Trump's Kavanaughing of Warren

When did Warren claim to be a member or want to be a member of the Cherokee Nation? Does anyone have a valid and reliable link for that?

WTF, you just fall off the truck?

It's a common Lefty tactic. When they don't like something they continually ask for more and more proof of its existence. At times it gets to the point you have to prove to them that the sky is blue.... And still they refuse to accept it.


Find it or STFU> You Trumpettes do nothing but lie so provide the proof that Warren claimed to be a member of any tribe.
Sit down and STFU, dumbass.
Here's Everything You Need to Know About Elizabeth Warren’s Fake Native American Heritage

Big chief "Spreading Bull " say fauxcahontas Speak with plenty-much forked tongue!

All she needs to do is show she has an ancestor listed in the Dawes Rolls. If she wants to be a member, she needs 1/16th blood lineage.

It’s their longstanding law.

Why she hasn’t paid some staffer to use Family History or paid some genealogical consultant says all you need to know about her claim.
Thete are holes in the documented heritage. This was done you stupud shit.

She never claimed to be a member

To be a member of the Cherokee Nation, blood percentages don't count

Unfortunately that's just not true. she made more than one claim to be a member of a minority. Normally nobody would care but it just so happens she picked on the one group of people who are completely sick and tired of piggyback imposters.

The Cherokee Nation is on the warpath once again and Elizabeth Warren has retreated Behind the Walls of the fort.


Unfortunately you are a lying fuck.

To be a member of the Cherokee Nation you must trace your ancestry to one of this certain group of Cherokees. It has nothing to do with blood percentages.

She proved her claim.
The Cherokee Nation says she's a fraud. Go ahead and trash the Cherokee Nation. Please, go for it.
Fuck the Cherokee Nation

Their opinions stopped mattering around the time the Pilgrims showed up at Plymouth Rock, sorry injuns way it goes. :dunno:

"Sometimes you eat the bar and sometimes, well, the bar eats you. " -- The Stranger, The Big Lebowski
You know what's really amazing about all this shit?

Did you see how nearly every idiot Dem & Prog on this forum collectively cheered Warren's DNA results as if they had a revelation of sorts from God?
It's utterly amazing how all the little Dem & Prog lemmings will still cling to their masters lies as if their life depends on it.

Indoctrination to the Plantation.....exactly describes 9.9 out of 10 Dems & Progs
Still no link to Warren claiming to be a member of the Cherokee Nation or having specific Cherokee heritage. Just rhe same handful of USMB Trumpocans lying and spreading misinformation. FAKE NEWS PROMOTION THREAD.
All she needs to do is show she has an ancestor listed in the Dawes Rolls. If she wants to be a member, she needs 1/16th blood lineage.

It’s their longstanding law.

Why she hasn’t paid some staffer to use Family History or paid some genealogical consultant says all you need to know about her claim.
Why would she say something now that she never said in the past? Or is that right wingers just making up more sh!t?
Elizabeth Warren Melts Down in Wake of DNA Disaster | Breitbart

"Warren is obviously looking for a way to regain her footing after the disastrous rollout of her DNA test, which not only proved she has no claim whatsoever to any sort of Indian ancestry, but that she lacks the judgment and poise to run for president.

Warren’s rollout was such a debacle, she has now been disavowed by the Cherokee Nation, and a number of high profile Democrats are publicly questioning the judgment of her timing — just three weeks before the midterm elections. "


She may have no more 1/1024 Indian--much less than the average White American.

Warren asked that she no longer be referred to as Pocahantas.

She indicated that she would now prefer to be known as Snow White.

Of course that story has many mistruths in it, and the

She doesn't want to join a tribe, she just said he has some NA in her genealogy.

it's hard not to notice that none of the other potential POTUS candidates for 2020 have stepped into the arena to defend her.
Bloodthirsty beggers...they are happy to watch her implode and knock one more potential Contender out of the way.

Is one thing you can count on with the left.
If you don't mark your lunch they'll steal it!

All she needs to do is show she has an ancestor listed in the Dawes Rolls. If she wants to be a member, she needs 1/16th blood lineage.

It’s their longstanding law.

Why she hasn’t paid some staffer to use Family History or paid some genealogical consultant says all you need to know about her claim.
trump's bluff gets called and you are all moving the goal posts......:71:
You leftist trash will defend frauds and liars all day every day, then make up lies and spread them in the media about good decent people simply because you disagree with their politics.
Frauds and liars? We aren’t defending Trump.
Still no link to Warren claiming to be a member of the Cherokee Nation or having specific Cherokee heritage. Just rhe same handful of USMB Trumpocans lying and spreading misinformation. FAKE NEWS PROMOTION THREAD.
WASHINGTON – Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., released the results of a DNA testMonday that found she had Native American heritage in her background, but the Cherokee Nation – which represents the tribe Warren claims she is descended from – is far from embracing her as a new member.

Source...see my above link on Cherokee!
USMB needs a new forum. Fake New Promotion threads are abundant here and need a forum of their own.
The University of Texas School of Law. 1986-87: Jay H. Brown Centennial Fellow in Law; 1983-1987: Professor of Law. 1985-86: Conoco Faculty Fellow in Law; 1981-82: Visiting Associate Professor of Law The University of Texas at Austin. 1983-87: Research Associate, Population Research Center The University of Houston Law Center. 1981-83: Associate Professor of Law; 1978-80: Assistant Professor of Law; 1980-81: Associate Dean for Academic Affairs

Darn she taught at Texas School of Law and didn't use her NA genealogy to get her jobs. I suspect Harvard did this to make sure they were admitting minorities for teaching positions.

Read her bio and get educated. She is well educated.

But turns out its true, she does have NA in her genealogy.

Yes...Mayan or Aztec.....

You need one more letter in your abbreviation. S for NSA....

Native South American.

The Cherokee claim just got scalped by the test results.

All she needs to do is show she has an ancestor listed in the Dawes Rolls. If she wants to be a member, she needs 1/16th blood lineage.

It’s their longstanding law.

Why she hasn’t paid some staffer to use Family History or paid some genealogical consultant says all you need to know about her claim.
Thete are holes in the documented heritage. This was done you stupud shit.

She never claimed to be a member

To be a member of the Cherokee Nation, blood percentages don't count

Unfortunately that's just not true. she made more than one claim to be a member of a minority. Normally nobody would care but it just so happens she picked on the one group of people who are completely sick and tired of piggyback imposters.

The Cherokee Nation is on the warpath once again and Elizabeth Warren has retreated Behind the Walls of the fort.


Unfortunately you are a lying fuck.

To be a member of the Cherokee Nation you must trace your ancestry to one of this certain group of Cherokees. It has nothing to do with blood percentages.

She proved her claim.
The Cherokee Nation says she's a fraud. Go ahead and trash the Cherokee Nation. Please, go for it.
Fuck the Cherokee Nation

Their opinions stopped mattering around the time the Pilgrims showed up at Plymouth Rock, sorry injuns way it goes. :dunno:

"Sometimes you eat the bar and sometimes, well, the bar eats you. " -- The Stranger, The Big Lebowski
And there it is.
All she needs to do is show she has an ancestor listed in the Dawes Rolls. If she wants to be a member, she needs 1/16th blood lineage.

It’s their longstanding law.

Why she hasn’t paid some staffer to use Family History or paid some genealogical consultant says all you need to know about her claim.
Why would she say something now that she never said in the past? Or is that right wingers just making up more sh!t?

Why would she take a DNA test now that she never took in the past? How's that working out for ya?

she can NOT lay claim to being an american indian with this test for one major reason anyway -

no american indian dna was used in the testing. columbian, mexican and peruvian were the dna the tester used to find out. i'm just not sure how you can hire someone to do DNA testing and not fully understand the results. the *best* she can claim to these countries is 1/64th which is NOT legally that race anyway.

the timing of her doing this is very strange and her inability to read/understand her own results even moreso. she just hurt the dems for midterms and we'll have to wait and see to find out how bad.

Many otherwise innocent Democratic nominees and current office holder is running for reelection are going to feel the heat of this like a meteorite landed in their backyard. They must be sitting there scratching their heads and saying....WTF?

it's just stupid.

the results do not say what she says they do and she didn't even realize it.
she seems to have had zero idea that american indian dna was not even on the table so any "native american" would be north and south america and in this case, only mexico would be in north america so she just can't prove a thing w/o native american DNA *of which* she can't get due to native americans now allowing it.
she's trying to say she now wins a bet

the funniest part are the ones in here defending her for this when anyone with any lick of common sense knows if this were a (R) they'd be all over them like a herd of flies on an overturned manure truck for lying. yet bulldog, oldlady, care4all and others still defend her and say "hey they found enough" or the favorite now "why does it matter".

then instead of going "yea, she fucked up" they insult trump and go into WELL TRUMP IS A LIAR SO I'M STILL RIGHT!!!!

pretty amazing world we live in at times, huh?
Trump is a liar, and he owes her a million bucks. Warren is loony though.
And to think that just last week, people were saying that she needed to take a DNA test to prove her claim. She did that, it proved her claim, and not you're saying that's not good enough, she needs to hire a researcher to chart her family tree. If she had done that, you would have said that she paid off someone to cook up a phony family tree.

Trump flat out and openly called Warren a liar, and it turns out that it's Trump who lied.
She proved nothing. The Cherokee Nation said she didn't have enough to be considered Native. Give it up, you're looking as bad as she is. You're only making a fool of yourself.

When did she claim to be a member of a tribe? Never.
Yes, she claimed to be Cherokee. The Cherokee Tribe says she's a fraud. Do you want to trash the Cherokee Nation to protect your sick lying fraudulent loser?

The Cherokee Warriors have taken their first scalp in over a hundred years.... Elizabeth Warren's political career has just been scalped!

You are so proud that Trump lieed trying to ruin someone's political career.

What a piece of shit you are.

I am proud that Elizabeth Warren was able to take a completely politically neutral people and put them back into the middle of The Fray only to gets scalped by them.

Trump didn't do this to her she did it to herself.

What I'm wondering is where her defenfers?
Booker, Harris, Schumer... Pelosi????

Non can be reached for comment it seems!

Maybe the Cherokees have gotten their first!

Still no link to Warren claiming to be a member of the Cherokee Nation or having specific Cherokee heritage. Just rhe same handful of USMB Trumpocans lying and spreading misinformation. FAKE NEWS PROMOTION THREAD.
Their orange master got his bluff called and now they are trying desperately to move goal posts. I will say this...I've hear MORE insulting terms for Native Americans in the last few days than I've heard in a long long time. I wonder what any Native American in this country thinks of that.

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