Trump's Kavanaughing of Warren

Trump flat out and openly called Warren a liar, and it turns out that it's Trump who lied.

Trump lied? How did Trump lie? How was he supposed to know Warren's heritage other than by looking at her? Maybe Trump was technically WRONG. Still, Warren's possible vestigial trace of NA blood in her in my mind hardly qualifies her as being "Cherokee." There is a BIG difference between BEING Cherokee and just having a minute trace of NA blood in you.

If you were 99.97% English and only 0.03% German, would you tell people you were a German?

At worst, Trump might be proven wrong, but I'd want a second, independent DNA test performed on such specious grounds. Meantime, Warren has skirted the truth artfully enough to make a Clinton proud.

Your buddy Marty tried that argument earlier. It was stupid then & it is stupid know.

So if I told people you were a short, fat, bald man who wore granny panties while you masterbated to reruns of the Howdy Doody Show, I would not be lying?

Warren's claim was that she had Native American blood. That her family stories said one of her grandmothers had Native American heritage. That is it.

The rest of your bullshit is just you being the ignorant fuck that you are.

BTW< you'd say you had German heritage. That would be the truth. Just like Warren told the truth.

Were you born this fucking stupid or did you acquire it through believing Trump, Fox News and Rush Limbaugh?

^^^ public meltdowns are not at all attractive ^^^
The cherokee don't want any part of her. Lol.

She has created her own antithesis quite needlessly. Somebody gave her a whole passel of really bad advice on this matter.


And Trump owes her 1 million to her favorite charity.
The Cherokee Nation says she's a fraud. Warren should apologize and try to salvage her political career. She's toast.
The Cherokee Nation hold no validiy to the use of a blood test to determine membership.

he took the test to prove Trump wrong. Not to join any tribe.
You assholes just don;t get how the CN accepts membership,. Do some research & quit being so stupid./

TRUMP is throwing the left a bone. He's helping you guys take out Warren from running and losing in 2020.

Yeah she won't get any funding now....
That's for sure. Schumer is so pissed at her right now he will personally kick her in the teeth if she tries to run.

Thete are holes in the documented heritage. This was done you stupud shit.

She never claimed to be a member

To be a member of the Cherokee Nation, blood percentages don't count

Unfortunately that's just not true. she made more than one claim to be a member of a minority. Normally nobody would care but it just so happens she picked on the one group of people who are completely sick and tired of piggyback imposters.

The Cherokee Nation is on the warpath once again and Elizabeth Warren has retreated Behind the Walls of the fort.


Unfortunately you are a lying fuck.

To be a member of the Cherokee Nation you must trace your ancestry to one of this certain group of Cherokees. It has nothing to do with blood percentages.

She proved her claim.
The Cherokee Nation says she's a fraud. Go ahead and trash the Cherokee Nation. Please, go for it.
Fuck the Cherokee Nation

Their opinions stopped mattering around the time the Pilgrims showed up at Plymouth Rock, sorry injuns way it goes. :dunno:

"Sometimes you eat the bar and sometimes, well, the bar eats you. " -- The Stranger, The Big Lebowski
And there it is.

LOL, yep there "it" is ….hook, bait, reel.

No applause, just throw money.

"Political Correctness is fascism pretending to be manners" -- George Carlin
Elizabeth Warren is toast. Who's next in line for the nomination.....Oh yeah, those old white guys, Biden and Sanders. LOL.
It's a common Lefty tactic. When they don't like something they continually ask for more and more proof of its existence. At times it gets to the point you have to prove to them that the sky is blue.... And still they refuse to accept it.


Find it or STFU> You Trumpettes do nothing but lie so provide the proof that Warren claimed to be a member of any tribe.

She claimed Cherokee heritage going back 1 or 2 generations. Her never claiming to be a member of any tribe is beside the point.
When did she do that? Point out that claim please.
This is the part where you play dumb, huh. I knew we'd get there sooner or later. You know damn well Warren claimed to be Cherokee.
You are certainly welcome to prove that claim of yours.....A quote? An Application? Something as evidence. Go.

WTF? You really need to learn how to use Google. You fricken idiots are useless.
Here's Everything You Need to Know About Elizabeth Warren’s Fake Native American Heritage
She is no more indian then a turd. Just remember she used this so called heritage to get into Harvard and used it other times as well. Even the Cherekee nation is balking at her results . My grandfather on my dad side was almost full blooded . his mother was full blooded and his father was 3/4 ( my great grandparents) . So I have more indian blood in me then she does but never used it to futher myself in anything..
Elizabeth Warren is toast. Who's next in line for the nomination.....Oh yeah, those old white guys, Biden and Sanders. LOL.

Time for her to retire to the reservation!
Throw on a buffalo hide and Start taking care of her Squaw-ly duties!!

Unfortunately that's just not true. she made more than one claim to be a member of a minority. Normally nobody would care but it just so happens she picked on the one group of people who are completely sick and tired of piggyback imposters.

The Cherokee Nation is on the warpath once again and Elizabeth Warren has retreated Behind the Walls of the fort.


Unfortunately you are a lying fuck.

To be a member of the Cherokee Nation you must trace your ancestry to one of this certain group of Cherokees. It has nothing to do with blood percentages.

She proved her claim.
The Cherokee Nation says she's a fraud. Go ahead and trash the Cherokee Nation. Please, go for it.
Fuck the Cherokee Nation

Their opinions stopped mattering around the time the Pilgrims showed up at Plymouth Rock, sorry injuns way it goes. :dunno:

"Sometimes you eat the bar and sometimes, well, the bar eats you. " -- The Stranger, The Big Lebowski
And there it is.

LOL, yep there "it" is ….hook, bait, reel.

No applause, just throw money.

"Political Correctness is fascism pretending to be manners" -- George Carlin
That was so cool. I really like how you trash the Cherokee Nation. Good job. You're doing more harm to the democrats that I ever could. Thanks.
Trump flat out and openly called Warren a liar, and it turns out that it's Trump who lied.

Trump lied? How did Trump lie? How was he supposed to know Warren's heritage other than by looking at her? Maybe Trump was technically WRONG. Still, Warren's possible vestigial trace of NA blood in her in my mind hardly qualifies her as being "Cherokee." There is a BIG difference between BEING Cherokee and just having a minute trace of NA blood in you.

If you were 99.97% English and only 0.03% German, would you tell people you were a German?

At worst, Trump might be proven wrong, but I'd want a second, independent DNA test performed on such specious grounds. Meantime, Warren has skirted the truth artfully enough to make a Clinton proud.

Your buddy Marty
My buddy Marty? I know no Marty, you deranged snot!

BTW< you'd say you had German heritage.
That's right. I'm 50% German. My father's family came near the Polish border with Austria which moved from time to time. So I generally call myself a German-Pole even though I might technically be part Austrian, and if I found I had 0.0005% Welsh in me, too, I wouldn't call myself a Welsh, just to gain an advantage on an application. Warren lied.
Elizabeth Warren Melts Down in Wake of DNA Disaster | Breitbart

"Warren is obviously looking for a way to regain her footing after the disastrous rollout of her DNA test, which not only proved she has no claim whatsoever to any sort of Indian ancestry, but that she lacks the judgment and poise to run for president.

Warren’s rollout was such a debacle, she has now been disavowed by the Cherokee Nation, and a number of high profile Democrats are publicly questioning the judgment of her timing — just three weeks before the midterm elections. "


She may have no more 1/1024 Indian--much less than the average White American.

Warren asked that she no longer be referred to as Pocahantas.

She indicated that she would now prefer to be known as Snow White.

Ya know, Harvard could have a decent lawsuit against her for lying about her heritage which they used in promotional material. How cool would that be, Harvard law suing Phonycahotas Warren!

From the OP’s link-
Between 1987 and 1995, Warren identified herself as “Native American” while she was teaching law at the University of Pennsylvania Law School and Harvard. The latter used Warren false Cherokee identity to brag about the school’s racial diversity.
That was the university's attempt to have racial diversity among the staff. It wasn't Warren's fault.

???? It wasn’t her fault she identified herself as Native American????
Unfortunately you are a lying fuck.

To be a member of the Cherokee Nation you must trace your ancestry to one of this certain group of Cherokees. It has nothing to do with blood percentages.

She proved her claim.
The Cherokee Nation says she's a fraud. Go ahead and trash the Cherokee Nation. Please, go for it.
Fuck the Cherokee Nation

Their opinions stopped mattering around the time the Pilgrims showed up at Plymouth Rock, sorry injuns way it goes. :dunno:

"Sometimes you eat the bar and sometimes, well, the bar eats you. " -- The Stranger, The Big Lebowski
And there it is.

LOL, yep there "it" is ….hook, bait, reel.

No applause, just throw money.

"Political Correctness is fascism pretending to be manners" -- George Carlin
That was so cool. I really like how you trash the Cherokee Nation. Good job. You're doing more harm to the democrats that I ever could. Thanks.

I think the real question is following close on the heels of the Kavanaugh confirmation Fiasco.....How many seats did she just flip the other way in November?

Trump flat out and openly called Warren a liar, and it turns out that it's Trump who lied.

Trump lied? How did Trump lie? How was he supposed to know Warren's heritage other than by looking at her? Maybe Trump was technically WRONG. Still, Warren's possible vestigial trace of NA blood in her in my mind hardly qualifies her as being "Cherokee." There is a BIG difference between BEING Cherokee and just having a minute trace of NA blood in you.

If you were 99.97% English and only 0.03% German, would you tell people you were a German?

At worst, Trump might be proven wrong, but I'd want a second, independent DNA test performed on such specious grounds. Meantime, Warren has skirted the truth artfully enough to make a Clinton proud.

Your buddy Marty
My buddy Marty? I know no Marty, you deranged snot!

BTW< you'd say you had German heritage.
That's right. I'm 50% German. My father's family came near the Polish border with Austria which moved from time to time. So I generally call myself a German-Pole even though I might technically be part Austrian, and if I found I had 0.0005% Welsh in me, too, I wouldn't call myself a Welsh, just to gain an advantage on an application. Warren lied.

Warren lied and Indians died!

Republicans and Trumptards don't make good on their bets. They will do any amount of lying to get out of paying up.
Why am I not surprised? Welchers.

There was no bet
"We will take that little kit -- but we have to do it gently. Because we're in the #MeToo generation, we have to do it gently," the president trolled. "And we will very genlty take that kit, and slowly toss it, hoping it doesn't injure her arm, and we will say: I will give you a million dollars to your favorite charity, paid for by Trump, if you take the test and it shows you're an Indian."

That’s not a bet...

And she failed

She proved what she said. Trump needs to open his checkbook and ask her which charity. Cheapskate.

1/1032 doesn't prove jackshit. If you think it does then you are really confused.
Republicans and Trumptards don't make good on their bets. They will do any amount of lying to get out of paying up.
Why am I not surprised? Welchers.
She to have Cherokee heritage for that to happen, she has no Cherokee heritage
Watch the video. It said nothing about being Cherokee. Trump is stuck. LOL

Because she has less Native American in her than the average Caucasian?

Less than the average European that has never set foot in America.
"OMG OMG our poor boys & young men are being wrongly accused & its ruining their lives. OMG OMG OMG"
He then mocked DR Ford. Calling her a liar. Said she was making it up.

Donald Trump falsely accused Elizabeth Warren of lying about her heritage. He mocked her. He tried to ruin her life. He Kavanaughed her. When asked about his offer to donate a million bucks, he can't remember.

"What about your offer?" "Never Made it"

When did you offer it "Don't remember".

Where was it? "Don't remember

Donald Trump is a disgusting piece of shit. He lied about people to destroy their life. Unless you believe Rubio's father killed Kennedy. He said Obama was not born in the US. He said Warren had no Native American heritage.
Completely contrary to reality, but such is the nature of leftists today. Functioning outside of reality, pretending that anybody cares about what they spew.
Trump flat out and openly called Warren a liar, and it turns out that it's Trump who lied.

Trump lied? How did Trump lie? How was he supposed to know Warren's heritage other than by looking at her? Maybe Trump was technically WRONG. Still, Warren's possible vestigial trace of NA blood in her in my mind hardly qualifies her as being "Cherokee." There is a BIG difference between BEING Cherokee and just having a minute trace of NA blood in you.

If you were 99.97% English and only 0.03% German, would you tell people you were a German?

At worst, Trump might be proven wrong, but I'd want a second, independent DNA test performed on such specious grounds. Meantime, Warren has skirted the truth artfully enough to make a Clinton proud.

Your buddy Marty
My buddy Marty? I know no Marty, you deranged snot!

BTW< you'd say you had German heritage.
That's right. I'm 50% German. My father's family came near the Polish border with Austria which moved from time to time. So I generally call myself a German-Pole even though I might technically be part Austrian, and if I found I had 0.0005% Welsh in me, too, I wouldn't call myself a Welsh, just to gain an advantage on an application. Warren lied.

Marty? Oh he must mean chief Marty Warren. You know the guy who does the official Welcome Wagon to the reservation thing? I think that's the Marty he's referring to. Elizabeth Warren's full blooded Indian nephew.

When did Warren claim to be a member or want to be a member of the Cherokee Nation? Does anyone have a valid and reliable link for that?
Now you're saying the Cherokee Nation isn't an authority on who or who isn't a Cherokee. Fascinating. Warren claimed to be Cherokee so she could benefit from Native status at Harvard. Isn't that correct?
When did Warren claim to be a Cherokee so she could benefit from Native status at Harvard? Provide proof of that.
Good point since Warren claims her Indian heritage was openly known and discussed within her family only going back 1 or 2 generations she would have more credibility proving her claim using a genealogist researching her family history. It's interesting the media never stepped up to research her family history since they had a show a few years back doing just that.

And to think that just last week, people were saying that she needed to take a DNA test to prove her claim. She did that, it proved her claim, and not you're saying that's not good enough, she needs to hire a researcher to chart her family tree. If she had done that, you would have said that she paid off someone to cook up a phony family tree.

Trump flat out and openly called Warren a liar, and it turns out that it's Trump who lied.
She proved nothing. The Cherokee Nation said she didn't have enough to be considered Native. Give it up, you're looking as bad as she is. You're only making a fool of yourself.

When did she claim to be a member of a tribe? Never.
Yes, she claimed to be Cherokee. The Cherokee Tribe says she's a fraud. Do you want to trash the Cherokee Nation to protect your sick lying fraudulent loser?

The Cherokee Warriors have taken their first scalp in over a hundred years.... Elizabeth Warren's political career has just been scalped!

^ more denigration of Native Americans by trumpanzees.
When did Warren claim to be a member or want to be a member of the Cherokee Nation? Does anyone have a valid and reliable link for that?
Now you're saying the Cherokee Nation isn't an authority on who or who isn't a Cherokee. Fascinating. Warren claimed to be Cherokee so she could benefit from Native status at Harvard. Isn't that correct?
When did Warren claim to be a Cherokee so she could benefit from Native status at Harvard? Provide proof of that.

It was right around the same time she ate a lizard in public without cooking it. Most disgusting thing I've ever seen. Fascinating though.


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