Trumps home raided by fbi

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& whatever they were looking for - by my guess - might be of national security & the reason why they had a warrant to begin with is because donny couldn't be trusted to produce them himself.

& rightfully so.
The reason they had a warrant is because Biden wanted to stop him from running for office, and for no other reason.
Chause it changes with every immediate need.
“Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”

That’s the need.
No charges yet.

Hitler was appointed Chancellor. Trumpybear wanted to be appointed by hook or crook too.

Biden won in a free and fair election. Hitler never did.
There will be no charges.
They know that this search was illegal....and all they're doing is hoping that it causes some sort of action.
I think they're trying to cause a revolution.
I wouldn't blame anyone if rightwingers started destroying government offices all across the country....and this feeds into their false claims that white supremacists are a threat to the country, which is proving to be wishful thinking. Again....this is what they did on Jan 6th. They did something to enrage the crowd causing a riot. When they murdered Ashli Babbitt they enraged peaceful protesters into doing something foolish.

The truth is...the DOJ is a threat to the country.
John Aristotle Phillips' science project was so impressive that it had to be confiscated by the FBI.
The 21-year-old Princeton University undergraduate student had been studying aerospace and mechanical sciences when he decided to pursue his interest in the workings of the atomic bomb.

Drawing upon what he could learn from declassified government documents along with books from the school's library, he began to draw up plans for an actual working nuclear bomb.

It was a concept that other students had attempted before, albeit with little in the way of success, but Phillips was adamant that he would succeed where they had failed and hoped to demonstrate just how easy it could potentially be for a terrorist or other bad actor to build a working nuclear device.

Incredibly, he not only managed to come up with a viable design, but even built a non-working mockup of a nuclear bomb in his bedroom. According to nuclear scientist Dr Frank Chilton, the bomb was "pretty much guaranteed to work" and could have levelled a large part of Manhattan.

When Phillips finally handed in his project he naturally received an A, however not long afterwards the FBI arrived at the facility to confiscate both the project's papers and the mockup bomb.
Hilliary violated every rule in the book. So STFU
There will be no charges.
They know that this search was illegal....and all they're doing is hoping that it causes some sort of action.
I think they're trying to cause a revolution.
I wouldn't blame anyone if they started destroying government offices all across the country....and this feeds into their false claims that white supremacists are a threat to the country, which is proving to be wishful thinking.

The truth is...the DOJ is a threat to the country.

Would you say "Tyranny" has arrived yet?

If so, where are all the brave patriots?
Stalin’s hitman Beria said “show me the man and I will find the crime”

The Deep State is selectively using the letter of the law to protect democrats and harass trump and trump voters
How does one become a member of the deep state (there is no such thing)? Is there a screening process like a fraternity when you have to swear loyalty to communism or Soros or the devil? Do they have meetings? Is there an executive hierarchy issuing directives? Please tell me.
Biden and Garland are the criminals.
Where are the indictments?

You keep calling prominent Democrats criminals yet no charges are ever brought against them when your side runs everything from Congress to DOJ.

It's almost like you make this shit up as you go along. You sure it's not like that?
Where are the indictments nutbag?

You keep calling prominent Democrats criminals yet no charges are ever brought against them when your side runs everything from Congress to DOJ.

It's almost like you make this bullshit up on the fly.
When was Trump indicted, you fucking moron?
“Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”

That’s the need.
Wow. That's a Krakatoa explosion of hot volcanic projection.

Y'all are good at it.
There will be no charges.
They know that this search was illegal....and all they're doing is hoping that it causes some sort of action.
I think they're trying to cause a revolution.
I wouldn't blame anyone if they started destroying government offices all across the country....and this feeds into their false claims that white supremacists are a threat to the country, which is proving to be wishful thinking.

The truth is...the DOJ is a threat to the country.
The ”state” and its institutions that are under the control of radicalized Democrats are a threat to this country.
There were dozens of secret service agents guarding Mar-a-lago with guns
What good did they do?

The Right Wing has a fantasy where simply owning guns stops tyrants.

It's a delusion as reality plainly shows.
The strategy of the Right Wing is to wait until the Progressive troops roll up to their own individual home, then they say they will fight. Too late.
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