Trump's impeachment is government vs people.

The ethos of opposition to Trump usually goes something like: “All I know is that I hate Donald trump, and that’s all I need to know-dagummit! “He’s dangerous!” “The government told me so and the government is good!”

Trump elicits this reaction from child-like fools that are used to listening to slick politicians that steal their money, raise their taxes, saddle them with pointless wars and smile while they tell them what a great deal they’re getting. Trump has a rustic habit of just telling the truth which threatens the fairy dust worldview constructed for them by leadership that sees them as contemptable useful idiots forever thirsty for the snake oil of government knows best.

Fools and children love fairy tales; the government knows this, and it knows that it can control the people if it can keep them eternally foolish and perpetually children. To many, Trump’s shocking victory in 2016 was like telling kids there’s no Santa Claus and it delivered a violent gut reaction. It was a blow to the beehive of an unelected Deep State that has been swindling the people of their freedoms, liberties and personal prosperity for decades by distracting them with the toys of fabricated struggles.

Trump is no threat to the people, but he is a definite threat to a government that has been conspiring with global interests to sell out American Exceptionalism and turn its melting pot history into an invasive withes brew of discordant lawlessness. Sanctuary cities are government Trojan Horses in place and waiting for a final assault on national sovereignty. It’s a strategy based on the importation of an alien ideology to poison the country from the inside out so no election that favors people over government can ever go the way of Trump’s again.

The government has gone code-red against the people, “the deplorables” that had the gall to go against it. It is hell bent on removing Trump from office with impeachment. It’s another wave of a blitzkrieg that began the night Trump won. It’s the government against the people and the government is going all out to save itself.

Our founders warned us about this when they put together our constitution. We need to understand that truth can come from unexpected places. Truth is not always smooth, slick or polished. But truth is truth which is why the government wants to take out Trump.
Ray, do you ever read ANY of the posts on ANY of the threads here? We have been telling you exactly why, in reasoned arguments, Trump is dangerous, Trump is unethical and Trump is inept.

Hah! I see you've had your daily dose of Kool Aid....
The President of Ukraine was elected April 21. The funds were withheld one week before the Phone Call, on July 18.
Try again.
Lol. So you are saying that the check should have been sent what same day air? We are supposed to magically know that the newly elected president won't stuff the check into his back pocket?
You know, when all this started, if Trump had told us that he withheld the aid because he was worried about corruption, I would have to grudgingly admit that might be his motivation. BUT THAT IS NOT WHAT HE TOLD US. At least twice that I recall, Trump explained that he withheld the aid because he felt other European countries should be paying more of their "fair share" to Ukraine. He even announced it in his speech at the UN.
So trying to convince me that Trump was suddenly worried about corruption (except in relation to Biden/Burisma) doesn't fly.
Who are you really trying to kid yourself or me when you say you grudgingly would have admitted anything that did not put Trump in a bad light. You have been against him since he managed to win, long before he was sworn in.
I gave what may have been an explanation, I did not swear to that being the only reason.

Funny that no one in the Ukraine did not know that the money had been withheld even after the phone call. How do you make anything conditional on a party doing something when they don't even know that there is a condition?
Let's not make this about me. I actually try to be fair to the asshole; I'm not a partisan whore. But the discussion isn't about me.
If this is true, Zelensky didn't know the aid was held up. So it wouldn't be strong arming, just Trump using his influence to get a favor against his rival, as President of a country that Ukraine needs in order to survive. But Zelensky is between a real rock and a hard place, so he might be saying that to please Trump, too. Stranger things have happened.

Ukraine's leader: Trump didn't use US military aid as lever
Damn I can't keep from laughing my self out of the chair.
You say you are not a partisan whore but then contradict that in the sentence before that. Way to be partisan.

So now just to try and be even more partisan you claim that people in the Ukraine are lieing. Love how partisan lefties minds work. Everyone but them and those they agree with is lieing.
You guys crack me up. You think just about everyone in the world is lying to us, including most of the intelligence services, the colluding government and media. Yet if Zelensky is making remarks to keep Trump and his purse happy, I'm suddenly a partisan whore.

Funny stuff.
Lol. So you are saying that the check should have been sent what same day air? We are supposed to magically know that the newly elected president won't stuff the check into his back pocket?
You know, when all this started, if Trump had told us that he withheld the aid because he was worried about corruption, I would have to grudgingly admit that might be his motivation. BUT THAT IS NOT WHAT HE TOLD US. At least twice that I recall, Trump explained that he withheld the aid because he felt other European countries should be paying more of their "fair share" to Ukraine. He even announced it in his speech at the UN.
So trying to convince me that Trump was suddenly worried about corruption (except in relation to Biden/Burisma) doesn't fly.
Who are you really trying to kid yourself or me when you say you grudgingly would have admitted anything that did not put Trump in a bad light. You have been against him since he managed to win, long before he was sworn in.
I gave what may have been an explanation, I did not swear to that being the only reason.

Funny that no one in the Ukraine did not know that the money had been withheld even after the phone call. How do you make anything conditional on a party doing something when they don't even know that there is a condition?
Let's not make this about me. I actually try to be fair to the asshole; I'm not a partisan whore. But the discussion isn't about me.
If this is true, Zelensky didn't know the aid was held up. So it wouldn't be strong arming, just Trump using his influence to get a favor against his rival, as President of a country that Ukraine needs in order to survive. But Zelensky is between a real rock and a hard place, so he might be saying that to please Trump, too. Stranger things have happened.

Ukraine's leader: Trump didn't use US military aid as lever
Damn I can't keep from laughing my self out of the chair.
You say you are not a partisan whore but then contradict that in the sentence before that. Way to be partisan.

So now just to try and be even more partisan you claim that people in the Ukraine are lieing. Love how partisan lefties minds work. Everyone but them and those they agree with is lieing.
You guys crack me up. You think just about everyone in the world is lying to us, including most of the intelligence services, the colluding government and media. Yet if Zelensky is making remarks to keep Trump and his purse happy, I'm suddenly a partisan whore.

Funny stuff.
Don't blame me if you don't like being wrong. Schiff was just given four Pinocchios for his great job. The only people or institutions that I have ever called out for lieing are those that have been shown to do it.

So yeah good going on that. Would you like to keep trying maybe you can get above crazy partisan.
Lol. So you are saying that the check should have been sent what same day air? We are supposed to magically know that the newly elected president won't stuff the check into his back pocket?
You know, when all this started, if Trump had told us that he withheld the aid because he was worried about corruption, I would have to grudgingly admit that might be his motivation. BUT THAT IS NOT WHAT HE TOLD US. At least twice that I recall, Trump explained that he withheld the aid because he felt other European countries should be paying more of their "fair share" to Ukraine. He even announced it in his speech at the UN.
So trying to convince me that Trump was suddenly worried about corruption (except in relation to Biden/Burisma) doesn't fly.
Who are you really trying to kid yourself or me when you say you grudgingly would have admitted anything that did not put Trump in a bad light. You have been against him since he managed to win, long before he was sworn in.
I gave what may have been an explanation, I did not swear to that being the only reason.

Funny that no one in the Ukraine did not know that the money had been withheld even after the phone call. How do you make anything conditional on a party doing something when they don't even know that there is a condition?
Let's not make this about me. I actually try to be fair to the asshole; I'm not a partisan whore. But the discussion isn't about me.
If this is true, Zelensky didn't know the aid was held up. So it wouldn't be strong arming, just Trump using his influence to get a favor against his rival, as President of a country that Ukraine needs in order to survive. But Zelensky is between a real rock and a hard place, so he might be saying that to please Trump, too. Stranger things have happened.

Ukraine's leader: Trump didn't use US military aid as lever
Damn I can't keep from laughing my self out of the chair.
You say you are not a partisan whore but then contradict that in the sentence before that. Way to be partisan.

So now just to try and be even more partisan you claim that people in the Ukraine are lieing. Love how partisan lefties minds work. Everyone but them and those they agree with is lieing.
You guys crack me up. You think just about everyone in the world is lying to us, including most of the intelligence services, the colluding government and media. Yet if Zelensky is making remarks to keep Trump and his purse happy, I'm suddenly a partisan whore.

Funny stuff.

Not sure about the suddenly part.
The ethos of opposition to Trump usually goes something like: “All I know is that I hate Donald trump, and that’s all I need to know-dagummit! “He’s dangerous!” “The government told me so and the government is good!”

Trump elicits this reaction from child-like fools that are used to listening to slick politicians that steal their money, raise their taxes, saddle them with pointless wars and smile while they tell them what a great deal they’re getting. Trump has a rustic habit of just telling the truth which threatens the fairy dust worldview constructed for them by leadership that sees them as contemptable useful idiots forever thirsty for the snake oil of government knows best.

Fools and children love fairy tales; the government knows this, and it knows that it can control the people if it can keep them eternally foolish and perpetually children. To many, Trump’s shocking victory in 2016 was like telling kids there’s no Santa Claus and it delivered a violent gut reaction. It was a blow to the beehive of an unelected Deep State that has been swindling the people of their freedoms, liberties and personal prosperity for decades by distracting them with the toys of fabricated struggles.

Trump is no threat to the people, but he is a definite threat to a government that has been conspiring with global interests to sell out American Exceptionalism and turn its melting pot history into an invasive withes brew of discordant lawlessness. Sanctuary cities are government Trojan Horses in place and waiting for a final assault on national sovereignty. It’s a strategy based on the importation of an alien ideology to poison the country from the inside out so no election that favors people over government can ever go the way of Trump’s again.

The government has gone code-red against the people, “the deplorables” that had the gall to go against it. It is hell bent on removing Trump from office with impeachment. It’s another wave of a blitzkrieg that began the night Trump won. It’s the government against the people and the government is going all out to save itself.

Our founders warned us about this when they put together our constitution. We need to understand that truth can come from unexpected places. Truth is not always smooth, slick or polished. But truth is truth which is why the government wants to take out Trump.

Trump is a threat to the elites. And they are a threat to Americans. Trump is all that stands between us and them.
But that isn’t what impeachment is about.
The ethos of opposition to Trump usually goes something like: “All I know is that I hate Donald trump, and that’s all I need to know-dagummit! “He’s dangerous!” “The government told me so and the government is good!”

Trump elicits this reaction from child-like fools that are used to listening to slick politicians that steal their money, raise their taxes, saddle them with pointless wars and smile while they tell them what a great deal they’re getting. Trump has a rustic habit of just telling the truth which threatens the fairy dust worldview constructed for them by leadership that sees them as contemptable useful idiots forever thirsty for the snake oil of government knows best.

Fools and children love fairy tales; the government knows this, and it knows that it can control the people if it can keep them eternally foolish and perpetually children. To many, Trump’s shocking victory in 2016 was like telling kids there’s no Santa Claus and it delivered a violent gut reaction. It was a blow to the beehive of an unelected Deep State that has been swindling the people of their freedoms, liberties and personal prosperity for decades by distracting them with the toys of fabricated struggles.

Trump is no threat to the people, but he is a definite threat to a government that has been conspiring with global interests to sell out American Exceptionalism and turn its melting pot history into an invasive withes brew of discordant lawlessness. Sanctuary cities are government Trojan Horses in place and waiting for a final assault on national sovereignty. It’s a strategy based on the importation of an alien ideology to poison the country from the inside out so no election that favors people over government can ever go the way of Trump’s again.

The government has gone code-red against the people, “the deplorables” that had the gall to go against it. It is hell bent on removing Trump from office with impeachment. It’s another wave of a blitzkrieg that began the night Trump won. It’s the government against the people and the government is going all out to save itself.

Our founders warned us about this when they put together our constitution. We need to understand that truth can come from unexpected places. Truth is not always smooth, slick or polished. But truth is truth which is why the government wants to take out Trump.
Ray, do you ever read ANY of the posts on ANY of the threads here? We have been telling you exactly why, in reasoned arguments, Trump is dangerous, Trump is unethical and Trump is inept.
The Mueller Report, right?
WHY is it wrong for Biden to withhold military aid until he gets what he wants but in the same breath it is FINE for Trump to do the exact same thing? We have Trump's conversation asking for a favor and the check was being withheld ... coincidence? I think not.
How is it diffrent if you tell someone that they must fire a prosecutor or not recieve money, compared to do us a favor and look into this? Maybe wording,Duh? Could it possibly be that the money was withheld until after the election of their president? No that would be too much real thought for some.
The President of Ukraine was elected April 21. The funds were withheld one week before the Phone Call, on July 18.
Try again.
Lol. So you are saying that the check should have been sent what same day air? We are supposed to magically know that the newly elected president won't stuff the check into his back pocket?
You know, when all this started, if Trump had told us that he withheld the aid because he was worried about corruption, I would have to grudgingly admit that might be his motivation. BUT THAT IS NOT WHAT HE TOLD US. At least twice that I recall, Trump explained that he withheld the aid because he felt other European countries should be paying more of their "fair share" to Ukraine. He even announced it in his speech at the UN.
So trying to convince me that Trump was suddenly worried about corruption (except in relation to Biden/Burisma) doesn't fly.
Who are you really trying to kid yourself or me when you say you grudgingly would have admitted anything that did not put Trump in a bad light. You have been against him since he managed to win, long before he was sworn in.
I gave what may have been an explanation, I did not swear to that being the only reason.

Funny that no one in the Ukraine did not know that the money had been withheld even after the phone call. How do you make anything conditional on a party doing something when they don't even know that there is a condition?

What a steaming load of crap!

The Ukrainians knew very well what they had to do for Trump to get that aid. Trump told them 8 times what the favour Trump required was. When Zelensky asked for missiles, the next words out of Trump's mouth were "I need a favour, though". You'd have to be willfully deaf, dumb and blind not to see it, which of course, all Trumpkins truly are.
Last edited:
The ethos of opposition to Trump usually goes something like: “All I know is that I hate Donald trump, and that’s all I need to know-dagummit! “He’s dangerous!” “The government told me so and the government is good!”

Trump elicits this reaction from child-like fools that are used to listening to slick politicians that steal their money, raise their taxes, saddle them with pointless wars and smile while they tell them what a great deal they’re getting. Trump has a rustic habit of just telling the truth which threatens the fairy dust worldview constructed for them by leadership that sees them as contemptable useful idiots forever thirsty for the snake oil of government knows best.

Fools and children love fairy tales; the government knows this, and it knows that it can control the people if it can keep them eternally foolish and perpetually children. To many, Trump’s shocking victory in 2016 was like telling kids there’s no Santa Claus and it delivered a violent gut reaction. It was a blow to the beehive of an unelected Deep State that has been swindling the people of their freedoms, liberties and personal prosperity for decades by distracting them with the toys of fabricated struggles.

Trump is no threat to the people, but he is a definite threat to a government that has been conspiring with global interests to sell out American Exceptionalism and turn its melting pot history into an invasive withes brew of discordant lawlessness. Sanctuary cities are government Trojan Horses in place and waiting for a final assault on national sovereignty. It’s a strategy based on the importation of an alien ideology to poison the country from the inside out so no election that favors people over government can ever go the way of Trump’s again.

The government has gone code-red against the people, “the deplorables” that had the gall to go against it. It is hell bent on removing Trump from office with impeachment. It’s another wave of a blitzkrieg that began the night Trump won. It’s the government against the people and the government is going all out to save itself.

Our founders warned us about this when they put together our constitution. We need to understand that truth can come from unexpected places. Truth is not always smooth, slick or polished. But truth is truth which is why the government wants to take out Trump.

Sorry man,

He lost the popular vote too... So the People are on the other side...

So it is the (Law, Government, People, Decency & US National Security) v (Electoral Voting system & Russia)...

Russia is a big backer, not to be underestimated...
The ethos of opposition to Trump usually goes something like: “All I know is that I hate Donald trump, and that’s all I need to know-dagummit! “He’s dangerous!” “The government told me so and the government is good!”

Trump elicits this reaction from child-like fools that are used to listening to slick politicians that steal their money, raise their taxes, saddle them with pointless wars and smile while they tell them what a great deal they’re getting. Trump has a rustic habit of just telling the truth which threatens the fairy dust worldview constructed for them by leadership that sees them as contemptable useful idiots forever thirsty for the snake oil of government knows best.

Fools and children love fairy tales; the government knows this, and it knows that it can control the people if it can keep them eternally foolish and perpetually children. To many, Trump’s shocking victory in 2016 was like telling kids there’s no Santa Claus and it delivered a violent gut reaction. It was a blow to the beehive of an unelected Deep State that has been swindling the people of their freedoms, liberties and personal prosperity for decades by distracting them with the toys of fabricated struggles.

Trump is no threat to the people, but he is a definite threat to a government that has been conspiring with global interests to sell out American Exceptionalism and turn its melting pot history into an invasive withes brew of discordant lawlessness. Sanctuary cities are government Trojan Horses in place and waiting for a final assault on national sovereignty. It’s a strategy based on the importation of an alien ideology to poison the country from the inside out so no election that favors people over government can ever go the way of Trump’s again.

The government has gone code-red against the people, “the deplorables” that had the gall to go against it. It is hell bent on removing Trump from office with impeachment. It’s another wave of a blitzkrieg that began the night Trump won. It’s the government against the people and the government is going all out to save itself.

Our founders warned us about this when they put together our constitution. We need to understand that truth can come from unexpected places. Truth is not always smooth, slick or polished. But truth is truth which is why the government wants to take out Trump.
When Trump breaks the law, is he liable? Should he be held to account?

Or is just so great that he is infallible, untouchable, unaccountable?

What law?
The ethos of opposition to Trump usually goes something like: “All I know is that I hate Donald trump, and that’s all I need to know-dagummit! “He’s dangerous!” “The government told me so and the government is good!”

Trump elicits this reaction from child-like fools that are used to listening to slick politicians that steal their money, raise their taxes, saddle them with pointless wars and smile while they tell them what a great deal they’re getting. Trump has a rustic habit of just telling the truth which threatens the fairy dust worldview constructed for them by leadership that sees them as contemptable useful idiots forever thirsty for the snake oil of government knows best.

Fools and children love fairy tales; the government knows this, and it knows that it can control the people if it can keep them eternally foolish and perpetually children. To many, Trump’s shocking victory in 2016 was like telling kids there’s no Santa Claus and it delivered a violent gut reaction. It was a blow to the beehive of an unelected Deep State that has been swindling the people of their freedoms, liberties and personal prosperity for decades by distracting them with the toys of fabricated struggles.

Trump is no threat to the people, but he is a definite threat to a government that has been conspiring with global interests to sell out American Exceptionalism and turn its melting pot history into an invasive withes brew of discordant lawlessness. Sanctuary cities are government Trojan Horses in place and waiting for a final assault on national sovereignty. It’s a strategy based on the importation of an alien ideology to poison the country from the inside out so no election that favors people over government can ever go the way of Trump’s again.

The government has gone code-red against the people, “the deplorables” that had the gall to go against it. It is hell bent on removing Trump from office with impeachment. It’s another wave of a blitzkrieg that began the night Trump won. It’s the government against the people and the government is going all out to save itself.

Our founders warned us about this when they put together our constitution. We need to understand that truth can come from unexpected places. Truth is not always smooth, slick or polished. But truth is truth which is why the government wants to take out Trump.
When Trump breaks the law, is he liable? Should he be held to account?

Or is just so great that he is infallible, untouchable, unaccountable?

Has he been convicted of anything? You better have more than this Schiff stuff because that died today
You failed civics class!

By now you should know how impeachment works!

Impeachment is not convicting. It's indictment.

Am I using too many big words?

He will get convicted in the senate if Republican senators hold their country more dear than their party.

He will not get impeached if Democrats want to save their jobs and control of the House. We know they don't care about the country, but do they care about their party?
The ethos of opposition to Trump usually goes something like: “All I know is that I hate Donald trump, and that’s all I need to know-dagummit! “He’s dangerous!” “The government told me so and the government is good!”

Trump elicits this reaction from child-like fools that are used to listening to slick politicians that steal their money, raise their taxes, saddle them with pointless wars and smile while they tell them what a great deal they’re getting. Trump has a rustic habit of just telling the truth . . .

I stopped reading your post right where I cut it out, because Trump has never told the truth to the American public about ANYTHING, and this latest set of lies is no exception.

Trump is lying about Joe Biden and repeating a discredited and debunked conspiracy theory about the Bidens, most of it outright lies, and a total false narrative built around Biden delivering a message from ALL of Americas military partners and allies that the Ukraine needed to fire their inept prosecutor and clean up corruption in the government, in order to receive western military aid in their war with Russia. Of course that fired investigator is willing to lie and sling shit at Joe Biden. Biden was only the messenger. NATO, the EU, the IMF, and the Obama Administration - all of whom were prepared to provide financial and/or military aid to the Ukraine, were demanding Slotnik's resignation. Biden was sent to the Ukraine to get it.

Last but not least, who does this mess benefit most? Vladimir Putin of course. Everything that Donald Trump does in his foreign policy, benefits Vladimir Putin, including withholding military aid to the Ukraine.
Dragon Lady, what is Billijeens talking about? Ukranians convicted of helping Hillary Clinton win?

This is another alt-right conspiracy theory which goes something like this: Russia didn't hack the DNC, the Ukrainians did it. Crowdstrike (a high tech firm), was hired by the DNC to investigate the hack, and they told the FBI the Russians did it. The FBI never examined the server. One of the owners of Crowdstrike is a Ukrainian, so the Ukranians hacked the DNC, lied to the FBI and told them the Russians did it, and Crowdstrike took the DNC server back to the Ukraine. Trump wants Zelenka to get the DNC server from Crowdstrike to prove that Russia didn't hack the DNC. This would utterly discredit the Mueller Investigation and prove the entire investigation is a "hoax".

Trump is trying to prove Russia didn't hack the DNC so he can lift sanctions against Russia imposed by President Obama after the election. There is currently an act of Congress which prevents Trump from lifting Russian sanctions without Congressional consent. He's also pushing Zelenka to make peace with Putin because most of the Russian sanctions are all based on the illegal annexation of Crimea and the war against the Ukraine. If the Ukraine and Russia make peace, Trump can make a case for lifting sanctions against Russia, which is why Putin wanted Trump elected in the first place.

This is all self-dealing, and encouraging foreign governments to meddle in American elections.
Thanks. I was able to look up the Crowdstrike thing after you pointed me in the right direction.
I have no idea if your theory as to why the President does what he does is correct, but one thing I know for sure is that the conspiracy nuts have gone wild and it is concerning me that the President is more and more open about believing them--he is actually PUSHING them lately. When our leader is backing ideas with absolutely no evidence whatsoever, it makes me wonder what other nifty ideas he might get into his head. You just can't trust a conspiracy theorist.

Everything goes back to the Magnitsky Act, and the sanctions imposed by the USA and other countries against Russia. Putin and his oligarchs cannot leave Russia and access their stolen billions because of the Magnitsky Act. General Flynn's telephone call with the Russian Ambassador - the one he lied to the FBI about, was telling the Russian Ambassador not to retaliate against the Obama sanctions because Trump will lift them after the Inauguration. Shortly after the Inauguration, Congress and the Senate passed a veto-proof law, almost unanimously (99 - 1 in the Senate I think), preventing Trump from lifting sanctions against Russia without Congressional consent.

Trump claims that no one is tougher on Russia than he is, but that's simply not true. Trump has announced more sanctions against Russia than any recent President. Trouble is that he never imposes them. He makes big announcements of sanctions against Russia but in fact order the CIA to work with the Russian intelligence leaders on American election security. Yes, hand the burglars all your security codes so they can get in undetected next time.

Recently, Moscow Mitch lifted sanctions against one Russian oligarch in return for a massive investment McConnell's home district.

Senators don't have districts, dumbass!
How is it diffrent if you tell someone that they must fire a prosecutor or not recieve money, compared to do us a favor and look into this? Maybe wording,Duh? Could it possibly be that the money was withheld until after the election of their president? No that would be too much real thought for some.
The President of Ukraine was elected April 21. The funds were withheld one week before the Phone Call, on July 18.
Try again.
Lol. So you are saying that the check should have been sent what same day air? We are supposed to magically know that the newly elected president won't stuff the check into his back pocket?
You know, when all this started, if Trump had told us that he withheld the aid because he was worried about corruption, I would have to grudgingly admit that might be his motivation. BUT THAT IS NOT WHAT HE TOLD US. At least twice that I recall, Trump explained that he withheld the aid because he felt other European countries should be paying more of their "fair share" to Ukraine. He even announced it in his speech at the UN.
So trying to convince me that Trump was suddenly worried about corruption (except in relation to Biden/Burisma) doesn't fly.
Who are you really trying to kid yourself or me when you say you grudgingly would have admitted anything that did not put Trump in a bad light. You have been against him since he managed to win, long before he was sworn in.
I gave what may have been an explanation, I did not swear to that being the only reason.

Funny that no one in the Ukraine did not know that the money had been withheld even after the phone call. How do you make anything conditional on a party doing something when they don't even know that there is a condition?

What a steaming load of crap!

The Ukrainians knew very well what they had to do for Trump to get that aid. Trump told them 8 times what the favour Trump required was. When Zelensky asked for missiles, the next words out of Trump's mouth were "I need a favour, though". You'd have to be willfully deaf, dumb and blind not to see it, which of course, all Trumpkins truly are.

You did not read the transcript, you lying sack of Schiff!
The President of Ukraine was elected April 21. The funds were withheld one week before the Phone Call, on July 18.
Try again.
Lol. So you are saying that the check should have been sent what same day air? We are supposed to magically know that the newly elected president won't stuff the check into his back pocket?
You know, when all this started, if Trump had told us that he withheld the aid because he was worried about corruption, I would have to grudgingly admit that might be his motivation. BUT THAT IS NOT WHAT HE TOLD US. At least twice that I recall, Trump explained that he withheld the aid because he felt other European countries should be paying more of their "fair share" to Ukraine. He even announced it in his speech at the UN.
So trying to convince me that Trump was suddenly worried about corruption (except in relation to Biden/Burisma) doesn't fly.
Who are you really trying to kid yourself or me when you say you grudgingly would have admitted anything that did not put Trump in a bad light. You have been against him since he managed to win, long before he was sworn in.
I gave what may have been an explanation, I did not swear to that being the only reason.

Funny that no one in the Ukraine did not know that the money had been withheld even after the phone call. How do you make anything conditional on a party doing something when they don't even know that there is a condition?

What a steaming load of crap!

The Ukrainians knew very well what they had to do for Trump to get that aid. Trump told them 8 times what the favour Trump required was. When Zelensky asked for missiles, the next words out of Trump's mouth were "I need a favour, though". You'd have to be willfully deaf, dumb and blind not to see it, which of course, all Trumpkins truly are.

You did not read the transcript, you lying sack of Schiff!

Yes, I did read the transcript. I also read the text messsages that Volker took to Congress last week. I also looked at the fact that Trump released that military aid to the Ukraine on the day that new of the whistleblower complaint became public.

You Trumpkin apologists have been telling us from the beginning that what we see with our own eyes and hear with our own ears, is not happening. You told us that Trump threatening witnesses via Twitter wasn't obstruction of justice and witness intimmidation, and yet the Mueller report said clearly that such actions were blatant witness intimmidation and obstruction of justice.

Now you're telling us that Trump is not betraying your country, abusing power and violating the Constitution when we watch him do it daily. Today, he's abandoning the Kurds to probably genocide at the hands of the Turks. These are America's allies who helped defeat ISIS. Erdogan is invading. Trump is leaving, despite the promises made to the Kurds.
The ethos of opposition to Trump usually goes something like: “All I know is that I hate Donald trump, and that’s all I need to know-dagummit! “He’s dangerous!” “The government told me so and the government is good!”

Trump elicits this reaction from child-like fools that are used to listening to slick politicians that steal their money, raise their taxes, saddle them with pointless wars and smile while they tell them what a great deal they’re getting. Trump has a rustic habit of just telling the truth which threatens the fairy dust worldview constructed for them by leadership that sees them as contemptable useful idiots forever thirsty for the snake oil of government knows best.

Fools and children love fairy tales; the government knows this, and it knows that it can control the people if it can keep them eternally foolish and perpetually children. To many, Trump’s shocking victory in 2016 was like telling kids there’s no Santa Claus and it delivered a violent gut reaction. It was a blow to the beehive of an unelected Deep State that has been swindling the people of their freedoms, liberties and personal prosperity for decades by distracting them with the toys of fabricated struggles.

Trump is no threat to the people, but he is a definite threat to a government that has been conspiring with global interests to sell out American Exceptionalism and turn its melting pot history into an invasive withes brew of discordant lawlessness. Sanctuary cities are government Trojan Horses in place and waiting for a final assault on national sovereignty. It’s a strategy based on the importation of an alien ideology to poison the country from the inside out so no election that favors people over government can ever go the way of Trump’s again.

The government has gone code-red against the people, “the deplorables” that had the gall to go against it. It is hell bent on removing Trump from office with impeachment. It’s another wave of a blitzkrieg that began the night Trump won. It’s the government against the people and the government is going all out to save itself.

Our founders warned us about this when they put together our constitution. We need to understand that truth can come from unexpected places. Truth is not always smooth, slick or polished. But truth is truth which is why the government wants to take out Trump.
When Trump breaks the law, is he liable? Should he be held to account?

Or is just so great that he is infallible, untouchable, unaccountable?

Has he been convicted of anything? You better have more than this Schiff stuff because that died today
You failed civics class!

By now you should know how impeachment works!

Impeachment is not convicting. It's indictment.

Am I using too many big words?

He will get convicted in the senate if Republican senators hold their country more dear than their party.

He will not get impeached if Democrats want to save their jobs and control of the House. We know they don't care about the country, but do they care about their party?
Why is party more important?

When Trump is gone, enriching the soil in a cemetery in Queens, the country will still be here. The constitution will still be here.

The senate Republicans are more concerned for party, particularly their own power base, than the country. They are cowards.
Lol. So you are saying that the check should have been sent what same day air? We are supposed to magically know that the newly elected president won't stuff the check into his back pocket?
You know, when all this started, if Trump had told us that he withheld the aid because he was worried about corruption, I would have to grudgingly admit that might be his motivation. BUT THAT IS NOT WHAT HE TOLD US. At least twice that I recall, Trump explained that he withheld the aid because he felt other European countries should be paying more of their "fair share" to Ukraine. He even announced it in his speech at the UN.
So trying to convince me that Trump was suddenly worried about corruption (except in relation to Biden/Burisma) doesn't fly.
Who are you really trying to kid yourself or me when you say you grudgingly would have admitted anything that did not put Trump in a bad light. You have been against him since he managed to win, long before he was sworn in.
I gave what may have been an explanation, I did not swear to that being the only reason.

Funny that no one in the Ukraine did not know that the money had been withheld even after the phone call. How do you make anything conditional on a party doing something when they don't even know that there is a condition?

What a steaming load of crap!

The Ukrainians knew very well what they had to do for Trump to get that aid. Trump told them 8 times what the favour Trump required was. When Zelensky asked for missiles, the next words out of Trump's mouth were "I need a favour, though". You'd have to be willfully deaf, dumb and blind not to see it, which of course, all Trumpkins truly are.

You did not read the transcript, you lying sack of Schiff!

Yes, I did read the transcript. I also read the text messsages that Volker took to Congress last week. I also looked at the fact that Trump released that military aid to the Ukraine on the day that new of the whistleblower complaint became public.

You Trumpkin apologists have been telling us from the beginning that what we see with our own eyes and hear with our own ears, is not happening. You told us that Trump threatening witnesses via Twitter wasn't obstruction of justice and witness intimmidation, and yet the Mueller report said clearly that such actions were blatant witness intimmidation and obstruction of justice.

Now you're telling us that Trump is not betraying your country, abusing power and violating the Constitution when we watch him do it daily. Today, he's abandoning the Kurds to probably genocide at the hands of the Turks. These are America's allies who helped defeat ISIS. Erdogan is invading. Trump is leaving, despite the promises made to the Kurds.

No, you read Schiff's blatant lies. Trump has threatened no one, except those threats Schiff created.

Did you ever think that perhaps Trump warned Erdogan that any attempts to attack the Kurds would result in airstrikes on the Turks? Maybe he would cancel the sale of the F-35s to Turkey? Maybe he would have NATO kick Turkey out?

BTW, learn to spell "intiidations", dumbass!
The ethos of opposition to Trump usually goes something like: “All I know is that I hate Donald trump, and that’s all I need to know-dagummit! “He’s dangerous!” “The government told me so and the government is good!”

Trump elicits this reaction from child-like fools that are used to listening to slick politicians that steal their money, raise their taxes, saddle them with pointless wars and smile while they tell them what a great deal they’re getting. Trump has a rustic habit of just telling the truth which threatens the fairy dust worldview constructed for them by leadership that sees them as contemptable useful idiots forever thirsty for the snake oil of government knows best.

Fools and children love fairy tales; the government knows this, and it knows that it can control the people if it can keep them eternally foolish and perpetually children. To many, Trump’s shocking victory in 2016 was like telling kids there’s no Santa Claus and it delivered a violent gut reaction. It was a blow to the beehive of an unelected Deep State that has been swindling the people of their freedoms, liberties and personal prosperity for decades by distracting them with the toys of fabricated struggles.

Trump is no threat to the people, but he is a definite threat to a government that has been conspiring with global interests to sell out American Exceptionalism and turn its melting pot history into an invasive withes brew of discordant lawlessness. Sanctuary cities are government Trojan Horses in place and waiting for a final assault on national sovereignty. It’s a strategy based on the importation of an alien ideology to poison the country from the inside out so no election that favors people over government can ever go the way of Trump’s again.

The government has gone code-red against the people, “the deplorables” that had the gall to go against it. It is hell bent on removing Trump from office with impeachment. It’s another wave of a blitzkrieg that began the night Trump won. It’s the government against the people and the government is going all out to save itself.

Our founders warned us about this when they put together our constitution. We need to understand that truth can come from unexpected places. Truth is not always smooth, slick or polished. But truth is truth which is why the government wants to take out Trump.
When Trump breaks the law, is he liable? Should he be held to account?

Or is just so great that he is infallible, untouchable, unaccountable?

Has he been convicted of anything? You better have more than this Schiff stuff because that died today
You failed civics class!

By now you should know how impeachment works!

Impeachment is not convicting. It's indictment.

Am I using too many big words?

He will get convicted in the senate if Republican senators hold their country more dear than their party.

He will not get impeached if Democrats want to save their jobs and control of the House. We know they don't care about the country, but do they care about their party?
Why is party more important?

When Trump is gone, enriching the soil in a cemetery in Queens, the country will still be here. The constitution will still be here.

The senate Republicans are more concerned for party, particularly their own power base, than the country. They are cowards.

So? The libtards are lying about anything and everything they can to foment a coup!

Why are Republicans not even on the same scale of evil where the Democrats live?
Ray, do you ever read ANY of the posts on ANY of the threads here? We have been telling you exactly why, in reasoned arguments, Trump is dangerous, Trump is unethical and Trump is inept.
Reasoned arguments?!?....ROFLMFAO!!

You moonbats have yet to come anywhere near anything resembling reasoned arguments.

Day in, day out, its hyperventilation, hyperbole, Freudian projection, conspiracy delusions, and pure fantasy.

Reasoned grief, Charlie Brown!
Dude, you need to pull yer head outta tRump's ass and look around. The ones posting the lies, hyperbole, and hyperventalation are tRumplings.
Creepy! How every issue has two opposing sides isn't it' Dems. We want everything you've ever said, done, written, discussed or thought about since you were 12 yrs old, so we can try and find something to use for impeachment since the whole Russia collusion hoax didn't work, and we want it now or else! President Trump every morning :fu:! Does anyone here think if they had valid information of a high crime or misdemeanor they wouldn't have already brought it to the floor for a Vote on articles of impeachment. Prediction !! Trump Landslide in 2020. They won't vote to impeach, the other side gets to issue subpoenas and call witnesses too! Wouldn't that be fun! Hey Hillary come and testify LMAO that ain't happening.:no_text11::no_text11::no_text11:
"The DC swamp" is based on the billionaires purchasing politicians to do their bidding, while the billionaires make mo' money moving jobs and factories overseas to take advantage of cheap labor and minimal regulation. The billionaires don't care if people in the US have jobs, or if the standard of living improves, or if entitlements are preserved. Trump is the rare commodity that doesn't have a stake in moving jobs to China, for some reason he promised to bring jobs back from China?! Wow, we now know that there are two sides, "Globalists" and "Populists". Trump started a trade war with China to help the US economy. Trump upset the neocons and the "establishment" of both parties. I was surprised how similar the "establishment" wings of both parties are. Trump was sent to DC to disrupt the ruling cabal, and he's doing a fabulous job! 2020 will be a walkover, no matter what Soros and Steyer and the rest of the globalists want.

Who sent Trump?
US Voters sent Trump to "drain the swamp" and kick the establishment globalists out of DC.

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