Trump's Kavanaughing of Warren

All she needs to do is show she has an ancestor listed in the Dawes Rolls. If she wants to be a member, she needs 1/16th blood lineage.

It’s their longstanding law.

Why she hasn’t paid some staffer to use Family History or paid some genealogical consultant says all you need to know about her claim.

Good point since Warren claims her Indian heritage was openly known and discussed within her family only going back 1 or 2 generations she would have more credibility proving her claim using a genealogist researching her family history. It's interesting the media never stepped up to research her family history since they had a show a few years back doing just that.

And to think that just last week, people were saying that she needed to take a DNA test to prove her claim. She did that, it proved her claim, and not you're saying that's not good enough, she needs to hire a researcher to chart her family tree. If she had done that, you would have said that she paid off someone to cook up a phony family tree.

Trump flat out and openly called Warren a liar, and it turns out that it's Trump who lied.
Just look at the other threads and see all the liars defending her lying ass. Should tell people all they need to know about the crime party.
She’s not lying. Right wingers are in denial. Something else entirely.

Only a fricken liberal could say that. They've been told so many lies they have no idea what the truth looks like....dumbass.
All she needs to do is show she has an ancestor listed in the Dawes Rolls. If she wants to be a member, she needs 1/16th blood lineage.

It’s their longstanding law.

Why she hasn’t paid some staffer to use Family History or paid some genealogical consultant says all you need to know about her claim.

Good point since Warren claims her Indian heritage was openly known and discussed within her family only going back 1 or 2 generations she would have more credibility proving her claim using a genealogist researching her family history. It's interesting the media never stepped up to research her family history since they had a show a few years back doing just that.

And to think that just last week, people were saying that she needed to take a DNA test to prove her claim. She did that, it proved her claim, and not you're saying that's not good enough, she needs to hire a researcher to chart her family tree. If she had done that, you would have said that she paid off someone to cook up a phony family tree.

Trump flat out and openly called Warren a liar, and it turns out that it's Trump who lied.

Sure, and the Cherokee Nation is lying. Is that how it works?
All she needs to do is show she has an ancestor listed in the Dawes Rolls. If she wants to be a member, she needs 1/16th blood lineage.

It’s their longstanding law.

Why she hasn’t paid some staffer to use Family History or paid some genealogical consultant says all you need to know about her claim.

No she doesn't. She just proved she has NA in her genealogy. So when Trump calls her Pocahontas she is able to answer, Yes.

The DNA tester didn't even use Native American DNA as the basis of the test:

(I'll also note that I was right when I predicted the test would be a hide the decline fake test a la the ruses used by Climate Change Worshippers to make up global warming stats.)

To make up for the dearth of Native American DNA, Bustamante used samples from Mexico, Peru, and Colombia to stand in for Native American. That’s because scientists believe that the groups Americans refer to as Native American came to this land via the Bering Strait about 12,000 years ago and settled in what’s now America but also migrated further south. His report explained that the use of reference populations whose genetic material has been fully sequenced was designed “for maximal accuracy.”

Bustamante said he can tease out the markers that these South Americans would have in common with Native Americans on the North American continent...

Elizabeth Warren's DNA Test Included 0% Actual Native American DNA | Breitbart
Just look at the other threads and see all the liars defending her lying ass. Should tell people all they need to know about the crime party.
She’s not lying. Right wingers are in denial. Something else entirely.

The DNA showed she is whiter than the average white nationalist
Wrong. White nationalist would be all white. Not mostly white.

Oh so you’re denying science now.
All she needs to do is show she has an ancestor listed in the Dawes Rolls. If she wants to be a member, she needs 1/16th blood lineage.

It’s their longstanding law.

Why she hasn’t paid some staffer to use Family History or paid some genealogical consultant says all you need to know about her claim.

Good point since Warren claims her Indian heritage was openly known and discussed within her family only going back 1 or 2 generations she would have more credibility proving her claim using a genealogist researching her family history. It's interesting the media never stepped up to research her family history since they had a show a few years back doing just that.

And to think that just last week, people were saying that she needed to take a DNA test to prove her claim. She did that, it proved her claim, and not you're saying that's not good enough, she needs to hire a researcher to chart her family tree. If she had done that, you would have said that she paid off someone to cook up a phony family tree.

Trump flat out and openly called Warren a liar, and it turns out that it's Trump who lied.
She proved nothing. The Cherokee Nation said she didn't have enough to be considered Native. Give it up, you're looking as bad as she is. You're only making a fool of yourself.
You leftist trash will defend frauds and liars all day every day, then make up lies and spread them in the media about good decent people simply because you disagree with their politics.
Republicans and Trumptards don't make good on their bets. They will do any amount of lying to get out of paying up.
Why am I not surprised? Welchers.
She to have Cherokee heritage for that to happen, she has no Cherokee heritage
Watch the video. It said nothing about being Cherokee. Trump is stuck. LOL

Because she has less Native American in her than the average Caucasian?
I took a DNA test. And I don’t have any Native American blood in me. Course, for a white guy, I’ve never been average. I’ve always been way above average.
If being a Republican is the average white guy, then that’s a very low bar indeed.
No one’s ever claimed that your average
All she needs to do is show she has an ancestor listed in the Dawes Rolls. If she wants to be a member, she needs 1/16th blood lineage.

It’s their longstanding law.

Why she hasn’t paid some staffer to use Family History or paid some genealogical consultant says all you need to know about her claim.
Thete are holes in the documented heritage. This was done you stupud shit.

She never claimed to be a member

To be a member of the Cherokee Nation, blood percentages don't count
When did Warren claim to be a member or want to be a member of the Cherokee Nation? Does anyone have a valid and reliable link for that?
All she needs to do is show she has an ancestor listed in the Dawes Rolls. If she wants to be a member, she needs 1/16th blood lineage.

It’s their longstanding law.

Why she hasn’t paid some staffer to use Family History or paid some genealogical consultant says all you need to know about her claim.

Warren has never claimed tribal membership. All she has ever claimed is that one of her grandmothers from way back, was a native American. It's you idiots that keep piling on bullshit that Warren has never claimed.

As for those who have posted pictures of Native Americans next to those of blond haired and blue-eyed Warren, my son-in-law's oldest son has blond hair and blue eyes, and his grandmother is a full blood Mohawk who looks exactly like your picture of Native women. My grandson's mother who is half native, she resembles her mother, but my grandson could pass for Elizabeth Warren's son.
No, that's a false narrative. Warren deliberately lied about being Native to gain a position at Harvard. She never claimed Native status in her entire life until it became beneficial to do so. She's a fraud.
Link to your bogus claim.
All she needs to do is show she has an ancestor listed in the Dawes Rolls. If she wants to be a member, she needs 1/16th blood lineage.

It’s their longstanding law.

Why she hasn’t paid some staffer to use Family History or paid some genealogical consultant says all you need to know about her claim.
Thete are holes in the documented heritage. This was done you stupud shit.

She never claimed to be a member

To be a member of the Cherokee Nation, blood percentages don't count

Unfortunately that's just not true. she made more than one claim to be a member of a minority. Normally nobody would care but it just so happens she picked on the one group of people who are completely sick and tired of piggyback imposters.

The Cherokee Nation is on the warpath once again and Elizabeth Warren has retreated Behind the Walls of the fort.

All she needs to do is show she has an ancestor listed in the Dawes Rolls. If she wants to be a member, she needs 1/16th blood lineage.

It’s their longstanding law.

Why she hasn’t paid some staffer to use Family History or paid some genealogical consultant says all you need to know about her claim.

Good point since Warren claims her Indian heritage was openly known and discussed within her family only going back 1 or 2 generations she would have more credibility proving her claim using a genealogist researching her family history. It's interesting the media never stepped up to research her family history since they had a show a few years back doing just that.

And to think that just last week, people were saying that she needed to take a DNA test to prove her claim. She did that, it proved her claim, and not you're saying that's not good enough, she needs to hire a researcher to chart her family tree. If she had done that, you would have said that she paid off someone to cook up a phony family tree.

Trump flat out and openly called Warren a liar, and it turns out that it's Trump who lied.
She proved nothing. The Cherokee Nation said she didn't have enough to be considered Native. Give it up, you're looking as bad as she is. You're only making a fool of yourself.

When did she claim to be a member of a tribe? Never.
When did Warren claim to be a member or want to be a member of the Cherokee Nation? Does anyone have a valid and reliable link for that?
Now you're saying the Cherokee Nation isn't an authority on who or who isn't a Cherokee. Fascinating. Warren claimed to be Cherokee so she could benefit from Native status at Harvard. Isn't that correct?
All she needs to do is show she has an ancestor listed in the Dawes Rolls. If she wants to be a member, she needs 1/16th blood lineage.

It’s their longstanding law.

Why she hasn’t paid some staffer to use Family History or paid some genealogical consultant says all you need to know about her claim.

Good point since Warren claims her Indian heritage was openly known and discussed within her family only going back 1 or 2 generations she would have more credibility proving her claim using a genealogist researching her family history. It's interesting the media never stepped up to research her family history since they had a show a few years back doing just that.

And to think that just last week, people were saying that she needed to take a DNA test to prove her claim. She did that, it proved her claim, and not you're saying that's not good enough, she needs to hire a researcher to chart her family tree. If she had done that, you would have said that she paid off someone to cook up a phony family tree.

Trump flat out and openly called Warren a liar, and it turns out that it's Trump who lied.
She proved nothing. The Cherokee Nation said she didn't have enough to be considered Native. Give it up, you're looking as bad as she is. You're only making a fool of yourself.

When did she claim to be a member of a tribe? Never.
Yes, she claimed to be Cherokee. The Cherokee Tribe says she's a fraud. Do you want to trash the Cherokee Nation to protect your sick lying fraudulent loser?
When did Warren claim to be a member or want to be a member of the Cherokee Nation? Does anyone have a valid and reliable link for that?

WTF, you just fall off the truck?

It's a common Lefty tactic. When they don't like something they continually ask for more and more proof of its existence. At times it gets to the point you have to prove to them that the sky is blue.... And still they refuse to accept it.


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