Trump's Main Problem Is The Republican Party

LOL, Trump's problems are 99.9% self imposed. Trump is not very bright, thinks he is, and reacts emotionally, never rationally.
Then why is he so successful? He's making good on his promises! Not like Gitmo Barack.

Are you sure? What evidence do you have that Trump is making good on his promises?
  • Has the wall been built
  • Has Mexico paid for the wall
  • Has Hilary been locked up
  • Has he defeated ISIS
  • Has he cured the opium crisis
  • Has he deported all 11 million non citizens
  • Has he funded to renew, repair or replace our infrastructure
  • Has he not accepted a salary as President
  • Has he pushed for Congressional Term Limits
  • Has he placed a lifetime ban on WH officials lobbying for foreign govt's
  • Has he placed a ban on foreign lobbysts raising money for our elections
  • Has he united our nation
Let's start with Obama. Tick off the items he accomplished.

Two years n and working against all dems and half of repub.icans, Trump is working on the wall.
Hillary shoud shuld be locked up but her name is clinton so she can and does get away with murder
Yes, Isis hawad near;t been defeated, much to the chagrin of Obummer
He never claimed to take care of the opium crisis
He is doing his level best deporting illegals who have raps, even to the point of putting the National Guard on the border freeing up ICE and Border Patrols to do their jobs. He got rid of Obummers "Catch and release program.
NO salary to the president. But Obummer made m illions whe he was pres. Howq did that happe with a meager slary...hmmm
I have to laugh when Obama talks about his "Library." He has nothing to go in that library. No school information or his early years growing up as a Muslim. No accomplixhements. He's using Federal lands to create s sports complex! That is amusing, don't you think?

Let's not start with Obama. History will judge both Obama and Trump. Let's be honest and not choose to make any comparison with any past POTUS.

Thus far what Trump has delivered is CHAOS. No amount of denial will convince any reasonable person that Trump is competent, capable and careful.
Eh, Trump's legal problems have nothing to do with "party."

There's no presidential leadership, and Obama pretty much cut off any compromise in his first term. The parties cannot identify issues on which compromise is possible without total capitulation of ideals. But that only involves Trump as an incompetent potus.

I don't believe I mentioned legal problems. It was a general statement.

And, some things cannot be compromised.

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