Trumps keeps promise, thousands of Jobs opening up to Americans!!


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
Ah, I've figured out his jobs plans...ICE illegals out through deportation and free up all the jobs they had here in America...It worked for Hitler.....toss out jews, put in redneck...toss out bean eaters, put in hick....Brilliant plan, brilliant.
But here's the problem...are our hillbillies ready to work the fields, man the burger joints, clean hotel rooms and baby sit and house keep rich Trump babies???

Time will tell.
The idea that these operations will become the new normal is exactly what undocumented immigrants are afraid of.

In Austin, Angel Velazquez kissed her boyfriend Hugo before he went to work on Friday morning. He said heā€™d text her when he got to his job site, like he normally does.

Instead, she got a text a few minutes later in Spanish saying heā€™d been stopped by immigration authorities. ā€œI was like, ā€˜Babe, donā€™t hang up, Iā€™ll be there right away,ā€™ā€ Velazquez told The Huffington Post.

The only issue I have with illegals, is their unwillingness to adopt our language, the way they take over low income black communities and how they turn on liberals and democrats once they make it in this country..suddenly they become conservative ass kiss'ers
Ah, I've figured out his jobs plans...ICE illegals out through deportation and free up all the jobs they had here in America...It worked for Hitler.....toss out jews, put in redneck...toss out bean eaters, put in hick....Brilliant plan, brilliant.
But here's the problem...are our hillbillies ready to work the fields, man the burger joints, clean hotel rooms and baby sit and house keep rich Trump babies???

Time will tell.
The idea that these operations will become the new normal is exactly what undocumented immigrants are afraid of.

In Austin, Angel Velazquez kissed her boyfriend Hugo before he went to work on Friday morning. He said heā€™d text her when he got to his job site, like he normally does.

Instead, she got a text a few minutes later in Spanish saying heā€™d been stopped by immigration authorities. ā€œI was like, ā€˜Babe, donā€™t hang up, Iā€™ll be there right away,ā€™ā€ Velazquez told The Huffington Post.

The only issue I have with illegals, is their unwillingness to adopt our language, the way they take over low income black communities and how they turn on liberals and democrats once they make it in this country..suddenly they become conservative ass kiss'ers
How many negroes did he kill before he was apprehended? Tell Angel to kiss my ass.
Ah, I've figured out his jobs plans...ICE illegals out through deportation and free up all the jobs they had here in America...It worked for Hitler.....toss out jews, put in redneck...toss out bean eaters, put in hick....Brilliant plan, brilliant.
But here's the problem...are our hillbillies ready to work the fields, man the burger joints, clean hotel rooms and baby sit and house keep rich Trump babies???

Time will tell.
The idea that these operations will become the new normal is exactly what undocumented immigrants are afraid of.

In Austin, Angel Velazquez kissed her boyfriend Hugo before he went to work on Friday morning. He said heā€™d text her when he got to his job site, like he normally does.

Instead, she got a text a few minutes later in Spanish saying heā€™d been stopped by immigration authorities. ā€œI was like, ā€˜Babe, donā€™t hang up, Iā€™ll be there right away,ā€™ā€ Velazquez told The Huffington Post.

The only issue I have with illegals, is their unwillingness to adopt our language, the way they take over low income black communities and how they turn on liberals and democrats once they make it in this country..suddenly they become conservative ass kiss'ers
are our hillbillies ready to work the fields, man the burger joints, clean hotel rooms and baby sit and house keep rich Trump babies???

the slack jawed rubes aren't even qualified for those jobs
Looks like poor blacks have some job openings coming their way...........Oh Noes!!!
I have said it from the beginning this is exactly like slavery. The liberal left is worried about who is going to be forced to take the low paying jobs. So they are doing as they did pre 1865 before the conservative Republicans kicked their asses. They are importing cheap labor to work their fields. Funny how things never change.
Ah, I've figured out his jobs plans...ICE illegals out through deportation and free up all the jobs they had here in America...It worked for Hitler.....toss out jews, put in redneck...toss out bean eaters, put in hick....Brilliant plan, brilliant.
But here's the problem...are our hillbillies ready to work the fields, man the burger joints, clean hotel rooms and baby sit and house keep rich Trump babies???

Time will tell.
The idea that these operations will become the new normal is exactly what undocumented immigrants are afraid of.

In Austin, Angel Velazquez kissed her boyfriend Hugo before he went to work on Friday morning. He said heā€™d text her when he got to his job site, like he normally does.

Instead, she got a text a few minutes later in Spanish saying heā€™d been stopped by immigration authorities. ā€œI was like, ā€˜Babe, donā€™t hang up, Iā€™ll be there right away,ā€™ā€ Velazquez told The Huffington Post.

The only issue I have with illegals, is their unwillingness to adopt our language, the way they take over low income black communities and how they turn on liberals and democrats once they make it in this country..suddenly they become conservative ass kiss'ers
How many negroes did he kill before he was apprehended? Tell Angel to kiss my ass.

One day and I hope its soon, one day I hope white ingrates walk up to the truth and introduce morons thrive on lies, propaganda and hooch!!
Looks like poor blacks have some job openings coming their way...........Oh Noes!!!
Yeah, dodging white bullets this summer

White bullets? Putting your overt racism aside, 57 percent of the murders are committed by 13 percent of the population. When you start worrying about blacks murdering blacks and quit your over racism maybe then you will be taken seriously. What you will do is use a few shootings to ignore the bigger problem of you black brothers busting a cap in your ass.
Ah, I've figured out his jobs plans...ICE illegals out through deportation and free up all the jobs they had here in America...It worked for Hitler.....toss out jews, put in redneck...toss out bean eaters, put in hick....Brilliant plan, brilliant.
But here's the problem...are our hillbillies ready to work the fields, man the burger joints, clean hotel rooms and baby sit and house keep rich Trump babies???

Time will tell.
The idea that these operations will become the new normal is exactly what undocumented immigrants are afraid of.

In Austin, Angel Velazquez kissed her boyfriend Hugo before he went to work on Friday morning. He said heā€™d text her when he got to his job site, like he normally does.

Instead, she got a text a few minutes later in Spanish saying heā€™d been stopped by immigration authorities. ā€œI was like, ā€˜Babe, donā€™t hang up, Iā€™ll be there right away,ā€™ā€ Velazquez told The Huffington Post.

The only issue I have with illegals, is their unwillingness to adopt our language, the way they take over low income black communities and how they turn on liberals and democrats once they make it in this country..suddenly they become conservative ass kiss'ers

The schools and churches in this area didn't switch from conducting services and classes in German to English until shortly before the Civil War and long after the creation of the United States.
....The only issue I have with illegals, is their unwillingness to adopt our language, the way they take over low income black communities and how they turn on liberals and democrats once they make it in this country..suddenly they become conservative ass kiss'ers
If by "the illegals" you specifically mean Mexicans, they are the perfect conservatives: they are very family oriented, religious and traditional. Too bad that so many have less-than-sheet-of-paper white skin tone, otherwise Republicans would be encouraging their immigration.
Ah, I've figured out his jobs plans...ICE illegals out through deportation and free up all the jobs they had here in America...It worked for Hitler.....toss out jews, put in redneck...toss out bean eaters, put in hick....Brilliant plan, brilliant.
But here's the problem...are our hillbillies ready to work the fields, man the burger joints, clean hotel rooms and baby sit and house keep rich Trump babies???

Time will tell.
The idea that these operations will become the new normal is exactly what undocumented immigrants are afraid of.

In Austin, Angel Velazquez kissed her boyfriend Hugo before he went to work on Friday morning. He said heā€™d text her when he got to his job site, like he normally does.

Instead, she got a text a few minutes later in Spanish saying heā€™d been stopped by immigration authorities. ā€œI was like, ā€˜Babe, donā€™t hang up, Iā€™ll be there right away,ā€™ā€ Velazquez told The Huffington Post.

The only issue I have with illegals, is their unwillingness to adopt our language, the way they take over low income black communities and how they turn on liberals and democrats once they make it in this country..suddenly they become conservative ass kiss'ers
No comparable as Mexico and the other countries the illegals came from have not installed gassing chambers for their returning citizens. The illegals have known that they were breaking the law by entering in and staying here illegally.

The feds should find and fine whoever "Hugo" was working for.
But here's the problem...are our hillbillies ready to work the fields, man the burger joints, clean hotel rooms and baby sit and house keep rich Trump babies???
True hillbillies have great work ethic. On the other hand, those millions of ghetto dwelling blacks who can't even speak basic English and have subsisted on welfare for generations will never be expected to put in a days work for a days pay -- unless their handouts are cut off.
otherwise Republicans would be encouraging their immigration.
You mean their ILLEGAL immigration?

Well, they have been. President Trump has been doing this SOLO and the PEOPLE love him for that. He needs our support.
No. Simply reform immigration allowing more to immigrate. Find a way to solve the illegal immigration problem including some way to allow those here, especially those with families, to remain here.
The feds should find and fine whoever "Hugo" was working for.
Not always that simple for an employer. Illegals do have fake documents.

The answer isn't punishing the job providers. The focus should have been on Obama not enforcing the law.
I disagree as many of these employers with illegals know damn well what they are doing. They are enablers stealing from honest business enterprises when they knowingly hire illegals to pinch pennies. Someone honest will take their place if they are so willing to cheat.
I disagree as many of these employers with illegals know damn well what they are doing. They are enablers stealing from honest business enterprises when they knowingly hire illegals to pinch pennies. Someone honest will take their place if they are so willing to cheat.
Which points out why locking up a few of these employers is cheaper and more effective than a 2000 mile wall.
I disagree as many of these employers with illegals know damn well what they are doing. They are enablers stealing from honest business enterprises when they knowingly hire illegals to pinch pennies. Someone honest will take their place if they are so willing to cheat.
Which points out why locking up a few of these employers is cheaper and more effective than a 2000 mile wall.
A few meaning you let the ones known go also?

I believe hitting their pocket books verses locking up these enablers who hire illegals would be best. For those that have been getting any contracts with fed money involved, (bridge builders, city projects, etc.) they should charged for their crimes for they cannot bid.
One large contractor I am aware of in a larger metro does large projects in a new ritzy area using illegals. He and his buds then hire illegals to run the little businesses. This takes away from the people living in the poorer areas across town who needs the work. Those big money projects are excellent places to stash their ill gotten booty too. It has been a win win for them and they go after anyone who does not join in on their schemes and scams.

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