Trumps keeps promise, thousands of Jobs opening up to Americans!!

Ah, I've figured out his jobs plans...ICE illegals out through deportation and free up all the jobs they had here in America...It worked for Hitler.....toss out jews, put in redneck...toss out bean eaters, put in hick....Brilliant plan, brilliant.
But here's the problem...are our hillbillies ready to work the fields, man the burger joints, clean hotel rooms and baby sit and house keep rich Trump babies???

Time will tell.
The idea that these operations will become the new normal is exactly what undocumented immigrants are afraid of.

In Austin, Angel Velazquez kissed her boyfriend Hugo before he went to work on Friday morning. He said he’d text her when he got to his job site, like he normally does.

Instead, she got a text a few minutes later in Spanish saying he’d been stopped by immigration authorities. “I was like, ‘Babe, don’t hang up, I’ll be there right away,’” Velazquez told The Huffington Post.

The only issue I have with illegals, is their unwillingness to adopt our language, the way they take over low income black communities and how they turn on liberals and democrats once they make it in this country..suddenly they become conservative ass kiss'ers
That is a big part of his plan. And I've had lots of white women clean my place but they want $20 hr. The illegals were doing it for $10. I'd rather pay $20 and have American housekeepers be able to survive doing what they do.

Why are you worrying about people here illegally? Do you know what a minority you are?

We still want migrant fruit pickers to come but they leave at the end of the season. They don't stay. But when Tyson chicken got raided the next day whites in town came to apply for those jobs
I shouldn't have said whites. Blacks probably showed up too. I meant americans
A few meaning you let the ones known go also?
A few as in "lock up a few and the rest will stop on their own accord"
I have a friend he's finally trying to become a legal citizen. Iranian guy. He's been working illegally for years. Under the table of course.

But they will go home a lot of them. The ones who don't because they have a good thing going have a choice. Step forward or risk getting deported. Or leave.

Who defends illegals and why? I may not like my friend beind deported but he is breaking the law. Even I can't defend him.

We are a nation of laws.

I think the pro illegal group is a lot smaller than most realize
A few meaning you let the ones known go also?
A few as in "lock up a few and the rest will stop on their own accord"
I have a friend he's finally trying to become a legal citizen. Iranian guy. He's been working illegally for years. Under the table of course.

But they will go home a lot of them. The ones who don't because they have a good thing going have a choice. Step forward or risk getting deported. Or leave.

Who defends illegals and why? I may not like my friend beind deported but he is breaking the law. Even I can't defend him.

We are a nation of laws.

I think the pro illegal group is a lot smaller than most realize
Agreed on nation of laws. The problem needs to be solved and only Congress can solve it. Obviously POTUS signs the bill, but even a veto can be overturned by Congress.
A few meaning you let the ones known go also?
A few as in "lock up a few and the rest will stop on their own accord"
I am not as confident in that approach as you are.
Isn't that the approach for all laws such as banning drugs, soda pop, murder, etc?
Just locking up few doesn't stop the rest. Sealyboo made a good one posting about Tyson.

There was a raid at the IBP packing house Storm Lake in 1996. IBP was discovered keeping two sets of injury logs for the same plant, and fined by OSHA a total of $2.59 million for safety violations. The feds ended up taking only $975,000 (20 percent of the original fine). It is twenty years later and they are still running their packing houses with illegal aliens in the same area under a different name. Plus all around the country under different names.

In many cases like the one above where the citizens are getting shafted while the big criminals operators just go on and keep on doing what they were doing before.They just get shuffled from one corporation to the next one.

At the very least regulations need to be changed where people have a choice to buy a butchered meat product like chickens from the local owner. That shit Tyson and others are putting out is extremely nasty looking (its in the feed). I'd trust some of my neighbors skills to provide for a safer meat products than I would Tysons and many others. We should have the freedom to make those choices without being regulated into oblivion so outfits like Tyson can take over everything. I would rather see them taken completely out of business by all means possible when they are caught in their illegal crap so they can't grow new heads.

By the sealybobo the Union in that ^^^ case ignored the illegals being there so they could keep on collecting their share there. The union was complicit in what helped take down US citizens jobs. A little leaven leavens the whole or in other words a little corruption ignored makes way for corrupting the whole.
Ah, I've figured out his jobs plans...ICE illegals out through deportation and free up all the jobs they had here in America...It worked for Hitler.....toss out jews, put in redneck...toss out bean eaters, put in hick....Brilliant plan, brilliant.
But here's the problem...are our hillbillies ready to work the fields, man the burger joints, clean hotel rooms and baby sit and house keep rich Trump babies???

Time will tell.
The idea that these operations will become the new normal is exactly what undocumented immigrants are afraid of.

In Austin, Angel Velazquez kissed her boyfriend Hugo before he went to work on Friday morning. He said he’d text her when he got to his job site, like he normally does.

Instead, she got a text a few minutes later in Spanish saying he’d been stopped by immigration authorities. “I was like, ‘Babe, don’t hang up, I’ll be there right away,’” Velazquez told The Huffington Post.

The only issue I have with illegals, is their unwillingness to adopt our language, the way they take over low income black communities and how they turn on liberals and democrats once they make it in this country..suddenly they become conservative ass kiss'ers
How many negroes did he kill before he was apprehended? Tell Angel to kiss my ass.

One day and I hope its soon, one day I hope white ingrates walk up to the truth and introduce morons thrive on lies, propaganda and hooch!!

You are thoroughly marinated in lies, propaganda and hooch, hun.
....There was a raid at the IBP packing house Storm Lake in 1996. IBP was discovered keeping two sets of injury logs for the same plant, and fined by OSHA a total of $2.59 million for safety violations. The feds ended up taking only $975,000 (20 percent of the original fine). It is twenty years later and they are still running their packing houses with illegal aliens in the same area under a different name. Plus all around the country under different names.....
Fines are not prison time, especially when that fine gets reduced by corporate lawyers.
A few meaning you let the ones known go also?
A few as in "lock up a few and the rest will stop on their own accord"
I have a friend he's finally trying to become a legal citizen. Iranian guy. He's been working illegally for years. Under the table of course.

But they will go home a lot of them. The ones who don't because they have a good thing going have a choice. Step forward or risk getting deported. Or leave.

Who defends illegals and why? I may not like my friend beind deported but he is breaking the law. Even I can't defend him.

We are a nation of laws.

I think the pro illegal group is a lot smaller than most realize
Agreed on nation of laws. The problem needs to be solved and only Congress can solve it. Obviously POTUS signs the bill, but even a veto can be overturned by Congress.
Canada has a guestimated 1 million illegals. We need to get our number down to 5 million.

We have more Asian illegals than Mexicans. Did you know that? But they don't take jobs Americans will do. Illegal Asians help make all you can eat buffetts affordable so I support them. The portions would get smaller if we cracked down on Chinese restaurants.
A few meaning you let the ones known go also?
A few as in "lock up a few and the rest will stop on their own accord"
I have a friend he's finally trying to become a legal citizen. Iranian guy. He's been working illegally for years. Under the table of course.

But they will go home a lot of them. The ones who don't because they have a good thing going have a choice. Step forward or risk getting deported. Or leave.

Who defends illegals and why? I may not like my friend beind deported but he is breaking the law. Even I can't defend him.

We are a nation of laws.

I think the pro illegal group is a lot smaller than most realize
Agreed on nation of laws. The problem needs to be solved and only Congress can solve it. Obviously POTUS signs the bill, but even a veto can be overturned by Congress.
Canada has a guestimated 1 million illegals. We need to get our number down to 5 million.

We have more Asian illegals than Mexicans. Did you know that? But they don't take jobs Americans will do. Illegal Asians help make all you can eat buffetts affordable so I support them. The portions would get smaller if we cracked down on Chinese restaurants.
Lock up the cats and dogs in some cases where them there buffets is.
Ah, I've figured out his jobs plans...ICE illegals out through deportation and free up all the jobs they had here in America...It worked for Hitler.....toss out jews, put in redneck...toss out bean eaters, put in hick....Brilliant plan, brilliant.
But here's the problem...are our hillbillies ready to work the fields, man the burger joints, clean hotel rooms and baby sit and house keep rich Trump babies???

Time will tell.
The idea that these operations will become the new normal is exactly what undocumented immigrants are afraid of.

In Austin, Angel Velazquez kissed her boyfriend Hugo before he went to work on Friday morning. He said he’d text her when he got to his job site, like he normally does.

Instead, she got a text a few minutes later in Spanish saying he’d been stopped by immigration authorities. “I was like, ‘Babe, don’t hang up, I’ll be there right away,’” Velazquez told The Huffington Post.

The only issue I have with illegals, is their unwillingness to adopt our language, the way they take over low income black communities and how they turn on liberals and democrats once they make it in this country..suddenly they become conservative ass kiss'ers
are our hillbillies ready to work the fields, man the burger joints, clean hotel rooms and baby sit and house keep rich Trump babies???

the slack jawed rubes aren't even qualified for those jobs

But they will be once Betsty DeVos gets through with our already ailing education system.

IOW, the OP is true - there will a lot of jobs picking lettuce and flipping burgers for the Carls Jr guy. Just think - the libs won't have to support as many dead beat RWNJ traitors.

Thanks drumpf.
Canada has a guestimated 1 million illegals. We need to get our number down to 5 million.

We have more Asian illegals than Mexicans. Did you know that? But they don't take jobs Americans will do. Illegal Asians help make all you can eat buffetts affordable so I support them. The portions would get smaller if we cracked down on Chinese restaurants.
The argument that illegal immigrants keeps costs down is not only a flawed one financially, but also morally since it's the modern equivalent of saying indentured servitude or slavery must be kept to keep the costs down. Your illegals live in fear of discovery, deportation and exploitation by unscrupulous people. It helps feed sex trafficking, drives up costs to citizens in other ways while these same unscrupulous people profit from the misery of others.
One day and I hope its soon, one day I hope white ingrates walk up to the truth and introduce morons thrive on lies, propaganda and hooch!!
How many negroes did he kill before he was apprehended? Tell Angel to kiss my ass.
Are you really Michelle Obama?
Canada has a guestimated 1 million illegals. We need to get our number down to 5 million.

We have more Asian illegals than Mexicans. Did you know that? But they don't take jobs Americans will do. Illegal Asians help make all you can eat buffetts affordable so I support them. The portions would get smaller if we cracked down on Chinese restaurants.
The argument that illegal immigrants keeps costs down is not only a flawed one financially, but also morally since it's the modern equivalent of saying indentured servitude or slavery must be kept to keep the costs down. Your illegals live in fear of discovery, deportation and exploitation by unscrupulous people. It helps feed sex trafficking, drives up costs to citizens in other ways while these same unscrupulous people profit from the misery of others.
It's your logic that's flawed. Illegal labor does keep the costs down. Im not defending the practice I'm simply stating a fact. I'd rather American contractors not have to compete against illegals.

My buddy who's illegal has done a lot of jobs in the 5 years he's been here undercutting American corporations because those companies have to pay a minimum wage and taxes and insurance.

So don't take the leap that I'm defending it. It's just why people work with illegals
It's your logic that's flawed. Illegal labor does keep the costs down. Im not defending the practice I'm simply stating a fact. I'd rather American contractors not have to compete against illegals.

My buddy who's illegal has done a lot of jobs in the 5 years he's been here undercutting American corporations because those companies have to pay a minimum wage and taxes and insurance.

So don't take the leap that I'm defending it. It's just why people work with illegals
At whose expense? Yes, you are.
It's your logic that's flawed. Illegal labor does keep the costs down. Im not defending the practice I'm simply stating a fact. I'd rather American contractors not have to compete against illegals.

My buddy who's illegal has done a lot of jobs in the 5 years he's been here undercutting American corporations because those companies have to pay a minimum wage and taxes and insurance.

So don't take the leap that I'm defending it. It's just why people work with illegals
At whose expense? Yes, you are.
At our expense! No I'm not defending. It. Just stating a fact. I'd rather pay more for an American worker.
It's your logic that's flawed. Illegal labor does keep the costs down. Im not defending the practice I'm simply stating a fact. I'd rather American contractors not have to compete against illegals.

My buddy who's illegal has done a lot of jobs in the 5 years he's been here undercutting American corporations because those companies have to pay a minimum wage and taxes and insurance.

So don't take the leap that I'm defending it. It's just why people work with illegals
At whose expense? Yes, you are.
At our expense! No I'm not defending. It. Just stating a fact. I'd rather pay more for an American worker.
Thanks for the clarification.
A few meaning you let the ones known go also?
A few as in "lock up a few and the rest will stop on their own accord"
I am not as confident in that approach as you are.
Isn't that the approach for all laws such as banning drugs, soda pop, murder, etc?

I see locking up a murderer as a punishment for the crime of murder and to separate a dangerous person from the rest of society. Are murderers DETERRED by the threat of prison though? I would have to say they are not . . . obviously. :)
A few meaning you let the ones known go also?
A few as in "lock up a few and the rest will stop on their own accord"
I am not as confident in that approach as you are.
Isn't that the approach for all laws such as banning drugs, soda pop, murder, etc?

I see locking up a murderer as a punishment for the crime of murder and to separate a dangerous person from the rest of society. Are murderers DETERRED by the threat of prison though? I would have to say they are not . . . obviously. :)
Murder is usually an act of passion or a nutjob.

The threat of prison keeps most people from outrageously cheating on their taxes or robbing (or punching) the next person in line at the grocery market. Most people are happy and wealthy enough to not risk going to prison for something that they could avoid with similar alternative measures.
The unfortunate thing for Trump regarding job numbers is that he was dealt a pretty good hand, so there is a lot less room to continue improving. Obama was dealt a shitty hand but he had the advantage of when taking from a peak there is a lot more space to work the job numbers down. Obviously it isn't the fault of either and I have no idea how Trump's policies will affect the job market, but (despite what partisan hacks think) the economy is somewhat cyclical and will ebb and flow regardless of who is sitting in the Oval Office.

In other words, sucks for Obama he got handed an economy with sky high unemployment, but now his supporters can crow about how much he reduced unemployment. Trump is taking over at near full employment, no way is he going to bring it down over his term at anywhere near the scale Obama did and I don't think that has much to do with any Obama achievements or mastery of economic policy. Left wingers will brag about how Obama brought the unemployment rate down 6%, obviously with Trump starting out at 4.6% that is impossible. Even if he somehow plays his cards perfectly it isn't likely to go under the low 4s, and we're due for a recession eventually that he'll take the heat on if it causes UE to shoot back up even if it isn't the fault of any of his policies.

What will be interesting is if the people who were claiming BLS was fudging the numbers under orders from the Obama, will they maintain that battle cry now that their guy is in office? BLS are fed employees and most have probably served through several different administrations, will they really believe that they show whatever numbers the President wants but only as long as the enemy political team is n office and numbers that are improving?

Either way I'm sure Trump will be subjected to unfair criticism from the left related to job numbers given his relative starting point. Sorry for slightly off topic, back to the regularly scheduled Mexican/black/jew hating.

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