Trump's Kavanaughing of Warren

Trump has destroyed two shrill leftist heifers in two days. Good job, Mr. President.
You have been asked repeatedly to provide a link where Warren actually claimed Cherokee heritage and have failed to produce a link. All I have seen or can find are links of other people making the assertion of Warren making the claim with no evidence.

Are you too stupid to find a link or video of Warren actually making the claim you keep repeating over and over? Prove you are not a common Trumpican liar and produce a link of Warren actually claiming she is of Cherokee heritage.
Nope, I don't have to. It's a fact she has stated she's Cherokee and it's a fact she claimed Native heritage at Harvard to gain advantage. Go fuck yourself.
You don't have to, you can't. Your rants and obsessions are based on lies and you are a liar. Expected from Trumpicans. Prove you are being falsely accused of stupidity and lying. Provide the evidence via a link showing Warren claiming to be Cherokee.
Lol. Oh, go blow a goat, you dizzy cockroach.
:dig: Just be a man or strong woman and admit you can't find a viable valid link.
Go blow a goat, cockroach.

And So It Goes.... You're absolutely right about providing the proof. It becomes a game that has no ultimate goal. YouTube videos, newspaper articles, and numerous opinion pieces are available to any honest Soul who wishes to do the searching.

They will find a flaw in each and every one of them and declare them untrue.

They will literally argue with you over the color of the sky.

The only thing you can do is ignore it.

What they are unable to do is change the truth of the matter.

"OMG OMG our poor boys & young men are being wrongly accused & its ruining their lives. OMG OMG OMG"
He then mocked DR Ford. Calling her a liar. Said she was making it up.

Donald Trump falsely accused Elizabeth Warren of lying about her heritage. He mocked her. He tried to ruin her life. He Kavanaughed her. When asked about his offer to donate a million bucks, he can't remember.

"What about your offer?" "Never Made it"

When did you offer it "Don't remember".

Where was it? "Don't remember

Donald Trump is a disgusting piece of shit. He lied about people to destroy their life. Unless you believe Rubio's father killed Kennedy. He said Obama was not born in the US. He said Warren had no Native American heritage.

She did lie about her heritage, how come you can't see that? She's as American Indian as you and I, and it says a lot about her character.

ILMAO at comparing Pocahontas to Kavanaugh - progressively desperate.

Elizabeth Warren Has Statistically Less Native American Blood Than Average White American, According To Study
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"OMG OMG our poor boys & young men are being wrongly accused & its ruining their lives. OMG OMG OMG"
He then mocked DR Ford. Calling her a liar. Said she was making it up.

Donald Trump falsely accused Elizabeth Warren of lying about her heritage. He mocked her. He tried to ruin her life. He Kavanaughed her. When asked about his offer to donate a million bucks, he can't remember.

"What about your offer?" "Never Made it"

When did you offer it "Don't remember".

Where was it? "Don't remember

Donald Trump is a disgusting piece of shit. He lied about people to destroy their life. Unless you believe Rubio's father killed Kennedy. He said Obama was not born in the US. He said Warren had no Native American heritage.
So, you admit that the Kavanaugh thing was complete bullshit?

I agree.

And, most white Americans have, on average, twice as much Indian genetic makeup than that of Chief Shitting Pants.

She is white to the bloody core, and was hired by Harvard as a minority.

Otherwise, I'm black.
Nope, I don't have to. It's a fact she has stated she's Cherokee and it's a fact she claimed Native heritage at Harvard to gain advantage. Go fuck yourself.
You don't have to, you can't. Your rants and obsessions are based on lies and you are a liar. Expected from Trumpicans. Prove you are being falsely accused of stupidity and lying. Provide the evidence via a link showing Warren claiming to be Cherokee.
Lol. Oh, go blow a goat, you dizzy cockroach.
:dig: Just be a man or strong woman and admit you can't find a viable valid link.
Go blow a goat, cockroach.

And So It Goes.... You're absolutely right about providing the proof. It becomes a game that has no ultimate goal. YouTube videos, newspaper articles, and numerous opinion pieces are available to any honest Soul who wishes to do the searching.

They will find a flaw in each and every one of them and declare them untrue.

They will literally argue with you over the color of the sky.

The only thing you can do is ignore it.

What they are unable to do is change the truth of the matter.

And yet, none of you can produce one single video or written statement from Warren making the claim you obsessively are attributing to her. Not a single one.
If one of you lying Trumproids had such a link you would have posted it.
You don't have to, you can't. Your rants and obsessions are based on lies and you are a liar. Expected from Trumpicans. Prove you are being falsely accused of stupidity and lying. Provide the evidence via a link showing Warren claiming to be Cherokee.
Lol. Oh, go blow a goat, you dizzy cockroach.
:dig: Just be a man or strong woman and admit you can't find a viable valid link.
Go blow a goat, cockroach.

And So It Goes.... You're absolutely right about providing the proof. It becomes a game that has no ultimate goal. YouTube videos, newspaper articles, and numerous opinion pieces are available to any honest Soul who wishes to do the searching.

They will find a flaw in each and every one of them and declare them untrue.

They will literally argue with you over the color of the sky.

The only thing you can do is ignore it.

What they are unable to do is change the truth of the matter.

And yet, none of you can produce one single video or written statement from Warren making the claim you obsessively are attributing to her. Not a single one.
If one of you lying Trumproids had such a link you would have posted it.

If I were you I would heed the wisdom of the following Maxim:

" A wise man once said..... nothing "

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All she needs to do is show she has an ancestor listed in the Dawes Rolls. If she wants to be a member, she needs 1/16th blood lineage.

It’s their longstanding law.

Why she hasn’t paid some staffer to use Family History or paid some genealogical consultant says all you need to know about her claim.

A pathetic attempt to move the goalposts.

Trump specifically said, "Those little kits they sell on television". So you can't drop some new requirement now that she's done that, fuckwit.

Warren did that. It proved she has Indian heritage.

Trump said, "I will give you a million dollars if you take the test and it shows you're an Indian."

Trump owes a million dollars.
Shaddup and just accept the facts, She's an Injun.

The DNA test proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that her great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandfather's nephew's cousin's former room mate crossed over the Aleutian land bridge from Asia to North America.
no she isn't, the marker used was from South America. No injun marker available. so you sir are wrong as usual. gotta be right at all costs!! even your integrity.
When did Warren claim to be a Cherokee so she could benefit from Native status at Harvard? Provide proof of that.
She told the media she was Cherokee. She told Harvard she was a Native. You know that. Keep flailing, it's fun to watch.
You have been asked repeatedly to provide a link where Warren actually claimed Cherokee heritage and have failed to produce a link. All I have seen or can find are links of other people making the assertion of Warren making the claim with no evidence.

Are you too stupid to find a link or video of Warren actually making the claim you keep repeating over and over? Prove you are not a common Trumpican liar and produce a link of Warren actually claiming she is of Cherokee heritage.
Nope, I don't have to. It's a fact she has stated she's Cherokee and it's a fact she claimed Native heritage at Harvard to gain advantage. Go fuck yourself. lied. You got called on your lie and now you are making obscene comments. Well, typical weak-kneed trumpanzee behavior. You folded like a house of cards.
Is this manipulating rant supposed to affect me in some bizarre way?
Now there's some tasty Irony for us..... :71:
She told the media she was Cherokee. She told Harvard she was a Native. You know that. Keep flailing, it's fun to watch.
You have been asked repeatedly to provide a link where Warren actually claimed Cherokee heritage and have failed to produce a link. All I have seen or can find are links of other people making the assertion of Warren making the claim with no evidence.

Are you too stupid to find a link or video of Warren actually making the claim you keep repeating over and over? Prove you are not a common Trumpican liar and produce a link of Warren actually claiming she is of Cherokee heritage.
Nope, I don't have to. It's a fact she has stated she's Cherokee and it's a fact she claimed Native heritage at Harvard to gain advantage. Go fuck yourself.
You don't have to, you can't. Your rants and obsessions are based on lies and you are a liar. Expected from Trumpicans. Prove you are being falsely accused of stupidity and lying. Provide the evidence via a link showing Warren claiming to be Cherokee.
Lol. Oh, go blow a goat, you dizzy cockroach.
:dig: Just be a man or strong woman and admit you can't find a viable valid link.
Well, you see.....that's the problem right there. :71:
Nowhere in your link provides an example of Warren making the claim of being a Cherokee.
Are you really going to deny Warren has publicly stated her family told her she has Cherokee blood?
Are you really going to tell us that someone stating they have a family story of having Cherokee blood is the same as saying one is a Cherokee...and qualifies for tribal membership?

Still waiting for you to provide the evidence that Warren claimed she is of Cherokee Indian descent.
I don't really care what you cockroaches believe. You're losers and crying in the wilderness, and I'm having such a wonderful time watching you twits rant and stomp your feet.
"I don't really care..." Of course not....that's why you post so many insults AFTER you got called on your lie.
This was inevitable. I could have provided you with a dozen links and you would have denied everyone, then called me a liar like you are now. How boring.
"I could have provided you with a dozen links".......and have provided us with none.

So you lied.
Now you're saying the Cherokee Nation isn't an authority on who or who isn't a Cherokee. Fascinating. Warren claimed to be Cherokee so she could benefit from Native status at Harvard. Isn't that correct?
When did Warren claim to be a Cherokee so she could benefit from Native status at Harvard? Provide proof of that.
She told the media she was Cherokee. She told Harvard she was a Native. You know that. Keep flailing, it's fun to watch.
You have been asked repeatedly to provide a link where Warren actually claimed Cherokee heritage and have failed to produce a link. All I have seen or can find are links of other people making the assertion of Warren making the claim with no evidence.

Are you too stupid to find a link or video of Warren actually making the claim you keep repeating over and over? Prove you are not a common Trumpican liar and produce a link of Warren actually claiming she is of Cherokee heritage.

Cherokee Nation to Elizabeth Warren: Drop dead
Washington Examiner

13 hours ago · Warren has claimed for years that she is of Cherokee Indian descent. ... it is not evidence for tribal affiliation,” said Cherokee Nation
Nowhere in your link provides an example of Warren making the claim of being a Cherokee.
Doesn't have to, news ARTICLE SAID SHE DID....ABNORMALS got to laugh at their stupidity
Nope, I don't have to. It's a fact she has stated she's Cherokee and it's a fact she claimed Native heritage at Harvard to gain advantage. Go fuck yourself.
You don't have to, you can't. Your rants and obsessions are based on lies and you are a liar. Expected from Trumpicans. Prove you are being falsely accused of stupidity and lying. Provide the evidence via a link showing Warren claiming to be Cherokee.
Lol. Oh, go blow a goat, you dizzy cockroach.
:dig: Just be a man or strong woman and admit you can't find a viable valid link.
Go blow a goat, cockroach.

And So It Goes.... You're absolutely right about providing the proof. It becomes a game that has no ultimate goal. YouTube videos, newspaper articles, and numerous opinion pieces are available to any honest Soul who wishes to do the searching.

They will find a flaw in each and every one of them and declare them untrue.

They will literally argue with you over the color of the sky.

The only thing you can do is ignore it.

What they are unable to do is change the truth of the matter.

I found some proof!

Trump Offers $1 Million For "Pocahontas" Elizabeth Warren To Take DNA Test To Prove Indian Ancestry
Trump has destroyed two shrill leftist heifers in two days. Good job, Mr. President.

Here's the deal with Elizabeth Warren's Native American heritage

Harvard Law School in the 1990s touted Warren, then a professor in Cambridge, as being "Native American." They singled her out, Warren later acknowledged, because she had listed herself as a minority in an Association of American Law Schools directory. Critics note that she had not done that in her student applications and during her time as a teacher at the University of Texas

It was so easy to find.... But shhhh.
It's too much fun watching Pharoh and
Black leather girl demand obedience!

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You don't have to, you can't. Your rants and obsessions are based on lies and you are a liar. Expected from Trumpicans. Prove you are being falsely accused of stupidity and lying. Provide the evidence via a link showing Warren claiming to be Cherokee.
Lol. Oh, go blow a goat, you dizzy cockroach.
:dig: Just be a man or strong woman and admit you can't find a viable valid link.
Go blow a goat, cockroach.

And So It Goes.... You're absolutely right about providing the proof. It becomes a game that has no ultimate goal. YouTube videos, newspaper articles, and numerous opinion pieces are available to any honest Soul who wishes to do the searching.

They will find a flaw in each and every one of them and declare them untrue.

They will literally argue with you over the color of the sky.

The only thing you can do is ignore it.

What they are unable to do is change the truth of the matter.

And yet, none of you can produce one single video or written statement from Warren making the claim you obsessively are attributing to her. Not a single one.
If one of you lying Trumproids had such a link you would have posted it.

Gosh, what a CHALLENGE, were you born a winner? Say, since video or written statement are the only evidence that's evidence, use English to describe what it is you expect us to provide on video or paper.
Warren met the terms of of the Naked Emperor's challenge.

Now he is trying to pretend he never said it.

Of course.

Of course he is.
When did Warren claim to be a Cherokee so she could benefit from Native status at Harvard? Provide proof of that.
She told the media she was Cherokee. She told Harvard she was a Native. You know that. Keep flailing, it's fun to watch.
You have been asked repeatedly to provide a link where Warren actually claimed Cherokee heritage and have failed to produce a link. All I have seen or can find are links of other people making the assertion of Warren making the claim with no evidence.

Are you too stupid to find a link or video of Warren actually making the claim you keep repeating over and over? Prove you are not a common Trumpican liar and produce a link of Warren actually claiming she is of Cherokee heritage.

Cherokee Nation to Elizabeth Warren: Drop dead
Washington Examiner

13 hours ago · Warren has claimed for years that she is of Cherokee Indian descent. ... it is not evidence for tribal affiliation,” said Cherokee Nation
Nowhere in your link provides an example of Warren making the claim of being a Cherokee.
Doesn't have to, news ARTICLE SAID SHE DID....ABNORMALS got to laugh at their stupidity
You can no doubt spend hours making bullcrap excuses and lying on this topic as you have already done. You seem like an obsessed Nutjob Trumpican who has nothing better to do.

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