Trumps keeps promise, thousands of Jobs opening up to Americans!!

Ah, I've figured out his jobs plans...ICE illegals out through deportation and free up all the jobs they had here in America...It worked for Hitler.....toss out jews, put in redneck...toss out bean eaters, put in hick....Brilliant plan, brilliant.
But here's the problem...are our hillbillies ready to work the fields, man the burger joints, clean hotel rooms and baby sit and house keep rich Trump babies???

Time will tell.
The idea that these operations will become the new normal is exactly what undocumented immigrants are afraid of.

In Austin, Angel Velazquez kissed her boyfriend Hugo before he went to work on Friday morning. He said he’d text her when he got to his job site, like he normally does.

Instead, she got a text a few minutes later in Spanish saying he’d been stopped by immigration authorities. “I was like, ‘Babe, don’t hang up, I’ll be there right away,’” Velazquez told The Huffington Post.

The only issue I have with illegals, is their unwillingness to adopt our language, the way they take over low income black communities and how they turn on liberals and democrats once they make it in this country..suddenly they become conservative ass kiss'ers
The Hillbillies you speak so poorly of will have their freebies severely cut.

They will have no choice but to take the jobs.

If they can't do them or won't do them they will quickly learn if they can't eat.

I have issues with illegals.

I want to know who they are.

Where they are.

And why are you here if we are supporting you?

All criminal illegals get a free ride back home.

Some will self report.

I'm not for going door to door looking for them.

Those who hire them should be on the radar.

You are free to seek citizenship. Through the proper channels.

You are then welcome. When you support yourself and your family.

They turn on liberals when they start paying taxes on their income. They don't like things taken from them either.

They think along the lines like most of us. We don't mind paying our taxes for provided services. But when you take my money and waste it like the government does we view it as... That is one one less dollar for food, water bill, rent, electricity, etc.

Seems they are not as stupid as some would imagine.

I welcome foreigners into my community. Are you suggesting that they are "taking over?"

My Muslim, Black and Hispanic neighbors whould be apalled that you would view them as "taking over."

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