Trump's Kavanaughing of Warren

Was Pre-Med in a dual Medicine/Biomedical Engineering program. Have a couple advanced degrees and a lifetime of taking academics and giving papers. My engineering group has put about FIVE pieces of DNA equipment into MOST hospitals, cytology labs, even zoos. Probably been used on you.

BUT -- I get the most from my wife and daughter. Daughter is currently in Med research at Vanderbilt. And the wife is a coach for people tracing their family trees with DNA evidence. I KNOW statistical methods and data prep and I've put them into instruments for the medical field.

Any other questions?
So...which kind of DNA test did Warren do? How many markers?

It was a CUSTOM commissioned job thru Stanford. Not as comprehensive as the commercial tests for "group" identity. Which means it was a biased academic exercise from the beginning.

If she had simply paid the $59 to 23&me we would have gotten a better guess.
23&Me is a well-known joke.

I know nothing of that organization. However I do know statistics. If you're looking for humor as in joke then I suggest you consider the hilarity of a number like .098.... And to make matters worse with a percent sign following it which adds two more zeros to the Dilemma..... .00098. This it just so happens is the decimal equivalent of the rational number 1/1024. Yes this is the dilution rate for a 10th Generation descendant who had no further input of that particular Gene concentration for at least that many Generations.

To put it more simply which I perceive may be required this case, consider a table with 1024 items on it all identical. If I asked you to look away for a moment and removed one of the items what are the chances that you would notice the difference in the quantity? Are you able to find any humor yet? A joke perhaps?

This is an extremely tiny number.... And would be considered by most statisticians
Evidence of a Zero Effect....a non identity.

It is extremely ironic therefore that Senator Warren would do anything with these results but hide them. There is one explanation for her irrational behavior however and that might be a complete lack of number sense.

We're talking about someone here who is most likely mathematically impoverished.

So yes there is something to laugh about.
I'm not sure if we're on the same page with it however.

It is a tiny number but also what she said to expect, they were talking about her great great great great grandmother for crying out loud, super duper. Change the channel and rejoin reality someday.
Was Pre-Med in a dual Medicine/Biomedical Engineering program. Have a couple advanced degrees and a lifetime of taking academics and giving papers. My engineering group has put about FIVE pieces of DNA equipment into MOST hospitals, cytology labs, even zoos. Probably been used on you.

BUT -- I get the most from my wife and daughter. Daughter is currently in Med research at Vanderbilt. And the wife is a coach for people tracing their family trees with DNA evidence. I KNOW statistical methods and data prep and I've put them into instruments for the medical field.

Any other questions?
So...which kind of DNA test did Warren do? How many markers?

It was a CUSTOM commissioned job thru Stanford. Not as comprehensive as the commercial tests for "group" identity. Which means it was a biased academic exercise from the beginning.

If she had simply paid the $59 to 23&me we would have gotten a better guess.
23&Me is a well-known joke.

I know nothing of that organization. However I do know statistics. If you're looking for humor as in joke then I suggest you consider the hilarity of a number like .098.... And to make matters worse with a percent sign following it which adds two more zeros to the Dilemma..... .00098. This it just so happens is the decimal equivalent of the rational number 1/1024. Yes this is the dilution rate for a 10th Generation descendant who had no further input of that particular Gene concentration for at least that many Generations.

To put it more simply which I perceive may be required this case, consider a table with 1024 items on it all identical. If I asked you to look away for a moment and removed one of the items what are the chances that you would notice the difference in the quantity? Are you able to find any humor yet? A joke perhaps?

This is an extremely tiny number.... And would be considered by most statisticians
Evidence of a Zero Effect....a non identity.

It is extremely ironic therefore that Senator Warren would do anything with these results but hide them. There is one explanation for her irrational behavior however and that might be a complete lack of number sense.

We're talking about someone here who is most likely mathematically impoverished.

So yes there is something to laugh about.
I'm not sure if we're on the same page with it however.

It is a tiny number but also what she said to expect, they were talking about her great great great great grandmother for crying out loud, super duper. Change the channel and rejoin reality someday.

Indeed that is a wonderful offer you make.
And I fully accept looking forward to a New Horizon wherein we are all Cherokees by virtue of our .00098 parts!

"OMG OMG our poor boys & young men are being wrongly accused & its ruining their lives. OMG OMG OMG"
He then mocked DR Ford. Calling her a liar. Said she was making it up.

Donald Trump falsely accused Elizabeth Warren of lying about her heritage. He mocked her. He tried to ruin her life. He Kavanaughed her. When asked about his offer to donate a million bucks, he can't remember.

"What about your offer?" "Never Made it"

When did you offer it "Don't remember".

Where was it? "Don't remember

Donald Trump is a disgusting piece of shit. He lied about people to destroy their life. Unless you believe Rubio's father killed Kennedy. He said Obama was not born in the US. He said Warren had no Native American heritage.

1. It was Ted Cruz father that Trump made the claim that he killed JFK.

2. Warren possible Native American DNA is so small that it is a joke to even mention it.

Does she have Native American DNA in her?

Most likely but as the tests shown not enough to matter!

3. Trump being an ass is like the damn sun rising in the east but you confusing Rubio for Cruz tell me you are like Trump and do not know what the hell you are talking about!
The amount found was exactly what one would expect from a great great great grandmother, dumbass dupe.
So...which kind of DNA test did Warren do? How many markers?

It was a CUSTOM commissioned job thru Stanford. Not as comprehensive as the commercial tests for "group" identity. Which means it was a biased academic exercise from the beginning.

If she had simply paid the $59 to 23&me we would have gotten a better guess.
23&Me is a well-known joke.

I know nothing of that organization. However I do know statistics. If you're looking for humor as in joke then I suggest you consider the hilarity of a number like .098.... And to make matters worse with a percent sign following it which adds two more zeros to the Dilemma..... .00098. This it just so happens is the decimal equivalent of the rational number 1/1024. Yes this is the dilution rate for a 10th Generation descendant who had no further input of that particular Gene concentration for at least that many Generations.

To put it more simply which I perceive may be required this case, consider a table with 1024 items on it all identical. If I asked you to look away for a moment and removed one of the items what are the chances that you would notice the difference in the quantity? Are you able to find any humor yet? A joke perhaps?

This is an extremely tiny number.... And would be considered by most statisticians
Evidence of a Zero Effect....a non identity.

It is extremely ironic therefore that Senator Warren would do anything with these results but hide them. There is one explanation for her irrational behavior however and that might be a complete lack of number sense.

We're talking about someone here who is most likely mathematically impoverished.

So yes there is something to laugh about.
I'm not sure if we're on the same page with it however.

It is a tiny number but also what she said to expect, they were talking about her great great great great grandmother for crying out loud, super duper. Change the channel and rejoin reality someday.
So...which kind of DNA test did Warren do? How many markers?

It was a CUSTOM commissioned job thru Stanford. Not as comprehensive as the commercial tests for "group" identity. Which means it was a biased academic exercise from the beginning.

If she had simply paid the $59 to 23&me we would have gotten a better guess.
23&Me is a well-known joke.

I know nothing of that organization. However I do know statistics. If you're looking for humor as in joke then I suggest you consider the hilarity of a number like .098.... And to make matters worse with a percent sign following it which adds two more zeros to the Dilemma..... .00098. This it just so happens is the decimal equivalent of the rational number 1/1024. Yes this is the dilution rate for a 10th Generation descendant who had no further input of that particular Gene concentration for at least that many Generations.

To put it more simply which I perceive may be required this case, consider a table with 1024 items on it all identical. If I asked you to look away for a moment and removed one of the items what are the chances that you would notice the difference in the quantity? Are you able to find any humor yet? A joke perhaps?

This is an extremely tiny number.... And would be considered by most statisticians
Evidence of a Zero Effect....a non identity.

It is extremely ironic therefore that Senator Warren would do anything with these results but hide them. There is one explanation for her irrational behavior however and that might be a complete lack of number sense.

We're talking about someone here who is most likely mathematically impoverished.

So yes there is something to laugh about.
I'm not sure if we're on the same page with it however.

It is a tiny number but also what she said to expect, they were talking about her great great great great grandmother for crying out loud, super duper. Change the channel and rejoin reality someday.

Indeed that is a wonderful offer you make.
And I fully accept looking forward to a New Horizon wherein we are all Cherokees by virtue of our .00098 parts!

She never said she was a Cherokee, dumbass dupe lying scumbag at this point, she said she had some Cherokee blood from a great-great-great-great-mother or something....
Do you own a dictionary Dumb Ass?

You could also use the internet...…….

You may want to look up the definition.

I love Women…

I just don’t care for Bat Shit crazy lying hypocritical libtards….

Is there any other kind?
She said her family lore was a great great great grandmother had Indian blood and the test proves it. Everything else you know is total garbage propaganda, super duper.

You are one super duper Dumb Ass.....

The propaganda is all yours tard.
Funny how every respected media around the world and every newspaper not owned by Rupert Murdoch agrees with me while only Fox Rush Levin Savage and other blowhards bought off agree with you, ignoramus.

Your media is not respected by anyone with common sense....

Only you Tards go for their Bull Shit....
So how is lock her up coming along, stupid? Or anything else from your phony scandals and character assassination that is your political thinking LOL
"OMG OMG our poor boys & young men are being wrongly accused & its ruining their lives. OMG OMG OMG"
He then mocked DR Ford. Calling her a liar. Said she was making it up.

Donald Trump falsely accused Elizabeth Warren of lying about her heritage. He mocked her. He tried to ruin her life. He Kavanaughed her. When asked about his offer to donate a million bucks, he can't remember.

"What about your offer?" "Never Made it"

When did you offer it "Don't remember".

Where was it? "Don't remember

Donald Trump is a disgusting piece of shit. He lied about people to destroy their life. Unless you believe Rubio's father killed Kennedy. He said Obama was not born in the US. He said Warren had no Native American heritage.

1. It was Ted Cruz father that Trump made the claim that he killed JFK.

2. Warren possible Native American DNA is so small that it is a joke to even mention it.

Does she have Native American DNA in her?

Most likely but as the tests shown not enough to matter!

3. Trump being an ass is like the damn sun rising in the east but you confusing Rubio for Cruz tell me you are like Trump and do not know what the hell you are talking about!
The amount found was exactly what one would expect from a great great great grandmother, dumbass dupe.

Good Heavens man who let you loose without a calculator?

Numbers can be dangerous you know.... Especially if misreading the ingredients for a recipe!

You're missing five more greats in your
Lineage caboose!

Don't think you're understanding statistical processes and the "confidence" values of the data. It's pure crap.

A confidence range of 1/64th to 1024th means it's NOISE. THERE IS NO MEASUREMENT.

Moreover -- a university and academics need permission to use the LARGER group bases for ethnicity, race, origin that they've invested $mill into -- and this hired white coat did not use them. He put together his OWN "group references" for CUSTOM STUDY that he was urged to do to PROVE her case.

If she wanted accuracy and less variance in the confidence, she should have just gone to the commercial testing sites.

In HER favor --- the commercial sites go ALL OVER THE WORLD to build their reference "group bases".. It's a HUGE investment. But the most difficult samples are from Native Americans. There is little cooperation in supplying their ancestral DNA because a lot of them fear EXPULSION from the tribe.

Since the casinos opened and they became "Big Gambling", there's been a lot of roudy confrontations about belonging to a particular tribe. And very FEW of them want to have their tribal association testing with DNA techniques.
Where did you gain your DNA expertise? What University? What degree?

Was Pre-Med in a dual Medicine/Biomedical Engineering program. Have a couple advanced degrees and a lifetime of taking academics and giving papers. My engineering group has put about FIVE pieces of DNA equipment into MOST hospitals, cytology labs, even zoos. Probably been used on you.

BUT -- I get the most from my wife and daughter. Daughter is currently in Med research at Vanderbilt. And the wife is a coach for people tracing their family trees with DNA evidence. I KNOW statistical methods and data prep and I've put them into instruments for the medical field.

Any other questions?
So...which kind of DNA test did Warren do? How many markers?

It was a CUSTOM commissioned job thru Stanford. Not as comprehensive as the commercial tests for "group" identity. Which means it was a biased academic exercise from the beginning.

If she had simply paid the $59 to 23&me we would have gotten a better guess.
23&Me is a well-known joke.

Most serious folks who are researching ancestry will use at LEAST 2 of them. Some are better than others in certain regards because the "interpretation" part is SO difficult, no one company can cover all the markers and reference data...
"OMG OMG our poor boys & young men are being wrongly accused & its ruining their lives. OMG OMG OMG"
He then mocked DR Ford. Calling her a liar. Said she was making it up.

Donald Trump falsely accused Elizabeth Warren of lying about her heritage. He mocked her. He tried to ruin her life. He Kavanaughed her. When asked about his offer to donate a million bucks, he can't remember.

"What about your offer?" "Never Made it"

When did you offer it "Don't remember".

Where was it? "Don't remember

Donald Trump is a disgusting piece of shit. He lied about people to destroy their life. Unless you believe Rubio's father killed Kennedy. He said Obama was not born in the US. He said Warren had no Native American heritage.

Stick a fork in Lie-a-Watha….

Pocahontas is done….

She might as well stuck a stick of dynamite up

her ass and lit it………………………………..

What a Stupid Bitch….

The only thing dumber are the libtards trying to defend her….

Is this fun or what?:5_1_12024:
"OMG OMG our poor boys & young men are being wrongly accused & its ruining their lives. OMG OMG OMG"
He then mocked DR Ford. Calling her a liar. Said she was making it up.

Donald Trump falsely accused Elizabeth Warren of lying about her heritage. He mocked her. He tried to ruin her life. He Kavanaughed her. When asked about his offer to donate a million bucks, he can't remember.

"What about your offer?" "Never Made it"

When did you offer it "Don't remember".

Where was it? "Don't remember

Donald Trump is a disgusting piece of shit. He lied about people to destroy their life. Unless you believe Rubio's father killed Kennedy. He said Obama was not born in the US. He said Warren had no Native American heritage.

1. It was Ted Cruz father that Trump made the claim that he killed JFK.

2. Warren possible Native American DNA is so small that it is a joke to even mention it.

Does she have Native American DNA in her?

Most likely but as the tests shown not enough to matter!

3. Trump being an ass is like the damn sun rising in the east but you confusing Rubio for Cruz tell me you are like Trump and do not know what the hell you are talking about!
The amount found was exactly what one would expect from a great great great grandmother, dumbass dupe.

Good Heavens man who let you loose without a calculator?

Numbers can be dangerous you know.... Especially if misreading the ingredients for a recipe!

You're missing five more greats in your
Lineage caboose!

And you are basing everything on the lowest possible reading of the test results, super duper. Garbage propaganda all the time...
Is there any other kind?
She said her family lore was a great great great grandmother had Indian blood and the test proves it. Everything else you know is total garbage propaganda, super duper.

You are one super duper Dumb Ass.....

The propaganda is all yours tard.
Funny how every respected media around the world and every newspaper not owned by Rupert Murdoch agrees with me while only Fox Rush Levin Savage and other blowhards bought off agree with you, ignoramus.

Your media is not respected by anyone with common sense....

Only you Tards go for their Bull Shit....
So how is lock her up coming along, stupid? Or anything else from your phony scandals and character assassination that is your political thinking LOL

Russia Russia Russia Dumb Ass...….

Trump is SPANKING your ass good...……………

In time half your party will be in jail.....
"OMG OMG our poor boys & young men are being wrongly accused & its ruining their lives. OMG OMG OMG"
He then mocked DR Ford. Calling her a liar. Said she was making it up.

Donald Trump falsely accused Elizabeth Warren of lying about her heritage. He mocked her. He tried to ruin her life. He Kavanaughed her. When asked about his offer to donate a million bucks, he can't remember.

"What about your offer?" "Never Made it"

When did you offer it "Don't remember".

Where was it? "Don't remember

Donald Trump is a disgusting piece of shit. He lied about people to destroy their life. Unless you believe Rubio's father killed Kennedy. He said Obama was not born in the US. He said Warren had no Native American heritage.

1. It was Ted Cruz father that Trump made the claim that he killed JFK.

2. Warren possible Native American DNA is so small that it is a joke to even mention it.

Does she have Native American DNA in her?

Most likely but as the tests shown not enough to matter!

3. Trump being an ass is like the damn sun rising in the east but you confusing Rubio for Cruz tell me you are like Trump and do not know what the hell you are talking about!
The amount found was exactly what one would expect from a great great great grandmother, dumbass dupe.

Good Heavens man who let you loose without a calculator?

Numbers can be dangerous you know.... Especially if misreading the ingredients for a recipe!

You're missing five more greats in your
Lineage caboose!

And you are basing everything on the lowest possible reading of the test results, super duper. Garbage propaganda all the time...

Actually the geneticist was kind enough to provide the number....

"OMG OMG our poor boys & young men are being wrongly accused & its ruining their lives. OMG OMG OMG"
He then mocked DR Ford. Calling her a liar. Said she was making it up.

Donald Trump falsely accused Elizabeth Warren of lying about her heritage. He mocked her. He tried to ruin her life. He Kavanaughed her. When asked about his offer to donate a million bucks, he can't remember.

"What about your offer?" "Never Made it"

When did you offer it "Don't remember".

Where was it? "Don't remember

Donald Trump is a disgusting piece of shit. He lied about people to destroy their life. Unless you believe Rubio's father killed Kennedy. He said Obama was not born in the US. He said Warren had no Native American heritage.

1. It was Ted Cruz father that Trump made the claim that he killed JFK.

2. Warren possible Native American DNA is so small that it is a joke to even mention it.

Does she have Native American DNA in her?

Most likely but as the tests shown not enough to matter!

3. Trump being an ass is like the damn sun rising in the east but you confusing Rubio for Cruz tell me you are like Trump and do not know what the hell you are talking about!
The amount found was exactly what one would expect from a great great great grandmother, dumbass dupe.

Good Heavens man who let you loose without a calculator?

Numbers can be dangerous you know.... Especially if misreading the ingredients for a recipe!

You're missing five more greats in your
Lineage caboose!

And you are basing everything on the lowest possible reading of the test results, super duper. Garbage propaganda all the time...
1/64 is the upper limit. Keep splitting hairs forever makes no difference. She was right in what she said.
Where did you gain your DNA expertise? What University? What degree?

Was Pre-Med in a dual Medicine/Biomedical Engineering program. Have a couple advanced degrees and a lifetime of taking academics and giving papers. My engineering group has put about FIVE pieces of DNA equipment into MOST hospitals, cytology labs, even zoos. Probably been used on you.

BUT -- I get the most from my wife and daughter. Daughter is currently in Med research at Vanderbilt. And the wife is a coach for people tracing their family trees with DNA evidence. I KNOW statistical methods and data prep and I've put them into instruments for the medical field.

Any other questions?
So...which kind of DNA test did Warren do? How many markers?

It was a CUSTOM commissioned job thru Stanford. Not as comprehensive as the commercial tests for "group" identity. Which means it was a biased academic exercise from the beginning.

If she had simply paid the $59 to 23&me we would have gotten a better guess.
23&Me is a well-known joke.

Most serious folks who are researching ancestry will use at LEAST 2 of them. Some are better than others in certain regards because the "interpretation" part is SO difficult, no one company can cover all the markers and reference data...
Well, now trump wants to test Warren "personally". Think he's more qualified than Stanford?
She said her family lore was a great great great grandmother had Indian blood and the test proves it. Everything else you know is total garbage propaganda, super duper.

You are one super duper Dumb Ass.....

The propaganda is all yours tard.
Funny how every respected media around the world and every newspaper not owned by Rupert Murdoch agrees with me while only Fox Rush Levin Savage and other blowhards bought off agree with you, ignoramus.

Your media is not respected by anyone with common sense....

Only you Tards go for their Bull Shit....
So how is lock her up coming along, stupid? Or anything else from your phony scandals and character assassination that is your political thinking LOL

Russia Russia Russia Dumb Ass...….

Trump is SPANKING your ass good...……………

In time half your party will be in jail.....
Interesting....half will be in jail based on what?
Was Pre-Med in a dual Medicine/Biomedical Engineering program. Have a couple advanced degrees and a lifetime of taking academics and giving papers. My engineering group has put about FIVE pieces of DNA equipment into MOST hospitals, cytology labs, even zoos. Probably been used on you.

BUT -- I get the most from my wife and daughter. Daughter is currently in Med research at Vanderbilt. And the wife is a coach for people tracing their family trees with DNA evidence. I KNOW statistical methods and data prep and I've put them into instruments for the medical field.

Any other questions?
So...which kind of DNA test did Warren do? How many markers?

It was a CUSTOM commissioned job thru Stanford. Not as comprehensive as the commercial tests for "group" identity. Which means it was a biased academic exercise from the beginning.

If she had simply paid the $59 to 23&me we would have gotten a better guess.
23&Me is a well-known joke.

Most serious folks who are researching ancestry will use at LEAST 2 of them. Some are better than others in certain regards because the "interpretation" part is SO difficult, no one company can cover all the markers and reference data...
Well, now trump wants to test Warren "personally". Think he's more qualified than Stanford?

warren is a fool and so are you.....

Per your stance we are all Indians.....
Was Pre-Med in a dual Medicine/Biomedical Engineering program. Have a couple advanced degrees and a lifetime of taking academics and giving papers. My engineering group has put about FIVE pieces of DNA equipment into MOST hospitals, cytology labs, even zoos. Probably been used on you.

BUT -- I get the most from my wife and daughter. Daughter is currently in Med research at Vanderbilt. And the wife is a coach for people tracing their family trees with DNA evidence. I KNOW statistical methods and data prep and I've put them into instruments for the medical field.

Any other questions?
So...which kind of DNA test did Warren do? How many markers?

It was a CUSTOM commissioned job thru Stanford. Not as comprehensive as the commercial tests for "group" identity. Which means it was a biased academic exercise from the beginning.

If she had simply paid the $59 to 23&me we would have gotten a better guess.
23&Me is a well-known joke.

I know nothing of that organization. However I do know statistics. If you're looking for humor as in joke then I suggest you consider the hilarity of a number like .098.... And to make matters worse with a percent sign following it which adds two more zeros to the Dilemma..... .00098. This it just so happens is the decimal equivalent of the rational number 1/1024. Yes this is the dilution rate for a 10th Generation descendant who had no further input of that particular Gene concentration for at least that many Generations.

To put it more simply which I perceive may be required this case, consider a table with 1024 items on it all identical. If I asked you to look away for a moment and removed one of the items what are the chances that you would notice the difference in the quantity? Are you able to find any humor yet? A joke perhaps?

This is an extremely tiny number.... And would be considered by most statisticians
Evidence of a Zero Effect....a non identity.

It is extremely ironic therefore that Senator Warren would do anything with these results but hide them. There is one explanation for her irrational behavior however and that might be a complete lack of number sense.

We're talking about someone here who is most likely mathematically impoverished.

Either that or she was in a big hurry to celebrate the fact then she's whiter than 99% of Caucasians on this concontinent... Somehow I don't think that was her intent.

So yes there is something to laugh about.
I'm not sure if we're on the same page with it however.

as a dupe of course, you don't know that is the lower limit of possibility, while 1.56% is the upper. Did anyone on Fox or Rush etc etc ever say the Warrens were talking about a great great great great grandmother for Christ sake, brainwashed functional moron?

Another Algebra 2 drop-out weighs in. When given a RANGE that wide as an answer, after you CHUCKLE ABOUT IT --- you probably should do the proper thing and take the CENTER VALUE.. Which in this case, would be 1/256 or 0.4%.
You are one super duper Dumb Ass.....

The propaganda is all yours tard.
Funny how every respected media around the world and every newspaper not owned by Rupert Murdoch agrees with me while only Fox Rush Levin Savage and other blowhards bought off agree with you, ignoramus.

Your media is not respected by anyone with common sense....

Only you Tards go for their Bull Shit....
So how is lock her up coming along, stupid? Or anything else from your phony scandals and character assassination that is your political thinking LOL

Russia Russia Russia Dumb Ass...….

Trump is SPANKING your ass good...……………

In time half your party will be in jail.....
Interesting....half will be in jail based on what?

Was Pre-Med in a dual Medicine/Biomedical Engineering program. Have a couple advanced degrees and a lifetime of taking academics and giving papers. My engineering group has put about FIVE pieces of DNA equipment into MOST hospitals, cytology labs, even zoos. Probably been used on you.

BUT -- I get the most from my wife and daughter. Daughter is currently in Med research at Vanderbilt. And the wife is a coach for people tracing their family trees with DNA evidence. I KNOW statistical methods and data prep and I've put them into instruments for the medical field.

Any other questions?
So...which kind of DNA test did Warren do? How many markers?

It was a CUSTOM commissioned job thru Stanford. Not as comprehensive as the commercial tests for "group" identity. Which means it was a biased academic exercise from the beginning.

If she had simply paid the $59 to 23&me we would have gotten a better guess.
23&Me is a well-known joke.

Most serious folks who are researching ancestry will use at LEAST 2 of them. Some are better than others in certain regards because the "interpretation" part is SO difficult, no one company can cover all the markers and reference data...
Well, now trump wants to test Warren "personally". Think he's more qualified than Stanford?

He just wants to see if she has a propensity for mental illness in her lineage. It's a trap. She should not do it.
"OMG OMG our poor boys & young men are being wrongly accused & its ruining their lives. OMG OMG OMG"
He then mocked DR Ford. Calling her a liar. Said she was making it up.

Donald Trump falsely accused Elizabeth Warren of lying about her heritage. He mocked her. He tried to ruin her life. He Kavanaughed her. When asked about his offer to donate a million bucks, he can't remember.

"What about your offer?" "Never Made it"

When did you offer it "Don't remember".

Where was it? "Don't remember

Donald Trump is a disgusting piece of shit. He lied about people to destroy their life. Unless you believe Rubio's father killed Kennedy. He said Obama was not born in the US. He said Warren had no Native American heritage.

1. It was Ted Cruz father that Trump made the claim that he killed JFK.

2. Warren possible Native American DNA is so small that it is a joke to even mention it.

Does she have Native American DNA in her?

Most likely but as the tests shown not enough to matter!

3. Trump being an ass is like the damn sun rising in the east but you confusing Rubio for Cruz tell me you are like Trump and do not know what the hell you are talking about!
The amount found was exactly what one would expect from a great great great grandmother, dumbass dupe.

Good Heavens man who let you loose without a calculator?

Numbers can be dangerous you know.... Especially if misreading the ingredients for a recipe!

You're missing five more greats in your
Lineage caboose!

And you are basing everything on the lowest possible reading of the test results, super duper. Garbage propaganda all the time...

Actually the geneticist was kind enough to provide the number....

There is an upper limit and a low limit to the figure, and you dupes only get the low figure.
Funny how every respected media around the world and every newspaper not owned by Rupert Murdoch agrees with me while only Fox Rush Levin Savage and other blowhards bought off agree with you, ignoramus.

Your media is not respected by anyone with common sense....

Only you Tards go for their Bull Shit....
So how is lock her up coming along, stupid? Or anything else from your phony scandals and character assassination that is your political thinking LOL

Russia Russia Russia Dumb Ass...….

Trump is SPANKING your ass good...……………

In time half your party will be in jail.....
Interesting....half will be in jail based on what?

You morons have been saying that since Rush Limbaugh started in 1986 LOL
"OMG OMG our poor boys & young men are being wrongly accused & its ruining their lives. OMG OMG OMG"
He then mocked DR Ford. Calling her a liar. Said she was making it up.

Donald Trump falsely accused Elizabeth Warren of lying about her heritage. He mocked her. He tried to ruin her life. He Kavanaughed her. When asked about his offer to donate a million bucks, he can't remember.

"What about your offer?" "Never Made it"

When did you offer it "Don't remember".

Where was it? "Don't remember

Donald Trump is a disgusting piece of shit. He lied about people to destroy their life. Unless you believe Rubio's father killed Kennedy. He said Obama was not born in the US. He said Warren had no Native American heritage.

Stick a fork in Lie-a-Watha….

Pocahontas is done….

She might as well stuck a stick of dynamite up

her ass and lit it………………………………..

What a Stupid Bitch….

The only thing dumber are the libtards trying to defend her….

Is this fun or what?:5_1_12024:
There's that misogyny again...

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