Trump's Kavanaughing of Warren

Trump flat out and openly called Warren a liar, and it turns out that it's Trump who lied.

Trump lied? How did Trump lie? How was he supposed to know Warren's heritage other than by looking at her? Maybe Trump was technically WRONG. Still, Warren's possible vestigial trace of NA blood in her in my mind hardly qualifies her as being "Cherokee." There is a BIG difference between BEING Cherokee and just having a minute trace of NA blood in you.

If you were 99.97% English and only 0.03% German, would you tell people you were a German?

At worst, Trump might be proven wrong, but I'd want a second, independent DNA test performed on such specious grounds. Meantime, Warren has skirted the truth artfully enough to make a Clinton proud.
Yes...I would tell them I have German Heritage as well as English.

But Warren didn't do that. She filled out a Harvard application identifying her race as Native American. That implies a predominance of that bloodline. Clearly Warren was stretching and skirting the truth in order to gain an undeserved advantage.
All she needs to do is show she has an ancestor listed in the Dawes Rolls. If she wants to be a member, she needs 1/16th blood lineage.

It’s their longstanding law.

Why she hasn’t paid some staffer to use Family History or paid some genealogical consultant says all you need to know about her claim.
Thete are holes in the documented heritage. This was done you stupud shit.

She never claimed to be a member

To be a member of the Cherokee Nation, blood percentages don't count

Unfortunately that's just not true. she made more than one claim to be a member of a minority. Normally nobody would care but it just so happens she picked on the one group of people who are completely sick and tired of piggyback imposters.

The Cherokee Nation is on the warpath once again and Elizabeth Warren has retreated Behind the Walls of the fort.


Unfortunately you are a lying fuck.

To be a member of the Cherokee Nation you must trace your ancestry to one of this certain group of Cherokees. It has nothing to do with blood percentages.

She proved her claim.
The Cherokee Nation says she's a fraud. Go ahead and trash the Cherokee Nation. Please, go for it.

The Cherokeed Nation did not.
Find it or STFU> You Trumpettes do nothing but lie so provide the proof that Warren claimed to be a member of any tribe.

She claimed Cherokee heritage going back 1 or 2 generations. Her never claiming to be a member of any tribe is beside the point.
When did she do that? Point out that claim please.
This is the part where you play dumb, huh. I knew we'd get there sooner or later. You know damn well Warren claimed to be Cherokee.

Don't waste your breath they will continue to miss the real point of this entire controversy.
She was setting up for a POTUS run....doing the DNA test was a very ill-advised thing to do. Besides being just completely vindictive
It makes her look like a glory Hound.

She knew about the antithesis that existed on the part of the Indian councils and decided to go ahead with it anyway. So who then in reality is showing disrespect?


The entire thing was brought up by her opponent in the Senate race a few years sago.

You butt buddy Trump brought it back.

She did it to shit his lying mouth.

What do we need to do to shui your lying mouth? Posting the truth doesn't do it.
Now you're lying. The Cherokee Nation called her a fraud.
All she needs to do is show she has an ancestor listed in the Dawes Rolls. If she wants to be a member, she needs 1/16th blood lineage.

It’s their longstanding law.

Why she hasn’t paid some staffer to use Family History or paid some genealogical consultant says all you need to know about her claim.

No she doesn't. She just proved she has NA in her genealogy. So when Trump calls her Pocahontas she is able to answer, Yes.

The cherokee don't want any part of her. Lol.

She has created her own antithesis quite needlessly. Somebody gave her a whole passel of really bad advice on this matter.


And Trump owes her 1 million to her favorite charity.

Oh you mean the American Indians orphan's fund?

These leftists around here are pretty sick.

Well whether they believe her or not is irrelevant. What they can't stop is the catastrophe that this whole thing has become for her politically.

Trump suckered her pretty good on this one.
It probably turned out exactly the way he figured it would.

Once again I ask where are her comrades-in-arms? Isn't it amazing how all of the other potential 2020 candidates are totally silent on this issue? If it's not about politics and it's really about personal identity why the silence?

Might as well dip yourself and barbecue sauce and go swimming in a pool full of piranhas.

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Trump flat out and openly called Warren a liar, and it turns out that it's Trump who lied.

Trump lied? How did Trump lie? How was he supposed to know Warren's heritage other than by looking at her? Maybe Trump was technically WRONG. Still, Warren's possible vestigial trace of NA blood in her in my mind hardly qualifies her as being "Cherokee." There is a BIG difference between BEING Cherokee and just having a minute trace of NA blood in you.

If you were 99.97% English and only 0.03% German, would you tell people you were a German?

At worst, Trump might be proven wrong, but I'd want a second, independent DNA test performed on such specious grounds. Meantime, Warren has skirted the truth artfully enough to make a Clinton proud.

Your buddy Marty tried that argument earlier. It was stupid then & it is stupid know.

So if I told people you were a short, fat, bald man who wore granny panties while you masterbated to reruns of the Howdy Doody Show, I would not be lying?

Warren's claim was that she had Native American blood. That her family stories said one of her grandmothers had Native American heritage. That is it.

The rest of your bullshit is just you being the ignorant fuck that you are.

BTW< you'd say you had German heritage. That would be the truth. Just like Warren told the truth.

Were you born this fucking stupid or did you acquire it through believing Trump, Fox News and Rush Limbaugh?
These leftists around here are pretty sick.

Well whether they believe her or not is irrelevant. What they can't stop is the catastrophe that this whole thing has become for her politically.

Trump suckered her pretty good on this one.
It probably turned out exactly the way he figured it would.

Yep, even Michael Moore admitted Trump has outsmarted all of the democrats. The republican party has been making a huge mistake at trying to get along with them. Trump has the right idea. They have to be destroyed to save the nation.
All she needs to do is show she has an ancestor listed in the Dawes Rolls. If she wants to be a member, she needs 1/16th blood lineage.

It’s their longstanding law.

Why she hasn’t paid some staffer to use Family History or paid some genealogical consultant says all you need to know about her claim.

No she doesn't. She just proved she has NA in her genealogy. So when Trump calls her Pocahontas she is able to answer, Yes.

The cherokee don't want any part of her. Lol.

She has created her own antithesis quite needlessly. Somebody gave her a whole passel of really bad advice on this matter.


And Trump owes her 1 million to her favorite charity.
The Cherokee Nation says she's a fraud. Warren should apologize and try to salvage her political career. She's toast.
The Cherokee Nation hold no validiy to the use of a blood test to determine membership.

he took the test to prove Trump wrong. Not to join any tribe.
You assholes just don;t get how the CN accepts membership,. Do some research & quit being so stupid./
Trump flat out and openly called Warren a liar, and it turns out that it's Trump who lied.

Trump lied? How did Trump lie? How was he supposed to know Warren's heritage other than by looking at her? Maybe Trump was technically WRONG. Still, Warren's possible vestigial trace of NA blood in her in my mind hardly qualifies her as being "Cherokee." There is a BIG difference between BEING Cherokee and just having a minute trace of NA blood in you.

If you were 99.97% English and only 0.03% German, would you tell people you were a German?

At worst, Trump might be proven wrong, but I'd want a second, independent DNA test performed on such specious grounds. Meantime, Warren has skirted the truth artfully enough to make a Clinton proud.

Your buddy Marty tried that argument earlier. It was stupid then & it is stupid know.

So if I told people you were a short, fat, bald man who wore granny panties while you masterbated to reruns of the Howdy Doody Show, I would not be lying?

Warren's claim was that she had Native American blood. That her family stories said one of her grandmothers had Native American heritage. That is it.

The rest of your bullshit is just you being the ignorant fuck that you are.

BTW< you'd say you had German heritage. That would be the truth. Just like Warren told the truth.

Were you born this fucking stupid or did you acquire it through believing Trump, Fox News and Rush Limbaugh?
No, that isn't it. She claimed to be Native to gain advantage at Harvard. That's the problem. She's a fraud.
Do it Lindsey! Do it!

These leftists around here are pretty sick.

Well whether they believe her or not is irrelevant. What they can't stop is the catastrophe that this whole thing has become for her politically.

Trump suckered her pretty good on this one.
It probably turned out exactly the way he figured it would.

Yep, even Michael Moore admitted Trump has outsmarted all of the democrats. The republican party has been making a huge mistake at trying to get along with them. Trump has the right idea. They have to be destroyed to save the nation.

When a lefty holds out his hand for a handshake it's not for friendship... It's so he can hold you still while he stabs you to death with the other hand.

No she doesn't. She just proved she has NA in her genealogy. So when Trump calls her Pocahontas she is able to answer, Yes.

The cherokee don't want any part of her. Lol.

She has created her own antithesis quite needlessly. Somebody gave her a whole passel of really bad advice on this matter.


And Trump owes her 1 million to her favorite charity.
The Cherokee Nation says she's a fraud. Warren should apologize and try to salvage her political career. She's toast.
The Cherokee Nation hold no validiy to the use of a blood test to determine membership.

he took the test to prove Trump wrong. Not to join any tribe.
You assholes just don;t get how the CN accepts membership,. Do some research & quit being so stupid./
You better read the press release by the Cherokee Nation. You're the one that doesn't get it. She claimed to be Native to gain advantage at Harvard. She used the Cherokee people in a fraudulent manner. You can't admit that.
These leftists around here are pretty sick.

Well whether they believe her or not is irrelevant. What they can't stop is the catastrophe that this whole thing has become for her politically.

Trump suckered her pretty good on this one.
It probably turned out exactly the way he figured it would.

Yep, even Michael Moore admitted Trump has outsmarted all of the democrats. The republican party has been making a huge mistake at trying to get along with them. Trump has the right idea. They have to be destroyed to save the nation.

When a lefty holds out his hand for a handshake it's not for friendship... It's so he can hold you still while he stabs you to death with the other hand.

Or pick your pocket.
No she doesn't. She just proved she has NA in her genealogy. So when Trump calls her Pocahontas she is able to answer, Yes.

The cherokee don't want any part of her. Lol.

She has created her own antithesis quite needlessly. Somebody gave her a whole passel of really bad advice on this matter.


And Trump owes her 1 million to her favorite charity.
The Cherokee Nation says she's a fraud. Warren should apologize and try to salvage her political career. She's toast.
The Cherokee Nation hold no validiy to the use of a blood test to determine membership.

he took the test to prove Trump wrong. Not to join any tribe.
You assholes just don;t get how the CN accepts membership,. Do some research & quit being so stupid./

TRUMP is throwing the left a bone. He's helping you guys take out Warren from running and losing in 2020.
If there was an Indian in you ancestory a 100 generations back your DNA would still show it.
Hers was only six.

She said prove it and she did.

Reminds me of Obama’s birth certificate. They said prove it and he did. And they still want to whine about it. Bunch of fuking babies.

Just look at the other threads and see all the liars defending her lying ass. Should tell people all they need to know about the crime party.
She’s not lying. Right wingers are in denial. Something else entirely.

The DNA showed she is whiter than the average white nationalist
Wrong. White nationalist would be all white. Not mostly white.

Republicans and Trumptards don't make good on their bets. They will do any amount of lying to get out of paying up.
Why am I not surprised? Welchers.
She to have Cherokee heritage for that to happen, she has no Cherokee heritage
Watch the video. It said nothing about being Cherokee. Trump is stuck. LOL

Because she has less Native American in her than the average Caucasian?
I took a DNA test. And I don’t have any Native American blood in me. Course, for a white guy, I’ve never been average. I’ve always been way above average.
If being a Republican is the average white guy, then that’s a very low bar indeed.

The Indians themselves are saying she's not an Indian. But it's all good, liberals are showing us more and more every moment what lying criminals they are. Keep on lying, we need you.
The cherokee don't want any part of her. Lol.

She has created her own antithesis quite needlessly. Somebody gave her a whole passel of really bad advice on this matter.


And Trump owes her 1 million to her favorite charity.
The Cherokee Nation says she's a fraud. Warren should apologize and try to salvage her political career. She's toast.
The Cherokee Nation hold no validiy to the use of a blood test to determine membership.

he took the test to prove Trump wrong. Not to join any tribe.
You assholes just don;t get how the CN accepts membership,. Do some research & quit being so stupid./
You better read the press release by the Cherokee Nation. You're the one that doesn't get it. She claimed to be Native to gain advantage at Harvard. She used the Cherokee people in a fraudulent manner. You can't admit that.

She started a war ....


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