Trumps "immunity" defence is punctured by the first question

This is not how democracies run. It is how imperial dictators run things. The US fought against this but perhaps the founders had not considered a trump when forming the constitution.

There is little that can be done against people like Trump. we cant previse everything. It's not humanly possible to prepare for such an animal.

When the mob is seduced all we can do is fight back, fight like hell to preserve our democracy.
Does anyone really think Trump would use his position to persecute his opponents? That's just paranoid crazy talk from the unhinged left. Trump was one of the least fascist Presidents we've ever had.

"Of the last three presidents, Trump was either the most indifferent or the most obstructed when it came to using government agencies for his own partisan political advantages or to neuter his enemies.

For the Left, Donald Trump is synonymous with “fascism” (or “semi-fascism,” as Joe Biden put it the other day). And for Liz Cheney and most of the NeverTrumpers, he remains an existential threat to democracy.

But to quantify those charges, what exactly has Trump done extralegally - as opposed to his bombast and braggadocio about what he might have wished to have done?

And what are the standards by which to judge this supposed menace?

Did Trump illegally and with a mere signature nullify over $300 billion of contracted student loans—to firm up his college-student and college-graduate base nine weeks before the midterm elections?

If Trump wished to abuse his power over the IRS, he would have followed the Obama model of weaponizing it during a reelection year to go after his ideological enemies.

Did Trump blatantly use the national security apparatus of the government to enhance his own reelection bid in 2020?

Was Trump ever caught on a hot mic promising a Russian president that he would try to ease Russian worries about Eastern European missile defense if only the Russians would give him space during his 2012 campaign for president against Mitt Romney?

Did Trump weaponize the FBI? That is, did the FBI go after journalists, former Obama officials, or Democratic Party activists who variously were attacking Don Jr. or Ivanka on the pretenses of retrieving one of their lost laptops or diaries?

Are there texts of Trump-era FBI agents talking about how to “stop” Hillary Clinton’s or Biden’s election bid?

Did the Trump Justice Department start an investigation of the suspected illegal lobbying of Joe Biden and Hunter Biden, who used the former’s political connections to win large cash payments from foreign governments?

Did Trump order an FBI raid on the Obama home, on rumors that there were thousands of documents under dispute with the National Archives in his possession, especially given the Obama record of fiercely fighting any Freedom of Information Act lawsuits to release his documents?

Was Jake Sullivan’s phone grabbed by the FBI at an airport to determine his role in the Russian collusion hoax?

Are there now any former Trump loyalists who, as “anonymous” officials in cabinet agencies or obstructionists on the National Security Council, are writing op-eds about their stealthy daily efforts to undermine Biden’s executive orders or his administration’s action?

Are there now “50 former intelligence officials” who signed affidavits in support of Trump’s allegations about the authenticity of Hunter’s laptop?

Between 2017 and 2020, did Trump’s team systematically seek to change the voting laws in key states to radically transform traditional balloting, in a mail-in or early voting revolution, in which only 30 percent of the electorate would vote on Election Day?

Was there any “dark money” effort analogous to the efforts of corporate and tech money along with DNC activists and Biden operators in what Time magazine’s Molly Ball described as a “conspiracy” to ensure the defeat of Trump’s opponent?

How about Trump’s efforts to revolutionize the very system of government? Did he promote a court-packing scheme to ensure he might not just get a 5-4 majority, but perhaps an 11-4 conservative advantage in a new 15-justice Supreme Court?

Did he dream up ways of getting rid of the Electoral College so the “blue wall” might never return?

Did Trump as president meet with CIA and FBI directors who, in their weekly and daily briefings, apprised him of efforts to monitor, spy, and infiltrate the campaign of Joe Biden?

The strange thing about Trump was that he did not use extraordinary powers to investigate anyone unlawfully. He boasted, he railed, he screamed, he whined, he became at times crude and obnoxious. But he did not use the FBI, the CIA, the Justice Department, or the IRS to go after the Obamas, the Clintons, or the Bidens.

In fact, of the last three presidents, Trump was either the most inept or indifferent, or the most obstructed concerning any issue of using government agencies for his own partisan political advantages or to neuter his enemies. "

The Strangest Thing About "Semi-Fascist" Trump | ZeroHedge
Does anyone really think Trump would use his position to persecute his opponents? That's just paranoid crazy talk from the unhinged left. Trump was one of the least fascist Presidents we've ever had.

"Of the last three presidents, Trump was either the most indifferent or the most obstructed when it came to using government agencies for his own partisan political advantages or to neuter his enemies.

For the Left, Donald Trump is synonymous with “fascism” (or “semi-fascism,” as Joe Biden put it the other day). And for Liz Cheney and most of the NeverTrumpers, he remains an existential threat to democracy.

But to quantify those charges, what exactly has Trump done extralegally - as opposed to his bombast and braggadocio about what he might have wished to have done?

And what are the standards by which to judge this supposed menace?

Did Trump illegally and with a mere signature nullify over $300 billion of contracted student loans—to firm up his college-student and college-graduate base nine weeks before the midterm elections?

If Trump wished to abuse his power over the IRS, he would have followed the Obama model of weaponizing it during a reelection year to go after his ideological enemies.

Did Trump blatantly use the national security apparatus of the government to enhance his own reelection bid in 2020?

Was Trump ever caught on a hot mic promising a Russian president that he would try to ease Russian worries about Eastern European missile defense if only the Russians would give him space during his 2012 campaign for president against Mitt Romney?

Did Trump weaponize the FBI? That is, did the FBI go after journalists, former Obama officials, or Democratic Party activists who variously were attacking Don Jr. or Ivanka on the pretenses of retrieving one of their lost laptops or diaries?

Are there texts of Trump-era FBI agents talking about how to “stop” Hillary Clinton’s or Biden’s election bid?

Did the Trump Justice Department start an investigation of the suspected illegal lobbying of Joe Biden and Hunter Biden, who used the former’s political connections to win large cash payments from foreign governments?

Did Trump order an FBI raid on the Obama home, on rumors that there were thousands of documents under dispute with the National Archives in his possession, especially given the Obama record of fiercely fighting any Freedom of Information Act lawsuits to release his documents?

Was Jake Sullivan’s phone grabbed by the FBI at an airport to determine his role in the Russian collusion hoax?

Are there now any former Trump loyalists who, as “anonymous” officials in cabinet agencies or obstructionists on the National Security Council, are writing op-eds about their stealthy daily efforts to undermine Biden’s executive orders or his administration’s action?

Are there now “50 former intelligence officials” who signed affidavits in support of Trump’s allegations about the authenticity of Hunter’s laptop?

Between 2017 and 2020, did Trump’s team systematically seek to change the voting laws in key states to radically transform traditional balloting, in a mail-in or early voting revolution, in which only 30 percent of the electorate would vote on Election Day?

Was there any “dark money” effort analogous to the efforts of corporate and tech money along with DNC activists and Biden operators in what Time magazine’s Molly Ball described as a “conspiracy” to ensure the defeat of Trump’s opponent?

How about Trump’s efforts to revolutionize the very system of government? Did he promote a court-packing scheme to ensure he might not just get a 5-4 majority, but perhaps an 11-4 conservative advantage in a new 15-justice Supreme Court?

Did he dream up ways of getting rid of the Electoral College so the “blue wall” might never return?

Did Trump as president meet with CIA and FBI directors who, in their weekly and daily briefings, apprised him of efforts to monitor, spy, and infiltrate the campaign of Joe Biden?

The strange thing about Trump was that he did not use extraordinary powers to investigate anyone unlawfully. He boasted, he railed, he screamed, he whined, he became at times crude and obnoxious. But he did not use the FBI, the CIA, the Justice Department, or the IRS to go after the Obamas, the Clintons, or the Bidens.

In fact, of the last three presidents, Trump was either the most inept or indifferent, or the most obstructed concerning any issue of using government agencies for his own partisan political advantages or to neuter his enemies. "

The Strangest Thing About "Semi-Fascist" Trump | ZeroHedge
I'm suggesting the logic of the argument of absolute presidential immunity that HE chooses to push. Leads to his lawyers having to concede it would allow the killing of a political rival WITHOUT him being held to account.

Even IF Trump would not contemplate it (and I'm not nearly as convinced as you are that he wouldn't). The fact that this is a precedent he's willing to set, disqualifies him as a candidate. Noone running for high public office should be willing to assert that winning that office makes him absolute immune from prosecution including for killing political rivals. And he is.
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It's funny watching leftards ruminate about something they know absolutely nothing about.

Kind of like.... most things.
Seems the Judges think otherwise

Even the 6-3 Conservative SCOTUS will not rule a President is above the law

McConnell suggested that Trump could still face criminal prosecution for his acts.

"President Trump is still liable for everything he did while he was in office as an ordinary citizen," McConnell said. "He didn't get away with anything. Yet."

McConnell used that as a justification on why impeachment is not necessary for someone out of office.

Now, Republicans are arguing that you need to impeach before you can prosecute
Mate, I feel guilty for showing up people of limited understanding like you. Makes me feel like a bully because you are defenceless.

Try to imagine that these powers you want for trump are given to his opponents. Is that ok with you ?
Progs are already doing these things and have.
Judge Florence Pan started off her questioning of Trump lawyer John Sauer by offering a novel scenario.

“Could a president who ordered SEAL Team Six to assassinate a political rival and was not impeached, could he be subjected to criminal prosecution?” Pan asked.

After some back and forth, Sauer said, “Qualified yes, if he’s impeached and convicted first.

This is not how democracies run. It is how imperial dictators run things. The US fought against this but perhaps the founders had not considered a trump when forming the constitution.
Yeah, it did not go well for Trump at all. All three judges were very skeptical of his claims.

We do not have the divine right of kings in America. We fought for independence over it.
Judge Florence Pan started off her questioning of Trump lawyer John Sauer by offering a novel scenario.

“Could a president who ordered SEAL Team Six to assassinate a political rival and was not impeached, could he be subjected to criminal prosecution?” Pan asked.

After some back and forth, Sauer said, “Qualified yes, if he’s impeached and convicted first.

This is not how democracies run. It is how imperial dictators run things. The US fought against this but perhaps the founders had not considered a trump when forming the constitution.
when did a President do that? and what does that have to do with the current case?
Trumps argument seems to be that anything goes unless you are impeached.
A President is immune from prosecution even after he has left office.

So, in this case……Committing a criminal act two weeks before you leave office where Congress does not have time to impeach ……leaves you immune from prosecution
I'm old enough to remember when impeachment was a bad thing. Now you can use the Senate's acquittal as a buffer against double jeopardy, when you commit treason.
Made the same dirty play with SCOTUS nominees.

Conservative SCOTUS nominees acted outraged that you would dare ask if they would overturn Roe v Wade

It is settled case law, I respect the precedence

The first chance they got, they overturned Roe on a case that didn’t even ask Roe to be overturned
I'm old enough to remember when impeachment was a bad thing. Now you can use the Senate's acquittal as a buffer against double jeopardy, when you commit treason.

I am old enough to remember when Congress would put the needs of the Country over partisan politics

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