Trump's Kavanaughing of Warren

Yes, she claimed to be Cherokee. The Cherokee Tribe says she's a fraud. Do you want to trash the Cherokee Nation to protect your sick lying fraudulent loser?

The Cherokee Warriors have taken their first scalp in over a hundred years.... Elizabeth Warren's political career has just been scalped!

^ more denigration of Native Americans by trumpanzees.
No one is buy your feeble attempt at identity politics. Trump just called Stormy Daniels "Horse face". You might have more luck with Trump insulting women....
Since Stormy LOST her case, she has been ordered to pay ALL OF TRUMPS COURT expenses.....$260K should cover it....double what his former lawyer paid her!...LOLOL!
Lost or dismissed? Those are two different legal terms.

You have to understand that when when lefty doesn't like something he asks for you to prove again and again ad infinitum. As I have said before it gets to the point we have to prove to them that the sky is blue. This is when you realize but there id more reward in navel gazing then continuing the conversation with them.

The Cherokee Warriors have taken their first scalp in over a hundred years.... Elizabeth Warren's political career has just been scalped!

^ more denigration of Native Americans by trumpanzees.
No one is buy your feeble attempt at identity politics. Trump just called Stormy Daniels "Horse face". You might have more luck with Trump insulting women....
Since Stormy LOST her case, she has been ordered to pay ALL OF TRUMPS COURT expenses.....$260K should cover it....double what his former lawyer paid her!...LOLOL!
Lost or dismissed? Those are two different legal terms.
You should try to keep up!
Stormy Daniels Loses Her Defamation Suit Against Trump | - ... › politics › stormy-daniels-lo...

14 hours ago · Stormy Daniels Loses Her Defamation Suit Against Trump ... Meanwhile, Daniels' attorney Michael Avenatti filed an appeal to the
It was dismissed, not lost. It would be lost if it had proceeded and she then lost. BTW, her other lawsuit continues.

I love the reason behind the dismissal tho....."rhetorical hyperbole"......:777:
^ more denigration of Native Americans by trumpanzees.
No one is buy your feeble attempt at identity politics. Trump just called Stormy Daniels "Horse face". You might have more luck with Trump insulting women....
Since Stormy LOST her case, she has been ordered to pay ALL OF TRUMPS COURT expenses.....$260K should cover it....double what his former lawyer paid her!...LOLOL!
Lost or dismissed? Those are two different legal terms.
You should try to keep up!
Stormy Daniels Loses Her Defamation Suit Against Trump | - ... › politics › stormy-daniels-lo...

14 hours ago · Stormy Daniels Loses Her Defamation Suit Against Trump ... Meanwhile, Daniels' attorney Michael Avenatti filed an appeal to the
Trump just called her "Horse face". This is so much fun.
Of course, INCEL love that kind of stuff......just like "grab her by the pussy".
^ more denigration of Native Americans by trumpanzees.
No one is buy your feeble attempt at identity politics. Trump just called Stormy Daniels "Horse face". You might have more luck with Trump insulting women....
Since Stormy LOST her case, she has been ordered to pay ALL OF TRUMPS COURT expenses.....$260K should cover it....double what his former lawyer paid her!...LOLOL!
Lost or dismissed? Those are two different legal terms.
You should try to keep up!
Stormy Daniels Loses Her Defamation Suit Against Trump | - ... › politics › stormy-daniels-lo...

14 hours ago · Stormy Daniels Loses Her Defamation Suit Against Trump ... Meanwhile, Daniels' attorney Michael Avenatti filed an appeal to the
It was dismissed, not lost. It would be lost if it had proceeded and she then lost. BTW, her other lawsuit continues.

I love the reason behind the dismissal tho....."rhetorical hyperbole"......:777:
NOT WHAT THE PEOPLE ARTICLE SAID....can you read?...She lost!!!
And to think that just last week, people were saying that she needed to take a DNA test to prove her claim. She did that, it proved her claim, and not you're saying that's not good enough, she needs to hire a researcher to chart her family tree. If she had done that, you would have said that she paid off someone to cook up a phony family tree.

Trump flat out and openly called Warren a liar, and it turns out that it's Trump who lied.
She proved nothing. The Cherokee Nation said she didn't have enough to be considered Native. Give it up, you're looking as bad as she is. You're only making a fool of yourself.

When did she claim to be a member of a tribe? Never.
Yes, she claimed to be Cherokee. The Cherokee Tribe says she's a fraud. Do you want to trash the Cherokee Nation to protect your sick lying fraudulent loser?

The Cherokee Warriors have taken their first scalp in over a hundred years.... Elizabeth Warren's political career has just been scalped!

^ more denigration of Native Americans by trumpanzees.

If we go by Warrens DNA to claim Indian heritage then we're all Indians now...
^ more denigration of Native Americans by trumpanzees.
No one is buy your feeble attempt at identity politics. Trump just called Stormy Daniels "Horse face". You might have more luck with Trump insulting women....
Since Stormy LOST her case, she has been ordered to pay ALL OF TRUMPS COURT expenses.....$260K should cover it....double what his former lawyer paid her!...LOLOL!
Lost or dismissed? Those are two different legal terms.
You should try to keep up!
Stormy Daniels Loses Her Defamation Suit Against Trump | - ... › politics › stormy-daniels-lo...

14 hours ago · Stormy Daniels Loses Her Defamation Suit Against Trump ... Meanwhile, Daniels' attorney Michael Avenatti filed an appeal to the
It was dismissed, not lost. It would be lost if it had proceeded and she then lost. BTW, her other lawsuit continues.

I love the reason behind the dismissal tho....."rhetorical hyperbole"......:777:
You pitiful losers. Y'all remind me of Wile E. Coyote.
No one is buy your feeble attempt at identity politics. Trump just called Stormy Daniels "Horse face". You might have more luck with Trump insulting women....
Since Stormy LOST her case, she has been ordered to pay ALL OF TRUMPS COURT expenses.....$260K should cover it....double what his former lawyer paid her!...LOLOL!
Lost or dismissed? Those are two different legal terms.
You should try to keep up!
Stormy Daniels Loses Her Defamation Suit Against Trump | - ... › politics › stormy-daniels-lo...

14 hours ago · Stormy Daniels Loses Her Defamation Suit Against Trump ... Meanwhile, Daniels' attorney Michael Avenatti filed an appeal to the
Trump just called her "Horse face". This is so much fun.
Of course, INCEL love that kind of stuff......just like "grab her by the pussy".
Shall we now bring up blow Job Clinton?
She proved nothing. The Cherokee Nation said she didn't have enough to be considered Native. Give it up, you're looking as bad as she is. You're only making a fool of yourself.

When did she claim to be a member of a tribe? Never.
Yes, she claimed to be Cherokee. The Cherokee Tribe says she's a fraud. Do you want to trash the Cherokee Nation to protect your sick lying fraudulent loser?

The Cherokee Warriors have taken their first scalp in over a hundred years.... Elizabeth Warren's political career has just been scalped!

^ more denigration of Native Americans by trumpanzees.

If we go by Warrens DNA to claim Indian heritage then we're all Indians now...





1/1024 DNA is pretty much like the real Pocahontas's genes being passed down through the pedophile John Rolfe at the beginning of the 17th century... to present day Warren, lol. It'd be interesting to see what some of you old white men's 'Native American heritage' looks like compared to Warrens. I just don't think that Warren has got a chance in hell of pulling out of the primaries, despite near 100% name recognition.

Poverty, alcoholism and suicide - but at least the natives can paint with all the colours of the wind
Alex von Tunzelmann
Pocahontas was kidnapped by the English and married off to a man called John Rolfe, who wrote a lot about how he was marrying her to teach her Christianity, and not at all because she was a nubile teenager who couldn't speak enough English to tell him to take a hike. They moved to Brentford in Middlesex, where she had a short career as an object of curiosity before dying, probably of tuberculosis, in her early twenties.

Well he wasn't actually a pedophile unless she was pre-pubescent.
People married in their teens as a matter of course then. My grandmother was 15 when she married my grandfather, who was 18.
When did Warren claim to be a member or want to be a member of the Cherokee Nation? Does anyone have a valid and reliable link for that?
Now you're saying the Cherokee Nation isn't an authority on who or who isn't a Cherokee. Fascinating. Warren claimed to be Cherokee so she could benefit from Native status at Harvard. Isn't that correct?
When did Warren claim to be a Cherokee so she could benefit from Native status at Harvard? Provide proof of that.
She told the media she was Cherokee. She told Harvard she was a Native. You know that. Keep flailing, it's fun to watch.
You have been asked repeatedly to provide a link where Warren actually claimed Cherokee heritage and have failed to produce a link. All I have seen or can find are links of other people making the assertion of Warren making the claim with no evidence.

Are you too stupid to find a link or video of Warren actually making the claim you keep repeating over and over? Prove you are not a common Trumpican liar and produce a link of Warren actually claiming she is of Cherokee heritage.
No one is buy your feeble attempt at identity politics. Trump just called Stormy Daniels "Horse face". You might have more luck with Trump insulting women....
Since Stormy LOST her case, she has been ordered to pay ALL OF TRUMPS COURT expenses.....$260K should cover it....double what his former lawyer paid her!...LOLOL!
Lost or dismissed? Those are two different legal terms.
You should try to keep up!
Stormy Daniels Loses Her Defamation Suit Against Trump | - ... › politics › stormy-daniels-lo...

14 hours ago · Stormy Daniels Loses Her Defamation Suit Against Trump ... Meanwhile, Daniels' attorney Michael Avenatti filed an appeal to the
It was dismissed, not lost. It would be lost if it had proceeded and she then lost. BTW, her other lawsuit continues.

I love the reason behind the dismissal tho....."rhetorical hyperbole"......:777:
NOT WHAT THE PEOPLE ARTICLE SAID....can you read?...She lost!!!
That is correct that is the reason why she has been ordered to pay restitution up to $260000 for legal fees. I wonder if Daddy Soros is in a generous mood these days?
He may require her to show up in person if you know what I mean.

All she needs to do is show she has an ancestor listed in the Dawes Rolls. If she wants to be a member, she needs 1/16th blood lineage.

It’s their longstanding law.

Why she hasn’t paid some staffer to use Family History or paid some genealogical consultant says all you need to know about her claim.
Warren has never cared about being an official member of the Cherokee Nation - she just wanted to call herself 'Native American'...and has done so...despite the minuscule percent some site claiming accurate DNA testing told her.

IF Warren was really a Native American and REALLY cared about being one she would already know all of this. She would know about Cherokee culture, history, law...

The Cherokee Nation just called her on it and basically said she is a fraud and her claim is a crock of shite!
When did Warren claim to be a member or want to be a member of the Cherokee Nation? Does anyone have a valid and reliable link for that?
Now you're saying the Cherokee Nation isn't an authority on who or who isn't a Cherokee. Fascinating. Warren claimed to be Cherokee so she could benefit from Native status at Harvard. Isn't that correct?
When did Warren claim to be a Cherokee so she could benefit from Native status at Harvard? Provide proof of that.
She told the media she was Cherokee. She told Harvard she was a Native. You know that. Keep flailing, it's fun to watch.
You have been asked repeatedly to provide a link where Warren actually claimed Cherokee heritage and have failed to produce a link. All I have seen or can find are links of other people making the assertion of Warren making the claim with no evidence.

Are you too stupid to find a link or video of Warren actually making the claim you keep repeating over and over? Prove you are not a common Trumpican liar and produce a link of Warren actually claiming she is of Cherokee heritage.

Oh my....he refuses to obey you! How terrible.
In the meantime time Warren has been effectively nuetralized.

I think you should give that poster a spanking for being disobedient!

When did Warren claim to be a member or want to be a member of the Cherokee Nation? Does anyone have a valid and reliable link for that?
Now you're saying the Cherokee Nation isn't an authority on who or who isn't a Cherokee. Fascinating. Warren claimed to be Cherokee so she could benefit from Native status at Harvard. Isn't that correct?
When did Warren claim to be a Cherokee so she could benefit from Native status at Harvard? Provide proof of that.
She told the media she was Cherokee. She told Harvard she was a Native. You know that. Keep flailing, it's fun to watch.
You have been asked repeatedly to provide a link where Warren actually claimed Cherokee heritage and have failed to produce a link. All I have seen or can find are links of other people making the assertion of Warren making the claim with no evidence.

Are you too stupid to find a link or video of Warren actually making the claim you keep repeating over and over? Prove you are not a common Trumpican liar and produce a link of Warren actually claiming she is of Cherokee heritage.

Cherokee Nation to Elizabeth Warren: Drop dead
Washington Examiner

13 hours ago · Warren has claimed for years that she is of Cherokee Indian descent. ... it is not evidence for tribal affiliation,” said Cherokee Nation
Elizabeth Warren Melts Down in Wake of DNA Disaster | Breitbart

"Warren is obviously looking for a way to regain her footing after the disastrous rollout of her DNA test, which not only proved she has no claim whatsoever to any sort of Indian ancestry, but that she lacks the judgment and poise to run for president.

Warren’s rollout was such a debacle, she has now been disavowed by the Cherokee Nation, and a number of high profile Democrats are publicly questioning the judgment of her timing — just three weeks before the midterm elections. "


She may have no more 1/1024 Indian--much less than the average White American.

Warren asked that she no longer be referred to as Pocahantas.

She indicated that she would now prefer to be known as Snow White.

Ya know, Harvard could have a decent lawsuit against her for lying about her heritage which they used in promotional material. How cool would that be, Harvard law suing Phonycahotas Warren!

From the OP’s link-
Between 1987 and 1995, Warren identified herself as “Native American” while she was teaching law at the University of Pennsylvania Law School and Harvard. The latter used Warren false Cherokee identity to brag about the school’s racial diversity.
That was the university's attempt to have racial diversity among the staff. It wasn't Warren's fault.

???? It wasn’t her fault she identified herself as Native American????

You can't reason with a Fool.
You have been asked repeatedly to provide a link where Warren actually claimed Cherokee heritage and have failed to produce a link.

Don't get your panties in a knot - Here ya go, slick....

"She has previously cited family stories to claim Cherokee and Delaware Indian heritage."

Elizabeth Warren angers prominent Native Americans with politically fraught DNA test

Yeah but you don't understand....see he explicitly asked for the other poster to be obedient... So getting the irrefutable proof from you does not satisfy him. He must have obedience.... He's going to lose an awful damn lot of sleep over this!

When did Warren claim to be a member or want to be a member of the Cherokee Nation? Does anyone have a valid and reliable link for that?
Now you're saying the Cherokee Nation isn't an authority on who or who isn't a Cherokee. Fascinating. Warren claimed to be Cherokee so she could benefit from Native status at Harvard. Isn't that correct?
When did Warren claim to be a Cherokee so she could benefit from Native status at Harvard? Provide proof of that.
She told the media she was Cherokee. She told Harvard she was a Native. You know that. Keep flailing, it's fun to watch.
You have been asked repeatedly to provide a link where Warren actually claimed Cherokee heritage and have failed to produce a link. All I have seen or can find are links of other people making the assertion of Warren making the claim with no evidence.

Are you too stupid to find a link or video of Warren actually making the claim you keep repeating over and over? Prove you are not a common Trumpican liar and produce a link of Warren actually claiming she is of Cherokee heritage.
Nope, I don't have to. It's a fact she has stated she's Cherokee and it's a fact she claimed Native heritage at Harvard to gain advantage. Go fuck yourself.
When did Warren claim to be a member or want to be a member of the Cherokee Nation? Does anyone have a valid and reliable link for that?
Now you're saying the Cherokee Nation isn't an authority on who or who isn't a Cherokee. Fascinating. Warren claimed to be Cherokee so she could benefit from Native status at Harvard. Isn't that correct?
When did Warren claim to be a Cherokee so she could benefit from Native status at Harvard? Provide proof of that.
She told the media she was Cherokee. She told Harvard she was a Native. You know that. Keep flailing, it's fun to watch.
You have been asked repeatedly to provide a link where Warren actually claimed Cherokee heritage and have failed to produce a link. All I have seen or can find are links of other people making the assertion of Warren making the claim with no evidence.

Are you too stupid to find a link or video of Warren actually making the claim you keep repeating over and over? Prove you are not a common Trumpican liar and produce a link of Warren actually claiming she is of Cherokee heritage.

Cherokee Nation to Elizabeth Warren: Drop dead
Washington Examiner

13 hours ago · Warren has claimed for years that she is of Cherokee Indian descent. ... it is not evidence for tribal affiliation,” said Cherokee Nation
Nowhere in your link provides an example of Warren making the claim of being a Cherokee.

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