Trump's immorality and his support by Christians

Actually the Bible tells us God picks every leader. Have you read the bible?

Do you assume those claiming to be Christians have read their bible?

This is true in that nothing happens outside of God's control. However as Seymour says, God having chosen and/or allowed Trump to take office in no way means Trump is in the way of David, a leader "after God's own heart". I don't think Trump even comes close to that description.
Actually the Bible tells us God picks every leader. Have you read the bible?
Yes I have. I'm not familiar with the part that says "God picks every leader." But I don't claim to know all of the Bible by heart.

I'm not sure your point?
Do you assume those claiming to be Christians have read their bible?

Why would you think that?
does the bible tell one to attend church....where 3 or more are gathered in his name is what i remember

There was no early "church buildings". Where three or more were gathered WAS the church. Christians try to use that fact as an excuse that they don't need church but, we sure do. It's all the way through Jesus' teachings and the New Testament. (And the Old, really).
Yes I have. I'm not familiar with the part that says "God picks every leader." But I don't claim to know all of the Bible by heart.

I'm not sure your point?


Why would you think that?

God is sovereign, so nothing happens outside of His control. In some cases He allows, if not picks. Yes, I understand that means He allowed Hitler and Stalin. Humanity's sin can surely be deeply grievous.
1. Each State can now set abortion limits. Many set limits like 16-weeks like many EU countries have. Others allow unrestricted abortions. We vote for pro-life or pro-abortion candidates.

So what? Whom helps this - whom not helps this?

2. Orphanages. Pro-life states can use them if adoptions don't work.

One momnet please. Who forced a woman who likes to do an abortion to bear her child and bring it afterwards into an orphanage? What do I have to understand concrete in your masses of empty phrases?

3. The US gave AFG the aid to defeat the Taliban.


They chose not to fight.


Now they can live with their decision.


Hmm. What a luck that you have "moral". This makes everything "clear" for you. But is it clear?

4. Religion vs ideology? Both deal with beliefs. Religion is belief based, ideology can be science based.

That's perfect bullshit - nothing else. An ideology is a closed system of thoughts which nobody is able to criticize from a position which is outside from this ideology. Seen from my Catholic point of view the Christian religion is transparent and everyone - not only a Catholic - is able to criticize us.

ideology: noun​

  1. A set of doctrines or beliefs that are shared by the members of a social group or that form the basis of a political, economic, or other system.
  2. The science of ideas or of mind; a name applied by the later disciples of the French philosopher Condillac to the history and evolution of human ideas, considered as so many successive forms or modes of certain original or transformed sensations; that system of mental philosophy which derives knowledge exclusively from sensation.
  3. The science of ideas.

Science is normally an open empirical system basing on logic (reason) and facts (reality). It has nothing to do with ideology.

5. Immorality has many definitions.

... hmmm ... like for example "Immoral are always the others" in analogy to Satre who said "The hell are always the others"?

Here in the US we parents don't want schools exposing kids to deviate sexuality.

English (and Prussian) societies and sexuality is a very strange "protestant" theme for a Catholic German like me who knows we all came to Earth naked and in the end we all will go home naked.

Schools should only teach math, science, and other academic subjects, not sexuality.

Sexuality is part of biology, part of psychology, part of sociology, part of spirituality and so on. So there exist many reasons to teach something about sexuality.

6. Nancy Pelosi retired from being speaker. She was very smart.

Someone attacked her husband with a weapon, I heard. I hope this damned asshole is in prison now.

Kamala Harris, Biden's Vice-president, is as dumb as a brick.

I do not know Mrs. vice president Kamala Harris but in the moment I have the prejudice that only people who are dumb as a brick call her to be dumb as a brick. Shall I say "sorry" now for this prejudice? Whatever. I hope she will do a very good job whenever it is necessary to do so. And god might help her - whether she believes in him or not.

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This is true in that nothing happens outside of God's control. However as Seymour says, God having chosen and/or allowed Trump to take office in no way means Trump is in the way of David, a leader "after God's own heart". I don't think Trump even comes close to that description.

I agree, but his followers that make the claim about Trump do not seem to understand that.
The very same people who demand Christians NOT vote for Trump will then go and vote for the man who showers with his young daughter, and chooses cross dressers to fill his administration and say "this is all good" 😂
I don't believe that "God picked Trump."

But that would not be in any way inconsistent with the Bible if we were to somehow learn that God did indeed pick Trump. In the Bible, God picked Saul, a brutal tax collector, to stop serving his government masters and become the Apostle to spread Christianity to non-Jews.

It is beyond silly when people who hate and mock Christianity, and haven't read the Bible in decades, if ever, try to lecture Christians on what Christianity is.

You don't understand how God works. He doesn't need perfect men to exert His will over this nation
I rest my case. But let me guess you do know how God works. Ok then.
But they support it. Biden molested his daughter, prostituted his son and ruined him morally. Pelosi would drink the blood of the murdered unborn if it would prolong her faded youth. And probably does.

Shows the depths Republicans will sink in their disinformation campaign
The very same people who demand Christians NOT vote for Trump will then go and vote for the man who showers with his young daughter, and chooses cross dressers to fill his administration and say "this is all good" 😂

but according to you ...god wills biden into office...why are you trashing god will and work?
The very same people who demand Christians NOT vote for Trump will then go and vote for the man who showers with his young daughter, and chooses cross dressers to fill his administration and say "this is all good" 😂

By the way: What is the problem to take a shower together with the own daughter?

Using the kooky logic on this thread then Desantis has been hand picked to be the gop nominee.
Using the kooky logic on this thread then Desantis has been hand picked to be the gop nominee.

Not until he wins. That is the rub of it all, you cannot know for sure who is the hand picked on till they win
Oh, ok then. That straightens it all out. Lmao. This lifelong Christians principles are directly opposite those found here
especially when (if I recall) that poster is a "Christian"

Most Christians do not at all condone Trump's past infidelities. We just figure they are in the past. He didn't cheat on his wife in the People's House like Clinton did.

As far as we know, T hasn't cheated in many years.

Liberals cannot forgive their political opponents, though. That's real Christian, isn't it?

The ONLY reason Trump didn't cheat on his wife in the White House is that Donnie is on statins and probably has erectile dysfunction as a result.

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