Trumps hotels to help pay down treasury debt....

Will the government then be liable for Trump bankruptcies?

Wow....did you think about that post for a long should have thought longer......

Read post 55 and see if you have anything to refute that.

He didn't have to...he doesn't have to do any of it...he is exempt...

Known as the “emoluments clause,” the provision says “no person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince or foreign state.”
Everything was explained in the press conference. We don't need your opinion on what it means.
Press conference. LOL. What a joke to even call it that. The carnival barker actually brought in staffers to cheer for him . So pathetic.

In a little more than a week, a petulant little child will become president, because of a large percentage of really stupid people in this country. What an embarrassment this clown is.
Will the government then be liable for Trump bankruptcies?

Wow....did you think about that post for a long should have thought longer......

Read post 55 and see if you have anything to refute that.

He didn't have to...he doesn't have to do any of it...he is exempt...

Known as the “emoluments clause,” the provision says “no person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince or foreign state.”
Everything was explained in the press conference. We don't need your opinion on what it means.

Lyin' Trump explained something?

Goddam that's funny.
Wow....did you think about that post for a long should have thought longer......

Read post 55 and see if you have anything to refute that.

He didn't have to...he doesn't have to do any of it...he is exempt...

Known as the “emoluments clause,” the provision says “no person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince or foreign state.”
Everything was explained in the press conference. We don't need your opinion on what it means.

Lyin' Trump explained something?

Goddam that's funny.
No, his lawyer did. Funny is you pretending you know what you're talking about. You didn't even see it.
never before has a POTUS made such an affirmative action to personally help America.....

All profits from foreign transactions will go directly to the treasury....

Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country....

Will the government then be liable for Trump bankruptcies?

Wow....did you think about that post for a long should have thought longer......

Read post 55 and see if you have anything to refute that.

He didn't have to...he doesn't have to do any of it...he is exempt...

1. He is not exempt

2. He's only handing over profits FROM FOREIGN GOVERNMENT PATRONS, which means despite his lawyers claiming he doesn't have to,

he is explicitly doing what the emoluments clause would cover.

In short, he's PRETENDING to do it voluntarily.

Kind of like how you 'voluntarily' stop at a red light.
Read post 55 and see if you have anything to refute that.

He didn't have to...he doesn't have to do any of it...he is exempt...

Known as the “emoluments clause,” the provision says “no person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince or foreign state.”
Everything was explained in the press conference. We don't need your opinion on what it means.

Lyin' Trump explained something?

Goddam that's funny.
No, his lawyer did. Funny is you pretending you know what you're talking about. You didn't even see it.

Yeah, the lawyers are claiming he doesn't have to. That's like OJ's lawyers claiming he didn't kill those two people.
Wow....did you think about that post for a long should have thought longer......

Read post 55 and see if you have anything to refute that.

He didn't have to...he doesn't have to do any of it...he is exempt...

Known as the “emoluments clause,” the provision says “no person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince or foreign state.”
Everything was explained in the press conference. We don't need your opinion on what it means.
Press conference. LOL. What a joke to even call it that. The carnival barker actually brought in staffers to cheer for him . So pathetic.

In a little more than a week, a petulant little child will become president, because of a large percentage of really stupid people in this country. What an embarrassment this clown is.

Did you notice that Trump had ten American flags behind him at his press conference? TEN.

Talk about wrapping yourself in the flag. Talk about the last refuge of a scoundrel.
Did you notice that Trump had ten American flags behind him at his press conference? TEN.

Talk about wrapping yourself in the flag. Talk about the last refuge of a scoundrel.
...and the 'tard keeps comin'.

He didn't have to...he doesn't have to do any of it...he is exempt...

Known as the “emoluments clause,” the provision says “no person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince or foreign state.”
Everything was explained in the press conference. We don't need your opinion on what it means.

Lyin' Trump explained something?

Goddam that's funny.
No, his lawyer did. Funny is you pretending you know what you're talking about. You didn't even see it.

Yeah, the lawyers are claiming he doesn't have to. That's like OJ's lawyers claiming he didn't kill those two people.
He isn't on trial and America already decided the case. Dems are out. You assholes have nothing to offer us but shit and more shit.
some on the left would be more impressed with the capitalist of the right, if he lived on his public servant salary while in public office.
You do that Trump said he wouldn't take the money while he is president?
not taking personal profit doesn't mean that firm won't making, potentially more money from an increase in tourism.
Trump is giving the profit to the treasury....which part is over your education level?

some on the left would be more impressed with the capitalist of the right, if he lived on his public servant salary while in public office.
You do that Trump said he wouldn't take the money while he is president?
not taking personal profit doesn't mean that firm won't making, potentially more money from an increase in tourism.
He said he won't take a salary for being president. Thanks for proving your bias. You said you would be impressed if he took a civil servant salary. Well he isn't taking any salary.

some on the left would be more impressed with the capitalist of the right, if he lived on his public servant salary while in public office.
You do that Trump said he wouldn't take the money while he is president?
not taking personal profit doesn't mean that firm won't making, potentially more money from an increase in tourism.
He said he won't take a salary for being president. Thanks for proving your bias. You said you would be impressed if he took a civil servant salary. Well he isn't taking any salary.
so what; it means he can care less about the position for public servant purposes.
Oh so now you find out he won't take a salary you change your story. LolView attachment 106379

Trump.....the left better hold on tight, this man is going to run rings around them for the next 8 years.....and build a power house of a country again.......

Will the government then be liable for Trump bankruptcies?

Wow....did you think about that post for a long should have thought longer......

Read post 55 and see if you have anything to refute that.

He didn't have to...he doesn't have to do any of it...he is exempt...

Known as the “emoluments clause,” the provision says “no person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince or foreign state.”
Everything was explained in the press conference. We don't need your opinion on what it means.

Isn't it amazing-------->the lefts people go into government BROKE, and then come out rich, lol! (oh, they are for the people, lol)

Trump go's in filthy rich, takes no salary, give the Country money, but according to the left, he is a crook!

Now read those last 2 sentences, and everyone with even a miniscule amount of logic is going to realize why the far left is so screwed! He is basically doing EXACTLY what the left wants rich people to do, and then some, and listen to them bitch!

And, we know what BHO had when he entered the Presidency. We also know what the Clintons had. All you have to do is look at how they ABUSED their office to see why the left is screaming about Trump! The best defense, is a ridiculous offense.

Listen Conservatives...........I know you are upset with the lefts tactics, and I don't blame you; but look here----------> Do you believe in Trump's ideas? Do you believe the Repubs are going to deliver his agenda? Do you believe once they are delivered, it will quickly start improving the country economically?

If you believe it, then do not fret the Dems, just keep slapping them, and laughing at them............because this almost EXACTLY the same thing that happened to them when Reagan got elected. Reagan got elected because many Dems left the leftist reservation. Reagan did what he said he was going to do, economy began to revive, and when he ran for reelection, MORE Dems left the reservation, and it was a landslide of epic proportions. Were it NOT for Bush SR going back to government by the "Republican establishment," the far leftists might already be extinct. Then we elected GW, old man Bush son, who also put in "establishment Republican" policies. LOOK WHAT HAPPENED!

So, I do not believe at least 1/3 of what Trump says, and I mean that...but........ I don't believe 55% of what the establishment Repubs say, and I don't believe 85% of what far leftists say. If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor! Really guys! My healthcare plan won't be affected! Gruber basically saying we were all dumb, especially the Dems because they bought into the narrative, and they STILL want to elect the person to run the country, OMG NOOOOOOO!

Hang in chance we have had since 80 to get it back. I would rather have Cruz at the helm, but I do not think he could have carried the blue wall states, so Trump it is!
Read post 55 and see if you have anything to refute that.

He didn't have to...he doesn't have to do any of it...he is exempt...

Known as the “emoluments clause,” the provision says “no person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince or foreign state.”
Everything was explained in the press conference. We don't need your opinion on what it means.
Press conference. LOL. What a joke to even call it that. The carnival barker actually brought in staffers to cheer for him . So pathetic.

In a little more than a week, a petulant little child will become president, because of a large percentage of really stupid people in this country. What an embarrassment this clown is.

Did you notice that Trump had ten American flags behind him at his press conference? TEN.

Talk about wrapping yourself in the flag.
Talk about the last refuge of a scoundrel.


That bothers you? You'd probably hug a flag burner then.

Yeah Ice, there is something wrong with being patriotic, just ask the Marxist left, they will tell you all about it! Why do we even talk to, and engage these goddamn people! They are almost anti American, and do not even try and hide it.

We shouldn't be about convincing them of ANYTHING, but rather be about.....DEFEATING THEM politically, and in every facet of life we can!
Hang in chance we have had since 80 to get it back. I would rather have Cruz at the helm, but I do not think he could have carried the blue wall states, so Trump it is!
I've been around long enough to remember the left foaming over about Reagan, then Bush. So I'm not fretting at all. This is what I've been hoping for. I actually do enjoy seeing them parade around like the spoiled children they are. It's funny as hell and proof something good has happened.

As far as Cruz he's a career politician and might not have been as abrupt as Trump like with the media. I also like the business folks he's putting in power and Cruz may have gone the more traditional route.
Obama ran up the debt. Trump is going to pay down some of the debt with his own money. LOL!

You actually believe this?

Obama ran up $10 trillion in debt. We will probably never pay off his filthy ass debt.

Trump is giving the profits from the foreign governments staying at his hotels to the Federal government and he is not taking a salary from the government allowing the government to keep the money for other things.

What part of that do you not understand? Is that confusing to you?
Known as the “emoluments clause,” the provision says “no person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince or foreign state.”
Everything was explained in the press conference. We don't need your opinion on what it means.

Lyin' Trump explained something?

Goddam that's funny.
No, his lawyer did. Funny is you pretending you know what you're talking about. You didn't even see it.

Yeah, the lawyers are claiming he doesn't have to. That's like OJ's lawyers claiming he didn't kill those two people.
He isn't on trial and America already decided the case. Dems are out. You assholes have nothing to offer us but shit and more shit.

And their "shit" isn't even useful as fertilizer...their "shit" destroys communities and lives....
Trumps hotels to help pay down treasury debt....

Why doesn't Trump pay his taxes to pay down the treasury debt?
Obama ran up the debt. Trump is going to pay down some of the debt with his own money. LOL!

You actually believe this?

Obama ran up $10 trillion in debt. We will probably never pay off his filthy ass debt.

Trump is giving the profits from the foreign governments staying at his hotels to the Federal government and he is not taking a salary from the government allowing the government to keep the money for other things.

What part of that do you not understand? Is that confusing to you?

Holy shit, you were serious!

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