Trump's impeachment is government vs people.

Got to give the crazy left credit if their lips are moving their lieing. But they really are stupid enough to think that everyone else will believe their lies.
The ethos of opposition to Trump usually goes something like: “All I know is that I hate Donald trump, and that’s all I need to know-dagummit! “He’s dangerous!” “The government told me so and the government is good!”

Trump elicits this reaction from child-like fools that are used to listening to slick politicians that steal their money, raise their taxes, saddle them with pointless wars and smile while they tell them what a great deal they’re getting. Trump has a rustic habit of just telling the truth which threatens the fairy dust worldview constructed for them by leadership that sees them as contemptable useful idiots forever thirsty for the snake oil of government knows best.

Fools and children love fairy tales; the government knows this, and it knows that it can control the people if it can keep them eternally foolish and perpetually children. To many, Trump’s shocking victory in 2016 was like telling kids there’s no Santa Claus and it delivered a violent gut reaction. It was a blow to the beehive of an unelected Deep State that has been swindling the people of their freedoms, liberties and personal prosperity for decades by distracting them with the toys of fabricated struggles.

Trump is no threat to the people, but he is a definite threat to a government that has been conspiring with global interests to sell out American Exceptionalism and turn its melting pot history into an invasive withes brew of discordant lawlessness. Sanctuary cities are government Trojan Horses in place and waiting for a final assault on national sovereignty. It’s a strategy based on the importation of an alien ideology to poison the country from the inside out so no election that favors people over government can ever go the way of Trump’s again.

The government has gone code-red against the people, “the deplorables” that had the gall to go against it. It is hell bent on removing Trump from office with impeachment. It’s another wave of a blitzkrieg that began the night Trump won. It’s the government against the people and the government is going all out to save itself.

Our founders warned us about this when they put together our constitution. We need to understand that truth can come from unexpected places. Truth is not always smooth, slick or polished. But truth is truth which is why the government wants to take out Trump.

Bullshit. The majority of the people did not vote for Trump and the government gave him the presidency. The majority of the people do not approve of the job Trump is doing. And 49 percent of the people support impeachment against 43 percent who don't and the number is rising.

Trump is a threat to the people. Trump is the government. He is the president that's one branch of the government. And he's no doing anything you say. Yes the founders feared a president that would try using foreign countries to advance his self interest.

WHY do you support Trump? There are other republicans who can run for president who might actually do us some good. This man is a danger to our democracy. Do you not understand that? Are you that f-ing dumb that you can't see how he's now using the department of justice as his own private police force.? Are you so f-ing stupid that you can't see how he's working toward crushing dissent? Is your ass so brainwashed by right wing extremism that you can't see how you've been tricked? Are you so ignorant that you ignore right wing violence only to bitch about the people fighting against it?

How many years have you been a dittohead? I mean this has gone way beyond ridiculous. That punk Trump obstructed justice overtly for 2.5 years and you think that's fine. Now he's been cold busted trying to extort another government to get dirt on a political opponent and you're so much in love with your fellow white supremacist that you cannot see the totalitarianism.

Read more:
Got to give the crazy left credit if their lips are moving their lieing. But they really are stupid enough to think that everyone else will believe their lies.
You're part of 30 percent of America. The other 70 percent aren't sucking Trumps member. He's going to get impeached. And the evidence is such that republicans are going to be forced to choose Trump or country.
The ethos of opposition to Trump usually goes something like: “All I know is that I hate Donald trump, and that’s all I need to know-dagummit! “He’s dangerous!” “The government told me so and the government is good!”

Trump elicits this reaction from child-like fools that are used to listening to slick politicians that steal their money, raise their taxes, saddle them with pointless wars and smile while they tell them what a great deal they’re getting. Trump has a rustic habit of just telling the truth which threatens the fairy dust worldview constructed for them by leadership that sees them as contemptable useful idiots forever thirsty for the snake oil of government knows best.

Fools and children love fairy tales; the government knows this, and it knows that it can control the people if it can keep them eternally foolish and perpetually children. To many, Trump’s shocking victory in 2016 was like telling kids there’s no Santa Claus and it delivered a violent gut reaction. It was a blow to the beehive of an unelected Deep State that has been swindling the people of their freedoms, liberties and personal prosperity for decades by distracting them with the toys of fabricated struggles.

Trump is no threat to the people, but he is a definite threat to a government that has been conspiring with global interests to sell out American Exceptionalism and turn its melting pot history into an invasive withes brew of discordant lawlessness. Sanctuary cities are government Trojan Horses in place and waiting for a final assault on national sovereignty. It’s a strategy based on the importation of an alien ideology to poison the country from the inside out so no election that favors people over government can ever go the way of Trump’s again.

The government has gone code-red against the people, “the deplorables” that had the gall to go against it. It is hell bent on removing Trump from office with impeachment. It’s another wave of a blitzkrieg that began the night Trump won. It’s the government against the people and the government is going all out to save itself.

Our founders warned us about this when they put together our constitution. We need to understand that truth can come from unexpected places. Truth is not always smooth, slick or polished. But truth is truth which is why the government wants to take out Trump.

What a shit OP. Trump is no different from the rest but dumber.
Trump's opposition, including some of our national security agencies, went to foreign governments to prevent him from getting elected. Trump is trying to get to the bottom of this interference so it will never happen again. The press has devolved into propaganda so the people only get the state's version of what actually happened.

Trump has every reason to call for investigations into foreign election interference because it will happen again. The corrupt Sovietized American state is fighting for its life. Trump exposed this and investigating the Bidens is crucial in preventing quid pro quo corruption in the future. The health of our nation depends on trump sticking to his guns.
"The DC swamp" is based on the billionaires purchasing politicians to do their bidding, while the billionaires make mo' money moving jobs and factories overseas to take advantage of cheap labor and minimal regulation. The billionaires don't care if people in the US have jobs, or if the standard of living improves, or if entitlements are preserved. Trump is the rare commodity that doesn't have a stake in moving jobs to China, for some reason he promised to bring jobs back from China?! Wow, we now know that there are two sides, "Globalists" and "Populists". Trump started a trade war with China to help the US economy. Trump upset the neocons and the "establishment" of both parties. I was surprised how similar the "establishment" wings of both parties are. Trump was sent to DC to disrupt the ruling cabal, and he's doing a fabulous job! 2020 will be a walkover, no matter what Soros and Steyer and the rest of the globalists want.

For his business, Trump moved jobs to China. He also hires foreign nationals to work at his resorts.
Got to give the crazy left credit if their lips are moving their lieing. But they really are stupid enough to think that everyone else will believe their lies.
You're part of 30 percent of America. The other 70 percent aren't sucking Trumps member. He's going to get impeached. And the evidence is such that republicans are going to be forced to choose Trump or country.
Lol. You just showed everyone that you are part of the crazy left.
You start out being obscene. Never met a lefty that could carry on a conversation without be obscene.
You pretend to you factual numbers. A usual left lie.
Then you already have him convicted. Just like most incompetents. I remember all those claiming Mueller had him convicted. Some crazies still believe that Mueller and all the Democrates working with him sold out.
Then you pretend that the Dems aren't doing anything that is not of the highest principals while republicans are not.

Love the crazies and they wonder why the message that they put forward does not resonate with most Americans.
Trump abused his Presidential power in return for personal gain

High Crimes and Misdemeanors
Think about this: A whistleblower heard it from a friend who, heard it from a friend who, heard it from another Trump's been messin' around. Bingo, impeachment! Simultaneously facts that Joe and Hunter Biden used political influence to lift millions from Ukraine are ignored. Joe Biden is on tape bragging about extorting the Ukrainians to fire the corruption prosecutor investigating his son. The Bidens make Rod Blagojevich look like a kid operating a lemonade stand.

Trump derangement Syndrome is so widespread that the Biden's corruption is seen as acceptable. If everyone was like the Biden's Bernie Madoff would be on Mount Rushmore but Trump has to go to maintain the status quo.
WHY is it wrong for Biden to withhold military aid until he gets what he wants but in the same breath it is FINE for Trump to do the exact same thing? We have Trump's conversation asking for a favor and the check was being withheld ... coincidence? I think not.
Trump's opposition, including some of our national security agencies, went to foreign governments to prevent him from getting elected. Trump is trying to get to the bottom of this interference so it will never happen again. The press has devolved into propaganda so the people only get the state's version of what actually happened.

Trump has every reason to call for investigations into foreign election interference because it will happen again. The corrupt Sovietized American state is fighting for its life. Trump exposed this and investigating the Bidens is crucial in preventing quid pro quo corruption in the future. The health of our nation depends on trump sticking to his guns.
Trump's opposition, including some of our national security agencies, went to foreign governments to prevent him from getting elected
No they didn't. They investigated the foreign governments they suspected were interfering in our election.
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Think about this: A whistleblower heard it from a friend who, heard it from a friend who, heard it from another Trump's been messin' around. Bingo, impeachment! Simultaneously facts that Joe and Hunter Biden used political influence to lift millions from Ukraine are ignored. Joe Biden is on tape bragging about extorting the Ukrainians to fire the corruption prosecutor investigating his son. The Bidens make Rod Blagojevich look like a kid operating a lemonade stand.

Trump derangement Syndrome is so widespread that the Biden's corruption is seen as acceptable. If everyone was like the Biden's Bernie Madoff would be on Mount Rushmore but Trump has to go to maintain the status quo.
WHY is it wrong for Biden to withhold military aid until he gets what he wants but in the same breath it is FINE for Trump to do the exact same thing? We have Trump's conversation asking for a favor and the check was being withheld ... coincidence? I think not.
How is it diffrent if you tell someone that they must fire a prosecutor or not recieve money, compared to do us a favor and look into this? Maybe wording,Duh? Could it possibly be that the money was withheld until after the election of their president? No that would be too much real thought for some.
The ethos of opposition to Trump usually goes something like: “All I know is that I hate Donald trump, and that’s all I need to know-dagummit! “He’s dangerous!” “The government told me so and the government is good!”

Trump elicits this reaction from child-like fools that are used to listening to slick politicians that steal their money, raise their taxes, saddle them with pointless wars and smile while they tell them what a great deal they’re getting. Trump has a rustic habit of just telling the truth which threatens the fairy dust worldview constructed for them by leadership that sees them as contemptable useful idiots forever thirsty for the snake oil of government knows best.

Fools and children love fairy tales; the government knows this, and it knows that it can control the people if it can keep them eternally foolish and perpetually children. To many, Trump’s shocking victory in 2016 was like telling kids there’s no Santa Claus and it delivered a violent gut reaction. It was a blow to the beehive of an unelected Deep State that has been swindling the people of their freedoms, liberties and personal prosperity for decades by distracting them with the toys of fabricated struggles.

Trump is no threat to the people, but he is a definite threat to a government that has been conspiring with global interests to sell out American Exceptionalism and turn its melting pot history into an invasive withes brew of discordant lawlessness. Sanctuary cities are government Trojan Horses in place and waiting for a final assault on national sovereignty. It’s a strategy based on the importation of an alien ideology to poison the country from the inside out so no election that favors people over government can ever go the way of Trump’s again.

The government has gone code-red against the people, “the deplorables” that had the gall to go against it. It is hell bent on removing Trump from office with impeachment. It’s another wave of a blitzkrieg that began the night Trump won. It’s the government against the people and the government is going all out to save itself.

Our founders warned us about this when they put together our constitution. We need to understand that truth can come from unexpected places. Truth is not always smooth, slick or polished. But truth is truth which is why the government wants to take out Trump.
Ray, do you ever read ANY of the posts on ANY of the threads here? We have been telling you exactly why, in reasoned arguments, Trump is dangerous, Trump is unethical and Trump is inept.
Most of which is BS fed to you by liars at CNN/PMSNBC, the NYTimes, the WashPo, etc. Yeah … you swallow.
The ethos of opposition to Trump usually goes something like: “All I know is that I hate Donald trump, and that’s all I need to know-dagummit! “He’s dangerous!” “The government told me so and the government is good!”

Trump elicits this reaction from child-like fools that are used to listening to slick politicians that steal their money, raise their taxes, saddle them with pointless wars and smile while they tell them what a great deal they’re getting. Trump has a rustic habit of just telling the truth which threatens the fairy dust worldview constructed for them by leadership that sees them as contemptable useful idiots forever thirsty for the snake oil of government knows best.

Fools and children love fairy tales; the government knows this, and it knows that it can control the people if it can keep them eternally foolish and perpetually children. To many, Trump’s shocking victory in 2016 was like telling kids there’s no Santa Claus and it delivered a violent gut reaction. It was a blow to the beehive of an unelected Deep State that has been swindling the people of their freedoms, liberties and personal prosperity for decades by distracting them with the toys of fabricated struggles.

Trump is no threat to the people, but he is a definite threat to a government that has been conspiring with global interests to sell out American Exceptionalism and turn its melting pot history into an invasive withes brew of discordant lawlessness. Sanctuary cities are government Trojan Horses in place and waiting for a final assault on national sovereignty. It’s a strategy based on the importation of an alien ideology to poison the country from the inside out so no election that favors people over government can ever go the way of Trump’s again.

The government has gone code-red against the people, “the deplorables” that had the gall to go against it. It is hell bent on removing Trump from office with impeachment. It’s another wave of a blitzkrieg that began the night Trump won. It’s the government against the people and the government is going all out to save itself.

Our founders warned us about this when they put together our constitution. We need to understand that truth can come from unexpected places. Truth is not always smooth, slick or polished. But truth is truth which is why the government wants to take out Trump.
When Trump breaks the law, is he liable? Should he be held to account?

Or is just so great that he is infallible, untouchable, unaccountable?

Has he been convicted of anything? You better have more than this Schiff stuff because that died today
If 2 years of the Mueller witch-hunt taught us nothing else, it is that the desperately butt-hurt among us will glom onto any hope for relief and continue to cling to it long after it is dead and gone.

Mindless hatred is a powerful emotion and they all have a bad case of it.
The ethos of opposition to Trump usually goes something like: “All I know is that I hate Donald trump, and that’s all I need to know-dagummit! “He’s dangerous!” “The government told me so and the government is good!”

Trump elicits this reaction from child-like fools that are used to listening to slick politicians that steal their money, raise their taxes, saddle them with pointless wars and smile while they tell them what a great deal they’re getting. Trump has a rustic habit of just telling the truth which threatens the fairy dust worldview constructed for them by leadership that sees them as contemptable useful idiots forever thirsty for the snake oil of government knows best.

Fools and children love fairy tales; the government knows this, and it knows that it can control the people if it can keep them eternally foolish and perpetually children. To many, Trump’s shocking victory in 2016 was like telling kids there’s no Santa Claus and it delivered a violent gut reaction. It was a blow to the beehive of an unelected Deep State that has been swindling the people of their freedoms, liberties and personal prosperity for decades by distracting them with the toys of fabricated struggles.

Trump is no threat to the people, but he is a definite threat to a government that has been conspiring with global interests to sell out American Exceptionalism and turn its melting pot history into an invasive withes brew of discordant lawlessness. Sanctuary cities are government Trojan Horses in place and waiting for a final assault on national sovereignty. It’s a strategy based on the importation of an alien ideology to poison the country from the inside out so no election that favors people over government can ever go the way of Trump’s again.

The government has gone code-red against the people, “the deplorables” that had the gall to go against it. It is hell bent on removing Trump from office with impeachment. It’s another wave of a blitzkrieg that began the night Trump won. It’s the government against the people and the government is going all out to save itself.

Our founders warned us about this when they put together our constitution. We need to understand that truth can come from unexpected places. Truth is not always smooth, slick or polished. But truth is truth which is why the government wants to take out Trump.
Ray, do you ever read ANY of the posts on ANY of the threads here? We have been telling you exactly why, in reasoned arguments, Trump is dangerous, Trump is unethical and Trump is inept.

^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal TDS ^^^
I can't help but notice that these same insane constitutional scholars and lawyers on here telling everyone that Trump is guilty are the same ones that assured us that Mueller was perfect uncountable. That it did not matter if all his people were stanch democrats. Mueller the great and all powerful would lead everyone out of the White House in chains.
They assured everyone that even though the I.R.S. never found anything wrong with his taxes he hid things that would end him.
They argued that he paid Stormy campaign funds.
They pretend that they actually know what they are talking about yet every time the real world slaps them up side the head.
Trump's opposition, including some of our national security agencies, went to foreign governments to prevent him from getting elected. Trump is trying to get to the bottom of this interference so it will never happen again. The press has devolved into propaganda so the people only get the state's version of what actually happened.

Trump has every reason to call for investigations into foreign election interference because it will happen again. The corrupt Sovietized American state is fighting for its life. Trump exposed this and investigating the Bidens is crucial in preventing quid pro quo corruption in the future. The health of our nation depends on trump sticking to his guns.

Trump's opposition, including some of our national security agencies, went to foreign governments to prevent him from getting elected. Trump is trying to get to the bottom of this interference so it will never happen again. The press has devolved into propaganda so the people only get the state's version of what actually happened.

Trump has every reason to call for investigations into foreign election interference because it will happen again. The corrupt Sovietized American state is fighting for its life. Trump exposed this and investigating the Bidens is crucial in preventing quid pro quo corruption in the future. The health of our nation depends on trump sticking to his guns.


^^^ Diagnosis: Terminal Projection ^^^
I can't help but notice that these same insane constitutional scholars and lawyers on here telling everyone that Trump is guilty are the same ones that assured us that Mueller was perfect uncountable. That it did not matter if all his people were stanch democrats. Mueller the great and all powerful would lead everyone out of the White House in chains.
They assured everyone that even though the I.R.S. never found anything wrong with his taxes he hid things that would end him.
They argued that he paid Stormy campaign funds.
They pretend that they actually know what they are talking about yet every time the real world slaps them up side the head.
There is nothing like 3 minutes of spot-on comedy to drive a point home.

The ethos of opposition to Trump usually goes something like: “All I know is that I hate Donald trump, and that’s all I need to know-dagummit! “He’s dangerous!” “The government told me so and the government is good!”

Trump elicits this reaction from child-like fools that are used to listening to slick politicians that steal their money, raise their taxes, saddle them with pointless wars and smile while they tell them what a great deal they’re getting. Trump has a rustic habit of just telling the truth which threatens the fairy dust worldview constructed for them by leadership that sees them as contemptable useful idiots forever thirsty for the snake oil of government knows best.

Fools and children love fairy tales; the government knows this, and it knows that it can control the people if it can keep them eternally foolish and perpetually children. To many, Trump’s shocking victory in 2016 was like telling kids there’s no Santa Claus and it delivered a violent gut reaction. It was a blow to the beehive of an unelected Deep State that has been swindling the people of their freedoms, liberties and personal prosperity for decades by distracting them with the toys of fabricated struggles.

Trump is no threat to the people, but he is a definite threat to a government that has been conspiring with global interests to sell out American Exceptionalism and turn its melting pot history into an invasive withes brew of discordant lawlessness. Sanctuary cities are government Trojan Horses in place and waiting for a final assault on national sovereignty. It’s a strategy based on the importation of an alien ideology to poison the country from the inside out so no election that favors people over government can ever go the way of Trump’s again.

The government has gone code-red against the people, “the deplorables” that had the gall to go against it. It is hell bent on removing Trump from office with impeachment. It’s another wave of a blitzkrieg that began the night Trump won. It’s the government against the people and the government is going all out to save itself.

Our founders warned us about this when they put together our constitution. We need to understand that truth can come from unexpected places. Truth is not always smooth, slick or polished. But truth is truth which is why the government wants to take out Trump.

Congratulations. You passed Conspiracy 101. That is perfect paranoia. Trump betrays who he is. A far right wing paranoid out to make the world safe for white mails. Trump won ONLY because 25% of the population was voting against Clinton rather than FOR Trump. That 25% will vote against Trump. Trump has gone co0de red against everything this country stands for. Helping people who are in fear for their lives. Making up laws. Ignoring the Constitution. It is Trump trying to be a dictator.
Think about this: A whistleblower heard it from a friend who, heard it from a friend who, heard it from another Trump's been messin' around. Bingo, impeachment! Simultaneously facts that Joe and Hunter Biden used political influence to lift millions from Ukraine are ignored. Joe Biden is on tape bragging about extorting the Ukrainians to fire the corruption prosecutor investigating his son. The Bidens make Rod Blagojevich look like a kid operating a lemonade stand.

Trump derangement Syndrome is so widespread that the Biden's corruption is seen as acceptable. If everyone was like the Biden's Bernie Madoff would be on Mount Rushmore but Trump has to go to maintain the status quo.
WHY is it wrong for Biden to withhold military aid until he gets what he wants but in the same breath it is FINE for Trump to do the exact same thing? We have Trump's conversation asking for a favor and the check was being withheld ... coincidence? I think not.
How is it diffrent if you tell someone that they must fire a prosecutor or not recieve money, compared to do us a favor and look into this? Maybe wording,Duh? Could it possibly be that the money was withheld until after the election of their president? No that would be too much real thought for some.
The President of Ukraine was elected April 21. The funds were withheld one week before the Phone Call, on July 18.
Try again.

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