Trump's Kavanaughing of Warren

Warren can always do it the HARD way. Which is what folks HAVE TO do once they get they DNA results anyways. HAVING the markers helps. Because you can compare with all your cousins and resolve how the tree really looks.

That is why Ancestry dot com has the edge on 23andMe. They have it set up to interact with other users based on the DNA results and it is amazing how the "social aspect" can confirm the "biological aspect" in that DNA relatives often have trivia that confirms what you might already know, but also evidence that fill in the blanks such as letters, newspaper articles, passenger on ship records, photos of gravestones, and people (my maternal side -mainly Dutch who moved to Indonesia- has many photos from the late 1800's), etc.
The blood test shows that was a great great great grand father or mother, just as Warren has always said. Everything you know is garbage propaganda.

Pushed by you and your type. To many holes in her story. She should just admit to the lie, and move on.
The blood test shows that was a great great great grand father or mother, just as Warren has always said.

franco, just admit it, you are too stupid and or uneducated to even comprehend the matter. I will not go over all the details of why your statement is wrong on several levels. But you and other TDS victims are embarrassing yourselves, again. It is sad. Please do not vote this November. You are unqualified to make a sound judgement apparently. :(
The blood test shows that was a great great great grand father or mother, just as Warren has always said.

franco, just admit it, you are too stupid and or uneducated to even comprehend the matter. I will not go over all the details. But you and other TDS victims are embarrassing yourselves, again.

Na, I believe he thinks the wench is a liar to. He just being a good team member.
Warren can always do it the HARD way. Which is what folks HAVE TO do once they get they DNA results anyways. HAVING the markers helps. Because you can compare with all your cousins and resolve how the tree really looks.

That is why Ancestry dot com has the edge on 23andMe. They have it set up to interact with other users based on the DNA results and it is amazing how the "social aspect" can confirm the "biological aspect" in that DNA relatives often have trivia that confirms what you might already know, but also evidence that fill in the blanks such as letters, newspaper articles, passenger on ship records, photos of gravestones, and people (my maternal side -mainly Dutch who moved to Indonesia- has many photos from the late 1800's), etc.
The blood test shows that was a great great great grand father or mother, just as Warren has always said. Everything you know is garbage propaganda.

Pushed by you and your type. To many holes in her story. She should just admit to the lie, and move on.
It's her fourth grandmother and has been proved, super duper.
The blood test shows that was a great great great grand father or mother, just as Warren has always said.

franco, just admit it, you are too stupid and or uneducated to even comprehend the matter. I will not go over all the details. But you and other TDS victims are embarrassing yourselves, again.

Na, I believe he thinks the wench is a liar to. He just being a good team member.
Everyone every respected media and newspaper agrees with me because we have the facts and you have stupid propaganda. Wake up. Check the BBC Der Spiegel anything outside your stupid propaganda machine.
It was a CUSTOM commissioned job thru Stanford. Not as comprehensive as the commercial tests for "group" identity. Which means it was a biased academic exercise from the beginning.

If she had simply paid the $59 to 23&me we would have gotten a better guess.
23&Me is a well-known joke.

I know nothing of that organization. However I do know statistics. If you're looking for humor as in joke then I suggest you consider the hilarity of a number like .098.... And to make matters worse with a percent sign following it which adds two more zeros to the Dilemma..... .00098. This it just so happens is the decimal equivalent of the rational number 1/1024. Yes this is the dilution rate for a 10th Generation descendant who had no further input of that particular Gene concentration for at least that many Generations.

To put it more simply which I perceive may be required this case, consider a table with 1024 items on it all identical. If I asked you to look away for a moment and removed one of the items what are the chances that you would notice the difference in the quantity? Are you able to find any humor yet? A joke perhaps?

This is an extremely tiny number.... And would be considered by most statisticians
Evidence of a Zero Effect....a non identity.

It is extremely ironic therefore that Senator Warren would do anything with these results but hide them. There is one explanation for her irrational behavior however and that might be a complete lack of number sense.

We're talking about someone here who is most likely mathematically impoverished.

Either that or she was in a big hurry to celebrate the fact then she's whiter than 99% of Caucasians on this concontinent... Somehow I don't think that was her intent.

So yes there is something to laugh about.
I'm not sure if we're on the same page with it however.

as a dupe of course, you don't know that is the lower limit of possibility, while 1.56% is the upper. Did anyone on Fox or Rush etc etc ever say the Warrens were talking about a great great great great grandmother for Christ sake, brainwashed functional moron?

Attention sir....if you do not own a calculator
Sit down before you hurt yourself.

Anyone who has any experience at all in Reading statistics understands that you always start with the lowest possible limit to avoid embarrassment. In your case however that may be impossible.

You have no idea what you're talking about period embarrassment WTF lol

Actually to be more accurate....I have no idea what you are talking about. It certainly is not the science of statistics. While we're at it here is another little tidbit for your knowledge starved intellect from a different field of science, psychology. Were you aware that people who constantly use vulgar insults do so because they are insecure about what they are saying?

No snowflake, this is what she said...

Warren, "As a kid, I never asked my mom for documentation when she talked about our Native American heritage. But I knew my father's family didn't like that she was part Cherokee, so my parents had to elope.

Elizabeth Warren's cookbook titled, "Pow Wow Chow".

Elizabeth Warren listed herself as a minority on a legal directory.
"I knew my father's family didn't like that she was part Cherokee".....and where did her father's family get that impression? Gonna blame her for that?

You people say she's smart as a whip, a Harvard law professor. Are you saying Warren is a stupid moron for claiming to be a minority?
Where did she claim to be a minority?

If she wasn't claiming it why did she take a DNA test to prove it?

You may go now
listen jackass, there is a big difference between claiming to have some ancestry and claiming to be a minority. Brainwashed functional morons....

Look dupe, Warren listed herself as a "minority" in a professional publication.
"OMG OMG our poor boys & young men are being wrongly accused & its ruining their lives. OMG OMG OMG"
He then mocked DR Ford. Calling her a liar. Said she was making it up.

Donald Trump falsely accused Elizabeth Warren of lying about her heritage. He mocked her. He tried to ruin her life. He Kavanaughed her. When asked about his offer to donate a million bucks, he can't remember.

"What about your offer?" "Never Made it"

When did you offer it "Don't remember".

Where was it? "Don't remember

Donald Trump is a disgusting piece of shit. He lied about people to destroy their life. Unless you believe Rubio's father killed Kennedy. He said Obama was not born in the US. He said Warren had no Native American heritage.

Our POTUS did not lie about Warren-Wampum. She is no more Native American than a Quechua princess. Warren on the other hand welded her entire career and political ascendance to what she assumed was the most victimized American identity group of them all: the American Indian. Only too late for the salvation of everything she was has she realized what a grave error she made.
Ridiculous, all discredited, never used it at all. Change the channel

Rather, change your brain wave to an alternative one than your microwave oven. Believe in Warren at your own risk; at the risk of liberty dawning in chains.
The blood test shows that was a great great great grand father or mother, just as Warren has always said.

franco, just admit it, you are too stupid and or uneducated to even comprehend the matter. I will not go over all the details of why your statement is wrong on several levels. But you and other TDS victims are embarrassing yourselves, again. It is sad. Please do not vote this November. You are unqualified to make a sound judgement apparently. :(
Wow, A trumpette calling someone stupid & uneducated. Like of like a pile of steaming dog shit saying a daisy smells bad.

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