Trumps Latest Exhibit of Presidentiality


Cat Lady =^..^=
Apr 27, 2013
Being able to express himself in the most Presidential manner.......what a man - just what we need leading our country, right? Speaking to his base...I guess we know the kind of people that support Trump!

Donald Trump rolls out the expletives at Portsmouth rally

PORTSMOUTH, NEW HAMPSHIRE "And you can tell them to go f**k themselves," Donald Trump told a crowd at a Portsmouth Rally on Thursday night, uttering the expletive at the climax of the riff on his tax proposal. He was referring to companies that have relocated overseas for more favorable tax rates.

Trump often relies on expletives and crude language to spice up his stump speech, though Thursday evening's event was a little more profane than usual. While he refrained from using the vulgar Yiddish word that he directed at Secretary Clinton in December, Trump ran through more than his usual share of profanity at the Portsmouth rally.
"They're ripping the sh*t out of the sea," Trump said when explaining China's island building in the South China Sea, eliciting a gasp of approval and laughter from the rapt audience.

Donald Trump rolls out the expletives at Portsmouth rally
And what is Hillary gonna do about the companies moving overseas?
Tell em to "cut it out"? :)
And what is Hillary gonna do about the companies moving overseas?
Tell em to "cut it out"? :)

oooo curse words... ~tsk tsk~

The cons had a cow some years back when Obama said "I Want To Know 'Whose Ass To Kick" regarding the oil spill, and tore him up and down crying foul language and moaning it wasn't presidential.

Ass. They got a full freak on about *ass.*

A GOP presidential contender tells people to go fuck themselves -- and connies swoon.
I don't like the profanities either but alas it's a reflection of the present American culture.

I'm thinking it started when Clinton was getting oral sex and doing cigar tricks in the Oval office, lied about it and the Democratic Party consigned for sexual harassment. The presidency lost it's stature and the country lost it's faith and moral standards.
I remember when John Kerry dropped the F-bomb in the 2004 Primary Election. The left made a big yawn.

But now 13 years later, it's a big "fucking" deal. :lol:


December 6, 2003
-- Struggling 2004 Democratic wannabe John Kerry fires an X-rated attack at President Bush over Iraq and uses the f-word - highly unusual language for a presidential contender - in a stunning new interview with Rolling Stone magazine.

Sen. Kerry (Mass.) used the undeleted expletive to express his frustration and anger over how the Iraq issue has hurt him because he voted for the war resolution while Democratic front-runner Howard Dean has soared by opposing it.

"I voted for what I thought was best for the country. Did I expect Howard Dean to go off to the left and say, 'I'm against everything'? Sure. Did I expect George Bush to f - - - it up as badly as he did? I don't think anybody did," Kerry told the youth-oriented magazine.

Brookings Institution presidential scholar Stephen Hess said he can't recall another candidate attacking a president with X-rated language in a public interview.

"It's so unnecessary," Hess said. "In a way it's a kind of pandering [by Kerry] to a group he sees as hip . . . I think John Kerry is going to regret saying this."

New York Post Online Edition: news
tl;dr --- Whoopsie. Can you say hypocrisy? I knew you could.
This country is too far gone for anyone to make any difference now. The very same military industrial complex/shadow government that Eisenhower warned us about has totally usurped any constitutional powers that might have existed. JFK warned us about a monolithic conspiracy and those that belonged to secret societies and took secret oathes. The final coup de'etat that happened with Kennedy's murder runs this country today. It has a fascist face and anyone that understands history can see that we are on the verge of repeating it. We have concentration camps disguised as FEMA relocation centers and we live under a police state where our every on-line move is monitored and assessed a threat matrix score based on what we post on social media, google and youtube searches to see which ones could pose a potential threat to their one world government plan. As a student of history, it is very obvious to me that America now resembles pre-WWII Nazi Germany and the comparsions are staggering as I see history repeating it's self. Germany had the false flag Reichstag fire, America had 9/11. Germany shortly thereafter referred to their country as the "fatherland", we have the "homeland". Germany had the "Reichstag Fire Decree" that allowed unfettered access to people's personal information and suppressed the right to peacefully assemble, we had the "Patriot Act" that allowed the NSA to spy and collect data. Free speech and the right to assemble to air grieviences were moved to "Free speech zones" away from the gathering of the alleged leaders. People better wake up as to what has happened because history is repeating it's self right in front of us.
Further evidence Trump isn't a serious 'candidate.'
So whom is a serious candidate to be the face of the franchise that is USA.INC? Give us the benefit of your incredible insight as to why you believe that your choice for the future CEO would be a good fit and the way to go......"enlighten" us with your vast array of knowledge of how you believe things really work.......I need a good belly laugh.


Trump the vulgarian. And, its always someone else, not him.

I am all for him calling it like he sees it....I am beyond tired of mamby pamby career politicians that are esquires (lawyers) that know we are actually under Admiralty law instead of Common Law. I would be for hanging every lawyer in the public square as well as all the block robed judges that sit by the gold fringed flag that represents admiralty courts. People are beyond pissed and they are starting to see how they have been sold out. I don't know if Trump could ever make a difference because this country has been owned by the banking oligarchs since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913...but I would take him over anything the leftard clown posse party has to offer or the Rubio and Cruz crowd that are bought and paid for by the likes of Goldman Sachs.

Trump the vulgarian. And, its always someone else, not him.

I am all for him calling it like he sees it....I am beyond tired of mamby pamby career politicians that are esquires (lawyers) that know we are actually under Admiralty law instead of Common Law. I would be for hanging every lawyer in the public square as well as all the block robed judges that sit by the gold fringed flag that represents admiralty courts. People are beyond pissed and they are starting to see how they have been sold out. I don't know if Trump could ever make a difference because this country has been owned by the banking oligarchs since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913...but I would take him over anything the leftard clown posse party has to offer or the Rubio and Cruz crowd that are bought and paid for by the likes of Goldman Sachs.

That's what leads to the dark side, when people throw up their hands and cheer for anyone that promises to 'challenge the system'. The 20th century is the starkest example of what happens when the population of a modern nation gravitates towards just 'anyone' that appears will 'lead them away from where we are now'.

Change is good. But picking someone that is flailing their hands and striking ludicrous poses is not the way to go. Trump is not the savior. He's a child mouthing what he knows people are frustrated by. Again the 20th century is rife with these types of people that 'show up' when a population is under stress.

Trump the vulgarian. And, its always someone else, not him.

I am all for him calling it like he sees it....I am beyond tired of mamby pamby career politicians that are esquires (lawyers) that know we are actually under Admiralty law instead of Common Law. I would be for hanging every lawyer in the public square as well as all the block robed judges that sit by the gold fringed flag that represents admiralty courts. People are beyond pissed and they are starting to see how they have been sold out. I don't know if Trump could ever make a difference because this country has been owned by the banking oligarchs since the Federal Reserve Act of 1913...but I would take him over anything the leftard clown posse party has to offer or the Rubio and Cruz crowd that are bought and paid for by the likes of Goldman Sachs.

That's what leads to the dark side, when people throw up their hands and cheer for anyone that promises to 'challenge the system'. The 20th century is the starkest example of what happens when the population of a modern nation gravitates towards just 'anyone' that appears will 'lead them away from where we are now'.

Change is good. But picking someone that is flailing their hands and striking ludicrous poses is not the way to go. Trump is not the savior. He's a child mouthing what he knows people are frustrated by. Again the 20th century is rife with these types of people that 'show up' when a population is under stress.

USA.INC is fucked up beyond all repair. Any chance this nation had of righting it's course died with JFK's murder and it has been a slow downhill slide since then but it's accelerating now. The shadow government that really calls the shots wanted Hitlery and Jeb as the candidates but that doesn't seem to be in the cards for them. Trump appeals to the masses that feel disenfranchised and do not feel represented....yeah, I know, it's all a facade and nothing but theater but I have enjoyed watching the establishment getting their panties in a wad because Trump seems to be a fly in the ointment...of course I know that they could nuetralize him because there has to be dirt on him somewhere that they can dig up......that is what this shadow government does...those that can't be outright corrupted or bribed, the intelligence gurus can dig up some past misgivings and use it as a blackmailing tool to get them to go along with the program. I have no faith in the system and no faith in this corrupt corporate "gubermint" that sold us out over one hundred and forty years ago. We are not under comon law, we are under UCC and it is all about contracts and inter-acting with corporate fictions that were produced with our ALL CAPS strawman that was created with the birth certificate that entered us into a contract with this corporate entity. This is life as an indentured debt slave that has to avoid violating their acts, statutes and codes because this corporate "gubermint" cannot pass laws because corporations can't pass "laws" as defined by Black's Law dictionary.

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