Trump's lifeline: Democrats' socialism surge

Needless to say, the ridiculous rightwing lie about Democrats and ‘socialism’ is predicated on the election of freshman Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York.

The irony of this, of course, is that Ocasio-Cortez is the best thing to happen to Democrats in a while – she’s intelligent, articulate, and energetic, attracting young voters to the Party and helping to get out the Democratic vote.

Idealistic and naïve, however, Ocasio-Cortez is in no manner ‘representative’ of the Democratic Party or Democrats in general; she’s likely to be relegated to the fringe of the Party.

And her advocacy of ‘socialism’ will find no place in the Democratic Party.

In time Ocasio-Cortez will either mature into a mainstream corporate Democrat or remain permanently on the political sidelines.

What’s best about Ocasio-Cortez is the way she’s gotten the right to obsess over her – conservatives are frightened of the positive, beneficial change Ocasio-Cortez represents, and the right’s incessant attacks on Ocasio-Cortez serve only to further energize Democrats.
5 of the democrat front runner back her green deal. Like i said, please, please, please run on that! About her being smart, she proves how stupid liberals are.
View attachment 245135

Don't be ridiculous.

I think he Green New Deal is for the birds...but she is clearly not stupid. If you think she is - then you do not even know what stupid means.

From wikipedia:

'She graduated cum laude from Boston University's College of Arts and Sciences in 2011, majoring in international relations and economics.'

Assuming you don't know what that means it means 'with honor'.

You do not graduate cum laude from Boston University (a respected institution that boasts numerous Noble Prize winners that attended), majoring in international relations and economics if you are 'stupid'.

Intelligent people can have dumb ideas you know.

She is incredibly naive and out-of-touch with reality (politically)...but she is NOT stupid.
Noble peace prize is a joke after Obama got one for no reason.

So is Alexander Graham Bell a 'joke'? He attended that university.
Is Martin Luther King Jr. a 'joke'? He also attended Boston University.

Boston University - Wikipedia

And, while I agree the Noble Peace Prize was rendered a joke by the Obama nomination. The other fields it recognizes are still highly prized and respected...with good reason.

If you think Boston University is a crappy 'college'...then you have just proven you have NO IDEA what you are talking about on that.

I TOTALLY disagree with Ocasio-Cortez's socialism ideas.

But she CLEARLY is NOT 'stupid'...far from it.
Colleges now a days are a joke. Spend hundreds thousands of dollars and graduate broke and in debt. With a degree you can't get a job with.
Needless to say, the ridiculous rightwing lie about Democrats and ‘socialism’ is predicated on the election of freshman Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York.

The irony of this, of course, is that Ocasio-Cortez is the best thing to happen to Democrats in a while – she’s intelligent, articulate, and energetic, attracting young voters to the Party and helping to get out the Democratic vote.

Idealistic and naïve, however, Ocasio-Cortez is in no manner ‘representative’ of the Democratic Party or Democrats in general; she’s likely to be relegated to the fringe of the Party.

And her advocacy of ‘socialism’ will find no place in the Democratic Party.

In time Ocasio-Cortez will either mature into a mainstream corporate Democrat or remain permanently on the political sidelines.

What’s best about Ocasio-Cortez is the way she’s gotten the right to obsess over her – conservatives are frightened of the positive, beneficial change Ocasio-Cortez represents, and the right’s incessant attacks on Ocasio-Cortez serve only to further energize Democrats.
5 of the democrat front runner back her green deal. Like i said, please, please, please run on that! About her being smart, she proves how stupid liberals are.
View attachment 245135

Don't be ridiculous.

I think he Green New Deal is for the birds...but she is clearly not stupid. If you think she is - then you do not even know what stupid means.

From wikipedia:

'She graduated cum laude from Boston University's College of Arts and Sciences in 2011, majoring in international relations and economics.'

Assuming you don't know what that means it means 'with honor'.

You do not graduate cum laude from Boston University (a respected institution that boasts numerous Noble Prize winners that attended), majoring in international relations and economics if you are 'stupid'.

Intelligent people can have dumb ideas you know.

She is incredibly naive and out-of-touch with reality (politically)...but she is NOT stupid.
Noble peace prize is a joke after Obama got one for no reason.

So is Alexander Graham Bell a 'joke'? He attended that university.
Is Martin Luther King Jr. a 'joke'? He also attended Boston University.

Boston University - Wikipedia

And, while I agree the Noble Peace Prize was rendered a joke by the Obama nomination. The other fields it recognizes are still highly prized and respected...with good reason.

If you think Boston University is a crappy 'college'...then you have just proven you have NO IDEA what you are talking about on that.

I TOTALLY disagree with Ocasio-Cortez's socialism ideas.

But she CLEARLY is NOT 'stupid'...far from it.
Colleges now a days are a joke. Spend hundreds thousands of dollars and graduate broke and in debt. With a degree you can't get a job with.
And yet,by all the data, college graduates have an easier time finding jobs, make more money, and are happier in their jobs.

So you just kind of pulled something out of your ass, there.
5 of the democrat front runner back her green deal. Like i said, please, please, please run on that! About her being smart, she proves how stupid liberals are.
View attachment 245135

Don't be ridiculous.

I think he Green New Deal is for the birds...but she is clearly not stupid. If you think she is - then you do not even know what stupid means.

From wikipedia:

'She graduated cum laude from Boston University's College of Arts and Sciences in 2011, majoring in international relations and economics.'

Assuming you don't know what that means it means 'with honor'.

You do not graduate cum laude from Boston University (a respected institution that boasts numerous Noble Prize winners that attended), majoring in international relations and economics if you are 'stupid'.

Intelligent people can have dumb ideas you know.

She is incredibly naive and out-of-touch with reality (politically)...but she is NOT stupid.
Noble peace prize is a joke after Obama got one for no reason.

So is Alexander Graham Bell a 'joke'? He attended that university.
Is Martin Luther King Jr. a 'joke'? He also attended Boston University.

Boston University - Wikipedia

And, while I agree the Noble Peace Prize was rendered a joke by the Obama nomination. The other fields it recognizes are still highly prized and respected...with good reason.

If you think Boston University is a crappy 'college'...then you have just proven you have NO IDEA what you are talking about on that.

I TOTALLY disagree with Ocasio-Cortez's socialism ideas.

But she CLEARLY is NOT 'stupid'...far from it.
Colleges now a days are a joke. Spend hundreds thousands of dollars and graduate broke and in debt. With a degree you can't get a job with.
And yet,by all the data, college graduates have an easier time finding jobs, make more money, and are happier in their jobs.

So you just kind of pulled something out of your ass, there.
Maybe in trade schools.
Don't be ridiculous.

I think he Green New Deal is for the birds...but she is clearly not stupid. If you think she is - then you do not even know what stupid means.

From wikipedia:

'She graduated cum laude from Boston University's College of Arts and Sciences in 2011, majoring in international relations and economics.'

Assuming you don't know what that means it means 'with honor'.

You do not graduate cum laude from Boston University (a respected institution that boasts numerous Noble Prize winners that attended), majoring in international relations and economics if you are 'stupid'.

Intelligent people can have dumb ideas you know.

She is incredibly naive and out-of-touch with reality (politically)...but she is NOT stupid.
Noble peace prize is a joke after Obama got one for no reason.

So is Alexander Graham Bell a 'joke'? He attended that university.
Is Martin Luther King Jr. a 'joke'? He also attended Boston University.

Boston University - Wikipedia

And, while I agree the Noble Peace Prize was rendered a joke by the Obama nomination. The other fields it recognizes are still highly prized and respected...with good reason.

If you think Boston University is a crappy 'college'...then you have just proven you have NO IDEA what you are talking about on that.

I TOTALLY disagree with Ocasio-Cortez's socialism ideas.

But she CLEARLY is NOT 'stupid'...far from it.
Colleges now a days are a joke. Spend hundreds thousands of dollars and graduate broke and in debt. With a degree you can't get a job with.
And yet,by all the data, college graduates have an easier time finding jobs, make more money, and are happier in their jobs.

So you just kind of pulled something out of your ass, there.
Maybe in trade schools.
Again, pulled right out of your ass.
Needless to say, the ridiculous rightwing lie about Democrats and ‘socialism’ is predicated on the election of freshman Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York.

The irony of this, of course, is that Ocasio-Cortez is the best thing to happen to Democrats in a while – she’s intelligent, articulate, and energetic, attracting young voters to the Party and helping to get out the Democratic vote.

Idealistic and naïve, however, Ocasio-Cortez is in no manner ‘representative’ of the Democratic Party or Democrats in general; she’s likely to be relegated to the fringe of the Party.

And her advocacy of ‘socialism’ will find no place in the Democratic Party.

In time Ocasio-Cortez will either mature into a mainstream corporate Democrat or remain permanently on the political sidelines.

What’s best about Ocasio-Cortez is the way she’s gotten the right to obsess over her – conservatives are frightened of the positive, beneficial change Ocasio-Cortez represents, and the right’s incessant attacks on Ocasio-Cortez serve only to further energize Democrats.
5 of the democrat front runner back her green deal. Like i said, please, please, please run on that! About her being smart, she proves how stupid liberals are.
View attachment 245135

Don't be ridiculous.

I think he Green New Deal is for the birds...but she is clearly not stupid. If you think she is - then you do not even know what stupid means.

From wikipedia:

'She graduated cum laude from Boston University's College of Arts and Sciences in 2011, majoring in international relations and economics.'

Assuming you don't know what that means it means 'with honor'.

You do not graduate cum laude from Boston University (a respected institution that boasts numerous Noble Prize winners that attended), majoring in international relations and economics if you are 'stupid'.

Intelligent people can have dumb ideas you know.

She is incredibly naive and out-of-touch with reality (politically)...but she is NOT stupid.
Noble peace prize is a joke after Obama got one for no reason.

So is Alexander Graham Bell a 'joke'? He attended that university.
Is Martin Luther King Jr. a 'joke'? He also attended Boston University.

Boston University - Wikipedia

And, while I agree the Noble Peace Prize was rendered a joke by the Obama nomination. The other fields it recognizes are still highly prized and respected...with good reason.

If you think Boston University is a crappy 'college'...then you have just proven you have NO IDEA what you are talking about on that.

I TOTALLY disagree with Ocasio-Cortez's socialism ideas.

But she CLEARLY is NOT 'stupid'...far from it.
Colleges now a days are a joke. Spend hundreds thousands of dollars and graduate broke and in debt. With a degree you can't get a job with.


So where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that Boston University is a 'joke' of a college and that 'stupid' people can graduate cum laude from it's college of Arts and Sciences majoring in international relations?
Trump can't fucking way.....the polls all said....

Well, most of the polls said he would not win the popular vote - which he didn't.

So the polls were - generally - actually VERY accurate.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton

There is no "popular vote" in presidential elections, please stop lying. The EC is how we elect presidents, period.
The MSM said, as seen in the video "there is no way Trump can win and get 270 EC votes". The polls were and still are still total bullshit from the tiny blue dot urban plantations.

1) Show me where the ENTIRE MSM said 'there is no way Trump can win and get 270 EC votes.'? That is TOTAL nonsense.
And who gives a shit what the MSM says? Anyone who gets their news from ANY MSM source has not a clue what is going on.
They are ALL next-to-useless - to varying degrees...especially the American ones.

2) I am talking about polls.

True or False - did the polls estimate the popular vote VERY close to the real outcome in 2016?

Trump lost the popular vote by only 3.2%.

Right now, his approval rating is nowhere near where it was on election night 2016.

And Trump was an unknown on election night as a candidate. He had ZERO political track record. Now he does...and it stinks.

He has acted like a buffoon and he lies like it is a bodily function.

Trump Lies

Barring a war (or the Dems embrace Socialism as THE party platform) - Trump is toast in 2020....guaranteed.

There would be no trump there was no Obama, the American people were sick and fucking tired of career politicians.
People with any common sense at all can clearly see socialism in any form will never be long term.
Well, except for public transportation, public schools, state universities, medicare, medicaid, welfare, social security, public highways, etc etc

But yeah, other than a very long list of things that show you are full of're spot on!
Name one long-term government that has succeeded through socialism?
Maybe the radical left isn't paying attention or maybe they only listen to the voices in their heads. The rousing cheer when President Trump condemned socialism during the State/Nation address included high profile democrats. The democrat party's brief swing to socialism is dead.
Don't be ridiculous.

I think he Green New Deal is for the birds...but she is clearly not stupid. If you think she is - then you do not even know what stupid means.

From wikipedia:

'She graduated cum laude from Boston University's College of Arts and Sciences in 2011, majoring in international relations and economics.'

Assuming you don't know what that means it means 'with honor'.

You do not graduate cum laude from Boston University (a respected institution that boasts numerous Noble Prize winners that attended), majoring in international relations and economics if you are 'stupid'.

Intelligent people can have dumb ideas you know.

She is incredibly naive and out-of-touch with reality (politically)...but she is NOT stupid.
Noble peace prize is a joke after Obama got one for no reason.

So is Alexander Graham Bell a 'joke'? He attended that university.
Is Martin Luther King Jr. a 'joke'? He also attended Boston University.

Boston University - Wikipedia

And, while I agree the Noble Peace Prize was rendered a joke by the Obama nomination. The other fields it recognizes are still highly prized and respected...with good reason.

If you think Boston University is a crappy 'college'...then you have just proven you have NO IDEA what you are talking about on that.

I TOTALLY disagree with Ocasio-Cortez's socialism ideas.

But she CLEARLY is NOT 'stupid'...far from it.
Colleges now a days are a joke. Spend hundreds thousands of dollars and graduate broke and in debt. With a degree you can't get a job with.
And yet,by all the data, college graduates have an easier time finding jobs, make more money, and are happier in their jobs.

So you just kind of pulled something out of your ass, there.
Maybe in trade schools.

So you would rather your doctor did NOT go to university? Your lawyer? The engineer of the bridge you drive over every day?
Maybe the radical left isn't paying attention or maybe they only listen to the voices in their heads. The rousing cheer when President Trump condemned socialism during the State/Nation address included high profile democrats. The democrat party's brief swing to socialism is dead.

I hope so...for everyone's sake.

But I think you are being premature.
Name one long-term government that has succeeded through socialism?
Haha, look at how quickly you abandon your stupid statement and change lanes. What a way to function..."reborn" every 5 minutes...

You seemed very concerned about "any socialist program", go on, keep it up. You embarrass yourself to compare support for a single socialized program to pure socialist models...please, keep talking...
Name one long-term government that has succeeded through socialism?
Haha, look at how quickly you abandon your stupid statement and change lanes. What a way to function..."reborn" every 5 minutes...

You seemed very concerned about "any socialist program", go on, keep it up. You embarrass yourself to compare support for a single socialized program to pure socialist models...please, keep talking...
5 of the democrat front runner back her green deal. Like i said, please, please, please run on that! About her being smart, she proves how stupid liberals are.
View attachment 245135

Don't be ridiculous.

I think he Green New Deal is for the birds...but she is clearly not stupid. If you think she is - then you do not even know what stupid means.

From wikipedia:

'She graduated cum laude from Boston University's College of Arts and Sciences in 2011, majoring in international relations and economics.'

Assuming you don't know what that means it means 'with honor'.

You do not graduate cum laude from Boston University (a respected institution that boasts numerous Noble Prize winners that attended), majoring in international relations and economics if you are 'stupid'.

Intelligent people can have dumb ideas you know.

She is incredibly naive and out-of-touch with reality (politically)...but she is NOT stupid.
Noble peace prize is a joke after Obama got one for no reason.

So is Alexander Graham Bell a 'joke'? He attended that university.
Is Martin Luther King Jr. a 'joke'? He also attended Boston University.

Boston University - Wikipedia

And, while I agree the Noble Peace Prize was rendered a joke by the Obama nomination. The other fields it recognizes are still highly prized and respected...with good reason.

If you think Boston University is a crappy 'college'...then you have just proven you have NO IDEA what you are talking about on that.

I TOTALLY disagree with Ocasio-Cortez's socialism ideas.

But she CLEARLY is NOT 'stupid'...far from it.
Colleges now a days are a joke. Spend hundreds thousands of dollars and graduate broke and in debt. With a degree you can't get a job with.


So where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that Boston University is a 'joke' of a college and that 'stupid' people can graduate cum laude from it's college of Arts and Sciences majoring in international relations?
Well it ain't boston college, but supposidly Obama graduated the same from harvard. Lol
Don't be ridiculous.

I think he Green New Deal is for the birds...but she is clearly not stupid. If you think she is - then you do not even know what stupid means.

From wikipedia:

'She graduated cum laude from Boston University's College of Arts and Sciences in 2011, majoring in international relations and economics.'

Assuming you don't know what that means it means 'with honor'.

You do not graduate cum laude from Boston University (a respected institution that boasts numerous Noble Prize winners that attended), majoring in international relations and economics if you are 'stupid'.

Intelligent people can have dumb ideas you know.

She is incredibly naive and out-of-touch with reality (politically)...but she is NOT stupid.
Noble peace prize is a joke after Obama got one for no reason.

So is Alexander Graham Bell a 'joke'? He attended that university.
Is Martin Luther King Jr. a 'joke'? He also attended Boston University.

Boston University - Wikipedia

And, while I agree the Noble Peace Prize was rendered a joke by the Obama nomination. The other fields it recognizes are still highly prized and respected...with good reason.

If you think Boston University is a crappy 'college'...then you have just proven you have NO IDEA what you are talking about on that.

I TOTALLY disagree with Ocasio-Cortez's socialism ideas.

But she CLEARLY is NOT 'stupid'...far from it.
Colleges now a days are a joke. Spend hundreds thousands of dollars and graduate broke and in debt. With a degree you can't get a job with.


So where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that Boston University is a 'joke' of a college and that 'stupid' people can graduate cum laude from it's college of Arts and Sciences majoring in international relations?
Well it ain't boston college, but supposidly Obama graduated the same from harvard. Lol

Nice dodge.

I will ask again:

So where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that 'stupid' people can graduate cum laude from Boston University's College of Arts and Sciences majoring in international relations?
Noble peace prize is a joke after Obama got one for no reason.

So is Alexander Graham Bell a 'joke'? He attended that university.
Is Martin Luther King Jr. a 'joke'? He also attended Boston University.

Boston University - Wikipedia

And, while I agree the Noble Peace Prize was rendered a joke by the Obama nomination. The other fields it recognizes are still highly prized and respected...with good reason.

If you think Boston University is a crappy 'college'...then you have just proven you have NO IDEA what you are talking about on that.

I TOTALLY disagree with Ocasio-Cortez's socialism ideas.

But she CLEARLY is NOT 'stupid'...far from it.
Colleges now a days are a joke. Spend hundreds thousands of dollars and graduate broke and in debt. With a degree you can't get a job with.


So where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that Boston University is a 'joke' of a college and that 'stupid' people can graduate cum laude from it's college of Arts and Sciences majoring in international relations?
Well it ain't boston college, but supposidly Obama graduated the same from harvard. Lol

Nice dodge.

I will ask again:

So where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that 'stupid' people can graduate cum laude from Boston University's College of Arts and Sciences majoring in international relations?
OCA is proof silly.
So is Alexander Graham Bell a 'joke'? He attended that university.
Is Martin Luther King Jr. a 'joke'? He also attended Boston University.

Boston University - Wikipedia

And, while I agree the Noble Peace Prize was rendered a joke by the Obama nomination. The other fields it recognizes are still highly prized and respected...with good reason.

If you think Boston University is a crappy 'college'...then you have just proven you have NO IDEA what you are talking about on that.

I TOTALLY disagree with Ocasio-Cortez's socialism ideas.

But she CLEARLY is NOT 'stupid'...far from it.
Colleges now a days are a joke. Spend hundreds thousands of dollars and graduate broke and in debt. With a degree you can't get a job with.


So where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that Boston University is a 'joke' of a college and that 'stupid' people can graduate cum laude from it's college of Arts and Sciences majoring in international relations?
Well it ain't boston college, but supposidly Obama graduated the same from harvard. Lol

Nice dodge.

I will ask again:

So where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that 'stupid' people can graduate cum laude from Boston University's College of Arts and Sciences majoring in international relations?
OCA is proof silly.

Fuck do you sound uneducated/low IQ.

A person cannot be proof of how stupid they are - only in comparison to others. DUH.
If only one person exists - then they are both stupid and smart.

You are one of those dingaling's that wanders into a threat, makes some off-the-cuff comment and then - instead of posting proof to back up your statement - just looks for an obvious point in a reply to you and focuses on that with yet another, off-the-cuff, simplistic comment.

I will ask you again...

So where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that 'stupid' people can graduate cum laude from Boston University's College of Arts and Sciences majoring in international relations?

You made the original assertion back it up.
Colleges now a days are a joke. Spend hundreds thousands of dollars and graduate broke and in debt. With a degree you can't get a job with.


So where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that Boston University is a 'joke' of a college and that 'stupid' people can graduate cum laude from it's college of Arts and Sciences majoring in international relations?
Well it ain't boston college, but supposidly Obama graduated the same from harvard. Lol

Nice dodge.

I will ask again:

So where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that 'stupid' people can graduate cum laude from Boston University's College of Arts and Sciences majoring in international relations?
OCA is proof silly.

Fuck do you sound uneducated/low IQ.

A person cannot be proof of how stupid they are - only in comparison to others. DUH.
If only one person exists - then they are both stupid and smart.

You are one of those dingaling's that wanders into a threat, makes some off-the-cuff comment and then - instead of posting proof to back up your statement - just looks for an obvious point in a reply to you and focuses on that with yet another, off-the-cuff, simplistic comment.

I will ask you again...

So where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that 'stupid' people can graduate cum laude from Boston University's College of Arts and Sciences majoring in international relations?

You made the original assertion back it up.
I did, maybe she used affirmative action the way Obama did.

So where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that Boston University is a 'joke' of a college and that 'stupid' people can graduate cum laude from it's college of Arts and Sciences majoring in international relations?
Well it ain't boston college, but supposidly Obama graduated the same from harvard. Lol

Nice dodge.

I will ask again:

So where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that 'stupid' people can graduate cum laude from Boston University's College of Arts and Sciences majoring in international relations?
OCA is proof silly.

Fuck do you sound uneducated/low IQ.

A person cannot be proof of how stupid they are - only in comparison to others. DUH.
If only one person exists - then they are both stupid and smart.

You are one of those dingaling's that wanders into a threat, makes some off-the-cuff comment and then - instead of posting proof to back up your statement - just looks for an obvious point in a reply to you and focuses on that with yet another, off-the-cuff, simplistic comment.

I will ask you again...

So where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that 'stupid' people can graduate cum laude from Boston University's College of Arts and Sciences majoring in international relations?

You made the original assertion back it up.
I did, maybe she used affirmative action the way Obama did.

Hello...those are not links...DUH.

I will ask you again...

So where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that 'stupid' people can graduate cum laude from Boston University's College of Arts and Sciences majoring in international relations?
Last edited:
Colleges now a days are a joke. Spend hundreds thousands of dollars and graduate broke and in debt. With a degree you can't get a job with.


So where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that Boston University is a 'joke' of a college and that 'stupid' people can graduate cum laude from it's college of Arts and Sciences majoring in international relations?
Well it ain't boston college, but supposidly Obama graduated the same from harvard. Lol

Nice dodge.

I will ask again:

So where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that 'stupid' people can graduate cum laude from Boston University's College of Arts and Sciences majoring in international relations?
OCA is proof silly.

Fuck do you sound uneducated/low IQ.

A person cannot be proof of how stupid they are - only in comparison to others. DUH.
If only one person exists - then they are both stupid and smart.

You are one of those dingaling's that wanders into a threat, makes some off-the-cuff comment and then - instead of posting proof to back up your statement - just looks for an obvious point in a reply to you and focuses on that with yet another, off-the-cuff, simplistic comment.

I will ask you again...

So where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that 'stupid' people can graduate cum laude from Boston University's College of Arts and Sciences majoring in international relations?

You made the original assertion back it up.
Or maybe she screwd her way there. Pretty good looking. I don't know how she did it, but a blind squirrel gets a nut every now and then.

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