Trumps Legal Team Closed Out It's Defense By Showing They Had No Defense

On Tuesday, Donald Trump’s legal team stood before the Senate to give its closing argument … and discovered it didn’t have one.

Trump's legal team closed out his 'defense' by showing that it had no defense

Oh, and 82% of America says Bolton must testify.


^^^^^ But that's the Leftist thing, the Leftist's not only tell you what your opinion must be or else you're a Racist/Bigot for having a different opinion they also tell you what you're thinking, we get a lot of this at this forum the Leftist's doing both of these things.
On Tuesday, Donald Trump’s legal team stood before the Senate to give its closing argument … and discovered it didn’t have one.

Trump's legal team closed out his 'defense' by showing that it had no defense

That's technically true, their defense was a walloping offensive blitzkrieg

Oh, and 82% of America says Bolton must testify.
Obviously the side that feels it has made its case would disagree while the side that feels it has not will agree...liberals are chomping at the bit to get someone believable on their team.
On Tuesday, Donald Trump’s legal team stood before the Senate to give its closing argument … and discovered it didn’t have one.

Trump's legal team closed out his 'defense' by showing that it had no defense

Oh, and 82% of America says Bolton must testify.

When there's no crime and no case, no defence is needed so all they had to do was teach some of the dumber ones the constitution and the law.
82% of America isn't sitting in the senate tasked with upholding the constitution, our supreme law of the land and ensuring that our republic continues to exist.
Well, then they rose to the level of their competition, it would seem...
On Tuesday, Donald Trump’s legal team stood before the Senate to give its closing argument … and discovered it didn’t have one.

Trump's legal team closed out his 'defense' by showing that it had no defense

Oh, and 82% of America says Bolton must testify.
What a loon! This whole "trial" was a complete sham from start to finish. What a MONUMENTAL waste of time and money.

It's still very confusing as to what exactly The Donald did re. Ukraine that is an Impeachable Offence

Not only is there no impeachable crime involved much less proven, not only was Trump's actions toward Ukraine effectively the OPPOSITE that claimed, But the Defense has proven that whatever Trump did, Obamas did it too and far more! Even worse, if we judged every president by the House Democrat's new standard, half the presidents in history would have been impeached.

Nancy and her team of hapless buffoons will go down in history forever as the biggest clowns to ever disgrace our federal government.
What happened to the OP? Was this a drive by troll thread?
I think after listening to the media he thought he had a case when he posted and then probably watched the carnage for himself and decided it was easier to run away than explain.

Here is my take.

Forget out the Biden crap. It's side show only.

The Obstruction charge cannot be met. Before it can be met, the constitional rules and laws have to written to cover the actions of Rump need to be reviewed. Our system was never designed for someone like Rump to fill the POTUS position. Our Founding Fathers could never have envisioned the American Public to be so friggin dumb and gullible to elect someone like Rump so they didn't design anything into the system to cover it. So the Rump Defense Team has done a very good job at defending their Mafia Don on this and have pointed this out. And they are right.

The Rump Defense Team has clouded the issue of delaying the Meeting between the two leaders. There is enough doubt there that this part cannot be brought to a conviction.

If you have noticed, the things I have brought up have been the bulk of the arguments of the Rump Defense Team. They have YET to have a decent defense about withholding the funds that Rump had no right to do over the "Can you do me a Favor". In the end, Rump IS guilty of trying to coerce a foreign government into meddling in our 2020 elections and withholding badly needed funds as long as possible to get that "Request" done. The worst part of it is, Rump had no legal right to delay those funds but he jammed them up anyway. And they stayed jammed up until Rumps actions became public. Allowing them to be paid at that point doesn't change the fact Rump had no legal right to even touch a single dime and those funds should have been released in July of 2019 not September of 2019. The only body that had the power was Congress and they were kept completely out of the loop. And it had nothing to do with Corruption in Ukraine. They were already off the Congressional Corruption List and were already receiving lethal weapons. The authorization for Javelin Missiles were just the latest installment. The ONLY time a president can place another Government on the Congressional Corruption list is to work with Congress to get them on it. Rump did his in secrecy to keep Congress from knowing about it. This has NOT even been addressed by Rumps Defense Team. They have tried to keep the old "Hey, Look Over There" going for as long as they can. The House didn't even cover the many Laws Rump broke doing this thinking that this would be enough. It should be but it won't be.

Is it enough for removal from office? I don't think so but I do think it's worth a strong censure from Congress letting Rump know that those days are ended. We don't need a President removed from Office like other 3rd world countries no matter how hard Rump is trying to make this operate like one. We have other methods of dealing with it. And if you can't figure out those methods you shouldn't be in this discussion.
Forget out the Biden crap.

Over and over we see this.

Democrats are ALL AGAINST any Biden testimony at all, despite telling us for months that

"Hunter Biden did nothing wrong"

Well, if Hunter Biden did nothing wrong, why do Democrats FEAR a Biden testimony?????

Democrats should accept the Biden for Bolton deal because they keep telling us the Bidens are innocent, and hence the GOP would be wasting their time, which would be GOOD for the Democrats....

Instead, Democrats declined a Biden for Bolton deal, because they FEAR a Biden testimony....

It is all too obvious now

Forget out the Biden crap.

Over and over we see this.

Democrats are ALL AGAINST any Biden testimony at all, despite telling us for months that

"Hunter Biden did nothing wrong"

Well, if Hunter Biden did nothing wrong, why do Democrats FEAR a Biden testimony?????

Democrats should accept the Biden for Bolton deal because they keep telling us the Bidens are innocent, and hence the GOP would be wasting their time, which would be GOOD for the Democrats....

Instead, Democrats declined a Biden for Bolton deal, because they FEAR a Biden testimony....

It is all too obvious now


Biden has nothing to do with the fact that Rump had no legal right to delay those funds without the express permission of Congress. And to hide the fact from Congress he was delaying those funds for ANY REASON from Congress is a crime against Congress. Had there been a real case there, I am quite sure that Rump would have brought it up to the Congress and Congress may or may not have agreed to delay those funds. But it was Congresses call, not Rumps. And the fact he actively tried to hide those actions from congress on top of it just adds to the pudding. You can try and do the "Hey, look over there" all you want but that's the one Article of Impeachment that Rumps Defense has not even attempted to combat since Rump is guilty as sin.

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