Trump's Kavanaughing of Warren

Sorry but the claims of the three official federal Cherokee reservations are out numbered by all of the Cherokee in the state and unofficial reservations like the Texas reservation that backed Santa Ana plus the non-reservation Cherokee like Elvis and Loretta Lynn. Dawes can kiss my a$$.
Republicans and Trumptards don't make good on their bets. They will do any amount of lying to get out of paying up.
Why am I not surprised? Welchers.

There was no bet
"We will take that little kit -- but we have to do it gently. Because we're in the #MeToo generation, we have to do it gently," the president trolled. "And we will very genlty take that kit, and slowly toss it, hoping it doesn't injure her arm, and we will say: I will give you a million dollars to your favorite charity, paid for by Trump, if you take the test and it shows you're an Indian."

That’s not a bet...

And she failed

She proved what she said. Trump needs to open his checkbook and ask her which charity. Cheapskate.
she can NOT lay claim to being an american indian with this test for one major reason anyway -

no american indian dna was used in the testing. columbian, mexican and peruvian were the dna the tester used to find out. i'm just not sure how you can hire someone to do DNA testing and not fully understand the results. the *best* she can claim to these countries is 1/64th which is NOT legally that race anyway.

the timing of her doing this is very strange and her inability to read/understand her own results even moreso. she just hurt the dems for midterms and we'll have to wait and see to find out how bad.

But her cheek bones are so high?
Republicans and Trumptards don't make good on their bets. They will do any amount of lying to get out of paying up.
Why am I not surprised? Welchers.
She to have Cherokee heritage for that to happen, she has no Cherokee heritage
Watch the video. It said nothing about being Cherokee. Trump is stuck. LOL

Because she has less Native American in her than the average Caucasian?
Elizabeth Warren Melts Down in Wake of DNA Disaster | Breitbart

"Warren is obviously looking for a way to regain her footing after the disastrous rollout of her DNA test, which not only proved she has no claim whatsoever to any sort of Indian ancestry, but that she lacks the judgment and poise to run for president.

Warren’s rollout was such a debacle, she has now been disavowed by the Cherokee Nation, and a number of high profile Democrats are publicly questioning the judgment of her timing — just three weeks before the midterm elections. "


She may have no more 1/1024 Indian--much less than the average White American.

Warren asked that she no longer be referred to as Pocahantas.

She indicated that she would now prefer to be known as Snow White.

Ya know, Harvard could have a decent lawsuit against her for lying about her heritage which they used in promotional material. How cool would that be, Harvard law suing Phonycahotas Warren!

From the OP’s link-
Between 1987 and 1995, Warren identified herself as “Native American” while she was teaching law at the University of Pennsylvania Law School and Harvard. The latter used Warren false Cherokee identity to brag about the school’s racial diversity.
All she needs to do is show she has an ancestor listed in the Dawes Rolls. If she wants to be a member, she needs 1/16th blood lineage.

It’s their longstanding law.

Why she hasn’t paid some staffer to use Family History or paid some genealogical consultant says all you need to know about her claim.

Good point since Warren claims her Indian heritage was openly known and discussed within her family only going back 1 or 2 generations she would have more credibility proving her claim using a genealogist researching her family history. It's interesting the media never stepped up to research her family history since they had a show a few years back doing just that.
The University of Texas School of Law. 1986-87: Jay H. Brown Centennial Fellow in Law; 1983-1987: Professor of Law. 1985-86: Conoco Faculty Fellow in Law; 1981-82: Visiting Associate Professor of Law The University of Texas at Austin. 1983-87: Research Associate, Population Research Center The University of Houston Law Center. 1981-83: Associate Professor of Law; 1978-80: Assistant Professor of Law; 1980-81: Associate Dean for Academic Affairs

Darn she taught at Texas School of Law and didn't use her NA genealogy to get her jobs. I suspect Harvard did this to make sure they were admitting minorities for teaching positions.

Read her bio and get educated. She is well educated.

But turns out its true, she does have NA in her genealogy.
She is proof that a college education no a days. Is a waste of time and money.

and yet brags about his college days and well so does Kavanaugh, even if they went on their parents money.
Me? Went only one semester at a local college.
The Cherokee nation told the lying skank and the world she is fake, and these morons here still lie. Look at what you all are. Liars and thieves.
Just look at the other threads and see all the liars defending her lying ass. Should tell people all they need to know about the crime party.
She’s not lying. Right wingers are in denial. Something else entirely.
Just look at the other threads and see all the liars defending her lying ass. Should tell people all they need to know about the crime party.
She’s not lying. Right wingers are in denial. Something else entirely.
:21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21: The entire Cherokee nation has said she's fake and the trolls keep spinning the lies.
Republicans and Trumptards don't make good on their bets. They will do any amount of lying to get out of paying up.
Why am I not surprised? Welchers.

There was no bet
"We will take that little kit -- but we have to do it gently. Because we're in the #MeToo generation, we have to do it gently," the president trolled. "And we will very genlty take that kit, and slowly toss it, hoping it doesn't injure her arm, and we will say: I will give you a million dollars to your favorite charity, paid for by Trump, if you take the test and it shows you're an Indian."

That’s not a bet...

And she failed

She proved what she said. Trump needs to open his checkbook and ask her which charity. Cheapskate.

No. She did the exact opposite
To sum up this latest crime party bullshit:


Now they are using a lying paleface faux squaw! :21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21::21:

indian warren.jpg
All she needs to do is show she has an ancestor listed in the Dawes Rolls. If she wants to be a member, she needs 1/16th blood lineage.

It’s their longstanding law.

Why she hasn’t paid some staffer to use Family History or paid some genealogical consultant says all you need to know about her claim.

Warren has never claimed tribal membership. All she has ever claimed is that one of her grandmothers from way back, was a native American. It's you idiots that keep piling on bullshit that Warren has never claimed.

As for those who have posted pictures of Native Americans next to those of blond haired and blue-eyed Warren, my son-in-law's oldest son has blond hair and blue eyes, and his grandmother is a full blood Mohawk who looks exactly like your picture of Native women. My grandson's mother who is half native, she resembles her mother, but my grandson could pass for Elizabeth Warren's son.
If there was an Indian in you ancestory a 100 generations back your DNA would still show it.
Hers was only six.

She said prove it and she did.

Reminds me of Obama’s birth certificate. They said prove it and he did. And they still want to whine about it. Bunch of fuking babies.
Republicans and Trumptards don't make good on their bets. They will do any amount of lying to get out of paying up.
Why am I not surprised? Welchers.
She to have Cherokee heritage for that to happen, she has no Cherokee heritage
Watch the video. It said nothing about being Cherokee. Trump is stuck. LOL

Because she has less Native American in her than the average Caucasian?
I took a DNA test. And I don’t have any Native American blood in me. Course, for a white guy, I’ve never been average. I’ve always been way above average.
If being a Republican is the average white guy, then that’s a very low bar indeed.
All she needs to do is show she has an ancestor listed in the Dawes Rolls. If she wants to be a member, she needs 1/16th blood lineage.

It’s their longstanding law.

Why she hasn’t paid some staffer to use Family History or paid some genealogical consultant says all you need to know about her claim.
Oh she did that. She knows there is nothing. She did this as an October surprise in the democrats identity political strategy. Since that is all they have and the only political strategy they use, it was her only play and this is the best the typial stupid lying hypocrite could come up with.

1/1,024th and that is it. That is what was found out and the left wing monkeys, better known as their useful idiotic voting base, thinks that proves she is a Native American and Trump is lying.

That's right. Their monkeys.
All she needs to do is show she has an ancestor listed in the Dawes Rolls. If she wants to be a member, she needs 1/16th blood lineage.

It’s their longstanding law.

Why she hasn’t paid some staffer to use Family History or paid some genealogical consultant says all you need to know about her claim.

Warren has never claimed tribal membership. All she has ever claimed is that one of her grandmothers from way back, was a native American. It's you idiots that keep piling on bullshit that Warren has never claimed.

As for those who have posted pictures of Native Americans next to those of blond haired and blue-eyed Warren, my son-in-law's oldest son has blond hair and blue eyes, and his grandmother is a full blood Mohawk who looks exactly like your picture of Native women. My grandson's mother who is half native, she resembles her mother, but my grandson could pass for Elizabeth Warren's son.
No, that's a false narrative. Warren deliberately lied about being Native to gain a position at Harvard. She never claimed Native status in her entire life until it became beneficial to do so. She's a fraud.

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