Trumps hiring of Ivanka,his dtr, and SIL Kushner not only looks

nepotistic and nefarious and still is. Pam Bondi has the nerve to say Hunter Biden looked nefarious and nepotistic ,

but the republicans who had control of the house for 6 years and the senate since 2015 (4 years) and a Potus in their party for 2 years never brought it up.

and I wonder WHY Not?

Why because Joe Biden was not a political rival of tramp!!

:spinner: weeeeeeee TDS is so fun.....

lol ...second that! :D ^^^
She's an unpaid advisor, Goober.

soooooooooooooo...................... she got them thar patented gigs because of her CONnection to daddy. sound familiar? illegal? guess not, kinda conflicted? oh ya.

but neither was hunter biden's gig. sure he got it because of his name & his father's position. but one thing for sure is he wasn't in the white house everyday 'advising' pops, paid or unpaid - now was he?

gimmee a break.
she got them thar patented gigs

Is she the only one who ever got "patented gigs"?
Are "patented gigs" worth a lot of money? How much?
How is a Chinese patent "feeding at the government trough"?
Do you have proof she got any patents?
Do you even know what a patent means?

Is she the only one who ever got "patented gigs"?
never said she was the only one. but she's the prez's daughter & the name trump sure helped; & hunter was the VP's son, where that name sure helped.
no difference.

Are "patented gigs" worth a lot of money?
really? you don't know? How much? isn't that a ridiculous question?

How is a Chinese patent "feeding at the government trough"?

18 patents. 18. getting her cheap knock off crap because of her 'gov'ment' position & daddy's name branding.
Do you have proof she got any patents?
take yer pick:
ivanka 18 patents china - Google Search

Do you even know what a patent means?

noun: patent; plural noun: patents
a government authority or license conferring a right or title for a set period, especially the sole right to exclude others from making, using, or selling an invention.

Thanks for admitting your patent claim was wrong. Glad to help.

The new approvals cover Ivanka-branded fashion gear including sunglasses, handbags, shoes and jewelry, as well as beauty services and voting machines.

The approvals came three months after Ivanka Trump announced she was dissolving her namesake brand to focus on government work.

China also granted provisional approval for two “Trump” trademarks to DTTM Operations LLC, headquartered at Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue in New York. They cover branded restaurant, bar and hotel services, as well as clothing and shoes.

The marks will be finalized if there is no objection during a 90-day comment period.
This was in one of playtime's link, I guess you don't read well or you have a problem with comprehension.

This was in one of playtime's link,

How many patents did she get from China?
nepotistic and nefarious and still is. Pam Bondi has the nerve to say Hunter Biden looked nefarious and nepotistic ,

but the republicans who had control of the house for 6 years and the senate since 2015 (4 years) and a Potus in their party for 2 years never brought it up.

and I wonder WHY Not?

Why because Joe Biden was not a political rival of tramp!!

Well Bloody Hell... How about that JFK hiring HIS BROTHER as ATTORNEY fucking general huh?? THAT's a real postition of IMMENSE power...

You'll never understand the difference about PROFITING from crime thru nepotism and just plain nepotism.. ESPECIALLY LEVERAGING influence and money for family from FOREIGN powers..

So there's NO NEED for this thread..

These same deranged partisans thought that Trump building a ginormous fancy hotel next to the White House before he EVEN DECLARED for office ---- was an impeachable offense... :abgg2q.jpg:
nepotistic and nefarious and still is. Pam Bondi has the nerve to say Hunter Biden looked nefarious and nepotistic ,

but the republicans who had control of the house for 6 years and the senate since 2015 (4 years) and a Potus in their party for 2 years never brought it up.

and I wonder WHY Not?

Why because Joe Biden was not a political rival of tramp!!

Here's an idea. When this impeachment fails in a few days Nancy and Schiffty can impeach Trump for this. You guys can call it Impeachment Part Duex. This time its serious!
Dare I say Oscar!

Of course they will not impeach him in the senate, it is run by Moscow Mitch aka the grim reaper, for fear of retribution as he is a vindictive person (tramp). He will always be the 3rd impeached Potus and will never be exonerated.

Ladies and gentlemen, Penelope's mind has left the building. She is operating on pure hatred. Do not approach her with any sharp objects as she will likely end it all!
JFK hired his own quirky brother to cover his ass as Attorney General and nobody thought it was strange at the time.

but an anti nepotism law was passed after that because of the implications.

CRS Reports & AnalysisLegal SidebarThe Federal Anti-Nepotism Statute: Limits onAppointing, Hiring, and Promoting Relatives

The process of presidential transition has raised questions about who may be appointed to certain executive posts in theWhite House, an issue addressed under a federal law commonly known as the anti-nepotism statute. Nepotism is definedgenerally as the exercise of favoritism by a person in a position of authority towards that person’s relatives, particularlygiving them jobs. The federal anti-nepotism statute applies to all public officials (including the President and Membersof Congress) in all three branches of the federal government. Such officials are barred from appointing, hiring, orpromoting – or advocating for the appointment, hiring, or promotion of - a specific class of relatives to a civilianposition in the agency in which that official serves or over which the official exercises authority.


Congress passed the prohibition in 1967 to address long-standing criticisms of the practice of some federalofficials, particularly some Members of Congress as well as certain postal officials, placing relatives on the federalpayroll. Sometimes referred to as the “Bobby Kennedy law,” media reports often suggest that its passage was acongressional response to President John F. Kennedy’s appointment of his brother as Attorney General. Despite thiscommon perception and substantial criticism of congressional practices leading up to the passage of the law, theprovision’s sponsor indicated that the impetus was to address the practice of many local post-masters who put theirwives on the public payroll to clerk in small, local post offices. The legislative history clarified that the prohibitionwould apply broadly, stating that it would prohibit “all persons, including the President, Vice President, and Members ofCongress, having authority to make appointments of civilian officers or employees in the Federal service.

5 U.S. Code § 3110. Employment of relatives; restrictions
(a) For the purpose of this section—

agency” means—
an Executive agency;
an office, agency, or other establishment in the legislative branch;
an office, agency, or other establishment in the judicial branch; and
the government of the District of Columbia;
public official” means an officer (including the President and a Member of Congress), a member of the uniformed service, an employee and any other individual, in whom is vested the authority by law, rule, or regulation, or to whom the authority has been delegated, to appoint, employ, promote, or advance individuals, or to recommend individuals for appointment, employment, promotion, or advancement in connection with employment in an agency; and
relative” means, with respect to a public official, an individual who is related to the public official as father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, first cousin, nephew, niece, husband, wife, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, stepfather, stepmother, stepson, stepdaughter, stepbrother, stepsister, half brother, or half sister.
5 U.S. Code § 3110 - Employment of relatives; restrictions

Same with AG Barr,
Mary Daly, Barr's oldest daughter and the director of Opioid Enforcement and Prevention Efforts in the deputy attorney general's office, is leaving for a position at the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), the Treasury Department's financial crimes unit, a Justice official said.
Tyler McGaughey, the husband of Barr's youngest daughter, has been detailed from the powerful US attorney's office in Alexandria, Virginia, to the White House counsel's office, two officials said.
It's not clear if McGaughey's switch is a result of Barr's pending new role, and the kind of work he'll be handling at the White House is not public knowledge.
Daly's husband will remain in his position in the Justice Department's National Security Division for now.
The moves were by choice and are not required under federal nepotism laws, but Walter Shaub, the former director of the Office of Government Ethics, called them "a good idea" to "avoid the bad optics that could come from the appearance of them working for him."
However, Shaub added that McGaughey's detail to the White House counsel's office was "concerning."
"That's troubling because it raises further questions about Barr's independence," Shaub said.
Daughter and son-in-law of AG nominee leaving the Justice Department - CNNPolitics
JFK hired his own quirky brother to cover his ass as Attorney General and nobody thought it was strange at the time.

but an anti nepotism law was passed after that because of the implications.

CRS Reports & AnalysisLegal SidebarThe Federal Anti-Nepotism Statute: Limits onAppointing, Hiring, and Promoting Relatives

The process of presidential transition has raised questions about who may be appointed to certain executive posts in theWhite House, an issue addressed under a federal law commonly known as the anti-nepotism statute. Nepotism is definedgenerally as the exercise of favoritism by a person in a position of authority towards that person’s relatives, particularlygiving them jobs. The federal anti-nepotism statute applies to all public officials (including the President and Membersof Congress) in all three branches of the federal government. Such officials are barred from appointing, hiring, orpromoting – or advocating for the appointment, hiring, or promotion of - a specific class of relatives to a civilianposition in the agency in which that official serves or over which the official exercises authority.


Congress passed the prohibition in 1967 to address long-standing criticisms of the practice of some federalofficials, particularly some Members of Congress as well as certain postal officials, placing relatives on the federalpayroll. Sometimes referred to as the “Bobby Kennedy law,” media reports often suggest that its passage was acongressional response to President John F. Kennedy’s appointment of his brother as Attorney General. Despite thiscommon perception and substantial criticism of congressional practices leading up to the passage of the law, theprovision’s sponsor indicated that the impetus was to address the practice of many local post-masters who put theirwives on the public payroll to clerk in small, local post offices. The legislative history clarified that the prohibitionwould apply broadly, stating that it would prohibit “all persons, including the President, Vice President, and Members ofCongress, having authority to make appointments of civilian officers or employees in the Federal service.

5 U.S. Code § 3110. Employment of relatives; restrictions
(a) For the purpose of this section—

agency” means—
an Executive agency;
an office, agency, or other establishment in the legislative branch;
an office, agency, or other establishment in the judicial branch; and
the government of the District of Columbia;
public official” means an officer (including the President and a Member of Congress), a member of the uniformed service, an employee and any other individual, in whom is vested the authority by law, rule, or regulation, or to whom the authority has been delegated, to appoint, employ, promote, or advance individuals, or to recommend individuals for appointment, employment, promotion, or advancement in connection with employment in an agency; and
relative” means, with respect to a public official, an individual who is related to the public official as father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, first cousin, nephew, niece, husband, wife, father-in-law, mother-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, stepfather, stepmother, stepson, stepdaughter, stepbrother, stepsister, half brother, or half sister.
5 U.S. Code § 3110 - Employment of relatives; restrictions

Same with AG Barr,
Mary Daly, Barr's oldest daughter and the director of Opioid Enforcement and Prevention Efforts in the deputy attorney general's office, is leaving for a position at the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), the Treasury Department's financial crimes unit, a Justice official said.
Tyler McGaughey, the husband of Barr's youngest daughter, has been detailed from the powerful US attorney's office in Alexandria, Virginia, to the White House counsel's office, two officials said.
It's not clear if McGaughey's switch is a result of Barr's pending new role, and the kind of work he'll be handling at the White House is not public knowledge.
Daly's husband will remain in his position in the Justice Department's National Security Division for now.
The moves were by choice and are not required under federal nepotism laws, but Walter Shaub, the former director of the Office of Government Ethics, called them "a good idea" to "avoid the bad optics that could come from the appearance of them working for him."
However, Shaub added that McGaughey's detail to the White House counsel's office was "concerning."
"That's troubling because it raises further questions about Barr's independence," Shaub said.
Daughter and son-in-law of AG nominee leaving the Justice Department - CNNPolitics

Penelope, you are so stupid you don't even realize when you destroyed your own thread! Excellent work, dumbass!
why did you say otherwise then? cause you were wrong. & stupid.




otherwise what???

and wrong about what?? I didnt say anything,,,

you said the prosecution mentioned the bidens 400x? i watched the first 24 hrs of the house managers. they didn't mention them that many times. & since the video was pam bondi - & she's on the defense team not the prosecution... i thought you meant them. you weren't talking about his lawyers?

even if you weren't, you were wrong with the 400x part.

NO i WASNT wrong,,,

400x? sorry - i'm not buying it. i don't think it was anywhere close to that. like i said i watched it all, beginning to end.

if she lied about it i am sure the dems would be all over her for lying,,,
as for you,,I dont think you can tell me how manys times youve jacked off in the last 3 hrs,,,

'if she lied about it i am sure the dems would be all over her for lying,,,'

the DEFENSE team straight out lied about not allowing (R)s in the inquiry hearing & the DEFENSE team straight up lied when they said donny wasn't able to participate in the hearings either - so um, yaaaaaaaaaa............ chances are very good pam bondi lied.

thanx for confirming you thought trump's team was the 'prosecution'.

you stupid fuck.

' as for you,,I dont think you can tell me how manys times youve jacked off in the last 3 hrs,,, '

& you are completely outa CONtrol, snowflake. come back when you have anything intelligent to say - HA! who am i kidding, it's obvious that could never happen cause donny loves the poorly educated long time.

you must be lazy as fuck too, cause one simple click & you would have known i am female; so that 'jacking off' part of yer reply shows there's no sunlight in the deepest recess' in the basket you dwell.
nepotistic and nefarious and still is. Pam Bondi has the nerve to say Hunter Biden looked nefarious and nepotistic ,

but the republicans who had control of the house for 6 years and the senate since 2015 (4 years) and a Potus in their party for 2 years never brought it up.

and I wonder WHY Not?

Why because Joe Biden was not a political rival of tramp!!
So Biden got his kid a job paying more than a top CEO of a international corporation and you never bat an eye at it.
Hunter was a coke-sniffing whoremonger....and made millions....but Ivanka is wrong...even though she doesn't get paid a cent.
otherwise what???

and wrong about what?? I didnt say anything,,,

you said the prosecution mentioned the bidens 400x? i watched the first 24 hrs of the house managers. they didn't mention them that many times. & since the video was pam bondi - & she's on the defense team not the prosecution... i thought you meant them. you weren't talking about his lawyers?

even if you weren't, you were wrong with the 400x part.

NO i WASNT wrong,,,

400x? sorry - i'm not buying it. i don't think it was anywhere close to that. like i said i watched it all, beginning to end.

if she lied about it i am sure the dems would be all over her for lying,,,
as for you,,I dont think you can tell me how manys times youve jacked off in the last 3 hrs,,,

'if she lied about it i am sure the dems would be all over her for lying,,,'

the DEFENSE team straight out lied about not allowing (R)s in the inquiry hearing & the DEFENSE team straight up lied when they said donny wasn't able to participate in the hearings either - so um, yaaaaaaaaaa............ chances are very good pam bondi lied.

thanx for confirming you thought trump's team was the 'prosecution'.

you stupid fuck.

' as for you,,I dont think you can tell me how manys times youve jacked off in the last 3 hrs,,, '

& you are completely outa CONtrol, snowflake. come back when you have anything intelligent to say - HA! who am i kidding, it's obvious that could never happen cause donny loves the poorly educated long time.

you must be lazy as fuck too, cause one simple click & you would have known i am female; so that 'jacking off' part of yer reply shows there's no sunlight in the deepest recess' in the basket you dwell.

is it possible for you to stay focused on one subject other than jerking off to golden girls reruns???

when you can get back to me,,,
nepotistic and nefarious and still is. Pam Bondi has the nerve to say Hunter Biden looked nefarious and nepotistic ,

but the republicans who had control of the house for 6 years and the senate since 2015 (4 years) and a Potus in their party for 2 years never brought it up.

and I wonder WHY Not?

Why because Joe Biden was not a political rival of tramp!!
So Biden got his kid a job paying more than a top CEO of a international corporation and you never bat an eye at it.
Hunter was a coke-sniffing whoremonger....and made millions....but Ivanka is wrong...even though she doesn't get paid a cent.

Bondi is discredited because she took a bribe from tramp for Tramp University lawsuit.

Tramp is in an impeachment trial, he has already been impeached and will go down in hx as being impeached.
Tramp must of found Biden a huge threat to play with a foreign country once again.

So far Russia, Ukraine, and China, that we know of. I'm sure there are plenty more sleazy deals he has made.
nepotistic and nefarious and still is. Pam Bondi has the nerve to say Hunter Biden looked nefarious and nepotistic ,

but the republicans who had control of the house for 6 years and the senate since 2015 (4 years) and a Potus in their party for 2 years never brought it up.

and I wonder WHY Not?

Why because Joe Biden was not a political rival of tramp!!
So Biden got his kid a job paying more than a top CEO of a international corporation and you never bat an eye at it.
Hunter was a coke-sniffing whoremonger....and made millions....but Ivanka is wrong...even though she doesn't get paid a cent.

Bondi is discredited because she took a bribe from tramp for Tramp University lawsuit.

Tramp is in an impeachment trial, he has already been impeached and will go down in hx as being impeached.
Tramp must of found Biden a huge threat to play with a foreign country once again.

So far Russia, Ukraine, and China, that we know of. I'm sure there are plenty more sleazy deals he has made.

you might think that but it doesnt discredit the content of her comments,,,

those have all been proven true,,,
nepotistic and nefarious and still is. Pam Bondi has the nerve to say Hunter Biden looked nefarious and nepotistic ,

but the republicans who had control of the house for 6 years and the senate since 2015 (4 years) and a Potus in their party for 2 years never brought it up.

and I wonder WHY Not?

Why because Joe Biden was not a political rival of tramp!!

The big difference is that his kids work for free like their dad while Bidens greedy dumb shits worked only for personal gain through corruption.
you said the prosecution mentioned the bidens 400x? i watched the first 24 hrs of the house managers. they didn't mention them that many times. & since the video was pam bondi - & she's on the defense team not the prosecution... i thought you meant them. you weren't talking about his lawyers?

even if you weren't, you were wrong with the 400x part.

NO i WASNT wrong,,,

400x? sorry - i'm not buying it. i don't think it was anywhere close to that. like i said i watched it all, beginning to end.

if she lied about it i am sure the dems would be all over her for lying,,,
as for you,,I dont think you can tell me how manys times youve jacked off in the last 3 hrs,,,

'if she lied about it i am sure the dems would be all over her for lying,,,'

the DEFENSE team straight out lied about not allowing (R)s in the inquiry hearing & the DEFENSE team straight up lied when they said donny wasn't able to participate in the hearings either - so um, yaaaaaaaaaa............ chances are very good pam bondi lied.

thanx for confirming you thought trump's team was the 'prosecution'.

you stupid fuck.

' as for you,,I dont think you can tell me how manys times youve jacked off in the last 3 hrs,,, '

& you are completely outa CONtrol, snowflake. come back when you have anything intelligent to say - HA! who am i kidding, it's obvious that could never happen cause donny loves the poorly educated long time.

you must be lazy as fuck too, cause one simple click & you would have known i am female; so that 'jacking off' part of yer reply shows there's no sunlight in the deepest recess' in the basket you dwell.

is it possible for you to stay focused on one subject other than jerking off to golden girls reruns???

when you can get back to me,,,

i am focused on what you say in yer replies & responding di-rectly to them. the rest just shows what kind of base donny has. ya can't rub 2 brain cells together.
nepotistic and nefarious and still is. Pam Bondi has the nerve to say Hunter Biden looked nefarious and nepotistic ,

but the republicans who had control of the house for 6 years and the senate since 2015 (4 years) and a Potus in their party for 2 years never brought it up.

and I wonder WHY Not?

Why because Joe Biden was not a political rival of tramp!!
So Biden got his kid a job paying more than a top CEO of a international corporation and you never bat an eye at it.
Hunter was a coke-sniffing whoremonger....and made millions....but Ivanka is wrong...even though she doesn't get paid a cent.

Bondi is discredited because she took a bribe from tramp for Tramp University lawsuit.

Tramp is in an impeachment trial, he has already been impeached and will go down in hx as being impeached.
Tramp must of found Biden a huge threat to play with a foreign country once again.

So far Russia, Ukraine, and China, that we know of. I'm sure there are plenty more sleazy deals he has made.

throw turkey into the mix.
Bolton told Barr he was concerned Trump did favors for autocrats: report
By John Bowden - 01/27/20 09:10 PM EST
Bolton told Barr he was concerned Trump did favors for autocrats: report
NO i WASNT wrong,,,

400x? sorry - i'm not buying it. i don't think it was anywhere close to that. like i said i watched it all, beginning to end.

if she lied about it i am sure the dems would be all over her for lying,,,
as for you,,I dont think you can tell me how manys times youve jacked off in the last 3 hrs,,,

'if she lied about it i am sure the dems would be all over her for lying,,,'

the DEFENSE team straight out lied about not allowing (R)s in the inquiry hearing & the DEFENSE team straight up lied when they said donny wasn't able to participate in the hearings either - so um, yaaaaaaaaaa............ chances are very good pam bondi lied.

thanx for confirming you thought trump's team was the 'prosecution'.

you stupid fuck.

' as for you,,I dont think you can tell me how manys times youve jacked off in the last 3 hrs,,, '

& you are completely outa CONtrol, snowflake. come back when you have anything intelligent to say - HA! who am i kidding, it's obvious that could never happen cause donny loves the poorly educated long time.

you must be lazy as fuck too, cause one simple click & you would have known i am female; so that 'jacking off' part of yer reply shows there's no sunlight in the deepest recess' in the basket you dwell.

is it possible for you to stay focused on one subject other than jerking off to golden girls reruns???

when you can get back to me,,,

i am focused on what you say in yer replies & responding di-rectly to them. the rest just shows what kind of base donny has. ya can't rub 2 brain cells together.

I hear there was a golden girls marathon on,,,man I bet your hands are sticky,,,
400x? sorry - i'm not buying it. i don't think it was anywhere close to that. like i said i watched it all, beginning to end.

if she lied about it i am sure the dems would be all over her for lying,,,
as for you,,I dont think you can tell me how manys times youve jacked off in the last 3 hrs,,,

'if she lied about it i am sure the dems would be all over her for lying,,,'

the DEFENSE team straight out lied about not allowing (R)s in the inquiry hearing & the DEFENSE team straight up lied when they said donny wasn't able to participate in the hearings either - so um, yaaaaaaaaaa............ chances are very good pam bondi lied.

thanx for confirming you thought trump's team was the 'prosecution'.

you stupid fuck.

' as for you,,I dont think you can tell me how manys times youve jacked off in the last 3 hrs,,, '

& you are completely outa CONtrol, snowflake. come back when you have anything intelligent to say - HA! who am i kidding, it's obvious that could never happen cause donny loves the poorly educated long time.

you must be lazy as fuck too, cause one simple click & you would have known i am female; so that 'jacking off' part of yer reply shows there's no sunlight in the deepest recess' in the basket you dwell.

is it possible for you to stay focused on one subject other than jerking off to golden girls reruns???

when you can get back to me,,,

i am focused on what you say in yer replies & responding di-rectly to them. the rest just shows what kind of base donny has. ya can't rub 2 brain cells together.

I hear there was a golden girls marathon on,,,man I bet your hands are sticky,,,

lol - you have nothing to debate.

you lose. i win. ha ha


now show the class some more of yer 'special' brand of trumpanzee.
Biden had not outed himself back then. He was too busy cheating the Chinese.

And again you're lying. Everyone knew about Hunter Biden's job, and Joe Biden firing the prosecutor. There was nothing secret nor nefarious but any of it.

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