Times in the Pentagon Papers case, told me that the protections this case provided might be especially important during the Trump administration.

"We cannot predict today which publication will so inflame the [Trump] that he would seek to block publication of news, if he could," Abrams said. "But we can expect that that day will occur. When it does, the Pentagon Papers case will stand as a powerful barrier against any effort to suppress publication."

How the Pentagon Papers changed the "information leak" game (opinion) - CNN
one way biasing is dying before our very eyes. they all don't know what to do. even the itiots who have no stake in the game whining about it. free press, blah, blah, blah. I fking love it. dude, you are toast. your one way press is dead. deal with it. stop your whining and start reporting the fking news correctly. 60 years and in twelve months trump has dismantled them.
The Regressive Left's PC/Identity Politics religion isn't going anywhere, it's too entrenched.

It took generations to plant it this deeply into our culture, and it could take that long to eradicate it.

It can be mitigated, but that's most likely the best possible outcome. Look at our colleges.
it's dying.......
I can't help but feel the title of this thread articulates what it's about, but I realize I am impelled to write something further. Even if the left's pipe dream comes true and he is impeached, he will be a man for the ages.
As for your ‘death of PC’ nonsense, conservatives have always been at liberty to express their ignorance, bigotry, racism, and hate long before the advent of the bigot Trump – absent the myth of ‘political correctness.’

Hate speech is entitled to Constitutional protections, consequently you and others on the right may express your racism and hate with impunity.

And liberals will always defend the right of conservatives to express their bigotry, racism, and hatred, consistent with the First Amendment.
dude, that ideology is dead.
I can't help but feel the title of this thread articulates what it's about, but I realize I am impelled to write something further. Even if the left's pipe dream comes true and he is impeached, he will be a man for the ages.
It is un-PC to criticize Trump.

I don't have time to be politically correct.
I can't help but feel the title of this thread articulates what it's about, but I realize I am impelled to write something further. Even if the left's pipe dream comes true and he is impeached, he will be a man for the ages.
It is un-PC to criticize Trump.

I don't have time to be politically correct.
it just doesn't have any value.
Facts back out in front of feelings and thank the Lord and thank you Trump from saving us from the PC nitwits

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