Trump’s lead over Biden narrows after conviction, analysis shows

Here's how it works, after the Trump verdict the NYT immediately organized a poll hoping to cash in on the emotion that might put Biden ahead but damn it they found that the majority of Americans still love the dude.

It looks like America is waking up. Maybe it is dawning on people the the felon is not Jesus, he is actually a very naughty boy.
Imagine a pussy grabbing fraudster representing the US on the world stage ? Too funny.
Wow, so interesting. Say, anyone ever suggest your avatar looks like a pedo.? Let me be the first. Dont mind me though, I only worked for a prison system, what would I know.
About 35% approve of Trump.
You can make up any number and even back it up with phony polling data but there is no getting away from the fact that the doddering old fool is in declining mental health and fewer and fewer Americans trust anything he says even in his rare cognitive episodes. The hope is that the media can prop up Biden long enough to cross the finish line.
They are quoting an NYT poll. An AMerican source.
The same NYT that is just the CIA edited rag .

Similar to porn rag , The Guardian , funded by evil Baal Gates which is an MI6 mouthpiece .
You are so Gullible , Turdy
Do you have an example of that ?
I give you constant examples of that every day.

Biden had to be whisked away during yesterday's D-Day celebration because of some sort of health issue, but no television network reported on it. Yet it was all over the internet.

If it had been Trump.....that's all they'd be talking about for months.
Maybe your media doesnt report bad news. This is a Siena/NYT survey.
The fake news NYT was all in on Trump/Russia just like you were.


It looks like America is waking up. Maybe it is dawning on people the the felon is not Jesus, he is actually a very naughty boy.
Imagine a pussy grabbing fraudster representing the US on the world stage ? Too funny.

In actuality, this is a poor sign for Biden.
Do you have an example of that ?
Did you see Cornpop at Normandy?

What a complete embarrassment.

According to the Moron in Chief the US killed Russians on the Omaha beach. He tried sitting down but there was no chair. Sleeping during the proceedings. Probably pooped his depends.

It looks like America is waking up. Maybe it is dawning on people the the felon is not Jesus, he is actually a very naughty boy.
Imagine a pussy grabbing fraudster representing the US on the world stage ? Too funny.
The Guardian is a globalist rag. It takes a time out from defending Muslims rapists to go after Trump. Propaganda, and not even good propaganda. It seems to get idiots like the OP all fired up.
The fake news NYT was all in on Trump/Russia just like you were.

libtard gfy is a MAGA sock here.
Not if the Tards cheat again with Bird flu and mail in voting.

Biden showered with his 12 year old daughter. Pervs and Pedos love Joe.
No one cheated last time, the photo is shopped, and Don does not want the Pedo Isle files declassified and released. PedoDon.

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