Trump's Greatest Victory: The Death of PC and the Rebirth of Free Speach

I can't help but feel the title of this thread articulates what it's about, but I realize I am impelled to write something further. Even if the left's pipe dream comes true and he is impeached, he will be a man for the ages.

Their dream will not come true. Trump is also restoring the belief in evidence and due process over witch trials.
Being an asshole is your idea of free speech.

I can be a asshole too as I attack your goddamn pedo priest!
Trust me, you are an asshole.

The liberal idea of PC is that everyone else should be silent while they take a shit over everyone else's heads.
Evidence? Like Obama wired tapped Trump Tower? Which of course has proven to be FALSE and just another hallucination of a mad man.

Evidence wins, great news!

Soon: Back to two sexes as well. Great again.
PC is far from dead... unfortunately
Trump has been the biggest threat against the 1st amendment we’ve had of any president.

Why, because he called the fake news out on their lies and twisted half truths?
Fake news to the scumbag prez and you is anything trump says and does that you don’t like.
1600 lies in less than a year and all traitors like you can do is scream fake news.

We are going to give you a beating again in 2018 and 2020, you really should try to heal up before the pain begins again.
The Regressive Left's PC/Identity Politics religion isn't going anywhere, it's too entrenched.

It took generations to plant it this deeply into our culture, and it could take that long to eradicate it.

It can be mitigated, but that's most likely the best possible outcome. Look at our colleges.
I can't help but feel the title of this thread articulates what it's about, but I realize I am impelled to write something further. Even if the left's pipe dream comes true and he is impeached, he will be a man for the ages.

You can’t be serious.

Trump’s hostility to free speech and his contempt for a free press is infamous; his unwarranted attacks of journalists and news organizations is proof of that.

Thankfully First Amendment jurisprudence affords citizens the means by which to defend freedom of speech and the press from attacks by Trump:

‘The Near and Pentagon Papers cases solidified the United States' uniquely strong constitutional tradition against prior restraints of the press. Thanks to these cases, any president who tries to censor the press prior to publication will face a formidable First Amendment hurdle.
First Amendment attorney Floyd Abrams, who represented the New York Times in the Pentagon Papers case, told me that the protections this case provided might be especially important during the Trump administration.

"We cannot predict today which publication will so inflame the [Trump] that he would seek to block publication of news, if he could," Abrams said. "But we can expect that that day will occur. When it does, the Pentagon Papers case will stand as a powerful barrier against any effort to suppress publication."

How the Pentagon Papers changed the "information leak" game (opinion) - CNN
Serioulsy, you're comparing the Pentagon papers with the free speech of American citizens. We, as citizens of a country which allows use to speak freely, can do so once again disregarding the monolithic doctrine of political correctness? The Pentagon papers FFS?!
I can't help but feel the title of this thread articulates what it's about, but I realize I am impelled to write something further. Even if the left's pipe dream comes true and he is impeached, he will be a man for the ages.

You can’t be serious.

Trump’s hostility to free speech and his contempt for a free press is infamous; his unwarranted attacks of journalists and news organizations is proof of that.

Thankfully First Amendment jurisprudence affords citizens the means by which to defend freedom of speech and the press from attacks by Trump:

‘The Near and Pentagon Papers cases solidified the United States' uniquely strong constitutional tradition against prior restraints of the press. Thanks to these cases, any president who tries to censor the press prior to publication will face a formidable First Amendment hurdle.
First Amendment attorney Floyd Abrams, who represented the New York Times in the Pentagon Papers case, told me that the protections this case provided might be especially important during the Trump administration.

"We cannot predict today which publication will so inflame the [Trump] that he would seek to block publication of news, if he could," Abrams said. "But we can expect that that day will occur. When it does, the Pentagon Papers case will stand as a powerful barrier against any effort to suppress publication."

How the Pentagon Papers changed the "information leak" game (opinion) - CNN
Serioulsy, you're comparing the Pentagon papers with the free speech of American citizens. We, as citizens of a country which allows use to speak freely, can do so once again disregarding the monolithic doctrine of political correctness? The Pentagon papers FFS?!
You're trying to communicate with a person who has repeatedly denied the very existence of PC.

You may as well be trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenager on the streets of Damascus.
PC is far from dead... unfortunately


No, not dead, but Trump is doing his part to kick it in the ass.

Drain the Swamp.
Build the Wall.
Investigate the Corrupt Deep State Obamites and Clintons--Uranium One, Fusion GPS, Missing Clinton Government E-Mails
Indict Leaker Comey
I can't help but feel the title of this thread articulates what it's about, but I realize I am impelled to write something further. Even if the left's pipe dream comes true and he is impeached, he will be a man for the ages.
As for your ‘death of PC’ nonsense, conservatives have always been at liberty to express their ignorance, bigotry, racism, and hate long before the advent of the bigot Trump – absent the myth of ‘political correctness.’

Hate speech is entitled to Constitutional protections, consequently you and others on the right may express your racism and hate with impunity.

And liberals will always defend the right of conservatives to express their bigotry, racism, and hatred, consistent with the First Amendment.
I can't help but feel the title of this thread articulates what it's about, but I realize I am impelled to write something further. Even if the left's pipe dream comes true and he is impeached, he will be a man for the ages.
As for your ‘death of PC’ nonsense, conservatives have always been at liberty to express their ignorance, bigotry, racism, and hate long before the advent of the bigot Trump – absent the myth of ‘political correctness.’

Hate speech is entitled to Constitutional protections, consequently you and others on the right may express your racism and hate with impunity.

And liberals will always defend the right of conservatives to express their bigotry, racism, and hatred, consistent with the First Amendment.
The point is you've lost. Give it up. PC is pretty much dead and now ridiculed, as it should be. Monolithic doctrine and suppression of speech do not last long in enlightened societies. Trump's victory proof of that.
I can't help but feel the title of this thread articulates what it's about, but I realize I am impelled to write something further. Even if the left's pipe dream comes true and he is impeached, he will be a man for the ages.
As for your ‘death of PC’ nonsense, conservatives have always been at liberty to express their ignorance, bigotry, racism, and hate long before the advent of the bigot Trump – absent the myth of ‘political correctness.’

Hate speech is entitled to Constitutional protections, consequently you and others on the right may express your racism and hate with impunity.

And liberals will always defend the right of conservatives to express their bigotry, racism, and hatred, consistent with the First Amendment.
The point is you've lost. Give it up. PC is pretty much dead and now ridiculed, as it should be. Monolithic doctrine and suppression of speech do not last long in enlightened societies. Trump's victory proof of that.

Remember when that kid mocked CNN as fake news and they sent their legal attack dogs after him, the net blew up with videos mocking CNN and they backed down, folded like a cheap lawn chair. Go ahead liberals fuck with us some more you will get a beating.
I can't help but feel the title of this thread articulates what it's about, but I realize I am impelled to write something further. Even if the left's pipe dream comes true and he is impeached, he will be a man for the ages.

You mean his record breaking rapes of wives and lies?
President Trump’s Lies, the Definitive List
Now his fake Time man of the year covers in his office.
And this year he turned them down?
Time - "we never spoke to him"
Pathological liar comes to mind
I can't help but feel the title of this thread articulates what it's about, but I realize I am impelled to write something further. Even if the left's pipe dream comes true and he is impeached, he will be a man for the ages.

LOL- and by 'rebirth of free speech'- you mean a President who tweets whatever crap he wants to?

Give me some examples of this 'death of pc' and 'rebirth of free speech' that is something other than Trump trying to bully basketball players for not thanking him enough.
I can't help but feel the title of this thread articulates what it's about, but I realize I am impelled to write something further. Even if the left's pipe dream comes true and he is impeached, he will be a man for the ages.
As for your ‘death of PC’ nonsense, conservatives have always been at liberty to express their ignorance, bigotry, racism, and hate long before the advent of the bigot Trump – absent the myth of ‘political correctness.’

Hate speech is entitled to Constitutional protections, consequently you and others on the right may express your racism and hate with impunity.

And liberals will always defend the right of conservatives to express their bigotry, racism, and hatred, consistent with the First Amendment.
The point is you've lost. Give it up. PC is pretty much dead and now ridiculed, as it should be. Monolithic doctrine and suppression of speech do not last long in enlightened societies. Trump's victory proof of that.

Remember when that kid mocked CNN as fake news and they sent their legal attack dogs after him, the net blew up with videos mocking CNN and they backed down, folded like a cheap lawn chair. Go ahead liberals fuck with us some more you will get a beating.

Nice foul mouth.
Typical white high school Ed boy, part of the sex starved C grabber cult
I can't help but feel the title of this thread articulates what it's about, but I realize I am impelled to write something further. Even if the left's pipe dream comes true and he is impeached, he will be a man for the ages.
As for your ‘death of PC’ nonsense, conservatives have always been at liberty to express their ignorance, bigotry, racism, and hate long before the advent of the bigot Trump – absent the myth of ‘political correctness.’

Hate speech is entitled to Constitutional protections, consequently you and others on the right may express your racism and hate with impunity.

And liberals will always defend the right of conservatives to express their bigotry, racism, and hatred, consistent with the First Amendment.
The point is you've lost. Give it up. PC is pretty much dead and now ridiculed, as it should be. Monolithic doctrine and suppression of speech do not last long in enlightened societies. Trump's victory proof of that.

Remember when that kid mocked CNN as fake news and they sent their legal attack dogs after him, the net blew up with videos mocking CNN and they backed down, folded like a cheap lawn chair. Go ahead liberals fuck with us some more you will get a beating.
Ah, to be pussy-whipped and to be whipped again. Liberals are in a death spiral worse than Obamacare or what Reagan did to them in the 80s. PC is done, over, finished.
I can't help but feel the title of this thread articulates what it's about, but I realize I am impelled to write something further. Even if the left's pipe dream comes true and he is impeached, he will be a man for the ages.

LOL- and by 'rebirth of free speech'- you mean a President who tweets whatever crap he wants to?

Give me some examples of this 'death of pc' and 'rebirth of free speech' that is something other than Trump trying to bully basketball players for not thanking him enough.
Oh be quiet, the C grabber cult just regurgitates knees news
I can't help but feel the title of this thread articulates what it's about, but I realize I am impelled to write something further. Even if the left's pipe dream comes true and he is impeached, he will be a man for the ages.
As for your ‘death of PC’ nonsense, conservatives have always been at liberty to express their ignorance, bigotry, racism, and hate long before the advent of the bigot Trump – absent the myth of ‘political correctness.’

Hate speech is entitled to Constitutional protections, consequently you and others on the right may express your racism and hate with impunity.

And liberals will always defend the right of conservatives to express their bigotry, racism, and hatred, consistent with the First Amendment.
The point is you've lost. Give it up. PC is pretty much dead and now ridiculed, as it should be. Monolithic doctrine and suppression of speech do not last long in enlightened societies. Trump's victory proof of that.

Remember when that kid mocked CNN as fake news and they sent their legal attack dogs after him, the net blew up with videos mocking CNN and they backed down, folded like a cheap lawn chair. Go ahead liberals fuck with us some more you will get a beating.

Nice foul mouth.
Typical white high school Ed boy, part of the sex starved C grabber cult

:itsok: these are difficult times for liberals...:muahaha:
We, as citizens of a country which allows use to speak freely, can do so once again disregarding the monolithic doctrine of political correctness?
You're trying to communicate with a person who has repeatedly denied the very existence of PC.
... the myth of ‘political correctness.’
I can't help but feel the title of this thread articulates what it's about, but I realize I am impelled to write something further. Even if the left's pipe dream comes true and he is impeached, he will be a man for the ages.
As for your ‘death of PC’ nonsense, conservatives have always been at liberty to express their ignorance, bigotry, racism, and hate long before the advent of the bigot Trump – absent the myth of ‘political correctness.’

Hate speech is entitled to Constitutional protections, consequently you and others on the right may express your racism and hate with impunity.

And liberals will always defend the right of conservatives to express their bigotry, racism, and hatred, consistent with the First Amendment.
The point is you've lost. Give it up. PC is pretty much dead and now ridiculed, as it should be. Monolithic doctrine and suppression of speech do not last long in enlightened societies. Trump's victory proof of that.

Remember when that kid mocked CNN as fake news and they sent their legal attack dogs after him, the net blew up with videos mocking CNN and they backed down, folded like a cheap lawn chair. Go ahead liberals fuck with us some more you will get a beating.
Ah, to be pussy-whipped and to be whipped again. Liberals are in a death spiral worse than Obamacare or what Reagan did to them in the 80s. PC is done, over, finished.

Meathead, aptly named.
I guess you didn't have my daughters brains to start a $150mm business.
And I presume your portfolio went up 10 x under O?
I can't help but feel the title of this thread articulates what it's about, but I realize I am impelled to write something further. Even if the left's pipe dream comes true and he is impeached, he will be a man for the ages.
As for your ‘death of PC’ nonsense, conservatives have always been at liberty to express their ignorance, bigotry, racism, and hate long before the advent of the bigot Trump – absent the myth of ‘political correctness.’

Hate speech is entitled to Constitutional protections, consequently you and others on the right may express your racism and hate with impunity.

And liberals will always defend the right of conservatives to express their bigotry, racism, and hatred, consistent with the First Amendment.
The point is you've lost. Give it up. PC is pretty much dead and now ridiculed, as it should be. Monolithic doctrine and suppression of speech do not last long in enlightened societies. Trump's victory proof of that.

Remember when that kid mocked CNN as fake news and they sent their legal attack dogs after him, the net blew up with videos mocking CNN and they backed down, folded like a cheap lawn chair. Go ahead liberals fuck with us some more you will get a beating.
Ah, to be pussy-whipped and to be whipped again. Liberals are in a death spiral worse than Obamacare or what Reagan did to them in the 80s. PC is done, over, finished.

Trump is badass, after he finished putting a proper beating on the GOP RINO's he demolished Dem's and their pals in the liberal media. Remember the entire Dem party and GOP establishment declaring Trump's campaign was finished after he dared attack illegals and refused to apologize, he tore them up.

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