Trump's Legacy Surpasses That of Any Modern President

barrag obami treasonist piece of shit
worst rep. for AMERICA ever
lying, cheating waste of oxygen--- this is barrag o
this asswipe should die an agonizing death

Cool story, but historians place him in top 15 presidents.
Yep, those University historians sure do value their paychecks.

Yep, you've got a half-baked conspiracy for everything, don't you snowflake?

But say, how does you little theory square off with the fact that Reagan is highly rated in historical surveys? Who lost their paycheck on that one?
Reagan was great for Wall Street...guess who owns most Universities?

...and of course another conspiracy theory. Pathetic.
What was the 1st theory?

Wall street did well under Trump, yet he is ranked at the bottom. Who lost their paycheck on that one? Does any of your half baked bullshit add up?
Are you stupid?
They rank Trump at the bottom because no one wants to accept that hiring Americans is good for the economy.
Just shows you historians are full of shit.'ve just said that wall street pays historians off to rank presidents how they see fit. Wall street did well under Trump. THEREFORE for your little retard theory to stay consistent Trump should've been ranked much higher than almost dead fn last.
You've never worked on Wall Street.
Wall Street wants workers who work 24/7, never take a vacation and are willing to be yelled at.
It's a mental illness shared by MBAs; they love to be surrounded by worker bees.
You will notice that even though Big Tech is flying high with American worker they are begging for Indian Business Visas.
barrag obami treasonist piece of shit
worst rep. for AMERICA ever
lying, cheating waste of oxygen--- this is barrag o
this asswipe should die an agonizing death

Cool story, but historians place him in top 15 presidents.
Yep, those University historians sure do value their paychecks.

Yep, you've got a half-baked conspiracy for everything, don't you snowflake?

But say, how does you little theory square off with the fact that Reagan is highly rated in historical surveys? Who lost their paycheck on that one?
Reagan was great for Wall Street...guess who owns most Universities?

...and of course another conspiracy theory. Pathetic.
What was the 1st theory?

Wall street did well under Trump, yet he is ranked at the bottom. Who lost their paycheck on that one? Does any of your half baked bullshit add up?
Are you stupid?
They rank Trump at the bottom because no one wants to accept that hiring Americans is good for the economy.
Just shows you historians are full of shit.

They rank Trump at the bottom because he's in an incompetent idiot, who can't tie his own shoelaces without screwing it up.
Elaborate without making the usual idiot out of yourself.
Don't mention COVID because every nation on earth has it and you'll be stating that every leader on earth is an idiot.
Legacy for what? Corruption? Lying? Incompetence? Need we go on?
What corruption? So tired of the dems and foreigners attempts at smearing.Trump has been the most competitent president in the last many decades as well.
These shills always ignore the corruption of all the other presidents before him starting with Reagan all the way up to Obama was ten times worse than any corruption Trump has been involved in.
You're just butthurt because Trump's attempt to steal another election didn't work. Go back to Moscow, comrade.
you're the fucking commie, and the retard that makes no sense...did you forget already?
You can say that again. :thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :thup:
The numerous successes the United States enjoyed during the four short years of the Donald Trump presidency reveal the advantage of having a businessman as the nation's chief executive, as opposed to a career politician.
Few Politicians understand this Basic Rule
The Business of America is Business - Calvin Coolidge understood this and so does Trump.

Trump's Legacy Surpasses That of Any Modern President |

BJ - Most successful President in at least the last 25 years.

LBJ accomplished so much more.
Truman did more.
FDR did more.

What did any of those do in the last 25 years?
This disinformation agent ignores that all three of those presidents he mentioned were traiterous asshole scums who started wars with other countries.this ass is obviously a die hard democrat,notice that all the asshole mass murdering traiters he mentioned were all dems,no bias there,no wonder he hates trump so much loving those asshole
barrag obami treasonist piece of shit
worst rep. for AMERICA ever
lying, cheating waste of oxygen--- this is barrag o
this asswipe should die an agonizing death

Cool story, but historians place him in top 15 presidents.
Yep, those University historians sure do value their paychecks.

Sure sycophant. I suppose you hate yours.
I have never sucked dick for a paycheck.
I am related to some of these University retards.

So you did it for free?

Really...does it always have to come down to you making such a lewd comment...every time?
Does it always have to come down to you supporting lies?

I honestly think that she is just so patheticly ignorant, That she doesn't know any better.
You got one thing wrong in your post Billiejeens candyass shill is a dude.
I have no way of knowing yet how this new administration will do. I do know what the majority of the Republican senate will do, block, try and spoil Any and everything Biden try's to do even if its good for America. Because this Rich money & power group of mostly old out of touch men, have convinced them self's that's its ok to work for there own best interest. And the old rich Democratic men wont fight very hard for the same reasons. And the nutty extreme ends of both party's will keep everything confusing as possible.
If you think for a second biden will try and do anything good for America,you are in for a very rude awakening. :auiqs.jpg: :lmao:
barrag obami treasonist piece of shit
worst rep. for AMERICA ever
lying, cheating waste of oxygen--- this is barrag o
this asswipe should die an agonizing death

Cool story, but historians place him in top 15 presidents.
Yep, those University historians sure do value their paychecks.

Yep, you've got a half-baked conspiracy for everything, don't you snowflake?

But say, how does you little theory square off with the fact that Reagan is highly rated in historical surveys? Who lost their paycheck on that one?
Reagan was great for Wall Street...guess who owns most Universities?
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

As I keep saying,Reagan got the ball rolling for the destrution of America that each president all the way up to Obama,all expanded on.thst is why our corrupt school system and the media worship him so much sense he was the grandfather of the destruction of America thst got it all started.,they both ignore of course the facts that the polls taken smuts a few weeks before he left office thst his approval rating was vertpy,very

Trump is a much much refreshing change than these lAst five criminal administrations we have had.
Last edited:
barrag obami treasonist piece of shit
worst rep. for AMERICA ever
lying, cheating waste of oxygen--- this is barrag o
this asswipe should die an agonizing death

Cool story, but historians place him in top 15 presidents.
Yep, those University historians sure do value their paychecks.

Yep, you've got a half-baked conspiracy for everything, don't you snowflake?

But say, how does you little theory square off with the fact that Reagan is highly rated in historical surveys? Who lost their paycheck on that one?
Reagan was great for Wall Street...guess who owns most Universities?

...and of course another conspiracy theory. Pathetic.
What was the 1st theory?

Wall street did well under Trump, yet he is ranked at the bottom. Who lost their paycheck on that one? Does any of your half baked bullshit add up?
Are you stupid?
They rank Trump at the bottom because no one wants to accept that hiring Americans is good for the economy.
Just shows you historians are full of shit.
:thankusmile: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
barrag obami treasonist piece of shit
worst rep. for AMERICA ever
lying, cheating waste of oxygen--- this is barrag o
this asswipe should die an agonizing death

Cool story, but historians place him in top 15 presidents.
Yep, those University historians sure do value their paychecks.

Yep, you've got a half-baked conspiracy for everything, don't you snowflake?

But say, how does you little theory square off with the fact that Reagan is highly rated in historical surveys? Who lost their paycheck on that one?
Reagan was great for Wall Street...guess who owns most Universities?

...and of course another conspiracy theory. Pathetic.
What was the 1st theory?

Wall street did well under Trump, yet he is ranked at the bottom. Who lost their paycheck on that one? Does any of your half baked bullshit add up?
Are you stupid?
They rank Trump at the bottom because no one wants to accept that hiring Americans is good for the economy.
Just shows you historians are full of shit.'ve just said that wall street pays historians off to rank presidents how they see fit. Wall street did well under Trump. THEREFORE for your little retard theory to stay consistent Trump should've been ranked much higher than almost dead fn last.
You've never worked on Wall Street.
Wall Street wants workers who work 24/7, never take a vacation and are willing to be yelled at.
It's a mental illness shared by MBAs; they love to be surrounded by worker bees.
You will notice that even though Big Tech is flying high with American worker they are begging for Indian Business Visas.

...what the f does that have to do with historians?? It's just never ending diarihea of the mouth with you.
barrag obami treasonist piece of shit
worst rep. for AMERICA ever
lying, cheating waste of oxygen--- this is barrag o
this asswipe should die an agonizing death

Cool story, but historians place him in top 15 presidents.
Yep, those University historians sure do value their paychecks.

Yep, you've got a half-baked conspiracy for everything, don't you snowflake?

But say, how does you little theory square off with the fact that Reagan is highly rated in historical surveys? Who lost their paycheck on that one?
Reagan was great for Wall Street...guess who owns most Universities?

...and of course another conspiracy theory. Pathetic.
What was the 1st theory?

Wall street did well under Trump, yet he is ranked at the bottom. Who lost their paycheck on that one? Does any of your half baked bullshit add up?
Are you stupid?
They rank Trump at the bottom because no one wants to accept that hiring Americans is good for the economy.
Just shows you historians are full of shit.

They rank Trump at the bottom because he's in an incompetent idiot, who can't tie his own shoelaces without screwing it up.
Elaborate without making the usual idiot out of yourself.
Don't mention COVID because every nation on earth has it and you'll be stating that every leader on earth is an idiot.
Yeah but every leader on Earth hasn't acted like an idiot during this pandemic.
The numerous successes the United States enjoyed during the four short years of the Donald Trump presidency reveal the advantage of having a businessman as the nation's chief executive, as opposed to a career politician.
Few Politicians understand this Basic Rule
The Business of America is Business - Calvin Coolidge understood this and so does Trump.

Trump's Legacy Surpasses That of Any Modern President |

BJ - Most successful President in at least the last 25 years.

Newsmax. You people really scrape the bottom of the barrel on sources. Dishonest, promoting conspiracy theories. You can't get enough of it.

Most corrupt President in history. Most incompetent President in history. Worst President in history. There is no amount of lipstick that will make this pig beautiful.
cnn, msm, ....You people really scrape the bottom of the barrel on sources. Dishonest, promoting conspiracy theories. You can't get enough of it.
barrag o:
Most corrupt President in history. Most incompetent President in history. Worst President in history. There is no amount of lipstick that will make this pig beautiful.
barrag obami treasonist piece of shit
worst rep. for AMERICA ever
lying, cheating waste of oxygen--- this is barrag o
this asswipe should die an agonizing death

Cool story, but historians place him in top 15 presidents.
Yep, those University historians sure do value their paychecks.

Yep, you've got a half-baked conspiracy for everything, don't you snowflake?

But say, how does you little theory square off with the fact that Reagan is highly rated in historical surveys? Who lost their paycheck on that one?
Reagan was great for Wall Street...guess who owns most Universities?

...and of course another conspiracy theory. Pathetic.
What was the 1st theory?

Wall street did well under Trump, yet he is ranked at the bottom. Who lost their paycheck on that one? Does any of your half baked bullshit add up?
Are you stupid?
They rank Trump at the bottom because no one wants to accept that hiring Americans is good for the economy.
Just shows you historians are full of shit.

They rank Trump at the bottom because he's in an incompetent idiot, who can't tie his own shoelaces without screwing it up.

They rank barrag o at the bottom because he's in an incompetent idiot, who can't tie his own shoelaces without screwing it up.
barrag obami treasonist piece of shit
worst rep. for AMERICA ever
lying, cheating waste of oxygen--- this is barrag o
this asswipe should die an agonizing death

Cool story, but historians place him in top 15 presidents.
Yep, those University historians sure do value their paychecks.

Yep, you've got a half-baked conspiracy for everything, don't you snowflake?

But say, how does you little theory square off with the fact that Reagan is highly rated in historical surveys? Who lost their paycheck on that one?
Reagan was great for Wall Street...guess who owns most Universities?

...and of course another conspiracy theory. Pathetic.
What was the 1st theory?

Wall street did well under Trump, yet he is ranked at the bottom. Who lost their paycheck on that one? Does any of your half baked bullshit add up?
Are you stupid?
They rank Trump at the bottom because no one wants to accept that hiring Americans is good for the economy.
Just shows you historians are full of shit.

They rank Trump at the bottom because he's in an incompetent idiot, who can't tie his own shoelaces without screwing it up.
Elaborate without making the usual idiot out of yourself.
Don't mention COVID because every nation on earth has it and you'll be stating that every leader on earth is an idiot.
Yeah but every leader on Earth hasn't acted like an idiot during this pandemic.
how true....just pig-lousy, schumer, xiden and all the rest of the asswipe, brain dead, vile scum, demonRATs
Newsmax. You people really scrape the bottom of the barrel on sources. Dishonest, promoting conspiracy theories. You can't get enough of it.
We just need to remember that, from their perspective, sources like Newsmax and AON and Gateway Pundit represent The Great American Truth Against the Evil Commies Who Want to Destroy America. Truly. Literally. As seriously as you take anything.

So in the process of observing them, you essentially need to do some translation from the normal world to their world. It took me a while to realize this. They're not kidding, they're not playing partisan games, this isn't like professional wrestling, they're not fooling around. They really believe this stuff, and they are absolutely terrified. Just the way those sites want them.
How’s the overturn going?
2020 Loser:

2x popular vote loser:


Bipartisan vote for removal:

Convicted felons:
Manafort - Trump's campaign chair
Cohen - Trump's personal attorney
Flynn - Trump's national security adviser
Papadopoulos - Trump foreign policy adviser
Gates - Trump campaign aide
Stone - Trump adviser

Manafort - again, this time in NY state
Bannon - Trump's campaign chair
barrag obami treasonist piece of shit
worst rep. for AMERICA ever
lying, cheating waste of oxygen--- this is barrag o
this asswipe should die an agonizing death

Cool story, but historians place him in top 15 presidents.
Yep, those University historians sure do value their paychecks.

Yep, you've got a half-baked conspiracy for everything, don't you snowflake?

But say, how does you little theory square off with the fact that Reagan is highly rated in historical surveys? Who lost their paycheck on that one?
Reagan was great for Wall Street...guess who owns most Universities?

...and of course another conspiracy theory. Pathetic.
What was the 1st theory?

Wall street did well under Trump, yet he is ranked at the bottom. Who lost their paycheck on that one? Does any of your half baked bullshit add up?
Are you stupid?
They rank Trump at the bottom because no one wants to accept that hiring Americans is good for the economy.
Just shows you historians are full of shit.'ve just said that wall street pays historians off to rank presidents how they see fit. Wall street did well under Trump. THEREFORE for your little retard theory to stay consistent Trump should've been ranked much higher than almost dead fn last.
You've never worked on Wall Street.
Wall Street wants workers who work 24/7, never take a vacation and are willing to be yelled at.
It's a mental illness shared by MBAs; they love to be surrounded by worker bees.
You will notice that even though Big Tech is flying high with American worker they are begging for Indian Business Visas.

...what the f does that have to do with historians?? It's just never ending diarihea of the mouth with you.
You’re not very bright.
You have a group of soft education “experts” who couldn’t get a job other than being a janitor commenting on someone who is engineering an entire economy into a boom.
barrag obami treasonist piece of shit
worst rep. for AMERICA ever
lying, cheating waste of oxygen--- this is barrag o
this asswipe should die an agonizing death

Cool story, but historians place him in top 15 presidents.
157 presidential scholars rank Trump as the 3rd worst

I don't believe you can legitimately rank a POTUS while he still has time in office left because that would be assuming the future.

That's why barring a wildly unexpected total personality change, my list of the four worst Presidents since 1900 will remain that, until one second after noon on January 20, when it will expand to the Five Worst.
Tell us why Trump was terrible without insulting every leader on earth.

Actually it doesn't need a reference to anybody else at all.

For those who just landed from planet Dqiag, Rump is a sui generis, singularly self-absorbed capital ASSHOLE with no redeeming human values whatsoever, a charlatan who spends his entire time, even the time when normal humans are sleeping, in the process of destroying everything that does not serve Numero Uno, yea verily that he might try to sate a hopelessly stunted ego that can never be sated with fake praise, fake magazine covers, fake wonderful places in Germany, fake airport takings-over, fake lists of accomplishments, fake numbers of inauguration crowds, fake numbers of "illegals voting", fake fradulent elections, fake universities, fake word definitions, fake histories, fake excuses, fake wealth, fake charities, fake numbers of electoral votes, fake absolute powers, fake names for others, fake names for himself, and fake the fuck skin, all the while creating his own alternate reality where facts mean nothing and if they do, one just wills them away and declares them unevents that never happened.
Thanks for yet another fact packed post.
Do you ever tire of not taking your anti-psychotic medication?

Hey, you posed the question, now you wanna whine that you got an answer.

Ain't no pleasing summa y'all.
barrag obami treasonist piece of shit
worst rep. for AMERICA ever
lying, cheating waste of oxygen--- this is barrag o
this asswipe should die an agonizing death

Cool story, but historians place him in top 15 presidents.
157 presidential scholars rank Trump as the 3rd worst

I don't believe you can legitimately rank a POTUS while he still has time in office left because that would be assuming the future.

That's why barring a wildly unexpected total personality change, my list of the four worst Presidents since 1900 will remain that, until one second after noon on January 20, when it will expand to the Five Worst.
Tell us why Trump was terrible without insulting every leader on earth.

Actually it doesn't need a reference to anybody else at all.

For those who just landed from planet Dqiag, Rump is a sui generis, singularly self-absorbed capital ASSHOLE with no redeeming human values whatsoever, a charlatan who spends his entire time, even the time when normal humans are sleeping, in the process of destroying everything that does not serve Numero Uno, yea verily that he might try to sate a hopelessly stunted ego that can never be sated with fake praise, fake magazine covers, fake wonderful places in Germany, fake airport takings-over, fake lists of accomplishments, fake numbers of inauguration crowds, fake numbers of "illegals voting", fake fradulent elections, fake universities, fake word definitions, fake histories, fake excuses, fake wealth, fake charities, fake numbers of electoral votes, fake absolute powers, fake names for others, fake names for himself, and fake the fuck skin, all the while creating his own alternate reality where facts mean nothing and if they do, one just wills them away and declares them unevents that never happened.
Thanks for yet another fact packed post.
Do you ever tire of not taking your anti-psychotic medication?

Hey, you posed the question, now you wanna whine that you got an answer.

Ain't no pleasing summa y'all.
Hmmm...Pogo, the obvious Village Idiot, thinks she (I'm presuming you're a female because any male with who calls himself Pogo is obviously Gay) posted facts.

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