Trump's Kavanaughing of Warren

I would like Trump to take a DNA test to prove his grandfather was Swedish.

Trump once again proves to be a hypocrite.

It's weird how Trump accuses people of doing the very things he does. For example, attacking someone about a fake heritage.

Here's Donald Trump on his heritage in his bio "The Art of the Deal":



Trump's grandfather ran away to America from Germany (Bavaria at the time) to dodge his military service, not from Sweden as a child. Trump lies a lot, and he couldn't stop himself from even lying about his ancestry.

Grandpa ran away from Kallstadt to avoid the draft. His draft-dodging grandson didn't fall far from that tree! :lol:

Trump is so ashamed of his German roots, he tried to claim he is a Swede!!!

When Grampa Drumpf tried to go back to Germany in his later years, Germany wouldn't let him back him because he had dodged his military service.

Donald is a chip off the old draft-dodging fake Swedish block.
She told the media she was Cherokee. She told Harvard she was a Native. You know that. Keep flailing, it's fun to watch.
You have been asked repeatedly to provide a link where Warren actually claimed Cherokee heritage and have failed to produce a link. All I have seen or can find are links of other people making the assertion of Warren making the claim with no evidence.

Are you too stupid to find a link or video of Warren actually making the claim you keep repeating over and over? Prove you are not a common Trumpican liar and produce a link of Warren actually claiming she is of Cherokee heritage.
Nope, I don't have to. It's a fact she has stated she's Cherokee and it's a fact she claimed Native heritage at Harvard to gain advantage. Go fuck yourself. lied. You got called on your lie and now you are making obscene comments. Well, typical weak-kneed trumpanzee behavior. You folded like a house of cards.
Is this manipulating rant supposed to affect me in some bizarre way?
Now there's some tasty Irony for us..... :71:
The facts: Elizabeth Warren and her Native American ties

"A recipe for embarrassment

The final snippet of Warren’s tribal tale is trivial but has delighted her critics to no end.

In 1984, a cousin in Oklahoma asked her to contribute recipes for a cookbook billed as "recipes passed down through the Five Tribes families." The book was entitled Pow Wow Chow.

Warren sent five, and under each one, listed herself as Elizabeth Warren, Cherokee."

yours is noted.
She told the media she was Cherokee. She told Harvard she was a Native. You know that. Keep flailing, it's fun to watch.
You have been asked repeatedly to provide a link where Warren actually claimed Cherokee heritage and have failed to produce a link. All I have seen or can find are links of other people making the assertion of Warren making the claim with no evidence.

Are you too stupid to find a link or video of Warren actually making the claim you keep repeating over and over? Prove you are not a common Trumpican liar and produce a link of Warren actually claiming she is of Cherokee heritage.

Cherokee Nation to Elizabeth Warren: Drop dead
Washington Examiner

13 hours ago · Warren has claimed for years that she is of Cherokee Indian descent. ... it is not evidence for tribal affiliation,” said Cherokee Nation
Nowhere in your link provides an example of Warren making the claim of being a Cherokee.
Doesn't have to, news ARTICLE SAID SHE DID....ABNORMALS got to laugh at their stupidity
You can no doubt spend hours making bullcrap excuses and lying on this topic as you have already done. You seem like an obsessed Nutjob Trumpican who has nothing better to do.
Still sucking the mulattos dick, I see!
Lol. Oh, go blow a goat, you dizzy cockroach.
:dig: Just be a man or strong woman and admit you can't find a viable valid link.
Go blow a goat, cockroach.

And So It Goes.... You're absolutely right about providing the proof. It becomes a game that has no ultimate goal. YouTube videos, newspaper articles, and numerous opinion pieces are available to any honest Soul who wishes to do the searching.

They will find a flaw in each and every one of them and declare them untrue.

They will literally argue with you over the color of the sky.

The only thing you can do is ignore it.

What they are unable to do is change the truth of the matter.

And yet, none of you can produce one single video or written statement from Warren making the claim you obsessively are attributing to her. Not a single one.
If one of you lying Trumproids had such a link you would have posted it.

Gosh, what a CHALLENGE, were you born a winner? Say, since video or written statement are the only evidence that's evidence, use English to describe what it is you expect us to provide on video or paper.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren claiming to be of Cherokee heritage is your mission.
You have been asked repeatedly to provide a link where Warren actually claimed Cherokee heritage and have failed to produce a link. All I have seen or can find are links of other people making the assertion of Warren making the claim with no evidence.

Are you too stupid to find a link or video of Warren actually making the claim you keep repeating over and over? Prove you are not a common Trumpican liar and produce a link of Warren actually claiming she is of Cherokee heritage.

Cherokee Nation to Elizabeth Warren: Drop dead
Washington Examiner

13 hours ago · Warren has claimed for years that she is of Cherokee Indian descent. ... it is not evidence for tribal affiliation,” said Cherokee Nation
Nowhere in your link provides an example of Warren making the claim of being a Cherokee.
Doesn't have to, news ARTICLE SAID SHE DID....ABNORMALS got to laugh at their stupidity
You can no doubt spend hours making bullcrap excuses and lying on this topic as you have already done. You seem like an obsessed Nutjob Trumpican who has nothing better to do.
Still sucking the mulattos dick, I see!

Excuse me, but we refer to that as “Token half negro”. That is all.
"OMG OMG our poor boys & young men are being wrongly accused & its ruining their lives. OMG OMG OMG"
He then mocked DR Ford. Calling her a liar. Said she was making it up.

Donald Trump falsely accused Elizabeth Warren of lying about her heritage. He mocked her. He tried to ruin her life. He Kavanaughed her. When asked about his offer to donate a million bucks, he can't remember.

"What about your offer?" "Never Made it"

When did you offer it "Don't remember".

Where was it? "Don't remember

Donald Trump is a disgusting piece of shit. He lied about people to destroy their life. Unless you believe Rubio's father killed Kennedy. He said Obama was not born in the US. He said Warren had no Native American heritage.
you are dumb, you just proved Kavanagh got railroaded...thanks for confirming.
Second it was Cruz, not Rubio.....maybe get your facts straight...and Trump is smart, he didn't say he did....he just put he might's called nuance and Trump is master of that....which is why he embarrasses you guys're leftwing holy crusade blinds you and trump uses your arrogance against you.

Dr Ford did lie about Kavanaugh, she didn't have one single provable detail, she had no witnesses and she no evidence and she brought it up at the last was a setup that all your bullshit against trump......

I CAN NOT wait for the Mueller report............
Justin Wingerter on Twitter

The Cherokee Nation called Democratic Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s use of a DNA test to justify her claim of Native American ancestry “inappropriate” on Monday.

“A DNA test is useless to determine tribal citizenship,” the Cherokee Nation said in a statement released Monday. “Sovereign tribal nations set their own legal requirements for citizenship, and while DNA tests can be used to determine lineage, such as paternity to an individual, it is not evidence for tribal affiliation.”

Cherokee Nation: Elizabeth Warren’s Claim To Tribe Is ‘Inappropriate’

Do you know the left believe the 1/1,024th means she is a Native American????

Do we all realize how pathetic and how racist the left is? You think they will care for one second what actual Native Americans have to say?

We all know how much they hate minorities that do not play along with their little games. They literally hate them more than they hate white Christians.
last time a liberal listened to Native Americans, they ended up on the Trail of Tears..
Andrew Jackson was anything but liberal
The comparison doesn't really work does it? Lilly white Fouxahontis started it by the absurd claim of being "a person of color" which opened the door for legitimate criticism even in her own party. Kavanaugh was the victim of an unfounded smear campaign by democrats.
You have been asked repeatedly to provide a link where Warren actually claimed Cherokee heritage and have failed to produce a link. All I have seen or can find are links of other people making the assertion of Warren making the claim with no evidence.

Are you too stupid to find a link or video of Warren actually making the claim you keep repeating over and over? Prove you are not a common Trumpican liar and produce a link of Warren actually claiming she is of Cherokee heritage.

Cherokee Nation to Elizabeth Warren: Drop dead
Washington Examiner

13 hours ago · Warren has claimed for years that she is of Cherokee Indian descent. ... it is not evidence for tribal affiliation,” said Cherokee Nation
Nowhere in your link provides an example of Warren making the claim of being a Cherokee.
Doesn't have to, news ARTICLE SAID SHE DID....ABNORMALS got to laugh at their stupidity
You can no doubt spend hours making bullcrap excuses and lying on this topic as you have already done. You seem like an obsessed Nutjob Trumpican who has nothing better to do.
Still sucking the mulattos dick, I see!
Calm down foul mouth, you are having a meltdown.
She told the media she was Cherokee. She told Harvard she was a Native. You know that. Keep flailing, it's fun to watch.
You have been asked repeatedly to provide a link where Warren actually claimed Cherokee heritage and have failed to produce a link. All I have seen or can find are links of other people making the assertion of Warren making the claim with no evidence.

Are you too stupid to find a link or video of Warren actually making the claim you keep repeating over and over? Prove you are not a common Trumpican liar and produce a link of Warren actually claiming she is of Cherokee heritage.
Nope, I don't have to. It's a fact she has stated she's Cherokee and it's a fact she claimed Native heritage at Harvard to gain advantage. Go fuck yourself. lied. You got called on your lie and now you are making obscene comments. Well, typical weak-kneed trumpanzee behavior. You folded like a house of cards.
Is this manipulating rant supposed to affect me in some bizarre way?
Now there's some tasty Irony for us..... :71:

Warren's DNA test: What it can and can't tell us

"The limits of DNA testing
Researchers told us the test results fit with Warren’s account of her Native American ties. Warren has said that she was told her great-great-great-grandmother was Cherokee."
Warren passed Trump's challenge.

Trump owes a million dollars to the charity of her choice.

No amount of smoke, no amount of red herrings, no moving of the goalposts can change that fact.
She told the media she was Cherokee. She told Harvard she was a Native. You know that. Keep flailing, it's fun to watch.
You have been asked repeatedly to provide a link where Warren actually claimed Cherokee heritage and have failed to produce a link. All I have seen or can find are links of other people making the assertion of Warren making the claim with no evidence.

Are you too stupid to find a link or video of Warren actually making the claim you keep repeating over and over? Prove you are not a common Trumpican liar and produce a link of Warren actually claiming she is of Cherokee heritage.
Nope, I don't have to. It's a fact she has stated she's Cherokee and it's a fact she claimed Native heritage at Harvard to gain advantage. Go fuck yourself. lied. You got called on your lie and now you are making obscene comments. Well, typical weak-kneed trumpanzee behavior. You folded like a house of cards.
Is this manipulating rant supposed to affect me in some bizarre way?
Now there's some tasty Irony for us..... :71:
BTW, there is no Cherokee marker for a DNA test to use. And the marker that was used was from South America.
It's quite possible that trump is slipping into dementia.

I think it is more probable that he is one mean son of a bitch
The left thinks they are fighting a country club republican, nope we got street fighter and they don't understand what's happening......and the sad part is they don't care's why I love to see every.....we got Trump this time must be really really frustrating.

Cherokee Nation to Elizabeth Warren: Drop dead
Washington Examiner

13 hours ago · Warren has claimed for years that she is of Cherokee Indian descent. ... it is not evidence for tribal affiliation,” said Cherokee Nation
Nowhere in your link provides an example of Warren making the claim of being a Cherokee.
Doesn't have to, news ARTICLE SAID SHE DID....ABNORMALS got to laugh at their stupidity
You can no doubt spend hours making bullcrap excuses and lying on this topic as you have already done. You seem like an obsessed Nutjob Trumpican who has nothing better to do.
Still sucking the mulattos dick, I see!
Calm down foul mouth, you are having a meltdown.
Here idiot, play with this....

Leftist attack the indians!
Information Liberation ^ | October 16, 2016 | Chris Menahan


Leftists responded with rage and anger after Cherokee Nation came out on Monday to criticize Elizabeth Warren for "undermining tribal interests with her continued claims of tribal heritage."

Warren earlier in the day released the results of a DNA test conducted at "a private lab in Georgia" which said she might possibly be anywhere from 1/64th to 1/1,024th Native American (which means she may have less Native American DNA than the average white American).

"Using a DNA test to lay claim to any connection to the Cherokee Nation or any tribal nation, even vaguely, is inappropriate and wrong," Cherokee Nation Secretary of State Chuck Hoskin Jr. said in a statement. "It makes a mockery out of DNA tests and its legitimate uses while also dishonoring legitimate tribal governments and their citizens, whose ancestors are well documented and whose heritage is proven. Senator Warren is undermining tribal interests with her continued claims of tribal heritage."
Warren passed Trump's challenge.

Trump owes a million dollars to the charity of her choice.

No amount of smoke, no amount of red herrings, no moving of the goalposts can change that fact.
No she didn't, she proved she is 1/1024 Mexican
Even if it were Native American, most people have more Indian blood and so she just proved she's the whitest person in American!!!!!! Next she'll be the face of the Klan.
Nowhere in your link provides an example of Warren making the claim of being a Cherokee.
Doesn't have to, news ARTICLE SAID SHE DID....ABNORMALS got to laugh at their stupidity
You can no doubt spend hours making bullcrap excuses and lying on this topic as you have already done. You seem like an obsessed Nutjob Trumpican who has nothing better to do.
Still sucking the mulattos dick, I see!
Calm down foul mouth, you are having a meltdown.
Here idiot, play with this....

Leftist attack the indians!
Information Liberation ^
| October 16, 2016 | Chris Menahan


Leftists responded with rage and anger after Cherokee Nation came out on Monday to criticize Elizabeth Warren for "undermining tribal interests with her continued claims of tribal heritage."

Warren earlier in the day released the results of a DNA test conducted at "a private lab in Georgia" which said she might possibly be anywhere from 1/64th to 1/1,024th Native American (which means she may have less Native American DNA than the average white American).

"Using a DNA test to lay claim to any connection to the Cherokee Nation or any tribal nation, even vaguely, is inappropriate and wrong," Cherokee Nation Secretary of State Chuck Hoskin Jr. said in a statement. "It makes a mockery out of DNA tests and its legitimate uses while also dishonoring legitimate tribal governments and their citizens, whose ancestors are well documented and whose heritage is proven. Senator Warren is undermining tribal interests with her continued claims of tribal heritage."
the marker used was for South America and not Cherokee Indian.
Doesn't have to, news ARTICLE SAID SHE DID....ABNORMALS got to laugh at their stupidity
You can no doubt spend hours making bullcrap excuses and lying on this topic as you have already done. You seem like an obsessed Nutjob Trumpican who has nothing better to do.
Still sucking the mulattos dick, I see!
Calm down foul mouth, you are having a meltdown.
Here idiot, play with this....

Leftist attack the indians!
Information Liberation ^
| October 16, 2016 | Chris Menahan


Leftists responded with rage and anger after Cherokee Nation came out on Monday to criticize Elizabeth Warren for "undermining tribal interests with her continued claims of tribal heritage."

Warren earlier in the day released the results of a DNA test conducted at "a private lab in Georgia" which said she might possibly be anywhere from 1/64th to 1/1,024th Native American (which means she may have less Native American DNA than the average white American).

"Using a DNA test to lay claim to any connection to the Cherokee Nation or any tribal nation, even vaguely, is inappropriate and wrong," Cherokee Nation Secretary of State Chuck Hoskin Jr. said in a statement. "It makes a mockery out of DNA tests and its legitimate uses while also dishonoring legitimate tribal governments and their citizens, whose ancestors are well documented and whose heritage is proven. Senator Warren is undermining tribal interests with her continued claims of tribal heritage."
the marker used was for South America and not Cherokee Indian.
Trump said "indian". He did not say Cherokee.

Trump loses. And so do you.
All she needs to do is show she has an ancestor listed in the Dawes Rolls. If she wants to be a member, she needs 1/16th blood lineage.

It’s their longstanding law.

Why she hasn’t paid some staffer to use Family History or paid some genealogical consultant says all you need to know about her claim.

A pathetic attempt to move the goalposts.

Trump specifically said, "Those little kits they sell on television". So you can't drop some new requirement now that she's done that, fuckwit.

Warren did that. It proved she has Indian heritage.

Trump said, "I will give you a million dollars if you take the test and it shows you're an Indian."

Trump owes a million dollars.
Thus all the trumpanzee angst over this. Their orange slug master has been shown for the fraud and welcher he is.

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