Trump's Kavanaughing of Warren

You know what is really sweet?

All these stupid Moon Bats that actually believed her are now looking like complete idiots.

The problem is they’re so stupid that they don’t realize they look stupid.

My great grandmother on my paternal side was a Seminole Indian. I don't know what a DNA test would show for Indian heritage but it has to be several magnitudes higher than anything Princess Liesalot would have and I wouldn't even think about trying to pass myself off as a "Native American".
All she needs to do is show she has an ancestor listed in the Dawes Rolls. If she wants to be a member, she needs 1/16th blood lineage.

It’s their longstanding law.

Why she hasn’t paid some staffer to use Family History or paid some genealogical consultant says all you need to know about her claim.
Why would she say something now that she never said in the past? Or is that right wingers just making up more sh!t?

Why would she take a DNA test now that she never took in the past? How's that working out for ya?


Omigawd! What an epic faceplant for Fauxca.


Holy sh*t, this woman! Elizabeth Warren grabs the shovel and digs her own grave EVEN DEEPER
She proved nothing. The Cherokee Nation said she didn't have enough to be considered Native. Give it up, you're looking as bad as she is. You're only making a fool of yourself.

When did she claim to be a member of a tribe? Never.
Yes, she claimed to be Cherokee. The Cherokee Tribe says she's a fraud. Do you want to trash the Cherokee Nation to protect your sick lying fraudulent loser?

The Cherokee Warriors have taken their first scalp in over a hundred years.... Elizabeth Warren's political career has just been scalped!

You are so proud that Trump lieed trying to ruin someone's political career.

What a piece of shit you are.

I am proud that Elizabeth Warren was able to take a completely politically neutral people and put them back into the middle of The Fray only to gets scalped by them.

Trump didn't do this to her she did it to herself.

What I'm wondering is where her defenfers?
Booker, Harris, Schumer... Pelosi????

Non can be reached for comment it seems!

Maybe the Cherokees have gotten their first!

^ See? :dig:
It's worth noting that Elizabeth Warren shares 96% of her DNA with Chimpanzees, but only 0.01% with American Indians.
Still no link to Warren claiming to be a member of the Cherokee Nation or having specific Cherokee heritage. Just rhe same handful of USMB Trumpocans lying and spreading misinformation. FAKE NEWS PROMOTION THREAD.
Their orange master got his bluff called and now they are trying desperately to move goal posts. I will say this...I've hear MORE insulting terms for Native Americans in the last few days than I've heard in a long long time. I wonder what any Native American in this country thinks of that.

Geez you're not paying very much attention are you? Warren has been slashing up Trump for the past 6 months to no effect.
Trump finally noticed and struck back completely crushing her political career.

Are you beginning to see a pattern here?

All she needs to do is show she has an ancestor listed in the Dawes Rolls. If she wants to be a member, she needs 1/16th blood lineage.

It’s their longstanding law.

Why she hasn’t paid some staffer to use Family History or paid some genealogical consultant says all you need to know about her claim.

No she doesn't. She just proved she has NA in her genealogy. So when Trump calls her Pocahontas she is able to answer, Yes.

The cherokee don't want any part of her. Lol.
It's worth noting that Elizabeth Warren shares 96% of her DNA with Chimpanzees, but only 0.01% with American Indians.

She has less American Indian DNA than the average American citizen does. How the geneticist interpreted that to mean she had an ancestor 6 to 10 Generations back with a higher concentration of that DNA is a total mystery to me.

I can't decide on who to be for Halloween....

Michael Robinson/Michelle Obama


All she needs to do is show she has an ancestor listed in the Dawes Rolls. If she wants to be a member, she needs 1/16th blood lineage.

It’s their longstanding law.

Why she hasn’t paid some staffer to use Family History or paid some genealogical consultant says all you need to know about her claim.
Why would she say something now that she never said in the past? Or is that right wingers just making up more sh!t?

Why would she take a DNA test now that she never took in the past? How's that working out for ya?


Omigawd! What an epic faceplant for Fauxca.

Holy sh*t, this woman! Elizabeth Warren grabs the shovel and digs her own grave EVEN DEEPER
^ See? :dig: More insults directed at Native Americans added to the false narrative that Warren ever claimed to being added or wanted to be added to any tribal roles.
You leftist trash will defend frauds and liars all day every day, then make up lies and spread them in the media about good decent people simply because you disagree with their politics.
Frauds and liars? We aren’t defending Trump.
You're sick. You leftist trash are totally bankrupt. You're flailing like a turtle on his back. Fun to watch.
When did Warren claim to be a member or want to be a member of the Cherokee Nation? Does anyone have a valid and reliable link for that?

WTF, you just fall off the truck?

It's a common Lefty tactic. When they don't like something they continually ask for more and more proof of its existence. At times it gets to the point you have to prove to them that the sky is blue.... And still they refuse to accept it.


Find it or STFU> You Trumpettes do nothing but lie so provide the proof that Warren claimed to be a member of any tribe.

She claimed Cherokee heritage going back 1 or 2 generations. Her never claiming to be a member of any tribe is beside the point.
All she needs to do is show she has an ancestor listed in the Dawes Rolls. If she wants to be a member, she needs 1/16th blood lineage.

It’s their longstanding law.

Why she hasn’t paid some staffer to use Family History or paid some genealogical consultant says all you need to know about her claim.

No she doesn't. She just proved she has NA in her genealogy. So when Trump calls her Pocahontas she is able to answer, Yes.

The cherokee don't want any part of her. Lol.

She has created her own antithesis quite needlessly. Somebody gave her a whole passel of really bad advice on this matter.

It's worth noting that Elizabeth Warren shares 96% of her DNA with Chimpanzees, but only 0.01% with American Indians.

She has less American Indian DNA than the average American citizen does. How the geneticist interpreted that to mean she had an ancestor 6 to 10 Generations back with a higher concentration of that DNA is a total mystery to me.


Statistical error. In other words, she has ZERO American Indian DNA.
When did Warren claim to be a member or want to be a member of the Cherokee Nation? Does anyone have a valid and reliable link for that?

WTF, you just fall off the truck?

It's a common Lefty tactic. When they don't like something they continually ask for more and more proof of its existence. At times it gets to the point you have to prove to them that the sky is blue.... And still they refuse to accept it.


Find it or STFU> You Trumpettes do nothing but lie so provide the proof that Warren claimed to be a member of any tribe.

She claimed Cherokee heritage going back 1 or 2 generations. Her never claiming to be a member of any tribe is beside the point.
When did she do that? Point out that claim please.
The Cherokee Nations is not pleased:

“A DNA test is useless to determine tribal citizenship,” Hoskin Jr. said in response. “Sovereign tribal nations set their own legal requirements for citizenship, and while DNA tests can be used to determine lineage, such as paternity to an individual, it is not evidence for tribal affiliation.”

Hoskin Jr. went on to say that the use of a DNA test was “inappropriate and wrong.”

“Using a DNA test to lay claim to any connection to the Cherokee Nation or any tribal nation, even vaguely, is inappropriate and wrong," he said. “It makes a mockery out of DNA tests and its legitimate uses while also dishonoring legitimate tribal governments and their citizens, whose ancestors are well documented and whose heritage is proven. Senator Warren is undermining tribal interests with her continued claims of tribal heritage.”

Cherokee Nation official calls Elizabeth Warren's use of DNA test "inappropriate and wrong"
All she needs to do is show she has an ancestor listed in the Dawes Rolls. If she wants to be a member, she needs 1/16th blood lineage.

It’s their longstanding law.

Why she hasn’t paid some staffer to use Family History or paid some genealogical consultant says all you need to know about her claim.
Why would she say something now that she never said in the past? Or is that right wingers just making up more sh!t?

Why would she take a DNA test now that she never took in the past? How's that working out for ya?


Omigawd! What an epic faceplant for Fauxca.

Holy sh*t, this woman! Elizabeth Warren grabs the shovel and digs her own grave EVEN DEEPER
^ See? :dig: More insults directed at Native Americans added to the false narrative that Warren ever claimed to being added or wanted to be added to any tribal roles.
Yeah, like post #45 from one of your own.
All she needs to do is show she has an ancestor listed in the Dawes Rolls. If she wants to be a member, she needs 1/16th blood lineage.

It’s their longstanding law.

Why she hasn’t paid some staffer to use Family History or paid some genealogical consultant says all you need to know about her claim.
Why would she say something now that she never said in the past? Or is that right wingers just making up more sh!t?

Why would she take a DNA test now that she never took in the past? How's that working out for ya?


Omigawd! What an epic faceplant for Fauxca.

Holy sh*t, this woman! Elizabeth Warren grabs the shovel and digs her own grave EVEN DEEPER
^ See? :dig: More insults directed at Native Americans added to the false narrative that Warren ever claimed to being added or wanted to be added to any tribal roles.

Pathetic spin. Correctly identifying that Warren has performed an epic faceplant is not an insult to Native Americans. Native Americans think she has insulted them.

Cherokee Nation official calls Elizabeth Warren's use of DNA test "inappropriate and wrong"
All she needs to do is show she has an ancestor listed in the Dawes Rolls. If she wants to be a member, she needs 1/16th blood lineage.

It’s their longstanding law.

Why she hasn’t paid some staffer to use Family History or paid some genealogical consultant says all you need to know about her claim.

Warren has never claimed tribal membership. All she has ever claimed is that one of her grandmothers from way back, was a native American. It's you idiots that keep piling on bullshit that Warren has never claimed.

As for those who have posted pictures of Native Americans next to those of blond haired and blue-eyed Warren, my son-in-law's oldest son has blond hair and blue eyes, and his grandmother is a full blood Mohawk who looks exactly like your picture of Native women. My grandson's mother who is half native, she resembles her mother, but my grandson could pass for Elizabeth Warren's son.
No, that's a false narrative. Warren deliberately lied about being Native to gain a position at Harvard. She never claimed Native status in her entire life until it became beneficial to do so. She's a fraud.
Where is the proof that Warren "deliberately lied about being Native TO GAIN a position at Harvard. Show us the proof.

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